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Ride Of Your Life

By:  Kristy



Want to take you on a ride of your life- "Ride of Your Life" Neurotica from WWE Forceable Entry


Janet hung up the phone with a giggle. Oh how she would have liked to have been there! Kevin trying to get through security and having to take his pants down! In public no less! She heard the door open and close and stifled her giggles.


"Baby, I'm back," Janet heard Kevin call out.


"In here," she called back and heard his footsteps come closer to the den, where she was.


Janet kept her eyes on the computer screen, knowing that if she looked at him she'd lose it. "How was your meeting?" she asked casually, when she saw him leaning against the doorframe out of the corner of her eye.


Silence was her answer. Janet chanced a glance and cracked up as she saw the look on his face.


"Let me guess," Kevin said, with a good natured grin, "Brian called you."


Janet nodded her agreement, laughing too much to form words. Kevin started laughing with her. She got herself under control and told him, "I wish I could have seen that."


"Yeah, what a with my pants around my ankles in public," Kevin commented of his punk'd experience.


A stirring inside Janet prompted her to reply, "I like it better when your pants are around your ankles in private."


Kevin's dazzling green eyes met her hazel ones. A lustful spark ignited between them. Kevin leaned down and kissed his girlfriend firmly on the lips. His warm tongue sought her own as they kissed in the awkward position. Kevin pulled her small frame out of the desk chair and carried her to the couch. He sat down and Janet straddled his lap as she ran her fingers though his dark hair, their lips devouring each other.


Kevin's hands stole under her shirt. A muffled moan was Janet's reaction. She ground her hips down into his growing erection. Kevin broke the passionate kiss and pulled her shirt up and over her head in one motion. Janet released her brown hair from the covered prison and bent to kiss Kevin again. His large fingers weaved into her tousled locks as her tongue enchanted his.


Clothes were discarded in between the hot kisses. They separated only to remove pants and underwear. Kevin pulled her back onto his lap after he nearly ripped her panties off her body. Their lips collided roughly, Janet's nipples pressed against Kevin's chest, driving him crazy. He could feel her moist heat on his body. He held her at her hips, a set of fingers stealing in between her legs. Janet moaned in his mouth as he slid two of his long fingers into her folds.


Kevin's lips kissed down her neck, sucking and biting her skin as he slowly pumped his fingers in her wetness. His thumb circled her clit, teasing her ready body. He finally connected with her treasure, the pressure eliciting a loud moan from Janet. She hung onto his shoulders tightly, her hips grinding into his hand. Kevin threw his head back and let out a deep moan as her rotating body hit his stiff member. It was too much and he needed her now.


Kevin quickly replaced his fingers with his hardness. Janet cried out at the sudden fullness but quickly became accustomed to him. She raised and lowered her body on him, his hands guiding her movements. Kevin bent his head down and latched his lips on one of her bouncing breasts.


"Oh god!" Janet cried out and quickened her movements. Kevin responded with a moan of his own as she rode him faster and harder, driving them both to that edge. He dug his fingers into her hips and held her up slightly, thrusting up in her. Janet tightened around him, the signal she was nearly there. He pumped up faster, feeling her body shudder and shake above him. Janet came violently, crying out his name in the heat of the moment.


The vice grip her walls had on his cock set Kevin off. He came as well, his head rolling back, his body pushed to the limit. Janet rested her body against his, her head on his shoulder. His arms circled her waist as they caught their breath. Kevin found her lips and gave her a long, lingering kiss.


"Good for you?" she asked teasingly.


"Ride of my life, baby," Kevin answered with a sexy smirk. She returned the look, tilting her head up and kissed him.


The End


Please tell Kristy what you thought of her story!