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The Morning After

By:  Rhyming Chick


                Krystal blinked at the light that was seeping through the curtains.  It wasn't directly in her eyes, but it was bright enough to cause her discomfort after such a comfortably long sleep.  She tried to stretch the kinks out of her back with the least movement possible as to not awaken the person who, hopefully, was still in bed with her, when she realized that it wasn't really the sunlight that had awoken her, but rather the trail of kisses traveling up and down her spine and the wet licks that would touch her skin every now and then.

                "Josh?" she asked as she felt the kisses reach her tailbone.

                "Are you expecting someone else, babygirl?" he asked.   She wasn't sure when exactly he had given her this nickname, but sometime during their third escapade of the night, she realized that he was regularly using it and she certainly didn't mind.

                "No.  That just isn't the alarm clock I'm used to."

                "Hmm, well, this is just a modern improvement to the old-fashioned alarm clock."  He gave her skin one last lick before he slid back up so his chest was to her back and he could pull her back against him.  "I wasn't sure if you had anything to do today, so I wanted to wake you up in case you were going to be late for something."

                "That's sweet," she said, mostly to herself but heard him snicker behind her.  "I actually don't have anything.  I had a rough week and I was just going to sleep the entire weekend away.  Pretty boring huh?"

                "Are you kidding?  That's like, my dream weekend," he told her.

                "Yeah, I guess.  So what are you up to today?"

                "Well I was going to do absolutely nothing.  I am on vacation and I planned on lazing about, but now that's all changed."

                "How come?" she asked, turning around to face him.  He smiled at her a Cheshire-cat grin when they were finally looking into each other's eyes.

                "Hi," he said.

                "Hi," she answered with a giggle.  She lay there waiting for an answer for a few moments as JC stared at her quietly.  "JC?  Hello?  Why did your plans change?"

                "Oh," he answered, shaking his head out of the daze he'd managed to fall into.  "Well, see, I suddenly have an unexpected house guest and she's all awake and ready to start the day.  So, I can't politely go back to sleep."

                "Hey," Krystal immediately protested.  "If I'm this aforementioned house guest, I will have you know that I am more than ready to just go back to sleep.  In fact, you are the one that woke me up!"

                "No, you're awake and ready to do stuff and you just won't let me go back to sleep," he argued.  "Besides, I heard from a very reliable source that you had a very hard week."

                "I just told you I had a very hard week."

                "Exactly, that's a reliable source if I've ever heard one, and I really should make it up to you since I kept you up late last night when you were all ready to go to bed early."

                "I can't say that I really mind the reason you kept me up."

                "Stop protesting!" JC suddenly cried, his hands raising as if to block anything more she would have to say.  "Doctor's orders.  You have to lie back and let me help you relax."

                "And which doctor was this?" she asked as JC's hands gripped her hips and moved her so she was laying on her back rather than on her side.  He stopped at her comment, his eyes even with her own, and one of his eyebrows raised as though he were trying to tell her that he certainly did not appreciate her interruptions. 

                "And I'll just be quiet now," she whispered.

                "I think that's a good idea," JC whispered back, directly in her ear before he licked it and started to move down her body.

                Krystal wasn't quite sure this could be considered a body bath since JC definitely did not seem to be trying to get her clean and he didn't pay attention to absolutely every inch of her skin, but she was being thoroughly pampered by his mouth at the moment.  He licked and sucked at her flesh and it was as good a massage as any two capable hands could have given her.

                He traveled slowly down her body, taking his time as though her confession that she was simply going to sleep in all weekend was a confession that she had nothing to do but offer her body to whatever he wanted to do to her.  When he reached her breasts, he chose the left one first, and worked in large circles.  He licked and sucked first the flesh from the top of her chest, working around her breast.  Slowly, the circle he was working became smaller and smaller until he had found her nipple.  There he patiently licked, sucked and nibbled as though he was sure that if he worked her hard enough, he would be rewarded with something even more tasty than her skin.  Krystal squirmed beneath him, feeling a need for that mouth of his somewhere much lower than her breast.

                "Be still now," he mumbled against her flesh.  "You are supposed to be relaxing."

                "I'm trying," she said.

                He continued his journey down her body, stopping to lick the outline of her ribs which he could feel beneath her flesh.  Lower and lower his tongue work until he reached her hipbone.  There he started at the very left of her body and kissed a line from one side to the other passing over her stomach.  Krystal wondered if she was going to have to forgo her low riding pants for a while to mask a trail of hickies at her waist.

                The thought didn't have very long to linger in her head, because suddenly JC's lips were still lower and were pressing quick kisses on her thighs.  Without having time to realize what she was doing, Krystal opened her legs to him and JC didn't hesitate to dive between them.  His mouth was on her in a moment and he was nibbling at her pussy as though trying to coax it to come out and play with him.

                She was already wet, had been since having woken to the feel of his lips against her flesh, but he had wanted to be sure she was ready for him.  Now that she was, he didn't hold back and let his tongue sneak its way into her body.  His right hand splayed over her stomach and held her down against the bed while his left hand held her open to him.  Krystal thought she was in heaven.

                It didn't take long for JC to push her over the edge, and when he did, he kept working at her, licking and lapping at everything she was offering him.  He sent her over the edge again and was only satisfied with his work when she had completely stopped her

trembling.  With one last lick starting from her lower entrance, up over her stomach, between her breasts, dipping into the hollow of her neck and ending when his tongue met hers, they were face to face again.

                "Relaxed?" he asked her when he saw that her eyes had fluttered open.

                "I can't feel any of my limbs if that counts.  I think my bones have turned to jello."

                "Sounds wonderful."  He nuzzled her neck and she could feel that the activity had gotten him almost as sweaty as it had her even though neither of their bodies had been moving that much.  His lips met hers and he kissed her hard, long and letting his tongue run over every single one of her teeth.  "Now, stay here."

                "Where are you going?" she asked.

                "Part two of helping you relax."

                She didn't understand what he meant, but even if she had wanted to follow him at that moment, she couldn't have because her body would simply have crumpled beneath her.  She listened instead as he moved through the door to her left and decided that had to be the bathroom when she heard what she thought was the shower start.  He was insane if he thought she was going to take a shower now.  She didn't think she could get off the bed, much less stand for a long period of time.

                "Still jello?" he asked, suddenly hovering over her.

                "Um huh, you are very good at what you do."

                He chuckled at that.  "Well thank you very much.  I guess this means I'll just have to carry you to the next part of your relaxing day."

                He stooped down and even though he had just said he was going to do it, she was surprised when he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her from the bed.  She held onto his neck, suddenly finding strength in her arms that she didn't think had been there a few minutes earlier.

                "Ah ha, you little faker."

                "I am not.  Your touch suddenly revived me."  She stuck her tongue out at him and he moved in to bite it gently before she could move away.

                "Here we are," he said as he started to lower her.  Krystal finally noticed that she was surrounded by water.  Her earlier strength had been a fluke however, because she started sinking slowly when he let go of her, unable to keep herself up in the water.

                "Woah, hold on there." JC slid in behind her, and hoisted her up until her back was against his chest and her head was resting on his shoulder.  She lazily turned her head over to look at him.

                "Are we sharing a bath?"

                "I don't trust you in here alone after that," he told her.

                His hands kneaded her shoulders for a few moments and Krystal was once again sure she had found heaven.  When one of his hands moved to work the muscles of her neck, the unoccupied hand traveled south until it met curls.  There he massaged her flesh until she was writhing against him and he could easily find what he had been searching from her.  He slipped one finger into her and despite the fact that they were surrounded by warm water, he could tell that she was wet from something entirely separate from the bath.

                "I thought I was insatiable."

                "You are," she whispered as she tried to find her voice somewhere under her pleasure. "You're just very good at making everyone around you the same."

                "Good to know."  He slipped another finger into her body.

                "JC . . . " she whined.

                "Josh," he corrected.

                "Josh, please, now."

                "There's not much we can do from here, we'll have to-"

                Before he could finish his protest, Krystal had shifted herself until she was sitting on his lap, facing him now.  JC smirked as he arranged her legs more comfortably so they were on either side of him and their lower bodies pressed intimately.

                "I don't-"

                "I'm on the pill," she interrupted, answering his protest that they were without protection.

                Getting her pregnant must have been his only concern because he slid right in after her reassurance.  They sat still for a moment, bodies pressed against one another and simply enjoying the feel of being joined.   When Krystal arched her back, JC took it as his cue to move.

                It was a team effort.  With her legs resting on the bottom of the tub on either side of JC, Krystal could work herself up and down his length while JC's hands at her waist helped her with speed and balance.  They were careless about the water that splashed over the side of the bath as their speed increased and they were especially ignorant of how loud their screams were when they finally came together.

                Krystal collapsed against JC's body.  She had never worked up such a sweat simply by taking a bath.

                "Jello?"  JC asked her as he petted the skin of her back.

                "Definitely jello," she agreed.

                "All right."  He took a moment to get himself in check, then lifted her out of the bath.  Her legs wrapped around his waist and her head rested on his shoulder.

                "This position holds promise too," she whispered into his ear before licking the flesh of it.

                "Later, baby.  I'm ready for another nap and I think we need to rest before we blow each other's minds again."

                "Okay," she whispered against his flesh.

                He'd grabbed towels on the way out of the bathroom and he sat on his desk chair, drying them as well as he could without actually separating their bodies.  Krystal let him take care of them, happy simply leaning against him and already half asleep.  She didn't even realize he had moved until she felt herself being lowered to the mattress of his bed.

                Once he had her settled, he moved away to go back to the desk in the room.

                "Aren't you going to join me?" she called to his back.

                "Yeah," he said, moving back to her with something in his hands.  He sat next to her on the bed and smoothed her damp hair away from her face.  "I know we have the rest of the day together, but I just know I'm going to forget to do this and be kicking myself in the ass later."

                He handed her a piece of paper and a pen.  Krystal looked up at him with confused eyes.

                "Phone number and address.  I am definitely calling you next time I'm in town."

                She smiled and wrote down the information he'd asked for, adding her e-mail address as well.  JC took the paper from her and put it away in a notebook that he had in his night table drawer where Krystal thought she spotted what looked like lyrics.

                "Now," he said as he slipped under the covers, wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled the flesh of her neck.  "Nap."

                "Should we set the alarm to wake us later?"

                "I'll wake you up."  He grinded his lower body against her hip.  "In my own special way.  I promise."


The End


Please tell Rhyming Chick what you thought of this story!