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“Are you sure you don't need me to come along?” Chris asked as he hefted Joey's suitcase into the back of Joey's car. “I could be your chauffeur…or carry your bags.”

“I think you'll be busy enough moving into Nick's place,” Justin said, slamming the trunk shut.

“Isn't it convenient how you two just HAPPENED to go on your honeymoon during moving week?” Nick asked, crossing his arms and leaning back against the car. Justin grinned and hugged Joey.

“So convenient.” He gave Joey a smacking kiss and went back into the house, where JC was sitting in the living room. “Thanks for looking after the place.”

“Not a problem. I'll come over every night after the gallery closes,” he said, standing. Joey and Justin had waited a few weeks after the wedding to leave on their honeymoon. They were going to Hawaii for ten days.

“Do you want me to bring you a present?” Justin said, hugging JC.

“Nah…well…maybe some hot Hawaiian surfer. Someone who's in great physical shape and doesn't waste time talking,” JC said with a grin.

“No. I'll bring you a seashell so you can hear the ocean. You don't need mindless sex,” Justin scolded.

“Who doesn't need sex?” Chris asked, coming into the room.

“You,” Justin and JC said together. 

“Don't forget…you need to come into the office today for about an hour,” Kevin said to Lance. Lance groaned as he moved his phone to the other ear.

“Man, Kev…I thought I was done signing all those contracts.”

“Remember, I told you about this. This is about that investment I think you should look into,” Kevin said.

“You take care of all my investments. I trust you.”

“You shouldn't,” Kevin said, and Lance laughed. Kevin was the most trustworthy person he knew. “You should have someone check me out now and then.”

“Kevin, your COUSIN is your stockbroker. Your mama would kick BOTH your asses if either one of you did something illegal. I've met her. I know what she's like.”

“Good point,” Kevin agreed. “Anyway…these guys are from the East Coast…they're breezing through L.A. today…can you be in the office at two?”

“Sure,” Lance sighed. 

“They're waiting in the small conference room. I figured privacy was important,” Kevin said, walking down the hallway of the small set of offices he rented to manage Lance's life.

“Wow, this must be…” Lance froze as he walked into the room. Justin and Joey stood, smiling nervously. They both wore shorts, sandals and t-shirts. “Well, hey,” Lance said weakly. “Most people I meet in this room aren't usually dressed that comfortably.” He fingered his own tie.

“Hi, Lance,” Justin said, smiling warmly. Memories of Will flooded through Lance, and he walked over to hug Justin. “We know you're innocent,” Justin whispered.

“Lance,” Joey said, reaching out his hand. Lance took it and shook it. “How are you?”

“Fine,” Lance said, giving Kevin an inquisitive look. Kevin shrugged and left the conference room, shutting the door behind him. “What's going on?”

“We were passing through L.A., on our way to Hawaii,” Joey began.

“On our honeymoon,” Justin added, smiling shyly.

“That's great.” Lance leaned against the conference table. “Kevin told me I had to meet with some investors.”

“That wasn't a lie,” Joey said. He looked at Justin, who took a deep breath.

“We'd like to open a café back home. And we wanted to ask you if you'd be our backer.”

“Me?” Lance said blankly.

“Yes. You'd give us the money, and we'd run the place. If we don't make a profit and have to close, we'll pay you back.”

“That wouldn't be necessary,” Lance said immediately. “How involved would I have to be?”

“Not very,” Justin said quickly. “You'd never even have to come see the place, though we'd like you to. Joey would be head chef, I'd manage the front, and…” Justin shrugged. “Hopefully it's a winner.”

“I should talk to Kevin,” Lance said.

“We already have,” Joey said. “We contacted him first.”

“Hmmm.” Lance raised an eyebrow. “Does JC know about this?”

“No,” Justin said, fidgeting. “But it doesn't involve him. It's not his business. And he never needs to know, if you don't want him to.”

“Okay,” Lance said suddenly. “I'll do it.”

< Over The Hill >