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“Well, it's, uh…” Lance began.

“Comfy,” JC finished for him, setting down a box. “Very cozy.”

“That means small,” AJ said with a laugh. “Relax, guys. I know it's a dump.”

Lance surveyed AJ's tiny apartment. It was all he could find at the last minute, and it wasn't in the most attractive part of the college town. But it was cheap, and it was right near a bus stop. “We can make it better,” Lance said. “JC will whip up some curtains or a rug or something, and…”

“Who am I, Martha Stewart?” JC asked, shoving him. “Like I could do something like that.”

“Couldn't you?” Lance asked.

“Well…” JC started looking around.

“Quit designing and grab some more boxes,” AJ ordered. “You can Queer Eye for a Bi Guy later.”

“Ha ha,” JC said, but he went down to the truck. Lance put a hand on AJ's arm.

“Is this really worth it all, Aje?”

AJ wandered over to the window and opened it. “Yo, Blondie! You drop that box and I'll kick your ass!”

“Yo, Dumbass! Shut up!” Nick yelled back. AJ laughed and blew him a kiss. He turned back around and smiled at Lance. The look on his face said it all.

“Absolutely worth it,” AJ replied, actually sighing.

Lance smiled back but didn't say anything. They heard footsteps in the hallway, and Lance turned around, expecting to see JC. “Hi,” Lance said, surprised.

“Hey.” Justin held up a large box. “Uh, where?”

“Over there,” AJ said, vaguely pointing to a corner as he turned back to watch Nick.

“I didn't know you were coming over,” Lance said, almost stammering.

“I knew Aje needed some help, so…” Justin said with a shrug.

Lance blushed. “He has a lot of crap. It's mostly hats, though.”

“It is not,” AJ retorted. “Dammit, Carter!” He yelled. “I'll be back.” AJ darted out of the room.

“So…” Lance ran a finger along the kitchen counter. “Uh…”

“It's working for them,” Justin said, motioning around the room. “AJ and Nick.”

“Are you willing to give up the frat to try?” Lance asked. “We're so different. I can't give that up, Justin. It's all that keeps me sane.”

“You'll have to leave the frat someday,” Justin reminded him. “Or are you gonna be like JC and live vicariously through it even after graduation?”

“Don't talk shit about JC,” Lance snapped.

“Sorry. I didn't mean it.” Justin wiped at his forehead. “I just…this is hard for me, Lance. I've never had to work so hard for something I wanted.”

This amused Lance. He leaned against the wall. “Somehow that TOTALLY doesn't surprise me.”

“That's not what I meant. It's not the whole, “I'm a hot jock, I get whatever I want” kinda thing. I guess I always went for the easy stuff. Things that were right in front of me. I never had to try. I want to try. With you.”

Justin walked towards Lance as he spoke. Lance swallowed deeply. Justin wore a simple sweatshirt and shorts, and looked gorgeous. “Aren't…aren't you cold?” Lance said. “It's cold.”

“I sweat when I work hard.” The words were innocent, but suddenly all Lance could see was a sweaty, naked Justin.

“God,” Lance choked. He reached up to touch Justin's cheek. It was dry, but he could almost taste the sweat.

“We shouldn't do this,” Justin whispered. “Frat rules and all.”

“Right.” Lance nodded, but his hand moved to cup Justin's jaw.

“And someone could walk in.”

“They could,” Lance barely got out as his lips met Justin's. Justin's hands slid down to grasp at Lance's backside as their tongues dueled. Lance's fingers danced up through Justin's curls and they both sighed.

“Lance,” Justin whispered, his body pressing Lance back against the wall. “I want you so much.”

“Uh,” Lance grunted as Justin thrust against him. “I want you, too,” he finally admitted.

“I hope neighbors don't mind noise,” they heard JC say in the hallway. “I'm sure the headboard will hit the wall now and then.”

“JC!” Nick whined, obviously embarrassed.

Justin pulled away at the same time Lance gave him a quick shove. Lance pretended to inspect the kitchen cabinets as Justin nonchalantly leaned against the wall. “Anything else?” Justin asked AJ as the three men entered the apartment.

“A couple boxes of CDs and DVDs,” AJ answered. Justin went out the door. AJ and Nick began playfully arguing about something as JC approached Lance.

“You two need to make up your minds,” JC said.

“What are you talking about?” Lance asked.

“Your lips look like a bee stung them, your face is red, and your eye is twitching. Either fall into bed with him or move to another school, babe.”

“I'll fall into bed with Justin when YOU fall out of love with Chris,” Lance retorted. “Either that or when you go on a date with someone else.”

“As a matter of fact, I HAVE a date. Tomorrow night,” JC answered. Lance's mouth fell open.

“A date, Jayce? With who?” AJ asked.

“A guy I met in a bar a few weeks back. His name is Kevin.”
