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“Shut that book right now,” JC ordered, breezing into Lance's room without knocking.

“God, JC, scare me to death!” Lance gasped, almost knocking over his glass of water. He took off his glasses and stretched. “What time is it and what the hell are you doing here?”

“Seven-thirty and you need to get out of this room,” JC said, bouncing on the bed. “I thought we could grab some pizza before we go out.”

“Uh, go out?” Lance said, noticing JC's clothes for the first time. He wore a tight pair of brown pants and a shirt with wild rainbow stripes. It would have looked idiotic on anyone but JC. “JC, finals start Monday.”

“Lance, today is Saturday. The Saturday before finals week. This is where we blow off all the mental steam, and, if you're lucky, maybe we can get you blown in general,” JC said with a grin.

“JOSHUA CHASEZ!” Lance yelled, blushing. JC laughed and bounced again.

“Seriously, Lance, I know you. You've been hitting these books all week without remembering to eat. You need to go have some fun.”

“Where are you going?” Lance asked.

“We're going to Sequins,” JC said.

Lance's mouth fell open. “S-Sequins?” He stammered. “Who's we?”

“Me and AJ and Nick and my boyfriend,” JC answered, laying back and putting his hands behind his head. Lance pounced, straddling JC's waist and grabbing him by the shirt.


“Uh, is there something I should know here?” Nick poked his head in the door and grinned.

“No,” JC gasped. “Lance, maybe we need to get you a salad, not pizza. You weight a ton!”

“Fuck off,” Lance said.

“Okay, I'm outta here. Meet you downtown at nine, JC?” Nick asked.

“Yeah!” JC wheezed. “We'll be there.”

“Boyfriend,” Lance repeated.

“Yes, dammit, but if you keep asphyxiating me, I'll never get to introduce you!” JC shoved at Lance, who climbed off the bed.

“JC, I am NOT going to Sequins. I can't believe you got NICK to go to Sequins. AJ…well…he fits in everywhere.” Lance returned to his desk. “I need to study.”

“Lance, you could practically write your textbooks by now.” JC grabbed the closest notebook and held it over his head. “If you don't come along, I'll tear it up.”

“JC!” Lance gasped. “That's my hardest class!”

JC cheerfully whistled as he held the notebook in a threatening manner. “You're coming along.”

“I can't go to Sequins!” Lance whined. “JC…that's where the flaming queens go. That's where boys wear Daisy Duke shorts and grope each other. That's where…”

“That's where we're going. And you're coming along. We need a night to be out and proud, Lance, and we're doing it tonight. We need to get you some sex.”

“What if I don't want some sex?” Lance muttered.

“Then you're dead.” JC got up and went to Lance's closet. “Just because you won't go after Justin the way you should…”

“Is Justin going with you?” Lance asked in what he hoped was a casual tone.

“These.” JC tossed out a pair of black jeans. “And I have a grey tank top.”

“Your tank top will be too tight!”

“Exactly,” JC said, grinning over his shoulder as he left the room. 

“I can't believe I'm here,” Lance grumbled, looking around the room. Some of the hottest men he had ever seen in his entire life were writhing on the dance floor. He felt uncomfortable, but at the same time it was all like a train wreck he couldn't look away from.

“There he is!” JC yelled. He wiggled his way through the crowd to throw himself into the arms of a shorter man.

“Chris?” Lance gasped. “You two are back together? Since when?”

“Since the weekend AJ moved,” JC said, planting a smacking kiss on Chris' cheek.

“Aren't you worried about someone seeing you two together?” AJ asked. He looked as shocked as Lance.

“The semester is pretty much over,” Chris said, blushing slightly at the armful of sexy JC that he suddenly had.

“And here they don't care,” JC added. “C'mon, Chris. Dance with me.”

“I don't dance, JC.”

“Dance with me,” JC said, smiling suggestively as he moved towards the dance floor.

Chris heaved a sigh. “Well, someone needs to keep an eye on him.” He followed JC.

“Did you know about this?” AJ asked Lance.

“No way. Though he HAS looked really happy lately.”

“I'm glad,” Nick said. “They belong together.”

“Like us?” AJ asked. Nick blushed and ducked his head. “Dance with me, cutie.”

“I can't dance like you,” Nick protested.

“Then just stand still. I'LL do all the dancing.” AJ tugged Nick out onto the dance floor.

Lance smiled and looked around the club. It was crowded, with a lot of students blowing off steam. A few of them gave him the eye, but he blushed and looked away. His eyes widened as he caught sight of one man in particular. He wore tight blue jeans and no shirt. His arms were above his head, and he seemed to be moving in his own little world. The flashing lights caught his curls and made them shine. Blue eyes moved to rest on Lance, and he saw the smile he loved. Lance swallowed deeply as Justin walked towards him. Without a word Justin took Lance by the hand and led him to the dance floor. Justin was sweaty as he pressed up against Lance, but Lance didn't care. Before he knew it he was dancing with Justin, inhaling Justin's sweaty scent.

Justin's hands slid down to Lance's backside, pulling him close as he nibbled on Lance's earlobe. “Come with me?” Justin whispered. Lance could only nod.

He followed Justin down a dark hallway. They passed a few couples who Lance tried not to look at. Suddenly Justin had him back against the wall as his hands pushed at Lance's jeans. “Justin…” Lance gasped.

“I've wanted to do this for so long…this is the right time and place, Lance,” Justin whispered. “Let me…”

Lance's hands fisted in Justin's curls as the heat of Justin's mouth surrounded him. He had never felt anything so warm and wet. He moaned, his head hitting the wall. “I'm…I'm sorry…” Lance gasped, releasing WAY too soon.

“It's okay,” Justin murmured, standing back up. He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand, then leaned forward to kiss Lance's cheek.

“I can't do that…to you…” Lance whispered. The memory of Jeremy was still too strong.

“I don't want you to do that,” Justin said. “Not until you're ready.”

Lance really focused on Justin and realized all the fraternity rules they had broken. “I have to go.” Lance quickly buttoned his jeans.

“Lance, c'mon. Lighten up just this once,” Justin said.

“I can't,” Lance said, remembering the safe haven that the fraternity had provided for him. “I need to leave.” Lance shoved by Justin and hurried back through the club.
