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What’s Simple Is True

By:  Kristy


The sheer white floor to ceiling curtains billowed with the Sahara wind. She could hear the palm fronds swishing, mingling with her breathing. Her lips were crushed against his, her fingers tangled in his blonde hair. His weight hovered over her, not smothering her but giving her the most erotic pressure she could have ever known. What was better than a man’s body, his skin pressing against her own smooth skin, getting hotter with every touch, every kiss. Her moan echoed in her ear, his lips attacking her sensitive neck, her arms clinging to him.

He loved her body, all the way to her toes. He kissed and caressed her to such heights she had never known. She cried it was so beautiful. He kissed her tears with his full lips as he entered her essence. Her very soul met his in that moment. They moved as if they had been created just for the other. He held her as she loved him back, driving her passion right into his own. Their eyes met. He looked up at her, pressing his palm against her cheek, brushing her damp hair away from her face. Their moans bounced off the walls, their bodies reaching the limit of their passion. She leaned down, kissing his open lips. He guided her off his body, collecting her next to him. They fell off to contented sleep.

The pair spent the rest of their short time in Egypt seeing the majestic sites and seeing each other. Numbers were exchanged when the time came. But as the other boarded their respective planes, they realized they knew nothing about the other. Details were never shared. The only thing shared was a passion for the mysterious land and a passion for each other.

chapter one

Four Weeks Later

Cameron Wyndom bolted up in bed and ran to her bathroom. She kneeled in front of the white bowl and held her hair back as best she could as her stomach rebelled against her. When the feeling past, she laid her damp forehead on the cool material. This was the third morning this had happened. Maybe she should go to the doctor, something was wrong. Her brown eyes blinked lazily as she felt her stomach calm down. They fell on the box of tampons she kept near the toilet. Her stomach lurched again. How long had it been since she had to use one of those? ‘Oh no,’ she thought as she hugged the bowl again.


Cameron sipped her water as she watched her best friend, Julia, bounce toward her table at the sidewalk cafe. Julia had a tendency to bounce. It was her natural walk. Her long curly brown hair be-bopped along with her steps. Cameron and Julia had been friends forever it seemed. They shared everything from crayons to dreams. Julia would know what to say and how to say it. She told it like it was and wasn’t one to hold back. Even in the toughest situations, Julia had a way of making everything seem alright. She had always been Cameron’s raft in the waters of life. Julia sat down and regarded Cameron with her teasing green eyes. “So, why am I up and at ‘em, at eight in the morning?” she asked her friend.

Cameron looked down into her water, wishing it would show her the answers. “I’m pregnant,” she said, not looking up. She finally did after a few moments of silence, a feat unknown to Julia.

“What?!” Julia exclaimed in a whisper, “Wait a minute…are you sure?!”

Cameron nodded her head, wiping away a few silent tears, “Yeah I just saw the doctor. She confirmed it.”

“So the guy from your tryst in Egypt?! The one who you had a hot affair with, came home on cloud nine, and then came crashing back to earth when he never called?! The one guy who made promises to you? Oh but that was when he was getting you pregnant!” Julia hissed.

Cameron sighed. “Ok, you don’t have to rehash my mistakes. I need to know what to do. And no I’m not going to get rid of it. I just don’t know if I should let him know.”

“Well, it’s not like you need his money,” Julia said, “You can do it without him.”

“But should he know, even after the way he’s brushed me off? Do I want him to be a part of my baby’s life? Would he even want to?” Cameron mused.

“There’s only one way to find out,” Julia said, holding out her fuzzy blue cell phone.

chapter two

Nick Carter joked around with the rowdy morning DJs on air. He was promoting his new CD and making the radio rounds. During a break, his cell phone vibrated again his hip. The number wasn’t familiar to him, but he took the call anyway. They came back on the air. Nick didn’t notice the DJs pushing a few buttons, patching his private call through onto the air.

“Hello?” Nick said.

“Nick?” a hesitate female voice answered.

“Yeah? Who’s this?” he answered back, wondering could it be?

“It’s Cameron,” she said, her voice wavering over the line.

Nick inhaled and let it out slowly. It was her. The one who he kept dreaming about. Wishing she was still there by his side. “Um, hi, um how’ve you been?” he asked, running a hand nervously through his bedhead.

A pause on her end, then, “Pregnant,” Cameron said, her voice flat.

Nick’s eyes got as wide as saucers and he couldn’t talk, couldn’t breathe. He felt like she’d punched him in the gut. “What?!” he flustered out.

Cameron made a disgusted noise and said, “I knew this was a mistake.”

“A mistake?!”

“Yeah as in telling you!” Cameron exploded, “I just thought you should know you’re going to have flesh and blood out in this world! I should have known you’d be a jerk! But yes I am pregnant and it’s yours. Remember all those desert nights?! But you know what?! Fuck you! I don’t need you. I can do this by myself!”

The phone was cut sharply on her end, leaving Nick to digest this life altering information. Her pregnant. His baby. Him a father?!

Nick was jolted back to reality by the DJs cat calling him, and firing questions about who’s Cameron and when’s the wedding.


“And there you have it! That was the explosive phone call Nick Carter got while he was on the air right here earlier this morning! Stay tuned right here for all the latest news…” Nick violently clicked off the radio and fumed. His phone rang and he answered it with a gruff “Yeah?”

“Nick, you alright?” Kevin’s concerned, big brother voice asked. Nick sighed with relief. A friendly voice finally. Not his mother’s accusing “How could you?!”, not his brother’s yo yo yup yup, “Way to go! Way to knock her up!”.

“I’m as good as I can be with this three ring circus known as my life blowing up in my face,” Nick answered, a tired hand running down his face.

Kevin agreed and asked what he was going to do about the radio station. Nick said he might sue them and the DJs personally. He was talking to his lawyer. “And…Cameron?” Kevin asked.

Nick sighed heavily. “I have no idea, man.”

Author’s Note-I know patching in a private cell call might not be possible but for the sake of the story, I needed the news to be public. So suspend your disbelief and go along with me, k? Thanks!

chapter three

Cameron blew her red nose for the millionth time that afternoon. “More,” she commanded. Julia handed her another box of tissue, not even looking up from her magazine. “I can’t believe the jerk,” Cameron complained, then burst into tears all over again. Julia sighed, flipping the page. It had been like this all afternoon. After she called “The Jerk” as he had been referred to since then, her and Cameron went to Cameron’s place in the funky downtown section. She had been ranting all day and Julia was tuning it out by this time. It might seem cold but it was best to let Cameron get it all out.

Julia finally had enough. She snapped the magazine shut and tossed it on the couch beside her. “Then why are you crying over him?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” Cameron sobbed, then looked up at Julia, “Hormones?”

Julia grinned, “Using that excuse already?”

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me! I should hate him, but I don’t. Forgive me, but I wanted him to be a part of this,” Cameron sniffed, “We had such a great time.”

Julia rolled her eyes. She had some choice words but now wasn’t the time for them.


Nick wordlessly handed over the number to his manager. Boy he had gotten in it this time. Damn DJ fuckers. He was tired of fighting. Nick fought this tooth and nail but he had to “save face in the eyes of his fans” as his “people” put it. Why couldn’t one thing be private in his life?! Cameron was not going to like this at all. Would she go along with it? Nick put his face in his hands as his manager started to dial.


The phone rang a third time before Julia said, “I’ll get it,” rolling her eyes as she did so. “Hello?” she answered.

“Ms. Cameron?” an official sounding male asked.

“No, hang on,” Julia answered and put her hand over the mouthpiece, “Cam, phone.”

“Is it…him?!” Cameron asked, wiping her damp face.

Julia shook her head as if to say “No I don’t think so” and handed the receiver to her.

“Llo?” Cameron greeted, her voice hoarse from all the crying.

“Ms. Cameron, this is Carl Nelson, Nick Carter’s manager,” he introduced himself.

“Cameron, please……manager?” Cameron said, her brow creasing in confusion.

“Yes and to save his image and career, we have to do some damage control in light of this unfortunate situation,” Mr. Nelson continued.

Cameron made a face, the phrases “damage control”, “image and career”, and “unfortunate situation” echoing in her head. What the hell is this nut talking about?!

“…We need you to confirm this story to the press,” he finished.

“I’m sorry…what story? You lost me,” Cameron said, coming out of her thoughts.

“That you and Mr. Carter have been a couple but for personal reasons, kept the relationship private. And that the pregnancy threw you two for a loop but you’re working it out and are very happy about the impending birth,” he stated.

“And why would I have to do that? What’s so important about Mr. Carter?!” Cameron demanded.

Pause. “You don’t know who he is?” Mr. Nelson asked.


“Well, Cameron, he’s a member of the pop group the Backstreet Boys,” he said.

Then there was silence and a click.


Nick looked at Carl expectantly. “She hung up,” he said. Nick dropped his head in his hands again. ‘She’s gonna kill me. I’m sorry Cameron.’ he thought.

chapter four

The doorbell rang, jarring Julia out of her thoughts. She quickly went to the door, not wanting to risk waking Cameron. She had finally cried herself to sleep, getting some much needed rest. Julia groaned when she opened the door, revealing the person on the other side.

“What do you want?” Julia asked, her eyes narrowed. After the day Cameron had, she didn’t need this now. The young man entered the apartment, brushing past Julia and her attempt to keep him out.

She shut the door, rolling her eyes and mumbling, “Come on in.” Julia wondered if he was here on his own account or his boss’s, who also happens to be Cameron’s father. Preston Wheeler is Mr. Wyndom’s favorite and is molding him to take over the business someday. The family business is Wyndom Steel, one of the oldest steel companies in the country, dating back to the Industrial Revolution. It also is one of the richest companies in the world. It’s Mr. Wyndom’s hope that Cameron and Preston will one day, soon, marry and has pushed this wish onto Cameron’s shoulders since she was fifteen.

Preston, also from old money and society, has been pursuing Cameron since about that time. He’s not against the idea, or the money and power he’d inherit and has made Cameron’s life hell at times. He’s too conservative, stuffy, too much like her overbearing father. He’s the worst kind of brown noser. Cameron’s rebelled against her family’s life and just wants to get away from the name and all it implies.

Julia’s family wasn’t paupers but their money wasn’t passed down like in Preston and Cameron’s families and therefore wasn’t considered worthy by old society. Cameron and Julia met while in the same class at a private grade school. They quickly became two peas in a pod, to Mr. Wyndom’s fury. Come hell or high water, no way was his daughter to be corrupted by that kind of girl. But Cameron’s mother encouraged the friendship and made sure the two girls stayed close. Mrs. Wyndom died when Cameron was in prep school and by then, her father had begrudgingly accepted the friendship, but took every opportunity to belittle Julia.

Preston pointedly brushed off the chair before seating himself. He looked the part of a high society gentleman. Neat brown hair combed to perfection, clear blue eyes, classic features, straight nose, smile, and a lean trim figure. Anyone would consider him the perfect catch. But to Cameron, he represented everything she wanted to get away from. And to Julia, he was pompous, self important, just plain annoying.

Julia asked him in a very mocking royal tone, “To what do we owe this visit?”

Preston smirked at her airs. “It has come to Mr. Wyndom’s attention that Miss Wyndom is in trouble,” he stated.

Julia made a face. “She’s not in any sort of trouble,” she retorted.

“So being pregnant with a bastard child isn’t considered trouble anymore?” Preston said, shockingly, “In our world, it’s a scandal that can ruin lives, not to mention reputations.” He emphasis “our world”, meaning Julia would know nothing of that kind of world.

“How did you find out?” Julia asked the shock apparent in her voice.

Preston stood up with a satisfied smile. “So she is,” he confirmed, mostly to himself.

Julia fumed as she stomped over to the windows, wanting to smack him silly. She was mad at herself for letting him slip her up. “Answer me, Preston,” she demanded through gritted teeth.

“The papers contacted the office and wanted statements about Cameron’s unexpected interview on a radio station. They played a tape for us, but we made no comment of course. Mr. Wyndom knows his daughter’s voice and is furious with this…situation. Caught us all off guard really,” Preston related.

Julia snorted to herself. He wouldn’t know Cam’s voice if it bit him in the ass. He hasn’t talked with her in years, not since she moved in with her, and only communicates with her through people like Preston.

But to Preston, she narrowed her gaze. “What tape, what interview?” she asked, losing her patience.

“The conversation between her and a Nick Carter, telling him she’s pregnant with his…child,” he said contemptuously.

Julia’s eyes widened and she turned around, looking out the window, while Preston looked at his reflection lovingly. ‘It makes sense…that phone call…’

Cameron shut her door silently. She heard all she needed to hear. So that’s why she had that phone call. This somehow went public. But how…and why? And now her father knew?! She cringed at the thought and sat on her bed. This is going to get worse before it gets better. But one disaster at a time. Cameron picked up the phone and dialed.

chapter five




"Yeah," Cameron breathed into the phone.

Nick sighed as well. "I'm so sorry about this, I didn't know those damn DJs patched my private call in. I'm thinking of suing...invasion of privacy or something. I'm sorry for dragging you into my messed up life."

"According to your manager, it's our life," Cameron said, more sarcastic than she intended. She bit her lip, hoping he didn't take it too badly.

Nick sighed again and ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm sorry about that, too."

A long pause ensued. Nick broke it by asking, " know....mine?"

Cameron's mouth dropped in shock. How could he ask such an insulting question?! "How could you ask me that?!" she cried, on the verge of angry tears, "What kind of a girl do you think I am?! I do not sleep around! I am not a slut! So yes! The answer to your question is YES you are the father!"

Nick rested his weary head in his hand as he listened to Cameron cry on the other end of the line. "I'm sorry, but I had to ask," he explained, his voice sounding tired, "My manager and my family told me to make sure. They're concerned you might be after my money."

Cameron rolled her eyes. She did not need his money. "Oh yeah, I forgot about the super pop star thing. The image to keep for your fans," she said bitingly, not caring how he took her tone.

"All that nonsense. I'll still the same guy from Egypt. The way I was's me. The image is just that...fluff for the fans," Nick explained after a pause, his voice calm and soft, "We didn't tell each other about our lives back home. You couldn't have known. And you don't have to go along with it. I can figure out what to say to the press and fans. Everyone was pressuring me and it seemed like the right thing to do. I was an ass and ugh...I can't say sorry enough," Nick explained.

"Why does this facade matter, then?" Cameron wondered desperately, "If the guy I knew in Egypt is all you, why do you have to pretend to everyone else? Why can't you just be truthful and to hell with the 'story'?!"

"I wish I could, Cam," Nick sighed, calling her by the nickname he had used months ago, "But it doesn't look good. I can't go telling people I knocked up a girl I barely knew! By saying that we're in a serious relationship, people will be more accepting."

"I'm sure no one would be surprised, with you being a star, I'm sure you've been with lots of random girls," Cameron shot at him.

Nick knew she wouldn't let go of this anytime soon, so he just stayed silent a moment or two. He didn't want to continue to fight with her. But he didn't think it would be the best time to ask why she called him. So he brought up how they met in Egypt.

"After I came home from Egypt, I did some research on the goddess Bast. Remember the statue that was there when we first saw each other at the Cairo Muesum?" Nick reminsed.

"The fertility goddess? Really?" Cameron asked, taken aback.

"Yeah," Nick continued, "She's still being worshipped today in modern Witchcraft."

"Hmmmm," Cameron mused, "It's ironic we met by the fertility goddess, given our situation now."

Nick didn't want to go that way again so he ignored her comment and jogged her memory about their first experiences together. He recalled what she wore and what they did after leaving the museum. Cameron couldn't help but chuckle as he described his experience riding the camel to the Great Pyramids. She joined in and reminded him of their dinner and the foods they ate without knowing what was actually in them.

Another long pause occurred, both smiling as they waited for the other to talk again. Even though she was upset about his celebrity status, she could tell that he was still the same Nick she fell for in Egypt. She just didn't want anymore surprises like this.

"So about this 'story' your manager wants to put out there?" Cameron started.


A couple of days later, Cameron found herself in an office in downtown Tampa, Florida. Nick was with her. And sitting in front of them was Nick's manager, Carl Nelson. He looked as arrogant as he sounded on the phone.

"Before we discuss the details," Carl began, looking at Cameron, "this is indeed Nick Carter's child?"

Cameron's mouth dropped and her eyes widened in silent shock. Nick leaned forward. "Yes, it is," he said through gritted teeth.

Carl leaned back in his leather chair. "Just making sure. Women can make all sorts of claims on entertainers," he clarified.

"I didn't know he was an entertainer until a few days ago," Cameron defended herself, angry tears threatening to spill over.

The rest of the meeting was a blur to Cameron. She couldn't get over the insinuation that she was a common whore out for a buck. And the guy was treating her as if that's what she was too. She numbly agreed to stay at Nick's home in the Keys and play the part of a girlfriend in a struggling relationship.

Later in the day, after flying to Marathon and settling into her own room, Cameron found Nick to ask a few things of him. Nick looked up at her from the patio chair he sat in with a weak smile.

"I just ask for a few things," Cameron stated, sitting down as well. Nick looked into her eyes, waiting for her to continue. "I don't want anymore surprises."

Nick's smile turned apologetic. "I'm an open book. Ask me anything and I'll tell you everything," he promised.

Cameron smiled and went on, "I'd like my friend Julia here with me."

Nick nodded and said he'd make arrangements for her to come down to be with her. Cameron assured him he didn't have to, that she and Julia didn't want to spend his money.

"You sure? It's the least I can do after the way I've handled this mess," Nick asked.

Cameron nodded, not looking at him. She fumbled her reply, something about they didn't need his charity, they could fend for themselves. She retreated to her room, letting the emotion out when she was alone. His words "this mess" shot right through her tender heart.

chapter six

The first few days at Nick's home in Marathon soon became weeks. Julia arrived, soothing Cameron's nerves. She soon stepped back as Cameron became more comfortable in her new surroundings, letting her and Nick reconnect. Cameron soon felt like she had in Egypt, liberated, free from her family and the lifestyle that was expected of her. Nick sensed the change in her, that the wall she had built around herself was slowly coming down. He didn't ask her about it, he just let it happen. To be honest, Nick was just relieved that Cameron had decided to go along with the fake relationship. He could save face with his fans and skate along with the press.

Nick's management thought it would help smooth things over with the fans if he and Cameron were seen in public together. At first Cameron was reluctant. She didn't want her father finding out, but Julia promised to act as a screener and would take any phone calls from Preston, should her family find out about the move. Their coming out party was the red carpet at a charity benefit. The happy couple was blinded by the flashing bulbs of the cameras. The pictures of them hand in hand were in the papers and on TV the every next day.

Fans reactions were mixed. Some were interviewed on shows such as Access Hollywood and MTV's TRL. Some fans were mature about the situation and told the cameras they were happy for Nick and his "girlfriend" and they wished them the best of luck. Other fans outright threatened Cameron and accused her of trapping Nick into a relationship, Nick and BSB proudly written on their faces and clothes in black eyeliner.

This caused Nick to hire private security for his home and for Cameron. The violent reaction some of these girls had frightened her, but she put on a brave front for Nick. She thought the extra security was a waste of time and money. Cameron let him know she felt all those girls were full of hot air and wouldn't know what to do if they ever came face to face with her. Nick still insisted, with a soft smile and a small kiss to match.

The smiles and little kisses were just the beginning of their growing attachment to each other. Nick started falling asleep in her room, in the chair. Cameron would wake up to find him sleeping sweetly in the chair, as if he'd been watching her in her sleep, which he confessed to doing. After waking in the middle of the night to what she woke to in the morning, she woke him up and led him to her bed. Nights were then spent in the same bed together. It was awkward the first few times, but Cameron loved waking up with Nick's arms wrapped gently around her.

The cementing moment was the first ultrasound at the doctor's office. The doctor examined Cameron and answered her and Nick's questions. The doctor couldn't help but smile at Nick's nervous father habits. He asked if the ultrasound would hurt the baby but the doctor assured him, with a patient smile, that it was perfectly safe. Cameron sucked in a breath as the cool gel hit her skin. Nick grabbed her hand. Cameron smiled up at him, lacing her fingers with his moist ones. She listened to the doctor as she told them the baby was picture perfect, but was looking up at Nick. The silent awe on his features. She heard the doctor's voice as she pointed out parts of the baby inside her, her eyes still fixed on Nick. Cameron felt his hand squeeze hers, saw his blue eyes well up with tears.

Nick looked down at her, only to see her look at the fuzzy black and white picture of their baby. Her eyes were all amazement, exactly as he felt. Cameron looked up and met his gaze. All sorts of emotions passed between them unspoken. Nick leaned down and kissed her lips ever so softly. The doctor discreetly left the room to give them privacy.

It seemed everything was falling into place, in spite of the rocky beginning. Then a major rock fell into the road, in the form of an overprotective mother.

chapter seven

Nick opened the refrigerator door and pulled out a can of Coke. His eyes fell on the ultrasound picture of his baby and he smiled. It was just him on the sunny Florida morning. Julia had taken Cameron out baby shopping. Not that he didn't like spending time with Cameron, but she needed to get out. She was so paranoid about the fans and photographers following her that she stayed within Nick's secure walls. Julia had noticed too and told her she was going, like it or not.

For Nick, it was a weird feeling. At the beginning of this act, he thought he would be relieved to have a day to himself and not have to pretend he and Cameron were a couple. But things evolved since then. Cameron became such a part of his life. It happened without his knowing it. He felt connected to her, like he had felt on vacation when he first met her. Nick had brushed it off to the Egyptian mystique, a passing fling. But now, the house felt empty without Cameron's presence.

The doorbell rang, breaking him out of his thoughts. He downed the last of his Coke as he walked to the door.

"Mom?!" Nick said, dumbfounded at the sight of his mother, Jane Carter, on his doorstep.

"Yes, I know it's been such a long time since you've seen me, but you'd think a son would be thrilled to see his mother," Jane remarked sarcastically, walking into the house, making herself comfortable.

"What are you doing here?" Nick asked, following her to the kitchen.

"Is your 'girlfriend' here?" Jane inquired, ignoring Nick's own question. Nick bristled at her tone.

"No," Nick answered, his voice clipped, "Julia took her shopping."

"Good, because I need to talk to you," she said, sitting down at the table. Nick inwardly groaned, knowing she wasn't leaving anytime soon. He sat down heavily opposite his mom.

"How well do you know this girl?" Jane got right to the heart of the matter.

Nick sat back and stared at her. "I know what you're getting at, Mom, but she's having my child!"

"How do you know it's even yours?! Nick, honey, she could be using you, to get her and her bastard child set for life!" Jane impassioned.

Nick's face turned red and he stood up quickly, the chair scraping angrily against the floor. "Don't call my child a bastard! I know it's mine, damnit Mother! She'd never do that to me!" Nick yelled.

"But, sweetie, how do you know?" Jane asked again, her voice soft to calm him down.

"I just know, alright?! When Cameron told me about this, she didn't want money. She just wanted me to know she was pregnant. I did the math and it's mine. She made it clear it was up to me whether I want to be in my child's life or not," Nick stated, still worked up over his mother's words.

"Did you ask for a DNA test?" Jane asked, looking at him expectantly.

"No! Aren't you listening?! It's mine! I know it would be easier for you and the record company if I was single and unattached but I'm not, so get used to it!"

"Listen to yourself! Nick, she's not even your girlfriend! You're just pretending to be so it looks better when you realize your 'relationship' isn't working and you 'break up'," Jane laid out the truth.

"Who told you that?" Nick was shocked she knew.

"I called Carl and he told me everything," she said calmly.

Nick was so infuriated he just turned away. He couldn't talk to her right now.

"I'm just looking out for you. We have no idea who she is or what she wants from all this. She could be a professional con artist," Jane rationalized.

"I think you should leave now, Mom," Nick said, his voice low and straining for control.


"It's my life, Mom. Like it or not, it's my life." Nick heard her sigh. He kept his back turned away from her as she walked through the house and out the door.

Nick sat down again, his elbows on his knees, his face in his hands. He trusted Cameron. She'd never do that to him. She was feeling the same way he was, right? What was he feeling anyway? Nick didn't want to think about that yet, too complicated. But Jane hit a nerve that Nick had been pushing to the back of his mind. But it came bubbling to the forefront of his thoughts. Just who is Cameron Wyndom? He didn't know anything about her family, her childhood. He had related quite a bit to her over the weeks, but she had shared nothing. He realized she kept asking questions, keeping him talking about himself. In the back of his mind, he wondered about that defensive wall she had built up, not letting him in. Why? What was Cameron hiding?

chapter eight

Nick sat in the breakfast nook the next morning, still brooding over his conversation with his mother, cold toast and a Mountain Dew in front of him. Cameron was so excited over the baby things her and Julia bought that she didn't take note of his preoccupation. He slept in his own room for the first time in weeks the night before. He already knew he would tell Cameron that he was up late working on some demos and didn't want to wake her in the early hours he finally finished and went to bed.

Nick knew he had to ask her about her background, he just didn't know how to do it. He wanted to bring it up, but he was afraid she'd pull up that shield around herself. He didn't understand it. Cameron is sweet and affectionate. She seems to care a lot about him, but any time the subject turns to her, she clams up. What is she hiding?

Turns out Nick didn't have to wonder anymore.

A slammed door and voices brought Nick to the front hall.

"I'm sorry, Nick, he says he's Cameron's father. I tried to get you before he was let in," Bobby, his security guard explained.

"It's ok, Bobby, don't worry about it," Nick said, running a tired hand through his messy hair.

Nick let Bobby out the door, then turned to the two men in his house. The older, distinguished man had to be Cameron's father, Mr. Wyndom. He was about Nick's height, but broader, his toned body covered in a sharp business suit. He had hard eyes and his thin lips were pressed into an angry line as he stared at Nick disdainfully. The younger man looked like a clone of Mr. Wyndom, his attitude of cockiness and self importance dripping into the air.

Nick offered his hand to Mr. Wyndom. "You must be Cameron's father. I'm Nick," he said, his voice sounding foreign to his ears.

"Where's Cameron?" Mr. Wyndom asked tersely, ignoring Nick's offered handshake.

Nick let his arm slump back to his side. "Still sleeping, I guess," Nick answered, wishing he was still upstairs, too.

"Well," Mr. Wyndom remarked, pulling himself straighter, if that was possible, "that gives me time to fill you in on Cameron's future, then." He emphasized the "you" as if Nick was a subhuman form.

Nick watched wordlessly as Cameron's father and his clone walked into his living room, anger starting to fill his chest. He followed them in the room and sat down, feeling as if he was a guest in his own house.

Nick locked eyes with Mr. Wyndom. He stared coldly back at him. "You are not a apart of my daughter's future," Mr. Wyndom declared.

Nick's eyebrows shot up and let out a shocked laugh. "I don't?!," Nick asked, "I'm the father of her baby! I'm going to be in the baby's life..." He was about to add "and Cam's too" but Mr. Wyndom cut him off.

"You are not worthy of her," Mr. Wyndom boomed.

"Don't you think that's for her to decide?!" Nick shouted back, standing up in anger.

Mr. Wyndom leaned back on Nick's couch, a satisfied smile on his cold face. "My daughter's future has been planned since she was ten years old. She knows it and now so do you. You are just her silly rebellion...before she marries Preston, here."

Nick's heart fell to his knees, looking at the young man sitting next to Mr. Wyndom. Cameron's father went on, not noticed that Nick looked like someone punched him in the gut, "They will marry and she will inherit the family estate and fortune, with Preston running the business."

Nick sat back down, "estate", "fortune", and "marry" running though his head. "What is the 'business' anyway?" Nick asked, his voice hollow.

"Cameron didn't tell you? I'm not surprised really," Mr. Wyndom retorted, "Wyndom Steel. It dates back to the Industrial Revolution. We have more money that you'll ever dream of...what does a singer make these days anyway?"

Nick's face flushed with anger. He glared at Preston as he smirked. So. It didn't matter that Nick did have money. He just didn't have the right money to be acceptable. He was not only infuriated by Mr. Wyndom's comments and attitude, but he needed a word or two with Cameron herself. After all her no more secrets crap....

There was a sharp gasp in the doorway to the living room. All three men turned to see Cameron standing there, her face white, her eyes wide in a scared stare.

chapter nine

"What are you doing here?" Cameron addressed her father, stepping cautiously into the room, wearing a baggy t-shirt and baggy flannel shorts. She stood on Nick's side of the room, looking from her father to Preston, fearful of what her father had said to Nick.

Mr. Wyndom stood up, looking down at Cameron. A look crossed his face and he said, "Ok, this is over, you're coming back to New York."

"What?!" Cameron explained, shocked at this sudden demand.

"We all know this is a rebellious fling. Now it's time to get serious. It's time to go home and get on with your life," Mr. Wyndom said, buttoning his jacket.

Cameron looked him, her eyes wide, her mouth slightly open in shock. She stepped closer to Nick, her hand resting on the back of the chair he had been sitting in. "This is my life...Father," she said quietly.

Preston rolled his eyes and Mr. Wyndom looked up sharply, his eyes cold as steel. "No, it's not," he stated, "Your life is in New York with Preston. You know that's what your mother and I wanted."

Cameron snorted with disdain. "Don't bring Mom into this," she snapped, "Mom never would have wanted me to marry a man I don't love."

"I've had enough of this! Now get your things and let's go! I've got early meetings tomorrow," Mr. Wyndom shouted, color rising into his cheeks.

"No, I've had enough!" Cameron suddenly shouted, causing both Nick and Preston to jump, "I've had enough of you trying to mold my life!" She pointed her finger at her father, her frustration getting the best of her as she continued, "You think this is some sort of rebellion, well yeah it is. Get this through your head, Father! I don't want the life you have planned for me!"

Cameron stopped and just stared at her father, her heart racing a mile a minute. She had never stood up to him this forcefully before. It was liberating, but she was also scared. Her father was not used to people, let alone his own daughter, telling him off like this. He looked like he'd blow at any time.

Nick, still trying to digest what he now knew of Cameron's past, stared at her. Her face was flushed with feeling, her eyes meeting her formidable father's head on. He knew this went deeper and beyond just him being in Cameron's life. And from the looks of it, had been building some time in Cameron. It was just coming all out now.

"I am not one of your possessions to be put on display for society! I am a person with my own feelings and dreams! And I am your daughter...who has her own life now, whether you like it or not! And, being my father, I thought you'd only want me to be happy," Cameron shouted, her eyes flooding with tears of hurt and frustration.

"I don't want the life you want me to lead," Cameron continued, her tears falling down her cheeks, "I haven't wanted it for a long time. I went along with some things because Mom wanted me to make you happy, make you proud," she stopped as her feelings got the best of her. Nick carefully scooted closer to her and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

Cameron picked up her head and stared bitterly at her father. "And you used that, didn't you? You knew you'd do anything if you made me think Mom would have wanted me to. You are so low to use her memory and my love for her like that," she accused.

Mr. Wyndom didn't say anything. He just looked at his daughter, his eyes gray and cold. "You are cut off then. You get nothing of the Wyndom estate," he said.

"I don't want it," Cameron said just as coldly.

"No more trust fund access," Mr. Wyndom ticked off.

Cameron snorted, "You don't control that and you know it. It was set up by my mother and her lawyers for me. I'm of age and I have full control."

Mr. Wyndom's eyes flicked to Nick at Cameron's side. "He'll use you. Drain your account and leave you with nothing," he said sure he knew Nick's type.

"He didn't know about it until now," Cameron said, her voice dangerously low, "He has his own money anyway. He loves me...not for my name, but for me. Just as I love him," her voice cracking with emotion.

chapter ten

Nick stroked Cameron's belly that was starting to bulge out from her body. The pair were on his bed, laying on their sides, facing each other. Cameron smiled and touched his cheek, brushing back his hair that fell into his face. Nick leaned closer and kissed her lips softly.

Shortly after the outburst downstairs, Nick had called Bobby to escort Mr. Wyndom and Preston out of the house. They left, but not before trying to intimidate them both. Cameron had collapsed into a chair, crying out all the emotion, good and bad, that had been bottled up inside her heart. Nick held her, stroking her back, letting her have it out. He even cried a little himself. When Cameron had calmed down, Nick led her upstairs to where they are now.

Cameron looked into his blue eyes. "I love you, Nick," she confessed, "I have since Egypt."

"Me too," Nick replied in a soft voice, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about being a pop star. I haven't had anyone like me for just me in a long time....and I guess I didn't want to mess it up."

"Yeah, me too," Cameron echoed, smiling at their similar situations. Nick smiled back at the irony.

"I didn't think I'd ever see you again, but then I found out I was pregnant. I wasn't sure if I should tell you, but in telling you, I was wondered if you'd be there just for the baby or if you just might love me back," she told him.

"I'm glad you told me," Nick said, kissing her gently again, "Before you called that day, I had been thinking about you a lot, wondering if I'd ever see you again. I was missing you."

They laid in silence. Nick's hand rubbing her belly, Cameron's hand on top of his.

"That's why you agreed to pretend to the relationship," Nick said, not accusing her or questioning, just stating the truth, "You wanted to see if I had feelings for you."

Cameron nodded and nuzzled her head under his chin. "I'm sorry," she said, "I shouldn't have kept my secret when yours came out. I should have told you past, my feelings, everything."

Nick wrapped his arm around her, holding her close. Cameron cuddled close to his warm body, trying not to cry again.

"So what now?" Cameron asked, her voice muffled against Nick's neck.

"Well," Nick started, pulling back her hair slightly, "I think I should make love to you..." He grinned and kissed her softly at first, leaving her breathless when he pulled away a few moments later. "Then," he continued as he rolled her over, hovering above her, "we'll take about the wedding ceremony."

Words were no longer used as actions had taken over for the rest of the day.


Cameron and Nick were married in a private, civil ceremony on the beach, surrounded by close friends and some family. Most of Cameron's snotty family had disowned her. She never liked them and had no intention of inviting them anyway. A few cousins from her mother's side had shown support after the fight with her father and joined her on the beach that day. Julia, of course, was maid of honor. Nick's family was there, although Jane still had reservations about Cameron. Over time, they became friends. And Nick's "fellas" were there as well.

A few months later, they were a family of three. A baby boy they named Nickolas Joshua. He gained a few more brothers and sisters in the coming years.

Cameron came from a high society background. Nick came from a world of talent and fame. Fate brought them together. Things didn't always go smoothly, but they always knew one thing. What's simple is true, I love you.

The End

Please tell Kristy what you thought of her story!