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Lance opened his eyes and blinked hard. As he focused on the clock, he was surprised to see that it was almost noon.  His lips smacked at the cotton in his mouth and he slowly sat up.  He looked down and saw that he was still in his costume. When he rubbed his eyes, eyeliner smudged his knuckles. Lance groaned, wondering how he had even made it to his bed if he had been too drunk to remove the makeup. 

Lance opened his bedroom door and stumbled out, running smack into Nick Carter. "God, Lance, I'm sorry!" Nick gasped.

"Shh," Lance commanded. Nick grinned.

"You WERE hitting the bottle kinda hard last night," Nick said. "You okay?"

"I may never be okay again," Lance said. "I need to go throw up."

"Okay. On THAT note…" Nick backed away. "I'll see you later."

"Later," Lance whispered, making a beeline for the bathroom.


Lance managed to get a shower and pull on sweats before making his way downstairs.  A few of the brothers were loudly watching a football game on TV, so Lance avoided the rec room.  He started water for tea and sat down at the kitchen table.

"Hey," a soft voice said from the doorway.

"Hey," Lance said, looking up at Justin. Justin was biting at his bottom lip as he leaned against the wall. "You okay?"

"Um, yeah. Are you?"

"Please. No faked concern, okay? I can't handle it." Lance cradled his head in his hands.

"It's not faked.  You look like shit."  Justin sat down across from Lance.

"Thank you SO much," Lance said sarcastically. The water came to a boil and Justin poured it in a mug over Lance's teabag.  He handed Lance the mug and sat back down. "God, I need to NEVER drink again."

"You definitely weren't yourself," Justin said, carefully watching Lance.

"Well, that's what Halloween is all about, right? Being someone else?" Lance stirred sugar into his tea. "I don't think I like being someone else."

"So…" Justin said nervously.

"WHAT is your problem, Justin? You look petrified.  What did I do…kick your ass last night?" Lance asked, trying to smile.

"Don't you remember anything?" Justin asked, shocked.

"No. I remember dancing with you, and then I woke up. Did you put me to bed?"  Lance was mortified, wondering what had happened.

"Yeah," Justin said honestly. "I did. After we danced."

"Okay," Lance said, relieved.

"I gotta go. I'll talk to you later." Justin got up and left the kitchen.




"Lance?"  JC said, clearly more awake.

"Were you sleeping? I'm sorry," Lance said. "It's after two, and I thought you'd be up."

"We had a late night," JC said.

"Horny little kitten," Lance said, grinning.

"Yeah," JC said vaguely. "How are YOU?"

"Hungover like never before. Please don't let me drink again. Justin Timberlake actually had to put me to bed. How embarrassing."

"Anything else about Justin?"

"What did I do? JC!"

"Nothing, Lance," JC lied. "Just wonder if you were ready to admit your big crush now that you're hungover."

"I don't have a crush on him!" Lance insisted, then winced. "Ow."

"Okay, Lance. I'm not gonna argue with you. Just do me a favor, okay? Forget everything you don't like about him. Forget everything in him that reminds you of whatever makes you hate him. Just try and like him for his good points, okay?"


"Because he deserves it," JC said, and hung up.

