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“That rat bastard!” Chris yelled, spitting Cheerios all over the living room sofa.

“What did Larry King do now?” JC said, laughing as he came out of the kitchen. For some reason, Chris really couldn't stand the CNN talk show host, and always yelled at the television.

“Not him…though he WAS unnecessarily rude to Harrison Ford last night,” Chris said. “Just because he recently broke up with someone was NOT an excuse to give him the old Twenty Questions routine.” Chris got angry for a moment, then remembered what had caused the food volcano. “Look!” He pointed his spoon at the television and JC froze.

“A tan and buff-looking Lance Bass returned to Los Angeles this weekend after a few weeks incognito. Rumors state that he was off in France, vacationing with a new friend, but he arrived stateside without said friend,” the entertainment reporter said. Lance's smiling face flashed across the screen as he strode quickly through LAX to a waiting car. He did indeed look tan. JC thought he looked gorgeous, then kicked himself for thinking it. “Sources tell us he was also seen in Paris with his old flam, model AJ McLean. These same sources say Lance left Paris and headed for a private island in the Caribbean, owned by a friend in the oil business. Did AJ hit the beach with Lance?”

“Turn it off,” JC said in a choked tone. For once, Chris obeyed.

“He's a dick, Jayce,” Chris said. “Really. I mean, he probably went there to commit suicide or something and couldn't even get THAT right.”

“Not funny, Chris,” JC said. He went back into the kitchen to wash dishes. Chris followed and hopped up to sit on the counter.

“I had something I needed to talk to you about, but with all this wedding business, I haven't had the chance,” Chris began. JC smiled weakly.

“I know. It's so great for Justin and Joey. I can't believe they're getting married on Sunday!”

“Yeah. They deserve the best,” Chris said, uncharacteristically nervous. JC rinsed off a dish and turned to look at him.

“What's wrong?”

“Nothing. It's just. Never mind. It can wait.”


“I want…Nick…well…we'd like to move in together.”

“Really?” JC's face lit up. “Aw, man, that's great. I can't believe he'd put up with you twenty-four seven, but damn, man. Great.”

“You're okay with it?” Chris asked. “I wasn't sure if it'd be okay.”

“Chris, you're a grown adult. You make your own decisions. Hell, I'll love having the space.”

“I know money is tight…”

“I can manage. I managed before you moved in,” JC pointed out. “It's great. Really.”

“I just didn't want you alone,” Chris said. He jumped down. “But if you're okay…”

“It's fine.”

Chris hugged JC. “I gotta call Nick.”

He left JC to his dishes. JC looked down at the suds, suddenly feeling VERY alone. 

“And then they want you to report to Alabama to go to Space Camp,” Kevin said.

“What?” Lance's head shot up. Kevin grinned.

“About time you pay attention to me. You haven't heard a thing I've said.”

“Sure I did. You said that I have to…uh…that I have responsibilities. And I have to be places.” Lance looked at him with polite interest.

“That narrows it down.” Kevin closed his planner and tossed it onto Lance's coffee table. “Want to tell me what's wrong with you?”

“It's JC,” Lance said with a sigh. “I know he still believes AJ and I are together. And the damn media isn't helping.”

“Have you told him this?”

“It's kinda difficult when he won't answer the phone. And today I tried his number and there was a recording that told me it was disconnected.”

“Don't you know his friend? The one that you helped out?” Kevin asked. Lance sighed.

“Justin. Yeah, I know Justin. But if JC doesn't want me to talk to him, I'm not going to use his friends.”

“Can you TRY to focus for me, Lance?” Kevin asked.

“I'll try,” Lance said, though it was hard to concentrate when all he could hear was his heart breaking. 

“You know this is insane, right?” Joey asked Justin as Justin trailed his fingers up and down Joey's bare back. “Stop! That tickles!” Joey shivered.

“Yes…but maybe it's what they need. I know it's what WE need,” Justin said. “A dream come true.”

“JC will kill you for interfering.”

“Yes…but I can't believe that Lance is this evil. And JC refuses to hear him out.”

“It's none of our business,” Joey pointed out.

“JC's happiness is my business,” Justin retorted. He was silenced by a kiss from Joey, and soon forgot all about JC and Lance.

< Over The Hill >