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“And then we spent like an hour at the children’s section,” JC said. “I never used to waste time looking at the kiddie art, but Chris made it so fun!”

“And then you bought ice cream cones and fed them to each other, right?” Lance said, grinning.

“Well…” JC blushed and Lance laughed.

“You two are SO cute.”

“Who two?” AJ asked.  They were lounging around the kitchen of the fraternity house.  It was the night of the initiation, and Lance was in charge of the food. Most of it had been catered from a local deli, but he had to make sure that there was enough to drink for everyone.

“JC and his new boyfriend,” Lance said, turning back to the sink.

“I’m, uh, dating Chris Kirkpatrick,” JC said shyly, knowing he could trust AJ.

“Really? About damn time you two got your acts together,” AJ said. “Good for you. I know you really like him.”

“He’s great.” JC blushed again.

“For a teacher, right? I mean, he IS ancient,” AJ teased.

“He is NOT ancient. He’s only five years older than I am and…”

“Whoa, Jayce, relax.  Good on ya, man.” AJ turned to Lance.  “Look, Lance, I hope you’re not still mad at me for what I said that night.”

“Of course not.”  Lance kept his back to AJ.  AJ turned him by the shoulders.

“I was pissy and depressed. I hate wanting what I can’t have, ya know?”

“And you want Carter,” Lance said. “We could always turn him down…not let him in the frat.”

“Nah…that would hang over my head and I’d hate it.  Plus he’s frat material. And for all I know, he could totally NOT be into me.”

“I can’t imagine anyone not being into YOU, AJ,” JC said loyally.

“True,” AJ said humbly, and Lance laughed.

“I’m not mad anymore, Aje, honest,” Lance said, hugging his friend.

“Cool.”  AJ breezed out of the kitchen.

“So…you’ve nominated Justin for sure?” JC said to Lance in a low voice. Lance sighed.

“Yeah. I realized that as a good Big Brother, I couldn’t let my personal history affect my decision about the frat.”

“Your personal history?” JC asked.


“You knew Justin before?”

“No,” Lance answered quickly. “Just his type.”

“Oh,” JC said.

“Please don’t ask me any more, okay, Jayce?”

“Sure, Lance.  Let’s go into the common room.”

They found seats on the sofas that were reserved for the brothers. JC was technically an alumni and not a brother, but he was invited to all frat events regardless.  The ‘ceremony’ was not very formal or mysterious.  The pledges were officially sworn in as brothers, and gave their vow to protect the fraternity and the people in it. They also promised to not become involved romantically or sexually with any of the other brothers.  Sometimes that was the hardest rule to keep, but it was rare that the fraternity needed to kick someone out. Being a member of a group of people who shared your beliefs and your hardships was much more important then temporary love or lust.

“Did you ever want to get with anyone in the frat while you were a member?” Lance asked JC as Matthew shook the hands of the new brothers.

“Yeah.” JC toyed with his shoelace.  “But I got over it pretty quick. I needed the frat too bad to jeopardize anything.”

“Really?” Lance was surprised by both of JC’s statements. “What do you mean?”

“There was a guy who was a senior when I started here who I had a big crush on…but we became friends and it was all good.  When I was a freshman, I was a little scared of coming out. I knew forever that I was gay, but I was afraid of it. I mean, I was already a music major, and that didn’t score me a lot of “straight” points, if you will…I needed to find other people like me. I found the frat, and there ya go.”

“Wow,” Lance said. “I mean, you’re so comfortable with it now, and so sexual.”

“You think I’m sexual?” JC blushed and his eyes sparkled a bit.

“God, Jayce, next time you’re on the dance floor, look at yourself in that mirrored wall. You ooze sex. I’m about as sexy as a vegetable.”

“What kind of veggie?” JC teased.

“Lima beans,” Lance said immediately.

“We’re talking food here?” Justin walked over. “Lima beans? I LOVE lima beans.”

Lance bit back a retort about eavesdropping and instead pasted on a smile. “Welcome, Justin.”

“Thank you for nominating me,” Justin said almost shyly. “It means a lot to me, Lance. I want you to know that.”

“You’re welcome.” Lance actually blushed. JC looked from Lance to Justin and made an excuse to walk away.  “So…Mark coming around later?”  They were permitted to have dates attend the party after the ceremony.

“Who? Oh, Mark,” Justin said. “Nah…that was just a one time thing. He’s not the guy I’m really into.”

“Oh,” Lance said lamely.

“You gotta date coming?”

“Yeah,” Lance lied quickly. “Someone from one of my classes. I tutor with him.”

“Sounds stimulating,” Justin teased.  Lance frowned.  “You guys convert fractions or something while you’re having sex?”

“My sex life is none of your business,” Lance snapped. “Back off.”

“God, Lance, like I even care about your sex life,” Justin retorted. He turned away.  If Lance had known him any better, he would have noticed the unhappy dimness in his eyes.
