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                “Good morning,” Meghan offered cheerfully as she sat down next to Leslie at the breakfast table.

                “Morning,” Lance answered confusedly.  He’d forgotten all about the Meghan tension last night, but the memories had come back to him when she’d walked through the door.  Now, however, she was all sunshine and lollipops, leaving Lance to believe that there may have never been anything wrong to start with.  He would never understand women.

                “Morning,” Leslie hesitantly offered.  “I’m sorry I didn’t see you last night.”

“Huh?” Meghan asked.  Then it suddenly donned on her what Leslie was talking about.  “Oh, don’t worry about it.  I didn’t go back to the room last night either.”

                “You didn’t?” Leslie and Lance both asked at the same time in confusion.

                “No, I didn’t,” Meghan replied calmly.

                “Well where did you-” Leslie started.

                “Here you go baby,” Chris interrupted as he set down a plate of food in front of Meghan and planted a kiss on her head before sitting down next to her.

                “Not a word,” Meghan ordered as she pointed her fork in Leslie’s direction before taking a bite of her food.

                “I didn’t say a thing,” Leslie defended herself, taking a bite of her own food.

                “Hello all,” they heard from the door.  Christalee and JC came giddily through the door, swinging Brianna between them as each held one of her hands.  She giggled at the swinging motion and at the fact that she didn’t have to walk herself into the room.

                “Well aren’t you two cheerful this morning,” Lance offered from his seat.

                “Yeah, you didn’t have to walk behind them all the way over here and listen to them sing Barney songs,” Justin complained from behind the couple, his arm blindly leading an equally sleepy Sam into the room.

                “And then someone’s not cheerful,” Lance continued as the wearier couple sat beside him.

                “Hum, which of these couples got laid last night?” Chris joked.

                “It better not be the couple that was babysitting my daughter last night,” Joey offered as he entered the room, holding Kelly’s hand.

                “Wow Mommy, you look pretty,” Brianna offered, standing on her chair with her arms spread out for a hug.

                “Thank you,” Kelly answered as she picked up her daughter.

                Christalee took in Kelly’s outfit.  She’d lost the extra baggy clothes that she’d been wearing since the day she’d heard that Brianna was growing in her, and worn something that was more of the Kelly she’d known when Joey had first met the girl.  Christalee looked over at Joey and gave him a smile of approval.  He gave her a wink of consent.

                “So, what are we doing today?”  Joey asked as he took Brianna from Kelly and sat her on his lap, giving her a bite of his food for every two he took.

                The group started chatting amiably about what they would do during the day and how they couldn’t wait for the next vacation.  Suddenly, Sam stopped and her fork dropped into her plate.

                “Christalee, is that a wedding ring?!?”


The End


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