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“This is SUCH a mistake,” Justin said as they entered the youth club. Lance introduced himself to the director as Justin looked around. “What the hell can I give these kids?”

“You backing out?” Lance said hopefully.

“You still don’t want me in the frat, do you, Lance?” Justin finally looked angrily. “Mind telling me why?”

“Because no matter how much you stick up for your gay friends, and no matter how much you parade around waving your sexuality like an invisible rainbow flag, I don’t get what you want here. I don’t believe you want this life. Guys like you don’t,” Lance snapped. Justin couldn’t find a response before the director returned.

“Lance, I have some guys over there who are really stuck with some of their classes.  Do you tutor, too, Justin?”

“No way. We athletes are obviously not the tutoring types. Not the frat types, either, apparently,” Justin said, glaring at Lance. The director looked confused.

“An athlete? Would you like to go out and round up a game of basketball with those boys?”  The director motioned out the window to where a group of young boys were standing around talking.

Justin grinned. “Now THAT’S the kind of tutoring I can get with. Later, Bookworm.”  Justin gave Lance his most arrogant smile and sauntered out of the building.


“So…have a good time today?” JC was on Lance’s bed, watching Lance fix his hair for the party.

“A nightmare,” Lance replied. “Justin Timberlake is such a dickhead.”

“Whoa!” JC sat up. “I thought you two were getting along.”

“He called me a bookworm.”

“Well, Lance, I hate to tell you…” JC teased gently.

“Shut up.”  Lance pulled at a few spikes of hair.  “Just because I can spell words that are longer than two syllables and he can’t…”

“Are you gonna recommend him to become a brother?” JC asked seriously.  Lance sighed.

“I have no real reason not to. He was great with the kids today,” Lance said, remembering how Justin had looked out on the basketball court. He was patient and kind, and by the end of the day, every boy had been in awe of him. They worshipped him like some sort of idol. Lance frowned as he remembered how HE had been watching Justin, watching the sweat run down his bare chest after he had removed his tshirt.  “All I know is that he’ll show his true colors after a while, and everyone will know I was right.”

“Lance…” JC said softly.

“Let’s just say I have experience with boys like him, Jayce. I know how easy they can lie.”  Lance checked himself once more in the mirror. “Let’s go down.”

AJ was already in a corner, unhappily watching Nick Carter talk to another brother. “He is SO damn fine,” he sighed. “It’s not fair.”

“Rules are rules,” Lance reminded him.

“Shut up, Lance. It’s not like YOU would ever have feelings for another brother. No, Lance Bass, YOU’RE perfect.  The perfect little angelic virgin.” AJ angrily slurped at his drink.

“Whoa, Aje,” JC said in surprised.

“Never mind. I’m getting drunk. See you.” AJ headed for the makeshift bar.

“Don’t worry about him,” JC said, laughing nervously. “You know how he is when he’s horny.”

“Well, apparently, I don’t know, because I’m an angelic virgin, and we all know angelic virgins don’t GET horny,” Lance said.

“Are you?”

“Am I what? Angelic? A virgin? Horny?” Lance asked.

“WHO’S horny?” Justin said, walking over.  Lance whirled around, blushing.  “Red’s a good color on you, Lance,” Justin said, laughing. “Guys, this is Mark. Mark, these are some of the brothers, JC and Lance. Lance is my BIG brother.”

“Hi,” Mark said. “Justin and I have a few classes together.”

“So, uh, you’re his date?” Lance asked, wondering why that thought bothered him.

“Yeah, he is. Why, Lance, you jealous?” Justin had an odd tone to his voice, but he smiled.

“Of course not.” Lance turned to JC. “Jayce, this place blows. Let’s go party.”

“Um, okay,” JC said. “Bye, Justin. Nice to meet you, Mark.”  JC followed Lance out of the frat house. “Where are we going?”

“Out,” Lance said simply. “Let’s go to Renegade. This angelic virgin needs to dance.”
