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Living Dead Girl

By:  Kristy



Crawl on me

Sink into me

Die for me

Living dead girl


I entered the haunted house, walking close by my girlfriends. We giggled nervously, not knowing what to expect. I hadn't been to a haunted house for years. But in late October, Halloween weekend, it's something you feel you just have to do. Go out with your friends, have the shit scared out of you, and laugh about it later. Sounds sarcastic, but I looked forward to it. I'm one of those people who would love to spend the night in a real haunted place.


So on we went, crossed the threshold and into a dark hallway. I held onto a jacket and I felt a friend's hand on my arm, cutting off the blood to my hand. We screamed as a door flew open, revealing a body dangling from a rope. We laughed, thinking it was a realistic dummy. We had to pass the body and I screamed as the hanging body's hand grabbed my shoulder. I ran away, into my group of friends, laughing as they laughed at me.


It went on like this through most of the haunted house. The last room was the most interesting, for me at least. We entered a blacklit room, with light reacting paint splattered around. Bodies painted the same way, lined the low loft, the arms hanging over the edge. I couldn't see any faces in the blacklight, but I felt eyes watching. Someone screamed ahead of us.


I felt a presence, but before I could turn around, a hand covered my mouth and the body connected to it pulled me backward into an empty room. Whoever it was, let me go and I turned around to see a lanky man, shutting and leaning back against the door. He was covered in the paint, tribal like designs decorating his chest. Oh yeah, he was shirtless. He wore blue jeans and looked at me with intense brown eyes. Even in the black light, I could tell. I should have been scared out of my mind, but I was strangely calm around him.


"Hey," he greeted in a sexy raspy voice.


"Hi," I replied, still keeping my eyes on him.


"Sorry, I hope I didn't scare you too much," he explained, "I saw you a few rooms back and...well, wanted you get you alone."


He seemed slightly sheepish at this confession, but what a way to get a girl's attention. I smiled at him. "I'm Kristy," I said.


"Alex, but my friends call me A.J.," he replied.


"What should I call you?" I smirked.


"Anything you want, as long as you're screaming it," and having said that, A.J. grabbed me and kissed me hard. I was surprised, but kissed him back, my tongue fighting his in a passionate battle. His arms encircled me, pressing me close to his bare skin. I let my hands drift up from his chest, up his neck, and lace into his color sprayed hair. I moaned into his mouth as I felt his cool hands slip under my sweatshirt, connecting with my warm back.


We lip wrestled, our tongues meshing forcefully. His hands slipped higher up, taking my sweatshirt with him. We parted only to remove the bulky material. A.J.'s lips sought my neck and I allowed him full access. He expertly unlatched my bra and I felt my nipples harden with the rush of cool air and the anticipation. My hands massaged his back roughly. His hands cupped my breasts, his thumbs stroking my nipples. I moaned and he smirked up at me.


I half breathed, half moaned out his name when A.J.'s mouth enclosed a breast, his tongue flicking the hard nub violently. His hand molded my other breast, massaging the perky mound. His other hand quickly unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. I groaned out, "Alex!" as his hand dived in, his long fingers dipping into my wetness. My hands left his body, pushing down my jeans and panties off my hips. A.J. pulled them down further and I kicked them aside.


My fingers attacked his jeans, getting them undone as fast as I could. A.J.'s fingers slid in and out of me slowly, driving me crazy. He stepped out of his jeans. He was the one to moan my name as my fingers wrapped around his hardness. "Ohhhhh....mmmmmm," he groaned. I kissed his lips, sucking on his lower lip as I tugged harder on his stiff cock.


A.J. pulled his fingers out of me and pushed me up against the wall. I cried out as he dipped his body and entered me firmly. A.J. pumped himself in and out of me fast and hard. My breasts pressed against his painted covered chest. The feeling was incredible, my nipples rubbing up and down on his skin, in time with his thrusts. I started chanting his name, his long manhood thrusting deeper every time. His hands were everywhere, on my hips, my ass, fondling my tits as he had his way with me up against the wall. A.J. moaned as I held in tightly within me.


A.J.'s moans grew in intensity. He grunted as he pushed himself faster, harder, if possible into my tightness. I cried out as he hit the right spots, bringing me closer to the ultimate pleasure. I clung to him, hiking my leg up onto his hip, moaning as he slipped deeper than ever. I cried out as my release came closer. I could hear the screams coming from the rooms in the haunted house. I looked into A.J.'s dark brown eyes and my desire was reflect there. He kissed me hard.


My screams of pleasure were muffled by his lips as I came violently. A.J. moaned as well, feeling my walls grip him hard. He thrust a few more times, then came harder than I did. Our kiss continued, slowing as he slowed his movements inside me. We parted and put ourselves back together. I had blacklight paint on my breasts and some on my sweatshirt. We giggled about that as we huddled close to the door, about to rejoin the haunted house, him as a cast, myself with my friends.


I left A.J. and found my friends waiting outside. They wondered where I had been and I told them they wouldn't believe me. I ended up telling them and gave the paint as proof. I can't wait for the haunted house next Halloween. I can never go into one without thinking of A.J. and my experience with him in that blacklit room.


Blood on her skin

Dripping with sin

Do it again

Living dead girl

"Living Dead Girl" Rob Zombie


The End


Please tell Kristy what you thought of her story!