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During One Tour

By:  Rhyming Chick


                She held up her hands in protest, but it didn’t stop the blow from reaching her head.  Another followed and then another.  By now, she could feel warmth spreading along the left side of her face.  Blood.  She didn’t realise that it was blood, but he did.  That didn’t stop him from raising his arm again however.  Luckily for her, the next blow didn’t come.  Noises from just outside the house distracted her attacker and he fled before anyone could link him to the screaming that had escaped the house a few moments earlier.  She would have been thankful for the interruption, she would have been curious about her saviour’s identity and she would have been afraid that this wasn’t the last time she’d see her assailant, but she was unconscious.  And by the time she would wake up, she would only be curious about how she’d survived.


During One Tour >