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Just One Kiss

By:  Rhonda

“Same answer as before Nicky…no,” Brian said with a smile, preparing himself for the whining he knew would ensue. “But why Brian?” Nick asked, his voice indeed whiny. “It would be so good baby,” he purred, moving closer to his best friend, a seductive glint in his eyes. Brian swallowed hard and looked around desperately for something that would distract the blonde.

This was beginning to be difficult. For the past six months Nick had been making it his mission to get Brian into bed. The two had always been undeniably attracted to one another. Always touching, always playing, always sleeping in each other’s arms. However, neither of them had ever really been aware of their attraction, even if it was plain as day to Kevin, AJ and Howie. But it had all changed one day when Brian came across his best friend at the wrong time.


Bored as hell on their day off he had been looking for Nick, hoping to play some basketball or a video game. The two always kept keys to each other’s hotel rooms because they were constantly leaving things in the other’s. But on that day, the instant he had opened Nick’s door, he had known he should turn around and leave. He had been able to hear the younger man’s breathing…irregular gasps for air and soft little moans, whimpers. But something had kept him there…curiosity, desire…he wasn’t quite sure.

His back against the wall, he had moved slowly, quietly, further into the room until the blonde came into sight. He had been sitting on the edge of his bed, naked, looking as if he had just left the shower; eyes squeezed shut, mouth open. One hand was clutching desperately to the comforter beneath him, the other wrapped around his cock, stroking himself frantically. Brian had been forced to clamp a hand over his mouth to prevent a tortured moan from escaping. He had grown hard instantly at the sight of Nick that way. And he had known he should leave, but his feet had been glued to the floor; he hadn’t been able to look away.

Unwittingly, Brian had let his hand slide down his body, unbutton his pants and slip inside his boxers. His eyes had never left Nick as he stroked himself, each touch identical to the younger man’s on his own body. In his pleasure-clouded mind, Brian hadn’t been able to see past his orgasm. He hadn’t prepared for what would happen after they both climaxed. Seconds before they had fallen over the edge, Nick’s eyes flew open and immediately found Brian. Neither of them had been able to stop their actions, but they hadn’t looked away either. They had cum at the same time, eyes locked as they reached their pleasure.

When they had both finished, Brian had collapsed against the wall, breathing heavily and wondering what the hell he was supposed to do. Nick, on the other hand, had known instantly what he had wanted. He had stood up and crossed the room slowly until he was in front of his friend. Brian, an expert on Nick’s way of thinking, had read his ideas in his eyes. He had shaken his head. “No Nicky, we can’t,” he had whispered between gasps for air. But Nick had only smiled and took Brian’s face in his hands.

“You’re so fucking hot when you cum,” Nick had whispered seductively, his thumbs caressing Brian’s cheeks. Not as hot as you, Brian had thought to himself. “I want you Brian,” Nick had declared bluntly, leaning forward to press his naked body into Brian’s still clothed one. “And don’t try to tell me you don’t want me too,” Nick’s low voice had gone on, his hot breath mingling with Brian’s desperate attempts to choke down some air.

The truth was Brian had wanted nothing more than to beg Nick to throw him down on that bed and fuck him until he screamed. But his heart had stopped him. No, he wasn’t in love with Nick then and he still wasn’t now, but his fear was that he would fall harder than he ever had the instant their lips met and their arms wrapped around each other. He knew without a doubt that he would lose his heart to the younger man the first time they touched. And then what? Nick just wanted sex. He wanted sex once with his best friend to satisfy his curiosity. And then when it was over Nick would be the same and Brian would be heartbroken.

So he had pushed Nick away that day and told him sex would ruin their friendship. “Sex always ruins friendship,” he had said. But Nick was persistent. From then on he had continued to try, every chance he got, to get Brian into bed with him. He tried seduction, he tried flaunting himself, he tried reason. Truthfully, he didn’t even really understand why he needed this so badly. He just knew that from the moment he had seen Brian in his room that day, he wanted him.


They were the only two left in the backstage dressing room, having just showered after the concert. This was actually their last concert before a weeklong break, and the five of them were all anxious to relax. Nick had decided, before the show, that it was high time he and Brian stopped playing this game. This time, he wasn’t taking no for an answer. It wouldn’t be too hard; he knew he was getting to Brian. He had been so close to giving in for the past few weeks. Every time Nick came near Brian, he made sure to touch him. It wasn’t unusual. The two of them were always touching each other, but now each touch held so much more.

Brian smiled, shook his head no and turned away to finish dressing. Already in his jeans he pulled a t-shirt over his head and hoped that Nick would just give up already. But he knew his best friend well enough to not be surprised when his arms came around his waist. Nick pressed his body into Brian’s back and pulled the older man against him tightly. Not wanting to play around anymore, he moved quickly. He lowered his mouth to Brian’s neck and kissed the soft skin he found there. “Nick…” Brian barely whispered, trying to find his voice to protest even as his hands came up to rest on Nick’s arms. He let himself fall back into his best friend’s embrace, sighing when he felt Nick’s tongue on his skin.

“Just let go Bri,” Nick whispered, his voice deep. “Give in to me…I promise you it’ll be so good,” he purred into Brian’s ear between licks of his skin. He pulled Brian even closer, making sure to rub his semi-erect cock into Brian’s ass. “Nick, we—” “Brian, tell me you don’t want me,” Nick interrupted, not willing to let the older man push him away. “Tell me you don’t want me and I’ll stop…forever I promise.” His tongue flicked Brian’s earlobe and then went further up his ear, his fingers working their way beneath Brian’s shirt at the same time.

“I want you so bad,” Nick went on, his hot breath weakening Brian with every word. “Ever since that day…all I think about is you and me together. I want to kiss every inch of you,” he said softly, sending shivers all over Brian’s body. “I wanna know what you taste like…fuck B, you make me so hot, so hard,” Nick practically moaned, rubbing his hips against Brian’s ass to emphasize his point. “Oh God Bri…just picture it,” he went on slowly, nibbling on Brian’s ear and neck between words. Brian squeezed his eyes shut and tried to catch his breath. He wanted nothing more than to give in to Nick. Maybe I’ll be fine…maybe I should just say yes.

“Picture it baby,” Nick repeated in a breathy voice, the simple act of Nick calling him baby wreaking its own havoc on him. “I’d kiss you all over, touch you everywhere. You’d be so hot for me Bri.” Brian moaned when Nick’s fingers slipped beneath his jeans, caressing the soft skin below his navel. Nick smiled to himself, knowing he was getting closer to his goal. “I’d take your hips in my hands,” he continued, as he let his fingers move to Brian’s hips. “And then…I’d suck your cock. You’d slip your hands into my hair and hold me there as I suck you. Push yourself into my hot, wet mouth, all the way to the back of my throat and—” “Oh God…Nicky, you gotta stop…please,” Brian begged in a desperate whisper.

He wanted to give in so badly. He wanted everything Nick was saying. And he wasn’t even sure why he was resisting anymore. “Tell me you don’t want me and I’ll stop…” He removed one of his hands from Brian’s hip and cupped his now hard cock through his jeans. “You want me, don’t you B?” Nick whispered when Brian’s head fell back on his shoulder. “You wanna be with me…Brian, baby, let me…I wanna fuck you,” he said softly, leaning down to kiss the older man’s cheek. “Please Bri…say yes…tell me you want me,” Nick whispered, trailing his lips across Brian’s jawbone.

“I want you Nick,” Brian finally whispered, unable to fight his younger friend anymore. “Yes…yes, I’ll sleep with you…please.” Nick smiled widely and let go of his friend, happy with his victory and Brian’s desperate whimpers. “One thing though Nick,” Brian said softly when he had regained his composure. “What’s that Frick?” Nick asked, still smiling. “No kissing,” Brian said firmly. “It’s too…personal and we’re not…well, we’re not lovers, we’re friends and I don’t want to lose that and—” “Hey, hey Bri, it’s ok,” Nick said with a soft smile, sensing his friend’s distress. “I’d never let anything ruin our friendship, ok? Believe me, it’s way too important to me to lose. And I think you’re right about the kissing thing. I mean, it’s not just gonna be casual sex for us…there’s too many feelings between us for that. So yeah, we shouldn’t kiss…it could make things too intense.” Brian smiled at him, relieved that he had agreed.

“So uh…when Nicky?” Brian asked shyly after a few minutes of silence as they gathered up what was left of their stuff. “You’re coming home with me,” Nick said smugly. “Tonight and we’ll…in two days. We’ll rest tomorrow,” he said, winking slyly at his friend. “But I don’t have a—” “Plane ticket? Here,” Nick said with a smile as he handed him one. “You arrogant little bastard!” Brian exclaimed, smiling. “What if I had said no?!”

“You wouldn’t have,” Nick said surely as they picked up their bags and headed towards their van. “Oh really?” Nick smiled and threw an arm around Brian’s shoulders. “I know you too well…I knew it was only a matter of time before you gave in.” “But what if—” “Brian,” Nick interrupted, stopping and turning to face his friend. “You said yes. That’s all that matters.”



That was all that the note said. Brian stared at the small slip of paper that he held in his shaking hand and ran his other hand through his hair. A few hours ago Nick had told him to leave for a little while so he could prepare for their night. At the time Brian had just rolled his eyes and laughed, waving goodbye to his friend and leaving. After all, what could Nick possibly need time to prepare for? They were just gonna have sex. Nothing special or…romantic. Brian swallowed hard as he began slowly climbing the stairs. He was nervous as hell. On his way back to Nick’s house he had checked his appearance almost every two minutes in the car.

All of his doubts and reasons as to why they shouldn’t do this ran through his head with lightening speed. But stronger than that was his overwhelming desire to know. He needed to know…needed to be with Nick, just this one time. But what if you fall for him?! A voice screamed in his head. But he silenced that voice. He had to know. Taking a deep breath, he reached out and opened the door to Nick’s bedroom.

The sight that greeted him made his heart catch in his throat. Deep red satin sheets on the bed, candles everywhere… “Oh God Nicky,” he whispered, his hand nervously running through his curls. Nick was nowhere to be seen, but another note lay in the middle of the bed. Nervously, Brian reached out and grabbed it, anxious to see what it said.

I want you naked. In bed. Ten minutes.

Brian shuddered and closed his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he realized that this was it. No turning back now. One last time his worries and fears ran though his brain, keeping him glued to his spot on the floor. But it didn’t take long for desire and lust to overtake them.

Taking another deep breath, Brian pulled his shirt over his head and threw it to the floor. His jeans and boxers soon followed and he climbed into bed. He sat with his back against the headboard amongst several satin-covered pillows, stretched his legs out in front of him, and waited anxiously for his best friend.

Nick stood outside of his room and breathed deeply. He had watched from down the hall as Brian had gone inside. He could tell that his best friend was nervous…probably as nervous as he was. True, all of this had been his idea, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t scared to death right now. After all this was Brian! The man he had admired and looked up to since the day they had met. And no matter how hard he had tried to convince Brian that this wouldn’t change anything between them, he knew that was impossible. The fact was, Nick was afraid, very afraid, that after tonight things could never be the same.

He just hoped that things changed in a good way and not a bad one. He didn’t know what he would do if he and Brian ever drifted apart. Brian was like his other half, the person who knew and understood him best, his protector. And there was another voice in his head telling him things even far more frightening than the thought of losing him. Nick, what if you fall in love with him? He swallowed hard and tried his best to ignore that voice. But it was always there, in the back of his thoughts. From the moment he had met Brian they had clicked almost magically. When he had been younger, he had teetered on the edge of falling for the older man for a few years. And still, even now, he knew that it would be all too easy to fall for him. What if sleeping with him pushes me over the edge? But his mind and body were too far seeped in curiosity to let his fears stop him.

When he opened the door he nearly gasped. His eyes were immediately drawn to Brian…he looked gorgeous. His tan skin seemed to glow in the soft candlelight; his dirty blonde hair looked golden, seeming to form a halo around his head. He smiled nervously at Nick, his blue eyes shining. Brian too, was quite taken aback by Nick’s appearance. The younger man looked beautiful. Warm and voluptuous…every part of him seemed to shimmer in the light from the candles.

Brian’s eyes were drawn to his best friend’s lips…they looked so soft, so sensuous…. He had to remind himself that regrettably, they couldn’t kiss. Slowly, Nick made his way towards Brian and climbed into bed next to him. He sat facing him and reached a hand out to cup his cheek. “You’re sure?” Nick asked softly, his voice hoarse, his eyes burning. Brian covered Nick’s hand with his own and pressed his lips to his palm. “Yes,” he whispered, his breath tickling Nick’s skin as he looked into his eyes.

Nick pulled Brian into his arms and let his hands run down the soft skin of his back. They both wanted so badly to kiss, but neither was willing to break their rule for fear of what might happen. Smiling softly, Nick slipped one hand into Brian’s hair, letting the other slide around his lower back. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to Brian’s neck, loving the way the older man’s arms automatically wrapped around him.

Brian fell back into the pillow, pulling Nick with him. He slid his fingers into the blonde’s hair, pulling him closer, loving the feel of Nick’s mouth on his neck. Nick moved so that he was lying fully on top of the older man, his arms still around him as he sucked on his neck. Brian moaned softly at the feel of Nick’s body pressed against his. Nick ground his hips into Brian’s, rubbing their arousals together. The heat from Nick’s body was incredible. It washed over Brian’s entire body, making him arch upwards and moan for more. Nick smiled to himself as he closed his lips around Brian’s small nipple, his hands still on Brian’s back, pulling him closer. He moved from one to the other, stopping in between to caress Brian’s scar with his tongue.

After a few more moments, he slid his hands out from underneath Brian’s back and ran them down his sides. He brushed Brian’s hips lightly and let his fingers continue across the older man’s hips. Brian shivered. The combined sensations of Nick sucking and licking his chest and his feather-light touches on his legs were driving him wild. He knew Nick had so much more to offer him, and his body was tingling in anticipation, warm with desire.

Nick went lower, his mouth slowly working its way across Brian’s stomach, licking the soft skin, stopping often to suck at certain areas so Brian would moan again and again. Every time he let out that low sexy sound Nick felt it throughout his whole body. He never thought that pleasing Brian this way would arouse him so much. “I love to hear you moan baby,” he whispered devilishly. Nick licked a small trail from Brian’s navel up to the center of his stomach, wetting the skin with his tongue. When he raised his mouth, he blew lightly on the skin, the coolness making Brian’s shiver and moan more. He ran his hands down Brian’s thighs again, marveling at how soft his skin was. As he dipped his tongue into Brian’s navel, he slid his hands underneath Brian’s knees and lifted his legs, pushing them apart slightly. As he moved lower he could hear his friend gasping for breath and almost whimpering softly. He felt Brian’s hands in his hair, winding strands around fingers and tugging absently.

“Bri?” Nick asked softly as he settled himself between Brian’s legs, and leaned forward to press small, butterfly kisses to the skin just above his throbbing cock. “God Nicky…what?” Brian gasped breathlessly. He looked down to where Nick lay between his legs and couldn’t help the moan that escaped when their eyes met. “Tell me what you want…” Nick teased, letting his tongue dart out to lick at the tip of Brian’s cock. He loved the fact that Brian was watching him. The eye contact made the moment all the more erotic. “Your mouth…” Brian moaned, unable to take his eyes from Nick’s. Both sets of blue were blazing with lust. One desperate to please, the other desperate to receive. “On me…I want your mouth on me…sucking me…Nicky, please,” Brian said, his voice husky and full of desire. Nick had never heard it sound sexier.

Wanting nothing more than to comply with Brian’s wishes, Nick squeezed the older man’s hips and lowered his mouth to his cock. He surrounded the tip with his full lips, sucking him into his warm mouth and pushing his tongue into the slit. “Fuck,” Brian hissed, biting down on his lip, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. Nick had barely done anything yet, and he was already aching for more. Nick was instantly addicted to the way Brian tasted, the way he felt in his mouth. He loved it.

Nick squeezed Brian’s hips as he took his cock deeper into his mouth. The more he took, the further he slid his arms around Brian’s waist. He couldn’t get over how soft and how smooth Brian’s skin was to touch, nor could he get past the satiny smooth taste of him. He pushed both of his hands into the small of Brian’s back, drawing him upwards and further into his mouth.

Brian moaned loudly and tangled his fingers in Nick’s hair. He let his head drop back onto the pillows, though he struggled to maintain his eye contact with the younger man. He pulled Nick closer, pushing upwards, needing to be completely buried in his best friend’s warm, wet mouth. Nick gladly opened wider, wanting to take all of him. When Brian’s cock hit the back of his throat he shuddered along with the older man, unable to believe how much he was getting aroused by this.

Brian’s mouth dropped open as he tried to scream, tried to moan, but was only barely able to breathe. The pleasure was so intense it was almost painful. His whole body was hot, and all he could concentrate on was the way Nick was sucking him, deep throating him and bobbing his head up and down on his lap. “Jesus Nicky…you’re so fucking good…oh my God…fuck!” Brian screamed as Nick, once again, took him as deep as possible and then hummed softly. The vibrations sent Brian right to the edge. He tightened his grip in Nick’s hair and held his head in place. “Nicky, I’m gonna…oh fuck Nick, I….” His words melted into moans as he let go and came in the younger man’s mouth.

Eagerly, Nick drank down as much of him as he could, not letting his cock out of his mouth until he was soft. When he finally let go, he licked his lips, and smiled devilishly up at a panting Brian. He kissed his way back up Brian’s body stopping when he reached his chin. He wanted desperately to kiss him, to let Brian taste himself in his mouth, to affirm the intimacy of what they had just done, but he stopped himself. Brian, however, was wishing the same thing as Nick. He wanted to wrap his arms around the younger man’s back and pull him into a deep kiss. But, like Nick, he didn’t. He did pull his friend close though and plant soft little kisses all over his face, wanting him to know just how much he was loving this.

“That was incredible Nicky,” Brian whispered, leaning upwards and pushing his forehead into Nick’s, staring into his dark blue eyes. “Brian…I want you so bad,” Nick whispered seductively, rubbing his throbbing cock against Brian’s middle, arousing the older man again. “I want you too,” Brian replied softly, still staring into his best friend’s eyes. “Inside me…please Nicky. I wanna feel you in me.” Nick bit down on his lip, attempting to stifle a small moan. Once again an overwhelming desire to kiss his friend took hold of him.

“Oh God Bri, you feel so good,” Nick moaned when Brian arched upwards into him, dropping his hands to the younger man’s ass and pulling their bodies together tightly. Brian loved the way Nick’s face scrunched up in pleasure, the way his mouth dropped open… He wanted to suck on Nick’s lips, his tongue…still, though, he stopped himself. “Bri, I need you now…” Nick moaned, sliding his hands up and down Brian’s upper arms. “Your skin is so soft,” he whispered absently, bringing a smile to Brian’s face.

Never leaving their embrace, Nick reached across the bed to the nightstand and grabbed the lube he had made sure to place there earlier. Coating a finger with it, he leaned down to kiss Brian’s neck as he let his finger probe Brian’s tight entrance. Instantly Brian pulled him closer and urged him on with a small whimper.

Nick knew Brian had never been with another man before, at least not in this way. The two of them had long ago confessed their sexuality to one another, both of them finding that they had a preference for both men and women. And while Nick had eagerly sought out men to be with, Brian was not quite so bold. Nick knew, from what his best friend had told him, that he had gone so far as to get a blow job from another man, but never so far as to actually have sex. Nick was thrilled to be his first.

He pushed first one and then another finger into Brian, watching his face for any signs of pain. Brian kept his eyes on Nick’s the whole time, shutting them only when an intense wave of pleasure jolted through his entire body. “Oh fuck baby…do that again, please!” Brian begged. Nick smiled, pleased to have found his prostate, even more pleased to hear Brian call him baby.

But Nick didn’t comply with his request. He wanted to give him more, and he was in dire need of his own release. “Oh God Bri…” Nick moaned when he felt the older man’s hands on his cock, spreading lube on it, and bringing him dangerously close to his climax. Reluctantly, Nick pulled Brian’s hands away from his cock and eagerly positioned himself at his entrance. He looked down into Brian’s eyes, needing to be completely sure. Brian drew his knees up to give Nick better access and ran his hands up the younger man’s arms. “Take me Nicky…now. Make me yours.”

Nick grasped Brian’s hips in his hands and pushed forward slowly. He couldn’t help the low moan that escaped his lips the second he felt the head of him buried in Brian’s hot tightness. Brian clutched at the bed sheet beneath him and bit down on his lip in pain. Nick watched him in concern, reading the hurt on his face. But Brian saw the look in Nick’s eyes and shook his head. He needed this badly. Needed to have Nick be a part of him…if only for tonight.

Make me yours. Why had he said that? He couldn’t be Nick’s. Not in the way he found himself dangerously close to wanting…even needing. Make me yours. Nick wanted nothing more than to do just that. He wanted more than just this one night, although he knew it was impossible.

The pain of Nick’s entry lessened considerably, the further he pushed. “More Nicky…please,” Brian gasped, arching upwards to take the younger man deeper. Nick couldn’t believe how good Brian felt. He could barely breathe, his mind so clouded with deep pleasure. When he had pushed as far as he could he let out the breath he had been holding and looked down into Brian’s intense blue eyes. Brian stared back up at him as he gasped desperately for air.

Neither could take what they saw there. Too much, too powerful…emotions they didn’t even know they had mirrored in each other’s eyes. “Nick…I need you to…oh fuck,” Brian moaned as Nick pulled out and thrust back into him slowly, leaning forward slightly and supporting his weight with his hands on the bed. “Jesus Bri you’re so fucking tight…so hot…oh God you feel so fucking good,” Nick moaned, his voice husky and low.

Again, they met each other’s stare, watching the pleasure flicker in one another’s eyes. This feeling of being one person, of connecting so powerfully with each other was forcing the emotions they had wanted to badly to prevent. Nick leaned down, closer to Brian, pushing into him at a new angle and hitting his prostate. His arms reached under the older man, drawing him up slightly as Brian wrapped his arms tightly around the blonde’s back.

They were one body, joined together, chests pressing against one another, eyes lost in the depths of the other’s. Nick’s thrusts were still slow, determined, though neither could take much more. Their hands found their way into each other’s hair at the same time. And then, amongst their passion, they gave in.

Nick pressed his mouth to Brian’s, sighing in relief at the touch of their lips pressed together. Anxiously, Brian began sucking on Nick’s bottom lip, running his tongue over the soft, silky flesh and inviting Nick in. He opened his mouth eagerly for Nick’s tongue, moaning when it met his own. Nick massaged Brian’s tongue with his own, tasting him frantically. They kissed each other deeply, exploring one another’s mouths, never once breaking the seal of their lips as their tongues touched, tangled, made love.

Fast approaching his climax, Nick lowered Brian back to the bed beneath them and stretched out on top of him, moaning when Brian wrapped his legs around his back and pulled him even deeper. He took Brian’s hands in his own and stretched his arms up over his head. He linked their fingers and leaned down further until their mouths met again.

Brian’s broke their needy kiss and gasped for air, his orgasm rapidly approaching. “Nicky, I’m so close…oh fuck, go deeper, please, I…I need you deeper, I….” “Bri, I…I can’t last, you’re so damn good…tight…oh God Bri, I’m gonna…cum with me Brian…I need you there with me!” Once more, Nick slammed into Brian, as deeply as he could and came hard, his orgasm washing over him, more powerful and intense than any he had ever had. Brian felt Nick’s warmth deep inside him and it sent him over the edge. Without even touching himself he came, spilling his pleasure hotly between their stomachs and crying out Nick’s name.

Nick continued to thrust into Brian, prolonging both of their orgasms as well as their incredible closeness. Finally he let his head fall onto Brian’s chest, his body following. Both of them whimpered at the loss of their connection when Nick slowly pulled out and rolled off of the older man. Their arms were instantly around each other as they nestled themselves in each other’s warm embrace.

After catching their breath and drifting back down from the clouds, they turned to face each other, both excited and nervous to meet the other’s eyes. “Nick.” “Brian.” They smiled shyly, both of them blushing. “You go first,” Brian whispered. “We broke our rule,” Nick said softly, not quite sure how to say what was in his heart. “And I…Brian I….” “I fell in love with you too Nicky,” Brian said in a soft voice. He had always been better at reading Nick’s thoughts than the other way around. Nick’s eyes filled with tears even as he smiled.

“You…you did?” He asked hoarsely. “That’s why I didn’t want to kiss you in the first place,” Brian explained. “Because I was afraid that the instant we kissed, I’d fall for you. But it wasn’t just that,” he went on. “Nicky…feeling you inside me, part of me…you made me complete then and I felt like I was home.” Nick cupped Brian’s face in his hands and kissed him softly. “When I was inside you,” Nick started slowly, “We were connected and that’s how…that’s how I’ve always wanted to feel with you. It was like we were one person.” Brian could only nod and run his fingers through Nick’s sweaty hair. His own eyes filled with tears at the _expression he saw on Nick’s face.

“I love you Nick,” he whispered, ecstatic to say the words aloud. “I love you too Bri,” Nick said, smiling softly. Brian leaned forward and kissed the younger man slowly, pushing his tongue into his warm mouth and tasting his new love. When they broke their kiss, they nestled themselves in each other’s arms, sighing contentedly. “Bri?” Nick asked softly. Brian looked up into his eyes, hearing a bit of that young, insecure boy he had met so many years ago in Nick’s voice. “Forever?” He asked timidly, chewing on his lower lip. Brian smiled brightly and nodded. He leaned down and kissed him softly. “Yes, forever…there’s nothing I want more.”

The End


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