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By: Rhyming Chick


"Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me." The three words echo over and over in your mind, but obviously you don't dare repeat them out loud. After all you've done this too. There have been times when you're sure all he wanted was your attention but you were miles away doing whatever it is you do that captures your attention so completely that you even fail to notice him. Of course, you also know that if he was ever as horny as you are now, he wouldn't hesitate to shatter the reverie that encloses you. And maybe that's what gives you the courage.


Maybe the thought that he would never remain seated in a chair five feet from you willing, no forcing himself not to give in to that part of himself that is screaming out to be filled, to be relieved, to just be touched, is what convinces you to get on your feet and walk to him. He still doesn't notice. His eyes are focussed on the laptop screen before him and he doesn't notice that you've approached. He doesn't feel your breath gently tickling the skin of his neck.


He doesn't see your hand reach out, stopping a whisper's distance from his skin. He doesn't smell your body reacting to him in that muscle shirt that you're positive has to be at least a year older than your relationship. He only has eyes for his computer screen and whatever it's telling him. At least he does until your tongue licks a trail along the rim of his ear.


He cranes his head to look at you as if he doesn't know who just invaded his personal space. Any other time this new position would look uncomfortably painful but you're already so turned on that fuck you if that isn't the sexiest thing you've ever seen. His blue eyes look up to meet yours and you almost lose it right there. Instead, you settle for a feeling in your lower stomach that convinces you you now know exactly what being a firework feels like and, oh yes, you've unbelievably gotten even wetter.


"Can I help you?" And, what the hell, has it been that long since you've heard his voice because you definitely do not remember it being that low. The opening notes of Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On" run through your mind as you try to stop yourself from throwing the man onto the nearby hotel bed. Somehow you find yourself straddling him, which is a really bad idea since now you have to remind yourself not to grind up against him. You already look desperate enough. His question can almost be heard hanging from the silence as he awaits your answer.


"Maybe." Your teeth find his earlobe as soon as the word escapes your lips, biting down gently on the flesh. You draw your body closer to his which means your breasts, though not large enough to be an annoying inconvenience, press against his chest. His hands find your hips as he lifts you a few inches so he can move his ass a little, trying to subtly adjust himself despite his lapful of you. The motion doesn't go unnoticed however as you now feel him pressing against you.


"Is someone feeling a little ignored?" He doesn't seem to mind either way now that your lips have moved lower now finding some sensuous cycle between kissing, nibbling and licking at the skin of his neck. His hands try to steady your position on top of him as he lifts his hips up in a quick rhythm. You hear him clear his throat before he tries to speak again. "Has Justin been spending too much time with his computer?"


"Maybe a little." You ignore the fact that he just referred to himself in the third person and decide to concentrate on what you're doing. You suck on his bottom lip before tugging at it with your teeth. If his growing member pressing harder against you now isn't proof enough, the fact that he rises from the chair with you in his arms convinces you he's had enough of playing. Your legs wrap around his waist as he starts walking toward the bed. His right hand gripping your ass makes sure you don't slip down his body while his left hand against your back keeps you pressed against him.


Suddenly, you find him unclasping your hands and legs from around him. You resist the break of contact, wondering why he's trying to get away from you until you notice that you're laying on the bed and he's pulling that damn shirt over his head. The faded cotton crumples to the floor, but not before he slithers his body back on top of yours. Your hair is pulled away from your face in a surprisingly gentle move. His lips place soft touches sporadically upon your face and neck but you hardly notice as your hands are desperately trying to find his belt buckle. And damn if it isn't one of those snap buckles that you can hardly open when you're wearing it. Justin's hands are fluttering over any skin he can find now that he's found his way under your shirt. His lips are working against yours, demanding attention but all you can focus on are your hands and their seemingly impossible target. Apparently the distraction is unacceptable as Justin reaches one of his hands down and expertly unclasps the barrier and the zipper going as far as to kick his jeans onto the floor. The job done, his hand automatically returns to its spot on your waist.


Now that your mind is free of all concentration, you suddenly realise that, oh, that feels nice. You feel his touch warming your skin though you could have sworn your body couldn't get any warmer than it had been a few minutes ago. As nice as this is though, and yes it is very very nice, the fact that you are still fully clothed bothers you. You unwrap your arms from around him and raise them over your head. It takes him a few moments to realise you've broken the contact but once he does, his eyes automatically shoot up to yours, asking for an explanation. He immediately understands and begins to raise the barrier between him and your skin. His movements are torturously slow, allowing him to place a line of kisses along every inch of your newly exposed skin. When he reaches the hollow of your neck, his tongue gives out a few languid strokes, your shirt having found a new home on the carpeted floor.


Goose bumps grace your flesh where his warm breath flutters against you. He looks up with a cocky grin that confuses you until you remember that due to the fact that you'd just changed for bed, you're not wearing a bra. The lack of extra articles doesn't seem to bother the man hovering above you one bit. He lowers his head again, letting his lips and tongue work on one of your peaked nubs. His suckling is sending such strong waves of passion throughout your body that you barely notice the fact that he's easing your pyjama pants off your body. Actually, you hadn't noticed until he took his mouth away from you, leaving you to suddenly feel the cool air hit your skin.


He slowly slithers down your body until his head reaches your underwear. His tongue licks you through the fabric, apparently he's in a licking mood tonight, before he simply gets off the bed. He bends down for something you think is probably his jeans but don't plan on focussing on that point all too much as you now have a great view of his ass. He straightens up much too quickly for your liking, to let you see the condom between his index and middle finger. The fact that he just so happened to have one right there in his back pocket hits you. Maybe you hadn't really seduced him at all. Maybe his whole "looking concentrated on something other than you" was his version of seduction. Any other day, you'd be insulted at the idea and would make a big deal of it but right now you're horny as hell, laying in your panties on the bed and, oh yes, he just rid himself of his boxers. Some odd sense of relief comes over you when you feel his warmth once again pressing against your body. His mouth finds yours once again, letting his tongue pass over every single one of your teeth. Your eyes are closed but you can still hear him place the condom on the pillow next to your head as if it's some kind of tease or promise of what's yet to come.


His mouth leaves a trail down your body with more kissing, nibbling, sucking and licking . . . not that you're complaining, until he finally gets to your underwear. Slowly, the tease above your body pulls the garment down, his fingers brushing against the skin of your leg along the way. He takes even more time getting the fabric off your body as his breath-like touch tickles the soles of your feet. The journey back up to you allows his entire palms to rub against your soft skin. You marvel at the fact that his touch is so soft and so gentle despite his large hands. His left hand stops halfway up your body with his thumb tracing lazy patterns upon your hipbone while the right one reaches for the earlier discarded object. Somehow he gets the packet open with one hand, a trick you never could quite get the hang of no matter how many times you've seen him do it. His body lays over yours yet his weight goes unnoticed, he holds the packet in front of your face until you reach up and grab its contents. The packaging immediately finds a spot on the floor near your clothes. You roll it up his penis, slower than you need to, slower than he wants you to, but as slowly as he deserves after all the teasing he put you through so far. The back of his right hand brushes your cheek for a few strokes as he enters you. For a minute everything stops. Neither of you move and you're pretty sure that both of you are holding in your breaths. A moan unconsciously escapes your lips and he takes it as a sign that you're ready for him to start. He thrusts into you languidly, taking his time as if it might be his last. You wonder if he even realises how good he is at this. Every time he moves he seems to hit some spot in you or to rub against some trigger that makes you sure you won't be able to stop yourself from going over the edge right then. Both of you lose track of time, only aware of the movement within you, the smell surrounding you, the heat enveloping you and the sensations begging you to never stop. You feel him starting to quicken his pace, but continue to slowly rub your hands upon the skin of his arms, his back and his sides. Whatever is within your reach. The blue in his eyes seems to explode, which is when you realise that you haven't broken eye contact since his fingertips touched your cheek. It's the most amazing thing you've ever felt. Somehow, his shifting eye colour seems to mirror the explosions your body is desperately trying to contain in the hopes of lasting longer. Finally, neither of you can hold it in any longer and the little moans and groans you were both emitting that had gone unnoticed, become screams of pleasure.


He collapses on top of you, still inside. Your chests heave one against the other in a desperate attempt to regain breath. That doesn't happen for a few more minutes. When both of you are quite sated again, he pulls out of you and rolls onto his back. While you take an extra moment to plane from your high, you fail to notice him disposing of the soiled condom. By the time you remember where you are, he's gathered you close to him, mindless of the layer of sweat covering both your bodies. You throw an arm over his waist and burrow your forehead against his chin. His right hand absentmindedly smooths your hair. You're not sure how long you listen to his deep breathing before you finally fall asleep but you do know that he's still pressed against you when you wake up. Apparently, his falling asleep before you proved fruitful for him as he's been watching you sleep for who knows how long now.


"So are we still feeling ignored?" He asks, smiling down at you.


"That depends on what happens if I say yes." You try to look at him in the eye but it's a little awkward from your position and you absolutely refuse to move from your comfortable position.


"Either way." He mumbles, already rolling on top of you.


The End


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