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JC turned on a light and they both blinked against its brightness. “What?”

“I…I was wondering if you'd want to just come up…never mind,” Lance finished quickly. “I'm sorry.”

“No, it's okay.” JC swung his long legs off of the sofa.

“It's so lonely…and I feel bad for you down here on the sofa,” Lance said. “I feel dumb.”

“I bet you never have to beg men to sleep with you,” JC said, then groaned. “That came out wrong. I mean, sleep with you. I mean…I'll just stop talking now.”

Lance laughed, feeling more at ease. “This is kinda awkward, huh?”

“Yeah.” JC looked Lance in the eye. “To be brutally honest, I'd like to do more than sleep next to you, Lance. I haven't stopped thinking about you. Maybe that's stupid of me, acting like a starstruck fan or something, but it's true. And then what you did for me with the paintings…”

“I wish all my starstruck fans were like you, Josh,” Lance said softly. “And I've thought about you, too. I felt so awful about that night. I wanted you so bad, and all I could think about was being with you, and then AJ…”

“But it's AJ that has brought us back together now,” JC reminded him.

“I wonder if they'll deliver a fruit basket to him in jail?” Lance asked.

JC put his hand out. “Should we go upstairs?”

Lance silently took JC's hand and allowed JC to lead him up the stairs. “This room is so like you,” Lance said as they entered JC's bedroom. Various drawings and paintings littered the walls and floor. “It's so comfortable.”

“It's a mess.” JC kicked a pair of shoes out of the way.

Lance said nothing. Instead, he pulled off the t-shirt of JC's that he had been wearing. JC swallowed deeply, tugging at his own shirt. Before he could push at his pajama bottoms, Lance was there, kissing him as his hands roamed across JC's body. “I've thought about this for days,” Lance whispered, nibbling at his neck.

“God,” JC gasped, his hands clutching at Lance's backside as they tripped over a stack of books and fell onto the bed. Lance gave a low chuckle, the sound sending shivers up JC's spine.

“You're so damn gorgeous,” Lance said, kissing his way down JC's chest.

JC tried to ignore the fact that an award-winning actor was licking his navel, but his mind kept wandering back to that fact. Suddenly he began to laugh. Lance drew back, looking at him quizzically. “Oh, God, Lance, I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at you. I swear.”

“I've been told I'm pretty good in bed,” Lance said, laying on his side and propping his head up with his hand.

“No, I…I…” JC gasped for breath, unable to stop laughing. Lance hummed and drummed his fingers on the mattress. “Okay…okay…I just…how many people would PAY for this, and here you are. With me. In my bed.”

“Okay…” Lance said slowly. “You're still stuck on the whole fame thing?”

“Not in the same way, Lance, I swear,” JC said, finally composing himself. “It's just like a freaking dream come true.”

“For me, too,” Lance said, coming back up to kiss JC.

Lance's hands were tender as they undressed JC the rest of the way. Suddenly Lance was naked as well, and their bodies pressed together as if they had done this a thousand times. “What do you…I mean…” JC said as he licked a line along Lance's collarbone.

Lance moaned. “If you mean what do I prefer, AJ always liked topping. So I didn't have much of a choice.”

“I'm pretty passive,” JC admitted. Lance smiled.

“Good…because I miss being aggressive.”

“Condoms and lube in the top drawer,” JC barely gasped before Lance moved over him to draw pictures on his chest with his tongue. 

JC lay half-awake in Lance's arms. The sex had been the most amazing he could ever remember having. Lance was well-endowed, but took his time getting JC ready before he finally moved inside. JC's nimble body had wrapped itself around Lance, his heels digging into Lance's backside as he urged him to push into him again and again. Bite marks dotted JC's shoulder, and Lance's back had a few long scratch marks on it.

“You asleep?” JC asked Lance drowsily.

“No,” Lance said.

“Still worried about AJ?”

“AJ who?” Lance answered, laughing against JC's back.

“Can I ask you something?”

“No, I didn't know AJ was dealing drugs or having orgies. No, I didn't do drugs with him.”

JC smiled, glad that Lance could joke about the situation. “Why are you paying for Justin's surgery?”

“I like Justin.”

“Because he reminds you of Will?”

“Yes. Because he's a nice guy with a big heart. Because he's your good friend. For a lot of reasons, but mainly because he just deserves it.”

JC rolled around in Lance's arms. “Thank you,” he said softly, kissing Lance's nose.
