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“I'm sorry, Jayce!” Chris said for the seventieth time.

“Stop, Chris,” Nick said gently. He rubbed JC's back.

“Please stop doing that,” JC snapped. They were sitting in Joey and Justin's living room. Justin had been out running errands when JC had called. By then, Joey had heard everything on TV, and told JC to try and find his way over without being followed. It took an hour to go about fifteen minutes away, but he finally got there. Chris and Nick had met him there soon after.

“Sorry,” Nick muttered, pulling his hand away. JC gave him an apologetic look, but said nothing.

“I just…I didn't think the whole freaking world would show up at our door,” Chris continued. He stared at his shoes. For once in his life he was truly sorry and truly speechless. “I…I…”

“Quit apologizing, babe,” Nick whispered. “You're just kinda making it worse.”

“And he just stormed out?” Joey asked, handing JC a bottle of beer.

“Pretty much,” JC said. He stood and went to look out the back window.

The door opened and they all jumped. “It's me,” Justin said. He dropped his bags in the hallway and hurried into the room. “Jayce?”

“I'm here,” JC said, turning around. Justin quickly found his way over and hugged him. JC finally let go, sobbing on Justin's strong shoulders. 

“You can stay here as long as you want,” Justin whispered in JC's ear. They were curled up on Joey and Justin's bed. The others had left for dinner, but JC didn't feel like going out, for obvious reasons. He was curled into a little ball, with Justin spooned up behind him. Justin ran his fingers through JC's soft hair. “Really. Our casa is your casa.”

“Thanks,” JC sniffled. “I feel like a teenage girl who was just dumped.”

“You are a girl,” Justin said affectionately. “But you weren't dumped. He'll come around.”

“Justin, you're crazy. You see the good in EVERYONE,” JC said. “He's not coming back. He ran to me to get away from all that…and instead I made it worse.”

“No, you didn't,” Justin said cheerfully. “Chris did.”

“Stupid Chris.”

“You know him…his mouth runs on a totally different brain. He didn't mean anything.”

“I know he didn't.” JC closed his eyes tight. “But God, Lance…if you could have seen the way he looked at me.”

“I know the way he looks at you,” Justin said softly. “I could hear it when he talked to you that night.”

“He sure didn't look at me like THAT,” JC said. “He looked at me like I was the worst mistake he ever made.”

“I'm sure it wasn't that bad,” Justin said. “Besides, JC…he's paying for my surgery. How in the WORLD could someone who did that for one of your friends just turn on you?”

“You know about that?” JC turned to face Justin.

“I'm not stupid…plus Joey kinda let it slip.” Justin smiled, but it was a trembling smile. “I scheduled it, you know…next month.”

“I'll be there for you all the way,” JC promised, then sighed. “If I ever leave your apartment again.”

“You have to,” Justin told him. “I'll need to shop, and do you think I'll trust JOEY'S fashion sense?”

JC laughed, but his heart wasn't in it. 

“Production has finally wrapped up on the movie that has taken over our small town for the last few months,” the newscaster said. “The crews are gone, the equipment is gone, the celebrities are gone. Will our town ever be the same? How has this all affected the lives of our residents? Tune in at six for a full update.”
