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JC was sitting on the bed when Lance got out of the shower. He gulped as he looked at Lance, who was wearing only a towel. “Hey.”

“God, you scared me!” Lance gasped, then grinned. “Hey, yourself.”

“Chris kicked himself out of the house,” JC said. “And he ordered us dinner.”

“Wow. He IS trying to redeem himself,” Lance said with a grin. “Guess I don't need to get dressed again, then.”

“Well, uh, no,” JC said, watching the muscles of Lance's back ripple as he bent down to dig through his bag.

Lance turned around and smiled at him. His eyes never left JC's face as the towel dropped. 

“Dinner's probably cold,” JC mumbled against Lance's chest.

“Mmmhmm…” Lance rumbled, his fingers tracing lazy circles up and down JC's back.

“Did you really rent us a house in France?” JC asked. Lance's hand stopped moving.

“Yes. Is it okay? I mean, I can cancel and we can go somewhere else. Or we can stay right here. I just wanted to spend time with you.”

“Like where else?” JC asked, propping himself up on one hand.

“Oh…Madrid. Or London, if you REALLY wanted. Or Italy, though I'm not that fond of it.” Lance wrinkled his nose. “Where would you like to go?”

“I'm fine with France…I just wanted to see what else you'd say,” JC said with a grin.

“Brat.” Lance tickled JC briefly, then released him. “I just want to spend some time with you, JC. I feel like we kinda skipped over the 'get to know you' part.”

“I didn't. I know you. I see you on the big screen all the time,” JC teased.

“Oh, yes, and that's the REAL me up there,” Lance said sarcastically.

“Tell me three faults,” JC said.

Lance thought for a moment. “I let my characters take over my real life sometimes. I hate folding laundry. I tend to get kinda spoiled.”

“And those are such AWFUL faults,” JC said, rolling his eyes. He slowly sat up and grabbed his jeans off the floor. “You're practically perfect.”

“You ARE perfect,” Lance said, watching JC get dressed. JC blushed.

“I'm gonna get dinner together.” He left the bedroom. 

When JC came out of the kitchen to see what Lance was up to, he found him on the sofa, laughing at a cartoon on the Disney Channel. “You watch the Disney Channel?” JC asked, putting silverware and napkins on the coffee table.

“I love the Disney Channel. I was asked to guest star on Lizzie McGuire, but I couldn't fit it into my schedule,” Lance said, sighing. “I'd love to do a voice on a cartoon, though.”

“It would have to be a porn cartoon, though, with that voice,” JC said. Lance blushed.

“Whatever. So…wanna go shopping tomorrow, for the trip?”

JC returned to the kitchen and came back with a tray of food and two bottles of beer. “For what?”

“Whatever…condoms, lube, sex toys…” Lance listed, watching JC turn red. Lance laughed. “Nah…I have all that in my suitcase.” JC turned even redder. “Seriously…I didn't know if you wanted some new clothes or something.”

“You know you don't have to buy me, right?” JC said softly. Lance frowned.

“I wasn't trying to. I just…I thought maybe we'd go into the city one night and have a nice dinner. I didn't know if you had anything really dressy. Plus I like to buy you things. Is that such a big deal?”

“No. I'm sorry.” JC sighed and flopped down next to Lance on the sofa. “It's just weird. I mean, selling those paintings to the hotel got me a nice little bundle in the bank, yet it's nothing compared to what you have.”

“I don't have hundred dollar bills flying out of my pockets, Josh. Most of my money is in the bank, in the stock market, or tied up in real estate.”

“How many houses do you own?” JC asked. Lance thought for a moment.

“Um…beach houses in California and Florida, an apartment in New York, a house in Mississippi…condo in Rio…” Lance counted off on his fingers. “That's it.”

“That's IT?” JC gasped. “I'd love to OWN a house or a condo or something,” he said wistfully.

“Well, there's always Christmas,” Lance said cheerfully.

“You'd do that, wouldn't you?” JC asked.

“I'd love to spoil you rotten at Christmas. And I totally plan on doing it, too,” Lance said. He pulled JC back to snuggle against him. “Enough money talk. Let's eat our dinner and enjoy our time together, okay?”

“Okay,” JC sighed. 

“You need these,” Lance said, holding up the leather pants.

“Ohhhh, no, I don't.” JC took them from Lance and shoved them back onto the rack. “I thought we were here to dress me up.”

“But I'd have a lot of fun undressing you,” Lance said quietly, to make JC blush.

“Mr. Bass…can I have your autograph?” The salesclerk asked politely.

“Of course.” Lance gave her a kind smile and signed the paper she gave him. “We'll take those suits over there…that sweater…and the coat.”

“Yes, sir.” The clerk went to ring everything up.

“This is too much,” JC said, looking at the piles of clothing.

“You're worth every penny,” Lance promised him. He slyly looked at the people who were watching them. “You do realize, of course, that everyone in town will now think that you're my mister.”

“Your mister?”

“You know, like mistress…they'll think I'm paying for your apartment, buying you everything…”

“Chris would love that,” JC said, laughing. “I like being your mister.”

“You're not, you know,” Lance said. “The money doesn't count.”

“The money doesn't count,” JC repeated, though he didn't really believe it.

< Over The Hill >