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Chapter 2 - Present

He rolled away from her and stood up. She settled herself comfortably in his bed and watched as he threw on some clothes and started to pace. Abruptly, he turned and faced her. “What are you doing here?” He repeated, clearly distressed. “How did you get in here?!” He sat down at the foot of the bed and looked coldly into her eyes. “Mackenzie, answer me!” Sighing she sat up, still under the covers, and looked at him. “I missed you! I heard you were going to be in town and I thought I’d come see you. Just wanted to drop in on an old friend,” she said sweetly, playfully batting her eyelashes at him. He looked at her incredulously. “An old friend?!” Raking a hand through his hair, he shut his eyes and shook his head. “You really think I consider you an old friend?” She crawled over to him and knelt behind him on the bed. Leaning close, she draped her arms around his neck and kissed his ear. “I’ve missed you too baby,” she said softly. She let her hands wander down his chest as her lips found their way to his neck, kissing and sucking as she went along. Still somewhat dazed, he let it go on for a few moments before pushing her off and standing up again. 

“You know what Mack?” He asked, his back facing her. “I don’t even want to know why you’re here. Just leave ok?” Frowning, she stood up and turned him around to face her. “No, I don’t want to leave yet. I just got here. I meant it when I said I’ve missed you Brian! Why don’t we go out and get something to drink, and we can—“ “Just stop Mack,” Brian said coldly. “You make it sound like we’re old friends who’ve drifted apart.” “Brian, look, I know we didn’t part on very good terms, but can’t we just put that all in the past?” “It is in the past. And that’s where I want it to stay,” he replied softly. Sighing, he sat back down and rubbed his eyes.  

“Why are you really here? I know it’s not just because you missed me. I’d bet that you haven’t even thought of me for the past three years. Why now?” He had never really expected to see her again. After everything she had put him through, he didn’t want to see her again…ever. She just brought up too many memories. Memories and thoughts that he had tried so hard to push away. But even now, after all this time, he was still able to see that sad look in her eyes. Rarely had he been allowed to glimpse it before, when they had been together, but each time it appeared he would worry and ask questions. She hated answering them, he could tell, but she always did. A part of him had and always would pity her, but he just really didn’t want to deal with everything else she reminded him of. 

That’s not true Brian. I think about you at least once a day. But I know it’s not the same for you. It was never the same for you. No matter how hard you tried, no matter how different I could’ve been; there was always one thing that would keep you from ever loving me.  

“Really Bri, I just noticed you were gonna be here and I thought I’d come see you. Sorry to disappoint, but I don’t have an ulterior motive.” Well, that’s not completely true, she thought. Actually, I’ve been following you around for quite some time now because I miss you so much it’s killing me. And today was an especially low point, so I finally worked up the courage to do something about it. What I really want is to feel your arms around me and have you tell me everything will be ok. You’re the only person who ever made me feel the least bit safe. 

Once again he glimpsed that look of sadness and loneliness in her eyes, and so his compassionate side won out and he let her stay. “I know you’re lying, but I’m not gonna press you for the real reason. Now that I’m completely awake, I guess you can stay. For a little bit at least. But I’m not going anywhere. If you want to be with me, you’ll have to stay here.” She pouted and pretended to be disappointed. Truthfully, though, there’s nothing she wanted more. “Hungry?” He asked. She laughed. “No, not really, but it sounds like you are!”  

“So Bri, how’ve ya been?” She asked after he had settled them on the bed with some hotel pizza. “And for God’s sake you don’t have to look at me all suspiciously; I just asked how you are!” Brian shook his head and smiled. “Well, you can’t blame me for being cautious, can you? I mean after all you did to me and—” “Do we have to talk about my mistakes?” She asked softly, her eyes pleading with him not to bring up the past. Sighing he shook his head. “No, we don’t have to.” The two of them sat back and half-heartedly watched a movie. About two hours later, they heard three very loud men in the hall, whose voices Mackenzie recognized as three of his band mates. Brian stood up and made his way to the door. “Mack, stay here…please?” She nodded and lounged out on the bed to prove that she wasn’t going anywhere. 

But as soon as he left she grabbed her purse and went into the bathroom. Seeing Brian, being so close to Brian for these past few hours was getting to her. She needed to calm down, and only one thing did that for her anymore. In truth, she hated the addiction. She knew it was weak and above all she hated being weak. But it was too late for regrets…she was in too deep. She took the small plastic bag out of her purse and emptied her precious white powder onto the small flat mirror. Quickly, before Brian returned, she did the last line of coke that she had. Seconds later, she was out of the bathroom, feeling much less nervous than before.  

She could tell from the loud conversation in the hall that she still had a few minutes. Able to read Brian like a book, she managed to locate his wallet in the back pocket of a pair of jeans that were strewn on the floor. She took the small amount of cash that he had on him as well as a credit card. She knew she would be able to use it at least once before he cancelled it. And hunting her down to retrieve it was, she knew, out of the question. First of all, he had enough money and didn’t really need to worry. Second of all, locating her would require explaining who she was and why she had access to him in the first place. And since no one knew about her, and she knew that’s how Brian wanted to keep it, she wasn’t worried at all.  

She was back in the position he left her with time to spare. When he returned about five minutes later, he was smiling brightly. “You look happy,” she commented. He laughed and sat down next to her. “You’d be smiling too if you had to help two silly ass drunks to bed.” She smiled and moved closer to him, the cocaine making her bolder. His happy state caused him not to notice. “Who?” She asked happily, her eyes shining a little too brightly. “Nick and Howie.” He shook his head and laughed again. “As if they’re not crazy enough…alcohol only makes them worse. But I think AJ gets a bigger kick out of them than I do.” Hmm, AJ, she thought. Too bad he’s fresh outta rehab or maybe he’d be able to help me out with some coke. She wondered what Brian would think if he knew she had slept with AJ once. And she wondered what AJ would think if he knew about her relationship with Brian. Then again…AJ probably wouldn’t even remember her. But now, there was one thought and one thought only on her mind.  

“So, how is your precious Nicky?” She asked in a soft, seductive voice. Instantly he jumped away from her saccharine voice and her roaming hands. “I’m not gonna play that game with you again Mackenzie. Why don’t you just leave?” His icy cold voice didn’t break through her drug-induced haze. If it had, she would’ve quit while she was ahead. “Oh Brian,” she pouted dramatically. “You mean you never told him how much you wanna fuck him?”  

He grabbed her by her arms and yanked her off of his bed. “Mackenzie—” She kissed him roughly and wrapped her arms tightly around his back. He tried to shake her off but she had a tight grip, and he didn’t want to hurt her…physically. She kissed his cheek and nibbled on his earlobe. “You never told him how badly you wanna kiss him and touch him?” She whispered, her tongue swirling over his ear. “Why not Brian? He’s your best friend, he loves you…maybe he wants more too.” “Stop it,” he whispered, her words defeating him easily. She ran her hands up and down his back as she continued planting soft kisses all over his neck and ear.  

“How many times have you dreamed about him? Fantasized about him?” She smiled devilishly as his breathing increased slightly. “Running your hands through his pretty blonde hair, pressing your lips to that perfectly sculpted mouth and tasting him? His naked body lying in your bed, waiting for you? The way your eyes would connect as you make love to him, and watching his face when he comes? Hearing him scream your name? You want all of that so badly, don’t you Bri?” “Mackenzie, stop it, please,” he begged, his eyes tightly shut, his arms now loosely wrapped around her waist. When she pulled back and looked at him, he opened his eyes and instantly she felt guilty. “You’ve never told anyone, huh?” She asked softly, trying to get him to open up. He shook his head. “No,” he whispered. 

Sighing, she pulled him to the bed and sat down. Really wishing that she hadn’t taken that coke earlier, she grabbed a bottle of water and downed about half of it in an attempt to clear her head. She had wanted to tease him; she hadn’t wanted to make him upset. But now he was, and it was all her fault. He was leaning forward, his elbows on his knees and was staring at the floor. Tentatively, she reached out and put her hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry Brian,” she said softly. “I just don’t understand why you won’t tell him and—” “And lose my best friend? I don’t think so,” he said, turning to face her. “But why do you think you would lose him?” He laughed bitterly and sat up. “Tell him I want him? That I’m attracted to him and probably always have been? Tell him I’m gay? He’d flip!”  

She bit her lip and frowned. He had never actually said it out loud before…that he was gay. She had always known of his fascination with his best friend. It was more than friendship. She had always been able to see that in his eyes. Finally, after everything she could think of, she had been able to get him to realize it. And that was how she lost him. 

< All I’ve Ever Had >