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Soak Up The Sun

By:  Kristy



I’m gonna soak up the sun

Tell everyone to lighten up

“Soak Up The Sun” Sheryl Crow


Grey sky, the clouds hiding the sunlight. Chilly air, the cold breeze unusual for this part of year. Cool rain falling from the lead sky. Not the best conditions for getting some color on the skin. Luckily for Felicia, a tanning bed was waiting for her off the small home gym. She walked past her boyfriend, his skin glistening with sweat as he worked the machine. She bit her lip, hiding the smirk.


Brian saw her go into her tanning room, the smirk she tried to hide as well. He groaned as he thought of her nude in the tanning bed, working his muscules harder. Her smooth skin slicked with lotion, her perky breasts exposed, her nipples hard in the cool air. He looked at the clock, grunting as his shorts tightened, his arousal becoming too big to ignore. He continued working out, waiting impatiently.


Felicia quietly shut the door and stripped off her baby tee and cotton pants. She shimmied out of her bra and panties. She pulled her brown hair into a messy ponytail and reached for the lotion. She slicked it over her lean body, feeling the tickle it always gave her skin. Felicia allowed her mind to wander, imagining her boyfriend’s hands on her body. She smirked fully in the small room. She programmed in the minutes and stretched out in the curved bed. She brought the top down and hit the start button. Felicia closed her brown eyes under the safety goggles and allowed her mind to wander into that erotic land.


Brian kept working his body. Those minutes were the longest of his life. He pumped his arms with vigor as his imagination filled with her tan skin, her long legs…wrapped around him. Brian grunted, pushing his arms into the reps. He heard the buzzer go off in the next room and made his way silently into the room, a smirk on his lips.


Felicia jumped as the buzzer sounded and the warm lights turned off, leaving her in a cool tube. She shoved the top up, removing her goggles. She gasped, seeing Brian leaning against the door jam, a sexy ass smirk on his lips.


“What are you doing?” Felicia asked, trying to sit up in a dignified manner. She was suddenly self conscience, wishing she had a robe or something to cover herself.


Brian pushed himself off the doorway and came over to the tanning bed, still warm from the bulbs. He knelt down and pushed her back down, grinning at the confused look in her pretty brown eyes. He stepped back and took off his wifebeater. His gym shorts went next, followed by his boxers, which weren’t good at hiding his intentions.


Felicia realized what he wanted to do in two milliseconds and started protesting. “Bri, you’re all sweaty…I’m all sweaty.”


Brian’s answer was, “We’ll just get a lil sweatier then.” He stroked his erection a couple times, enjoying the groan that came from Felicia’s throat. And with that, he got himself into the open tube, above her.


Felicia let her hands rest on his firm shoulders as he bent down as if to kiss her. Instead Brian teased her, letting his lips brush hers, then pulling away. He did the same around her face and dipped down to her neck. Felicia groaned as she felt his warm breath on the sensitive parts of her neck. She arched her neck up, trying to get his lips where she wanted them, but Brian kept them just out of reach.


Brian continued his torture, his hands assaulting her breast for added simulation. His fingers worked her nipple into a hard pebble in no time, her breathy moans echoing in his ear. He bent his head down, licking her skin and latching onto her flesh. Felicia dug her nails into his shoulders, pushing her body up against his, feeling his hardness. She let him know she wanted him now.


Brian lifted his lips from her and his blue eyes met her brown ones. Felicia lifted her knees so he could enter her easily. He did so, looking into her eyes as his hard length filling her up. They both let out sighs when he was engulfed to the hilt. Brian started a slow pace. The concave shape of their “bed” made it…interesting to say the least. They both giggled, trying to make each other more comfortable.


Felicia ran her hands down his back and up his sides as he found his rhythm. Because the tanning bed would start to move if he went too fast, Brian kept Felicia in a state of torture. Speeding up until the bed squeaked against the floor, then slowing down to a teasing pace. Felicia kept begging, “Brian, please!” Brian just responded by catching her lips with his own, tugging on her lip.


It was getting to both of them. Brian finally had enough and yelled, “Fuck it!” and started slamming his cock furiously into her wetness. The tanning bed moved halfway across the room before they both came together. Brian collapsed onto Felicia, a sweaty heap of sex and flesh. She laid her head back, panting and running her fingers through Brian’s curls. They caught their breath and Brian looked up at her, a cheesy grin on his lips.


Felicia looked at him curiously, “What, baby?” Brian kissed her gently and got up. He leaned down and helped her out of the tanning bed. He gathered her in his arms, giving her a passionate kiss. “It’s time to clean up,” Brian said, grinning at her. Felicia grinned back and grabbed his hand. They giggled like little kids sneaking candy on their way to the shower.


The End


Please tell Kristy what you thought of her story!