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Lance groaned as the zipper of his backpack suddenly slid open, discarding the contents of the bag all over the sidewalk. “Dammit,” he muttered, bending down. He knew it was his own fault for not making sure the bag was closed, but he was in a hurry.  Now he’d definitely be late for class.


“Let me help you.”  A tall figure bent down next to him, and Lance recognized the blond head of one of the pledges, Nick Carter.


“I’m fine,” Lance snapped, though he had nothing really against Nick.  Justin Timberlake, on the other hand…


“Just wanted to help,” Nick mumbled shyly. He handed Lance his calculator and palm pilot.  “You’re a math major?”


“Accounting,” Lance said.


“Of course,” Nick said, nodding.


“What does that mean?” Lance said, insulted.


“Well, you have a lot of math books in your bag, first of all. Secondly…you look the type. Preppy clothes, the hair, the glasses,” Nick said. He smiled.  “I suck at math.”


“What’s YOUR major?”


“Nutrition.  Kinda like a trainer slash nutritionist thing.  Justin’s a physical therapy major…that’s how we know each other, besides the team. We have some classes together.”


“Oh. Well, thanks.” Lance took his things from Nick and hurried on to class.




The morning did not improve for Lance. He WAS late for his class, and since they were working in small groups, he got stuck with the people that no one else wanted to work with.  He hoped that things would get better after he grabbed some lunch.


He entered the cafeteria closest to the math buildings and looked around.  JC had the afternoon free, and would normally meet Lance in the cafeteria. He heard a high-pitched giggle and sighed, smiling. JC was definitely the poster child for adorable gay men.  He followed the giggle, then frowned. JC was at a table in the corner, along with Joey and Justin Timberlake.  Justin was telling a story and seemed to have JC and Joey in stitches.


“Hey, Scoop, how’s it going?” Joey said. “Pull up a chair.”


“I’m not staying,” Lance said, ignoring the growling in his stomach.


“Oh, sit your ass down.” Joey shoved Lance into an empty chair.


“Scoop?” Justin asked.


“Old nickname,” JC told him. “Lance actually thought he could be a journalist, once.”


“What happened?” Justin asked.


“The guy who was running the school newspaper dumped him,” Joey said.


“Joey, shut up.”  Lance looked at Justin. “Pick out your song yet?”


“Yes, in fact, I have. JC was helping me.” Justin stood.  “I have to get over to the gym. Early practice today.  Thanks, JC and Joey. Bye, Lance.” Justin strode off, Lance’s eyes boring holes in his back.


“Why don’t you like him?” JC asked.


“I never said I didn’t LIKE him,” Lance said.


“You don’t have to.”


“Maybe Lance LIKES him likes him,” Joey said. “Maybe Lance has a crush.”


“Maybe Joey needs to just fuck off,” Lance growled.


“Whoa, Lance, cool it,” Joey said. “Don’t make me kick your little rainbow ass.”


“Hey, JC.” A voice from behind JC’s chair made them all turn around.  JC’s thin cheeks turned pink.


“Uh, hi, Professor Kirkpatrick.”


“Call me Chris,” the teacher said. “Hey, Joey.”


“Hey, Chris. This is our friend, Lance Bass. He’ll be in the show as well,” Joey said.


“Lance, hey.  One of JC’s frat brothers?” Lance nodded. “Good to meet you.” Chris shook Lance’s hand.  “JC, you weren’t in class today.”


“I, uh, didn’t think you’d notice,” JC mumbled. “I was, uh, busy.”


“I notice all my students.  I hope you’re not busy next class.”


“No, I won’t be,” JC said.


“Good.” Chris beamed at JC. “I missed having you there.  See you guys at the talent show meeting tomorrow.”  Chris headed for the food line.


“You SO have it bad for him,” Lance said, laughing. “You’re so damn cute, JC.”


“I don’t have it bad for anyone,” JC retorted. “Besides, he’s a teacher!”


“A teacher who “missed having you” in class, Jayce. And it’s not like you’re underage or something. You’re both legal,” Joey pointed out.


“And he’s straight. It’s obvious.” JC stood up. “I gotta go.”


“You could buy an apple for the teacher,” Lance suggested. He and Joey laughed. JC gave them the finger and walked away.

