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“This doesn't seem your usual kinda hotel,” JC observed as they were led into a tiny suite. “Not the usual amenities.”

“Well, I figured we could say the hell with amenities, when I realized what the view was like.” Lance tipped the bellman, closed the door, and went to the window. He drew the curtains aside and motioned for JC to come over.

“Oh,” JC said breathlessly, looking down at the road below. They seemed to be within a stone's throw of the river, and artists were set up all along its banks. “What amenities?”

Lance laughed and kissed behind JC's ear, snuggling up behind him. “It's okay, then?”

JC turned around and threw his arms around Lance. “This is still such a dream,” he whispered.

“I hate to say it, but I need to wake up a bit from the dream and contact Kevin,” Lance said with a sigh. “It makes him happy when I check in, and I like to make him happy now and then.”

“Do…do you think I could call Justin and Brian?” JC asked. Lance checked his watch.

“It's like six in the morning there,” Lance said.

“They'll be up,” JC said, eager to talk to his best friend, as well as to Brian, who was watching the gallery.

“Sure. Directions for an international line are on the desk by the phone,” Lance said. “In English. I'm gonna unpack a bit.” He went into the bedroom, and JC sat down by the phone. He called Brian first.

“Hello?” He answered breathlessly. JC was amazed by the fact that the connection was quite clear. It was something to realize you were talking to someone across an entire ocean.

“Bri? JC.”

“Hey! I didn't expect to hear from you!” Brian said in surprise. “How's your vacation?”

“Great. Having a great time,” JC said.

“Before you ask…the gallery is fine. We haven't been robbed, and the place hasn't burned down. And only ten autograph seekers have come around since you're gone,” Brian said, laughing. JC rolled his eyes. He had become a minor celebrity since his relationship with Lance had begun. They chatted for a bit, then JC got off the phone. He dialed the phone again, and steeled himself for the squawk he knew he'd hear on the other end.

“It is SO damn early,” Joey growled as he answered. He skipped “hello” altogether.

“Bonjour,” JC said in what he hoped was an authentic French accent.

“Hello,” Joey said in surprise. “Hey, baby, it's Jayce.”

“Jayce? Is he okay? What did Lance do?” JC heard Justin yell in the background. Joey laughed and handed over the phone. “Jayce?”

“Hi, Justin. Everything's fine. We're in Paris for the weekend and I thought I'd check in. How are plans for the wedding?”

“Fine,” Justin said. “Everything's going well. How about you?”

“Fantastic,” JC said with a happy sigh. “We're here for this fancy charity dinner for the Louvre. They have a great Cassatt exhibit, and we get a private viewing of the paintings!”

“Sounds great,” Justin said with a smile. “And you and Lance?”

“He's amazing,” JC sighed happily. “He really is.”

“I'm glad, Jayce,” Justin said sincerely. “Though I'm missing you like hell right now. I need you to keep me from freaking out with all this wedding stuff.”

“It all comes down to the fact that you love him and he loves you,” JC said. “Remember that. It's the root of everything.”

“I know, you're right,” Justin said with a sigh. “Take care, okay?”

“I will, and we'll be home before you know it,” JC promised.

“Justin?” Lance asked when JC hung up. He nodded. “I could tell by what you said. Needing some reassurance?”

“He's all afraid, but he knows damn well that he and Joey are the best things in each other's lives,” JC said.

“Am I the best thing in your life?” Lance asked, and JC pretended to think about it for a moment.

“Nah…just your money,” he decided. Lance tackled him and pushed him onto the sofa. JC wriggled as Lance tickled him. “Okay, okay, it's YOU I want!”

“Thought so.” Lance leaned back and smiled at him.

“Do you think maybe I could go down to the street? With my supplies?” JC asked eagerly, sounding like a little boy.

“I don't think I could refuse you anything,” Lance said, touching JC's face lightly. “Yeah, go on down there. I know you're dying to. And then I can call Kevin.”

JC kissed Lance's nose and eagerly went to unpack his art supplies.

< Over The Hill >