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“You could have warned me,” Chris growled as he slammed the door of JC's apartment and leaned JC against it. “That was pure evil.”

“What?” JC asked innocently. Chris reached up and carefully removed the cat ears from JC's hair.

“Dressing like that. I wanted to fuck you SO bad.” Chris' hand slid down to cup JC's ass. “So bad.”

“Are you just gonna tell me about it or are you gonna do it?” JC smiled sweetly.

“Fucker.” Chris whirled them around so he was against the door. “Suck me.”

“Meow,” JC purred with another innocent smile. He slid down to the floor, unbuttoning the tunic Chris wore as he went. He then unlaced the pants, freeing Chris.

“Yes,” Chris hissed. His hands fisted in JC's hair. “You are too damn good at that.”

“I'm good at a lot of things,” JC murmured, licking up and around and back down again.

“Stop talking or I'll make you show me how good you are,” Chris threatened, but JC wasn't afraid. They had quickly realized that JC enjoyed being dominated almost as much as Chris enjoyed dominating.

JC stood and stretched, allowing the tight shirt to rise up a bit. “I'm too good for you.”

“Bitch,” Chris said, roughly pulling JC to him. They kissed, and JC began to move backwards. He stopped when his backside hit his kitchen table. With one swoop of his arm, everything on the table went crashing to the floor, and Chris had to laugh. JC wrestled out of his shirt, then bent over the table. His nimble fingers undid the fly of the leather pants, and he ever so slowly slid them down his long legs. Chris gulped as he looked at the beautiful sight before him.

“You just gonna window shop, or are you gonna buy,” JC said, shaking his hips slightly.

“Damn,” Chris whispered. He went to the drawer JC kept especially for these sort of occasions, and yanked out the lubricant and condom.

“I don't have all year,” JC said, slowly bringing one foot up to rest on the table.

“Fuck.” Chris fumbled with the condom and managed to slather on some lubricant before getting back to JC. His fingers were clumsy as they worked into JC, but he didn't seem to mind. “SO good,” Chris panted as he slid inside. One hand rested on JC's waist while the other wove through his long hair.

“It's…about…time…” JC grunted as Chris thrust inside.

“Who's my good little kitty now, huh?” Chris asked, licking a path up JC's spine.

“Chris…that's so good…” JC moaned, clutching at the edge of the table.

“Not bad for an old man, right?” Chris said through clenched teeth.

“Not old…just…mature…” JC managed.

The phone rang and they both stared at it. “You will NOT answer that,” Chris ordered.

“Never,” JC promised, closing his eyes.

The phone continued to ring, and they soon heard JC's voice on his answering machine. Then a quivering voice said. “JC, this is Justin.”

“I'll kill that brat,” Chris snapped. “Doesn't he realize that you were born to be fucked tonight?”

“It's…God…Lance. I mean, he's fine, but he's not. I mean, he's not DEAD or anything, just passed out. He said…I think something happened to him, JC. When he was in school. Someone did something to him, and that guy was a jock, and that's why he hates me. But he wanted to suck me and he said he wanted me. And we all know that can't happen, I mean, first of all, he's LANCE, and then there's the whole frat thing, and…I'm sorry. I'm babbling. I'll probably get cut off by your machine and…”

Justin's voice ended in the beep of the machine. Chris actually stopped moving and panted for breath. JC turned his head and looked at him. “I know,” Chris said, slowly pulling out. “I'm not in the mood anymore, anyway. Damn kids.”

JC went to the bathroom, cleaned himself up, pulled on a pair of jeans, and then called Justin back. 

They met Justin at a twenty-four hour diner. He had on a tight black tshirt and blue jeans and looked exhausted. “Did I interrupt anything?” Justin asked. “I mean, I didn't really expect you to call me back this late.”

“Uh, no,” JC said quickly, glancing at Chris. “We're fine.”

“So what exactly happened?” Chris asked.

“We danced, and then he wanted to go to his room and talk. And then all of a sudden he's ALL over me, wanting to, you know, blow me, and talking about getting rid of me years ago, but I'm back. I think he started confusing me with this Jeremy guy.”

The waitress came to the table. They all ordered coffee, and JC ordered a muffin. “Go on,” JC said.

“He said something about all jocks being the same…and that they all just want the little fag to suck them. He said he loved this guy…and then he started to cry!” Justin looked miserable. “I felt so bad for him.”

“And you said he mentioned wanting you?” JC asked softly. Justin blushed.


“How do you feel?” Chris asked suddenly.

“I…well…” Justin stammered.

“We're not gonna tell anyone, J,” JC said soothingly.

“I really like him. I mean, he's not like anyone I ever met. Even though he's mean to me and stuff…I really admire him. He's smart and organized and everything I'm not. And he's hot, too…in an understated way.”

“He wasn't understated tonight,” Chris said, and JC smacked him.

“Did you two…” JC waved a hand.

“No! I didn't even let him finish the blowjob. I stood him up, and then he all but passed out. I barely got him into bed!”

“Lance never could hold his liquor,” JC said.

“This could be so weird.” Justin buried his face in his hands.

“Let him come to you about this,” Chris said, stirring cream into his coffee. “I wouldn't mention it to him. Let him think it never happened. Obviously he's repressing some serious shit. You reminded him of this guy, which is why he never liked you. But, obviously, he DOES like you, which is causing him even more inner turmoil. Add to that the fact that you're not supposed to date within the fraternity…”

“Would you date him, Justin?” JC asked.

“Yeah,” Justin said. “Though I don't think he'd want to. I'm a dumbass compared to Lance.”

“Everyone's a dumbass compared to Lance,” JC said with a smile.

“Just hang in there, Kid,” Chris said encouragingly. “It will all work out.”

“Whatever,” Justin moaned, reaching over and stealing some of JC's muffin.
