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“I'm so sorry,” JC said breathlessly as he ran in the door. Pencil scattered in his wake. “The light was so good…”

“Don't worry about it,” Lance told him, kissing his cheek. “What'd you get?”

JC bashfully opened his notebook and flipped through it. “Here.”

Lance looked at the rough sketches of a couple on a bench. Two men, one blond and one brunette, shared a newspaper. “Wow. Amazing how they look just like us.”

“They did!” JC insisted, then laughed. “Well, maybe not THAT much. But it was obvious that they were a couple.

“So…what should we do for dinner?” Lance asked. “There's an awesome four-star restaurant on the corner.”

“If that's what you want.”

“Or,” Lance said, watching JC carefully, “we could go over a few blocks. There's an avenue full of cafes where street musicians wander up and down.”

JC's face lit up. “That's perfect.”

Lance took JC's hands in his, kissing them. He rubbed his thumbs over the smudges from JC's pencil. “Just make sure to take a shower, okay?” 

Lance looked at JC, who was tapping his fingers on his knees. His dessert was practically untouched, because the street musicians continually distracted him. Lance was glad that he had remembered to grab a handful of cash for tips. The more excited JC became, the more Lance tipped that particular performer. “This is the best time I've had in ages,” Lance said finally.

“Really?” JC turned to look at him. “Why?”

“I'm just…different with you, Josh. It's like I can be myself. No pretending.”

“I finally feel that way, too,” JC admitted. “It was hard to get past the whole celebrity thing in the beginning, but now…”

“I bet,” Lance said almost sadly. JC reached over to take Lance's hand.

“That's not an issue. Not here, not now,” JC said, and it was true. No one had even approached Lance for an autograph.

Lance squeezed JC's hand and looked into his eyes. “Ready to get outta here?” 

JC barely made it into the suite before Lance was pressing him against the door. “Damn,” JC said, his knees weak.

Lance's hands cupped JC's face as he kissed him. “No one's ever made me feel the way you do.”

“I know,” JC gasped as Lance's teeth found his neck.

Lance growled and hooked his finger through JC's belt loop. He tugged JC towards the bedroom. “Want you,” he mumbled.

JC forgot the fact that Lance was an award-winning celebrity. He could only concentrate on the feeling of Lance's teeth against his skin. Lance was being unusually rough, and JC loved it. He was just as fierce, pulling at Lance's shirt and pants.

When they were naked, Lance shoved JC onto the bed face first. JC groaned into the pillow as Lance licked down his spine. He gasped and arched his back as Lance licked down further. Lance reached around to stroke JC, and JC shakily got up on his hands and knees. Lance moaned, his tongue flicking in and out.

Lance moved away suddenly, and JC unconsciously whimpered. He felt a familiar coolness and then Lance's fingers slid inside. JC hissed and arched up again. “You want this, don't you, baby?” Lance whispered. He leaned across JC's back to talk into his ear. “You want me?”

“Yes,” JC pleaded. “NEED you.”

The fingers began to move harder and faster. JC began to rock against them. “That's right,” Lance said approvingly.

“Fuck me,” JC begged. Lance groaned again and reached for the condom and lubricant.

Lance fisted his hands in JC's hair as he slid inside. He didn't even have to move. JC immediately began to bounce back and forth. “Ah…yeah…fuck my cock…” Lance hissed.

“So…good…” JC panted, slamming back.

“Fuck!” Lance exclaimed, grasping JC's hips to pull him back with more force. JC used one hand to jerk himself. Lance pushed that hand away and bent over him. “Cum for me, baby.” He pumped JC firmly. JC began to shudder. “Fucking cum, Josh.”

JC grunted and came. Lance finally allowed himself to let go as he came as well. JC collapsed to the bed and Lance slowly rolled to the side. JC let out some sort of gurgling sound, then rolled to bury his face in the pillow.

“Josh? I…I…didn't hurt you, did I?” Lance asked, tentatively stroking JC's back. JC shook his head in the negative. “I just…wanted you…loved you…wanted every inch of you to be mine.”

JC rolled to look at Lance. “I am yours. Every inch. And you didn't hurt me.” Lance smiled with relief. “Of course, you MAY have to take me to that charity dinner in a wheelchair…”

Lance reached over to yank at JC's hair, then pulled him in for a tender kiss.

< Over The Hill >