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                “Okay, guys, let’s get down to business.”  The tall redhead sat down, popping open the tab on his can of beer.  “Miss me?”

“Hardly, Matt,” one of the more feminine brothers said, giggling.  “We used your bed while you were gone.”

“I hope not. I don’t want whatever disease you’re spreading this week,” the fraternity president teased.  Matthew was in charge of everything regarding the frat, but he had started school late because of a death in his family.  He had talked to Lance and some of the other brothers on the phone before his return to the school, and he was pleased to see everything running smoothly.

“Sorry to hear about your loss, man,” AJ said, and others nodded.

“Thanks.  I got the flowers. Who do I have to thank for that?”  Matt looked around.

“JC, actually,” Lance said. “He took the collection and all.”

“I’ll make sure and say something to him.” Matt made a note in his journal.  “Okay. About this year’s pledges.  Anyone have something to say?”

“They’re almost boring!”  Luis, the brother who had spoken to Matt first, whined.

“You just say that because they don’t cross-dress,” AJ said.

“You’re just jealous that I look better in a skirt than you do,” Luis countered, but AJ knew he was joking.  There were two brothers in the frat who liked to wear women’s clothing, and everyone loved to tease them about it.

“Seriously,” Matt said with a smile.

“I don’t think we’ll have any trouble,” Lance said. “We did a check on their grades…everyone seems to be able to keep up with their classes AND pledge the frat.”

“Good.  Okay…well, then, I guess it’s time to assign little brothers,” Matt said.  He read down a list, matching pledges with frat members who would be their mentors.  Lance allowed his mind to wander a bit, thinking about the project he had to do for one of his classes.  “Lance…Justin Timberlake.”

“What?” Lance said, looking at Matt. “What?”  He watched AJ hide a smirk. “Me and him?”

“Is there a problem, Lance?” Matt said. “Is HE a problem?”

“Well, no,” Lance admitted. There was nothing bad he could say about Justin. Not yet.  “It’s just…he’s a jock.  And I’m most definitely NOT.”

“I thought we practiced acceptance here, Lance,” Matt said. “And honestly, I’m shocked.”

“I…” Lance sighed frustration.

“C’mon, Lance, why DON’T you like the kid?” AJ said. “I’m dying to know.”

“No reason,” Lance finally muttered. “Just doesn’t seem like our type, that’s all.”

“You’ll be able to handle it?” Matt asked. Lance nodded. “Good. Okay, McLean. We’ll put you with Heath.”

“Heath? Are you sure you don’t want me to be with someone else? Like, oh, Nick Carter, maybe?” AJ said.  It was Lance’s turn to grin.

“AJ, I might have been gone for a bit, but I have eyes and ears here.  The LAST thing I’m gonna do is pair you up with that poor boy,” Matt said, and everyone laughed.


“So…you singing?” Lance asked JC as they walked to JC’s apartment.  It was Friday night, and they were planning on hitting a gay club in town.

“Hmmm?” JC barely looked up from his notebook.

“How you can write and walk without killing yourself amazes me,” Lance said. “I SAID, are you singing in the talent show?”

“No. I’m gonna play something. Maybe a medley of Billy Joel songs,” JC said.  “I thought I’d do something different.”

“JC, you have the voice of an angel,” Lance said. “What’s up?”

“I don’t feel like singing, that’s all,” JC said, picking at his notebook.

“Hey, Lance…JC.”  They looked up and saw Chris Kirkpatrick walking towards them. “Ready for a weekend?”

“Am I ever,” Lance sighed. “This whole pledge class thing is already driving me crazy.”

“I’m sure you’ll get into the swing of things soon,” Chris said. “I remember pledging…it was hell.” He looked at JC.  “Glad that you didn’t miss class today.”

“I told you I wouldn’t,” JC said.

“Good.  Don’t forget…essay due Monday.” Chris clapped JC on the back. “Later, kids.”

“You SO have a crush!” Lance squealed as soon as Chris was out of earshot.

“James Lance Bass, I do NOT have a crush,” JC growled. “I’m a grad student for fuck’s sake. Also, he’s a professor.”

“Also, you have a crush,” Lance sing-songed, skipping away from JC.  JC rolled his eyes and hurried after him.

