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“You talked him into that?” Joey said, laughing as Chris approached.

“He needed something with a mask,” JC replied. “Plus that story is full of all kinds of psychological things, so Chris loved the idea. I'm sure he's hating the mask, though.”

“Is that Justin?” Lance asked faintly. Justin looked ten feet tall in the long dark coat.

“I think so.” JC tried not to smile as he watched Lance's face. “He looks almost as cool as you do.”

“Hey.” Chris walked over and put an arm around JC's slender waist. “You should have warned me. You look one hundred percent fuckable in this.”

“Language,” Joey teased. “Hi, Justin.”

“Hello.” Justin's eyes were unreadable behind the sunglasses, but it was obvious he was looking at Lance.

Lance was suddenly tired of the way that Justin had infiltrated his every waking thought. He was sick of Justin in a towel, Justin in the frat, and Justin in his life. The compliments and the costume itself made him suddenly brave. “I'm feeling thirsty.”

“Want some blood? I'm sure we can find a virgin for you somewhere,” Joey said, looking around.

“I'm sure there's some virgin blood close by.” Lance raised a perfect eyebrow as he looked at Justin. Justin laughed, but it was a nervous sound.

“I'm no virgin.”

JC looked from one to the other. “Meow,” he said quietly.

“I'm gonna get a drink. Anyone else?” Lance looked around, but they all shook their heads. Lance sauntered away towards the alcohol, trying not to show how nervous he was. He had never felt the way he did in this costume. It was so different, so NOT him…that it made it easier to act different.

Justin watched Lance walk away. “Wow.”

“He looks DAMN fine in that,” AJ said as he walked over. “I never knew he had an ass that could look that good.”

“Lance's ass ALWAYS looks that good,” Justin said before he thought. Everyone looked at him and he cleared his throat.

“Body shot, anyone?” Lance said, holding up the bottle of tequila he had brought with him.

AJ laughed. “We know better than to give our necks to a vampire, stupid.”

“Oh, yeah, right. Besides, you might actually enjoy it and we wouldn't want that, would we?” Lance drank a large gulp from the bottle. He looked at Justin. “Have you ever done body shots?”

“A million times,” Justin said. “I'm not interested.”

“I wasn't offering. I was just asking,” Lance said. JC stared at him, wondering who this Lance was. “Anyone want some? I plan on finishing the bottle.”

“Rough week?” Chris asked.

“Rough semester. I feel like dancing!” Lance took another swallow and grabbed JC's hand. “Dance with me, Jayce.”

“Okay, now I KNOW you're on crack,” JC muttered, but he followed Lance to the makeshift dance floor.

Lance grinded himself up against JC. “Does Chris ever remind you of anyone else you've been interested in?”

“Sometimes…but in a good way. Why?”

“No reason.” Lance slid his hands down JC's backside and watched Chris flinch. He laughed. “Your man's getting jealous.”

“And he has every right to be. A sexy man has his hands on my ass,” JC replied, laughing. “What's gotten into you?”

“Maybe I feel like being someone different. Isn't that what Halloween is all about…hiding your true self behind a costume?” Lance ran a hand down JC's chest and gently squeezed between JC's legs. JC gasped and Lance actually giggled.

“Okay, did everyone just see Lance grope JC?” Joey asked.

“Did everyone just see Lance grope JC and think it was hot?” Nick said softly. AJ, Chris, and Justin slowly raised their hands. “Okay. Just checking.”

Lance soon left the dance floor and headed for his bottle. He hadn't eaten much, and the straight liquor was already going to his head. “Chris, dance with your man before you go fuck like bunnies,” he ordered. Lance then turned to Justin. “Dance with me?”

“You want to dance with ME?” Justin repeated, laughing.

“No, I just want to dance, and you're closest to me,” Lance snapped. He grabbed Justin with one hand and the bottle with the other. Justin blindly followed him.

“I say we leave now,” Chris said, leaning close to JC's ear. “I want you so damn bad.”

“I don't go home with strangers in masks,” JC said primly. “I'm a good little kitty.”

“I'll show you what I think of good little kitties,” Chris growled.

“Later,” JC said immediately, following Chris out the door. 

A slow song came on and Lance wound his arms around Justin's neck. “You mind?”

“Isn't this against a rule or something?” Justin asked, trying not to enjoy the way Lance was acting. He had tried and tried to fight the feelings he had been experiencing, but it was damn hard when Lance was so sexy and alluring.

“There's no rule against dancing,” Lance said, sighing. “And you know me. I know ALL the rules.”

“Right,” Justin said. His hands rested on Lance's hips. When Lance pressed closer, Justin couldn't help himself. He slid his hands down and squeezed.

“Mmm,” Lance moaned quietly, and Justin melted. That low voice was so sexy. “How many boyfriends have you had?” Lance asked suddenly.

“I don't really DO boyfriends,” Justin said casually, and Lance looked at him.

“Of course you don't.” The green eyes briefly went from hazy to sad, then back to indifferent. “Guys like you are all about the sex, right?”

“Guys like me?”

“Yeah.” Lance finished off his bottle as Justin stared. He had had a few beers himself, but nothing like Lance. “You're just looking to get off.” Lance looked around the room. No one was really paying attention to them, although he knew his costume had received a few approving glances. “Let's go up to my room.”

“To your room?” Justin repeated.

“To talk.” Lance tossed his bottle aside and took Justin's hand. “Come on.” Lance smiled pleasantly, and Justin realized he'd get to walk behind that hot ass all the way up the steps.

Lance led the way into his room and closed the door. “So…” Justin said. “What's up?”

“I figured we could just do this and get it out of the way. That way maybe I can get you outta my head. I thought I got rid of you years ago, but you're back?”

“Do what?” Justin said, trying not to think of all the things he WISHED would happen.

“You know…” Lance smiled devilishly. He pushed Justin gently until Justin was leaning against the closed door. “What you like.”

“Lance, I don't know what you're talking about. You're drunk and…”

“I shoulda been drunk the first time,” Lance said, his speech beginning to slur slightly.

“Lance, we never…”

“You jocks are all the same.” Lance licked at Justin's neck as his hands fumbled under the trench coat for Justin's pants.

“God.” Justin's head thudded against the door when Lance found what he sought. “Oh, God, Lance, that…”

“I just wanted to be around you…just wanted to be near you. I coulda dealt with that. But you found out, and decided to use me…didn't you, Jeremy?” Lance said. His voice shook as he fell to his knees.

“Jeremy?” Justin whispered, snapping out of the lust filled reverie. “Lance, I'm not…”

“All you ball players…so strong and sexy…so built…and your dicks are always so big…” Lance began to lick Justin and Justin tried to keep his self-control. “Pick out the little fag and let him suck you, right? Is that what you do?”

“Yes…I mean, no, Lance. I'm not like that!” Justin protested. He finally grabbed Lance and dragged him to his feet. “Stop!”

“I loved you,” Lance said. “I was sixteen and I loved you. And there's been no one else since then. I was too afraid. And now…Justin…he's so wrong. He's YOU.”

“Lance.” Justin shook Lance gently. Lance began to cry.

“I was over you…and now I want Justin…and I can NOT have him!”

Justin led Lance to the bed. “You should lay down,” Justin said. He pulled off Lance's boots and helped him lay down.

“I hate you,” Lance said as he drifted off.

Justin left the room, his legs shaking as he closed the door. He practically ran to his own room and picked up the phone.
