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First Impressions

By:  Rhyming Chick


            It wasn't exactly the night she had been expecting. Krystal let her head fall back against the brick wall behind her as she watched people milling around her, some trying to get into the club she was leaning against, and others walking by quickly, all too aware that they wouldn't even be able to make it in.

            Krystal had been one of the lucky people that had made it into the club.  At least she had initially thought she was lucky to have gotten in, but now she wasn't so sure about that.  Krystal had been having a rough week and when Saturday finally rolled around, she had decided that she'd worked hard enough to deserve a day off.  No interruptions, no schedules, no demands. 

            Her plan had worked for about ten minutes.  She'd been lazing around in her bed for just about that time after having woken and reveled in the feel of the sun warming her back when her telephone had wrung.  It was supposed to be a day for her alone, but habit took over before she could stop herself, and suddenly she was letting someone interrupt her day.

            Her best friend, Natalie, sounded much too chipper on the other end of the line for a Saturday morning.  She was babbling a mile a minute and eventually, Krystal managed to figure out that she was excited because she'd just learned that a few members of Nsync were in town.

            A performance? Krystal immediately wondered.  No, they were in town for promotion only, but still it was better than nothing.  They were only there to do a few magazine interviews, Natalie explained, but they were still going to be around and she was more than sure that the boys wouldn't hesitate to spend the night out on the town where, with a little resourcefulness, they could probably easily be found.

            Though Krystal tried to resist another one of Natalie's crazy schemes, the temptation to not only be in the same room as but perhaps even meet or speak with JC Chasez, one of the guys in town, was much too strong, and soon enough she found herself in front of her closet trying to find something that would be appropriate to meet the kind of man that could make her lose all her morals and then some.

            She wasn't surprised when they got into the club without any problem.  Sure, this was one of the town's hottest clubs and sometimes even celebrities had a hard time getting past the velvet rope if their current works weren't selling adequately, but Natalie knew people, just like she'd known the Nsync boys were in town, and so getting in wasn't an issue. 

            Krystal was more worried about what would happen once she was actually inside the building.  She couldn't deny that she had fantasized about the day she would meet this man, and to be perfectly honest many of those fantasizes weren't the type you could simply confess about unless you wanted someone to run far away or tie you to the nearest bed and take care of everything that had been on your mind.  How exactly could she walk up to this man and not blurt out that she wanted to jump him before the night was through?

            In the end, it hadn't really been a problem at all.  Natalie had spotted JC and Lance in a corner of the club, nursing drinks and checking out the women to see which one would be the perfect target for the moment the liquid before them completely disappeared.  Before Krystal could protest or convince herself that she was ready to approach them, Natalie had dragged her across the room and was already trying to initiate a conversation.

            Unfortunately enough Natalie had already had a few drinks in her system, and so initiating a conversation, suddenly meant a lot more than that to her.  The boys hadn't seemed to mind their approach, Krystal even saw JC lick his lips as he spotted either herself or Natalie walking toward him but that was all about to change.  The moment Krystal had finally managed to choke out a "hello" in response to the boys' greeting, Natalie decided it was time to get to know the boys better, and plopped herself down on JC's lap, from what Krystal could tell, strategically placing herself over something very precious of his.

            "Jesus Christ," Lance breathed at the movement, obviously not impressed.

            JC's reaction was even more dramatic as his hands flew out away from Natalie's body.  One of his arms smacked right into his bodyguard, and the other sent his drink flying, directly onto Krystal's outfit, well, her roommate's outfit to be more specific since

Natalie had decided that she didn't own anything sexy enough for the possible encounter.

            "Do you fucking mind?" JC asked, as his eyes first stared at Natalie then moved up to Krystal.  She could see the anger radiating from him and didn't doubt that if he could have, he would have burnt her right on the spot.  She watched him for a few moments, his attention on Natalie and getting her away from him.

            "We . . .  well, I'm . . .  I'm sorry," Krystal whispered nervously before she spun around and dashed out of the room.

            Now here she was, outside the club, wet and sorry that she had ever agreed to the night.  It was probably her only opportunity to ever meet JC Chasez, and it had been ruined within a minute.  Now the only thing she had to take from the encounter was a wet

outfit, which would only mean that her roommate would be mad at her.  With a deep sigh, she pushed herself away from the wall, and went out to look for a cab to take her back home.

            "Hey!  Hey you.  Wait!"  Krystal had tried to ignore the noise behind her, but her curiosity was uncommonly peeked and she couldn't stop herself from looking back to see who exactly was making all that noise. She was frozen in shock when she saw JC sprinting toward her, one hand waving in the air to get her attention.

            Krystal watched him as he stood in front of her, mesmerized by his moving lips as he spoke.  She had no idea what he was saying, but damn was he ever nice to watch.  Finally, she realized that he wasn't talk anymore, and it made her wonder if she had missed a crucial part of the conversation.

            "I'm sorry, what?"

            "I asked if you were all right," JC chuckled.  "I realize that I must have looked pretty mean in there but that girl just took me by surprise.  I'm not too fond of girls just sitting themselves on my lap."

            "Really?" Krystal asked in confusion, still wondering how it was that JC was talking to her outside one of the city's most popular clubs.

            "Did I get you really wet?" he asked.

            "What?" Krystal almost choked on air at the sentence.  There was no way he had just asked her what she thought he'd asked her.

            "My drink, did it get you very wet?" he specified.

            "Oh, yes," she answered honestly without thinking of her answer.

            "Sorry.  What did you think I was talking about," his voice lowered as he asked.  "Did I get you wet anywhere else?"

            "No, I'm just . . .  I'm a little distracted," Krystal answered, finally starting to get a hold of her senses.

            "That's a shame.  Would you like me to get you wet somewhere else?  You should, after all, get out of those wet clothes before they're ruined."


            "You can wash them at my house.  Come on."

            "You don't really go for subtlety, do you?" Krystal asked though she was already letting him lead her back to what she assumed was his car.  She could see at least one bodyguard in her peripheral vision, and he was shaking his head in amusement at his charge's pick up tactic.

            "Well, I would usually put a little more effort into it, but we're outside right now, and I give either the press or that very feisty friend of yours about ten minutes until they're all over us. Time is kind of not exactly something we have a lot of right now."

            He held the car door open for her, and Krystal obediently entered.  Before she could situate herself and take another deep breath to calm her suddenly racing pulse, he was in the car next to her, one hand on the steering wheel, and the other on her seat, right next to her thigh.  He wasn't touching her, but she could feel him there, and the slightest movement from either of them would definitely cause some kind of contact.

            It was the longest car ride Krystal had ever taken.  The road simply never seemed to end and she kept feeling the practically uncontrollable urge in her left leg to tilt just slightly toward JC, just enough for his pinky to be against her skin.  Just as she was

about to move however, they reached their destination and JC hopped out of the car to open her door before she could do it.

            He grabbed her hand and led her to the front door.  She was speechless at the size of his house and could do nothing but follow him with wide eyes.  Speechlessness seemed to be the theme of the night for her.

            "In here," he told her as he closed the front door behind them.  He led her down a few hallways and suddenly, she found herself in the laundry room.  He let go of her hand and turned the light on in the room.  The washer and dryer shined white and looked like they'd barely ever been used.

            "Give me your dress," JC told her as he opened the washer door.

            "I'm sorry?"

            "Give me your dress, so I can wash it."

            "But then I'll . . .  well, I'll be naked," Krystal stuttered in surprise.

            "That's fine."  He waited for her to undress, but Krystal simply stared at him.  There was no way she could simply take her clothes off in front of him, this was the kind of man that had dated actresses and could pretty much date any girl he wanted.  There were good chances that he would see her in her underwear and simply laugh or something.  "Come on, it's going to be ruined."

            Krystal's eyes searched the room for a way out.  Being naked in front of JC Chasez was one thing, one thing in fact that she'd always dreamed of.  Being naked in front of JC Chasez in a brightly lit room was something completely different and with which she wasn't as comfortable.  It seemed that her host could feel this, and he approached her slowly.

            "Listen.  I'm sorry.  It's just.  First impressions are really important to me and I have a feeling that I made a horrible one back there.  I didn't mean to yell at you or get your dress all wet or seem like an ass or anything.  I was just having a bad night and your friend suddenly manhandling me with no warning didn't help.  I just really want to make it up to you."

            By the time he was done his rant, he was standing right in front of her, his hands fisting the material of her dress at her waist.  She looked up to see his eyes and felt tiny as he towered over her 5-foot 2 frame.  He looked so desperate for her to let him make amends, that she couldn't help but give him a small, tentative smile.

            "I'll give you something you can change into from my room."  Before Krystal could give him any kind of answer, his hands started to bunch her dress, and were slowly working the material up her legs.  Soon enough, he moved his hands higher and had absolutely no difficulty pulling the entire thing over her head and away from her body, freeing her strawberry blond hair from the clasp she'd put in it and cascading it over her shoulders in the same movement.  He winked at her, moved away and put the dress in the washer.

            Krystal stood there, looking at him, unsure of what to do and unable to find herself some clothes since she had absolutely no idea where his room was.  To make matters worse, it was only after he'd pulled the garment over her head that Krystal remembered what she'd worn under it.  Natalie had insisted that sexy underwear would make her feel more confident and give her that boost that would convince her that yes, she could get a man like JC Chasez.  So there she stood, in a hot pink strapless bra, and matching thong underwear.

            Her hands were useless because there was too much skin she wanted to cover at the moment, and JC was turned to face her once again before she could make much progress.  He walked over to her and put his arm around her waist, leading her gently out of the room.  Krystal couldn't think of anything to say, so she just let him lead her along the hallway once again.  She couldn't help the shivers that travelled her spine when his hand moved lower and was suddenly no longer on her waist, but settled against the naked skin of her butt instead.

            "Listen, before we find you something to wear," JC told her once they'd reached his room and Krystal was standing in front of the bed, looking at him with intently shy, brown eyes, "I know you said that I hadn't made you wet anywhere else, but I think I should check, just to be sure.  That way if you are, we can do something to solve that problem too.  Okay?"

            Krystal nodded before she could realize what she was doing.  JC gave her a half-smile at the acquiescence, and moved toward her.  She was mesmerized by the way his tongue would peek out to lick his lips, and the movement captured her attention so much, that she didn't even feel his hands on her shoulders, pushing her down onto the bed.   Krystal closed her eyes in pleasure at the feel of the satin against the abundant amount of skin that wasn't covered, and before she could get over the feeling, JC had spread her leg and was kneeling between them.

            He was a man with a mision, and he didn't even bother to try and rid her of her underwear.  Instead, he simply moved the sparse material to the side and let his fingers slide against her.  Krystal shivered.

            "Ah, just as I thought.  Let's see here."  His fingers moved again, harder this time, and one of them was bold enough to actually make its way into her body, Krystal's body convulsed once at the movement.  JC's free hand immediately settled on her hip and

pushed her down on the bed.  "Hold on, I'm not done here."

            He moved his finger inside her, then added another.  It felt like he was looking for something inside her, and Krystal faintly hoped that he would find it before the pleasure she was feeling would cause her to combust.  After a few more strokes and the entrance of two more digits in her, he spoke again.

            "I knew I'd done more damage than that little stain on your dress.  Don't worry though.  I said I'd fix this for you.  And I'm definitely going to take care of it."

            Before Krystal could tell him that he shouldn't worry, that she had more than welcomed this little problem, his head dove between her legs, and she felt his tongue licking at her most private part.  She called out at the sudden touch and gripped the satin

beneath her in both her fists.  This was definitely not what she had been expecting of the evening.  Hoping maybe, but definitely not expecting.

            She shut her eyes tightly and tried to calm herself.  Krystal wanted to remember every single second of this experience and zoning out in ecstasy would not help her in that matter.  Her efforts were useless however, because JC was more determined than she was, and both of his hands had moved under her to grab hold of her ass and hold her closer to his mouth.  His tongue dipped in and out of her and he hummed against her skin until she simply couldn't take it anymore and was bucking against him, screaming out in pleasure.

            "Well that didn't work," she heard when she finally came back to her senses.


            "Well I was trying to lick that all up and get you dry, but you just seem to get wetter and wetter.  We'll have to try something else."

            "Like what?" Krystal asked.

            "Hmmm," JC said thoughtfully, his hands were already removing her underwear as he pretended to think.  "Well, maybe you just need something to plug you up."


            "Yeah, I think I should try.  Trust me on this one."

            He crawled until he was holding himself over her, his member poised and ready to enter her, when he suddenly stopped and moved his eyes from where their bodies were about to connect to her face.  Krystal wanted to scream out in disappointment.  She hadn't been sure about this at first, but now she was more than positive.  He better fuck her or he would have a very unhappy girl on his hands, first impressions be damned.

            "What's your name?" he asked her.

            "Krystal," she answered.

            "Krystal.  Gorgeous.  Don't call me JC, Josh or Joshua, okay?" he requested with wide eyes as he kept himself mere inches from her body.

            "Yeah," she agreed.  Unlike him, her eyes were looking down below, waiting for he first move that would finally fulfill her.

            "Yeah," he repeated with an adorable chuckle.  She looked up to see why he was laughing, and as soon as her eyes met his, he plunged into her.

            "Damn," he let out, holding himself still and impaling her onto the mattress.  She couldn't breathe, she couldn't speak, she couldn't see, she couldn't even think, it was so good.  JC, Joshua, lifted his upper body off her a little, keeping himself fully inside her, and looked up at her face.

            "Good?" he asked her.

            "Perfect," she answered.

            "You ready?"  He sounded concerned.  She could have fallen in love with him for his concern.


            He smiled at her and for the first time that night, their lips met.  It was soft at first, but soon enough, his tongue was licking against her lips and teeth, looking for entrance into her mouth.  As soon as it was granted to him, his lower body started moving in rhythm with his warm tongue.

            Krystal moaned into his mouth and she could feel his lips form a smile against her own.  She could already tell that he was definitely one of those guys who found motivation in every sign of pleasure their partner showed, and she had absolutely no problem giving him a lot of motivation.

            She couldn't remember ever having found this much pleasure from anyone.  Every time her body thought it understood the rhythm he was creating, he would change it sending tingles up her spine and curling her toes.  He would slow down or speed up.  He'd move so that he could reach as deeply as her cervix, or so he could rub against her clit every time he entered and exited her.  Every single one of his movements did something for her, and all the while he remained attached to her mouth.

            She wasn't sure when, but sometime during his thrusting, he'd freed one of his hands, and reached for her breasts.  He wasn't exactly gentle, but he was certainly not hurting her either.  He was touching her fleetingly so she would never know where his touch would be next or how hard it would be.  It was making her writhe beneath him, which only made his thrusting deeper and more sensual and every time he generously touched her nipples, she'd arch her back and moan into his mouth.

            "Krystal," he said when he finally let go of her mouth so she could breathe.

            "Joshua," was all she could answer.

            "I can't . . .  you're so tight.  Are you almost there?"

            "I've almost been there since I spotted you in the club," she answered honestly between laboured breaths.

            "Good.  Now would be good," he told her as he thrust even deeper into her.  It was all Krystal needed and she exploded around him.  JC held himself virtually still and when she was almost done and still clamped tightly around him, he came too which sent her right back up the peak she had just descended.

             He lay on top of her a few moments, his sweaty forehead against her own.  When he recovered from the exercise first, he moved his head down so he could suckle her breasts while waiting for her too to calm down.  He eventually heard her practically purring at his actions and figured she too was completely spent now.  Joshua released her from his lips and lay next to her, pulling her into his chest.

            His chin rested atop of her head and his hands wove through her hair.  Finally, after a few minutes of silence, he chuckled.

            "Well, I hope that did the trick.  You forgive me, right?"

            "Yeah . . .  God, you certainly do make a first impression."

            "You should witness my second impression," he told her as his hands crept lower on her body.

            "Really?  Hmm, well, if I ever have the time."

            "Well, your dress will have to dry," he told her.

            "You're absolutely right," she agreed, as she watched his head sweep down for another kiss.


The End


Please tell Rhyming Chick what you thought of this story!