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Chapter 13

Madison could tell from first glance that things with Nick were so much better than they had been when he had left. The sparkle was back in his eyes and his smile was bright again. She stood in the doorway to his room unnoticed, watching him unpack. She was happy for these few moments she had before he turned and saw her. His broken heart had worried her greatly. Nick was an innocent. He was someone special, someone truly kind and loving, and he deserved, more than anyone she had ever met, to have a happy and satisfying life full of love. Just before he turned, she saw him pause when his eyes met the framed photo of Brian he kept on his dresser. He smiled softly, his eyes taking on a tender glow, and for a moment he just stared. But then he turned around and met her gaze and the spell was broken. 

“Maddy!” He exclaimed, a little startled. “When did you get in?” He asked, throwing his bag into the bottom of his closet and motioning her to sit down on his bed. “A few minutes ago. So how was your break? And why didn’t you call me?” She asked, feigning anger. He smiled, knowing she was kidding, and sat down next to her. He hugged her tightly for a few moments then pulled back and smiled. “I’m sorry I didn’t call, I was just…my break was wonderful,” he said softly, his cheeks turning slightly pink. She reached out and ran her fingers through his hair and then pulled her hand back, a gesture that had become quite frequent in their friendship.  

“He took away your pain,” she remarked softly, seeing plainly for herself that the heartbreak was no longer in his eyes. He said nothing, only nodded. The two of them spent the rest of the day together in his room. Nick told her everything that had happened between Brian and himself. At first, as she listened, she was still wary about Brian and the way he had treated Nick before. Cynical by nature, she wasn’t sure she trusted someone who had broken the sweetest of hearts. But Nick’s eyes didn’t lie. They believed in Brian and in his love, and his faith was so great that it was impossible for her to remain unaffected. 

The next couple of months were unbearable for Nick. He could barely concentrate on anything…not his classes, not his impending graduation, not even the several offers for jobs that truly interested him. None of it mattered as much as Brian did. There were only a few days that went by without the two of them speaking to one another on the phone. And things were the same for Brian. He was always losing himself in thoughts of Nick. He knew he loved him. It was all so simple now. But this time apart was good for them, or at least it was good for Brian. It gave him the chance to realize just how much he didn’t want to be alone any longer. He wanted to be with Nick. Always. The more time that passed, the deeper Brian realized he was in love. And he was overwhelmed by how much he wanted to tell him. There were a few times when were talking that he almost said it. But he caught himself each time. He didn’t want to say it for the first time over the phone. He wanted Nick in his arms when he told him. He wanted to feel his heart beating against his own. He wanted to watch the blonde’s eyes shimmer with happiness. He wanted to kiss him and feel all that love. 

Although he was disappointed, Brian understood completely when Nick called to tell him that he wouldn’t be home for spring break. It was his last semester of college and his friends were pleading with him to go on their trip to Cancun. Nick was incredibly torn. He wanted to go on the trip, he really did. However, he ached to see Brian. But just by talking with Brian, things were easier. Brian assured him that it was ok, and that they would be together soon. So Nick agreed to go to Mexico with his friends, although he was sure he’d probably end up just missing Brian. 

Nonetheless, and to Nick’s secret surprise, he had an amazing time. It didn’t change the fact that he still missed Brian an awful, awful lot. He called him everyday and spent several hours on the phone with him. Brian too was missing him desperately. It had been too long since he had seen his face, looked into those gorgeous blue eyes or held that warm body in his arms. But he could confidently give Nick this freedom, this adventure, because he knew, and he trusted his heart. And the last thing he ever wanted was for Nick to regret missing something because of him…he had always felt that way. 

After that the rest of the semester passed rather uneventfully. When Nick wasn’t working on school projects he was with his friends. Despite the fact that Alex and Madison were now a couple, and Howie and Kevin were together, the group of them still hung out together, along with Jennifer who was still single. But all in all, what Nick was really looking forward to was graduation. Because graduation meant Brian…Brian’s arms, Brian’s touch, Brian’s kiss, and Brian’s love. Nick knew it was there. He heard it in the older man’s voice each time he called.  

Whenever he was alone, he daydreamed about Brian and the life that lay ahead of them. He had already made up his mind that despite the many job offers he was looking into in New York, that he would rather live in California. It was his home, and he couldn’t bear being away from his family for a long period of time anymore. Plus he knew just how much Brian loved California now…hell, he loved it too, more than New York, which he loved a great deal. But honestly, it didn’t matter to Nick; as long as he was with Brian he’d be happy. 


“Brian’s not here?” Nick asked, sounding crushed, quickly lowering his eyes. Nick’s mom took him by the arm and pulled him aside, away from the crowd of people that were swarming around. She brushed his hair back from his forehead and smiled softly at him, his hurt _expression making her heart ache. “Honey, he wanted to be here so badly, but he couldn’t get out of this project. I know he’s told you about the account he’s been working on and how important it is to him. You can understand that he had to be there to see it through, right?” She asked softly. Nick pouted and bit down on his lower lip, threatening himself not to cry. “Yes,” he whispered, although in his heart he couldn’t. He couldn’t understand why Brian wasn’t here now at his graduation. 

He had met his parents just fifteen minutes ago in the crowded courtyard outside of the main building of his university. After hugging everyone, asking about the flight and telling them where they would be sitting, Nick had quickly noticed Brian’s absence. Everyone was here. His mom, his dad, his brother and sister and even Brian’s aunt and uncle, but no Brian.  

He watched, out of the corner of his eye as Cindy knelt down to say hello to Marissa’s two children. He and Marissa had remained friendly after he had come back to school after Christmas. She was eager to hear how things had gone with Brian and he had found himself eager to tell her. No matter how close he and Madison were, Marissa and he shared something he never could with Madison. And sometimes he had desperately needed to talk about Brian with someone who knew him. And Nick had been so anxious for Brian to see her again. Not to mention the fact that Marissa herself was very eager to see him so she could apologize for leaving him behind, and with the hopes that they might be friends again. But now…Brian wasn’t here. 

“You better go sweetie,” Jane said softly, noticing that many of the students were congregating in a specific area. Madison appeared next to them and smiled. “You must be Nick’s mom,” she said, smiling, though Nick’s _expression instantly made her realize something was wrong. But Nick forced a smile and ran his fingers through his hair. “Mom, this is Madison, who I’ve told you about. Maddy, this is my mom,” he said, introducing the two. Jane smiled at her. “Hello Madison, it’s so nice to finally meet you. Nick talks about you a lot,” she said. Madison smiled curiously. “Oh really? Only good things, I hope?” She teased, glancing back and forth between mother and son. Jane laughed. “Of course.” 

After chatting for a little while longer, Madison and Nick left to join their fellow students, finding Jen in the crowd and quickly asking her if they’d missed anything important. Jane joined Cindy who was now talking with Marissa; the two of them catching up on the past several years they’d been out of each other’s lives.  

“Well, that was hard,” she said, sighing and looking over to see if she could find her son in the crowd of students in dark blue graduation robes. “You told him Brian wouldn’t be here?” Cindy asked. Jane nodded, still trying to find Nick in the crowd to make sure he was ok. But she gave up and then smiled brightly at her friend. “God, he’s going to be so surprised,” Jane murmured. “And happy,” Cindy added, more to herself than anyone else. 

“Brian’s not coming?” Marissa asked, interrupting their thoughts. She sounded upset. Cindy smiled and shook her head. “He’s already here,” she whispered. “He’s going to surprise Nick later. He’s here somewhere now too, but he doesn’t want Nick to see him,” she added. “But he wouldn’t miss seeing him graduate for anything,” Jane put in. Marissa smiled. “How long are you all going to be in New York?” She asked, looking back and forth between Cindy and Jane. “I think we’re staying for like a week or so,” Jane answered. “Bob and I want to take Aaron and Angel around the city.” “Do you think Brian will be here for a little while? I’d really like to see him…” she said softly. She had been thinking about this for weeks now, and was as excited as she was nervous about seeing the man she had known only as a lost and broken teenager. 

“I know he’s not planning on rushing back to California right away,” Cindy said, smiling at her long lost friend. “He’s going to surprise Nick tonight, after graduation, and then he intends on staying here for at least a week before helping Nick pack and bring everything back home. I know he’d love to see you again Marissa,” she said. Marissa nodded. Before any of them could say anything more, Marissa’s daughter Lori came running over, wanting to know when she would get to see her aunt Madison. Minutes later, an announcement was made for people to please take their seats because the ceremony would be beginning shortly. 

“He’s not here?!” Madison asked quietly, outraged. She couldn’t believe Brian would do this to him. That was it. Despite her belief that Brian truly did love Nick, he had hurt her friend one too many times to be on her good list. Nick shook his head and stared straight ahead, brushing the tassel out of his face and pretending to listen to the first of what would be several rather boring speakers. “Mom said he wanted to be, but he couldn’t get out of--” “That’s bullshit Nick!” Madison argued, whispering rather loudly. She coughed, hoping to cover her outburst, and leaned closer to him. Being that they were seated very closely amongst several students, it wasn’t like they had a lot of privacy. 

“Maddy, please. Don’t do this now, ok?” He begged, turning his head and hitting his mortarboard against hers, causing them both to reach up to adjust them. “But he should be here,” she protested, looking into his eyes with concern. She could see just how hurt he was. “Not now,” he whispered firmly, not leaving room for argument. He turned away from her and went back to pretending to pay attention to the ceremony at hand. She wanted to say more but bit her tongue and slumped down in her less than comfortable chair. Someday, she promised herself…someday she’d meet Brian and she’d tell him exactly what she thought about everything he had done to Nick. And if he broke her best friend’s heart again, she’d make him pay. 


Brian sat on the far extreme side of the courtyard, as far away from Nick’s family, and from where he knew Nick would be as he could. He was aching to run over to where his younger friend sat and wrap him in his arms, but he stayed where he was. He knew Nick was probably very upset right now. He hated that, but he intended to make up for it later. The plan to surprise him had started a few weeks ago when he had bought his plane ticket to come to New York for the graduation. This reunion between the two of them was going to be more important than any of them had been before, and so Brian began thinking about a way to make it as special as possible. After all, he was going to tell Nick that he loved him. Loved him. Brian sighed and smiled happily to himself. He still couldn’t get over how much the meaning of those words had changed for him. A few months ago they were terrifying, now they were beautiful, and he couldn’t wait to say them out loud. 

When they called Nick’s name, Brian’s heart caught in his throat. He saw his friend walk up, shake hands with the university’s president and receive his diploma. He turned and smiled brightly for the picture that was snapped, truly happy despite his inner turmoil, and then returned to his seat. Brian watched him the whole time, his eyes glued to his best friend. He was so happy for him, so proud…the sweet, shy fourteen year old he had met so long ago was truly grown up. A different person now…older, wiser, more experienced, and less naïve…but still sweet, innocent and beautiful. 

As soon as the ceremony was over, Brian left. Part of him wanted to stay, find Nick and just tell him everything now. He was so anxious, and the words were practically bursting out of his heart. But he had come this far, and he wanted to make this night something neither of them would ever forget. With one last glance back, he saw Nick hugging his family and he smiled. “Congratulations Nicky,” he whispered to himself. I’ll see you in a few short hours baby…and then we never have to be apart. 


After the ceremony, Nick and his family went out to dinner with Madison and her family. Despite Nick’s heart being somewhere else and Madison brooding over the fact that Nick was hurting, they managed to celebrate their graduation happily. The two families got along great, which made things even easier. Jane hated seeing her son so obviously heart broken, but she knew in a few hours he’d be so much happier. 

Jane, in accordance with Brian’s plan, forced Nick to come back to their hotel so that she could give him a graduation present. When Nick realized what hotel his family was staying at he sort of froze. If his parents hadn’t been there, he probably would have started to cry. Out of all the hotels in New York City, they picked the only one that had any sort of meaning to him. Being inside only made things worse. He could remember being here with Brian as clearly as if it were yesterday. He remembered being in the elevator with him, discreetly holding his hand and smiling when Brian didn’t pull back. He knew he could still pick out their room, and the stairs up to the rooftop…. He shivered as the memories of those days washed over him. 

Once they were inside their suite, Jane shooed her husband and younger children into the small living area and shut the door. “So…” Nick said, wondering why his mom was acting strangely. He had noticed her glancing at him several times at dinner with some sort of secret in her eyes, but he couldn’t figure out why. “What’s my present?” He asked, grinning and trying his best to act happy for his mother. “Sweetie, I kinda lied…” she began, smiling sheepishly. “I mean I have presents for you, but they’re all at home, but I had to use that to get you here,” she explained. He raised an eyebrow and waited for an explanation. “Nick, I just want you to know how proud of you I am,” she said softly, sitting down across from him and leaning forward so she could hold his hands. He smiled. “Thanks mom,” he replied. “But mom, what--” 

She shook her head. “I know you want a reason for why I brought you here.” He nodded. “There’s a surprise for you,” she said softly, watching him grow even more curious. “On the roof,” she whispered. His eyes flashed briefly with panic before he covered it. He couldn’t go to the roof, it would be too painful to remember that amazing evening all the while knowing that Brian wasn’t here now to share this special time with him. But Jane stood up and pulled him to his feet. She squeezed his shoulders and then leaned up to kiss his cheek. “Nicky, you trust me, right? You know I’d never do anything to hurt you,” she said, smiling softly at him. “So go up to the roof and find your surprise….” She murmured. He looked into her eyes, and something told him that she knew. She knew why it would hurt to go up there…and she was telling him to go…that something was waiting there that could take away that hurt. 

She knew the moment he realized it. His blue eyes grew brighter and he looked earnestly into her eyes. She nodded and smiled at him. He smiled warmly and pulled her into a tight hug. “Thank you so much mom,” he whispered, squeezing his eyes shut to keep his sudden tears from falling. “You’re welcome sweetie…now go.” He thanked her once more, smiling all the while. She laughed and hurried him out of the room, watching him almost run down the hall to the nearest staircase, before shutting the door of her room again and letting her tears fall. Her son was no longer just hers. He was his own person…grown up, on his own. And even more so…he was Brian’s…he was in love. 


Nick took a moment to catch his breath at the top of the staircase and ran his fingers through his hair. He swallowed hard and shut his eyes for a moment, praying that he wasn’t terribly, terribly wrong. After a few moments, he took a deep breath and pressed his hand to his stomach, trying to calm the butterflies that were there but to no avail. Once more he breathed deeply, swallowed hard and pushed open the door to the roof. 

The sight that met him made his heart stop. His body started to tremble and tears welled up in his eyes, which he had no power to stop. “Brian…” he breathed, unable to tear his eyes away from the man in front of him…just a few steps away…the one he loved so much. “Surprise Nick,” Brian whispered, smiling tenderly at the younger man. Outwardly he kept his appearance calm and collected, but inside he was falling to pieces. Just seeing Nick again, here, so close to him, and in the same spot where Brian had first realized that he was truly falling in love, was overwhelming. Nick took his breath away…those bright blue eyes, that nervous smile…Brian knew he’d never truly get over Nick’s beauty.  

“You…you planned all this,” Nick whispered, not even realizing it when he stepped closer to Brian so that they were only a few feet apart. He was referring to everything he saw now…the candles, the flowers, the music…as well as the obvious conspiracy with his mother to make him think he hadn’t come. Brian’s smile grew wider and he nodded. “I wanted to surprise you…I want this night to be so special…” he whispered, his words promising more and causing Nick to shiver. “You saw me graduate…” Nick said softly, the words both a statement and a question. They didn’t really matter now, not when he was this close to Brian again after so long. Again Brian nodded, and this time he unconsciously stepped forward, closer to the man he loved. They were within arms reach of one another now, but they were both afraid to touch each other. Somehow they both held the same fear that if they touched one another everything would just disappear. 

“I wouldn’t have missed it,” Brian murmured, not even paying attention to what he was saying. He was lost in Nick’s eyes and he couldn’t look away. But he stepped closer, and this time he reached for the younger man. He slid his hands up Nick’s arms to his shoulders and to the sides of his face. Nick trembled at his touch and automatically responded, wrapping his arms around Brian’s waist and pulling him closer. Their eyes never left one another as they stood there in the warm nighttime air and just held one another close. 

Brian traced the contours of Nick’s face with his fingertips and smiled softly into his eyes. “Nicky, I’m so proud of you,” he said softly. Nick said nothing, just pulled him closer and continued to look into his eyes. “Being without you these past few months has been so hard,” Brian went on. “I mean, all the times before when we were apart, I missed you terribly, but it was never like this. I think for the first time, since we met I began to see what things would be like without you and I…I couldn’t bear it. And when I took the time to think about all that you meant to me, all that you give me…I couldn’t seem to come up with any of those reasons that I used to have for keeping you at a distance,” he said softly, his eyes clouding with tears, which he quickly tried to blink back. When a few of them escaped, Nick was quick to wipe them away. 

They were both so very, very nervous. Nick was waiting desperately for Brian to say what he needed to hear. Brian wanted so very, very much to just come right out and say the words that were dying to escape his mouth, but he needed to say everything he had planned, because Nick deserved to know exactly what he was feeling. “Nicky…I’m scared,” he confessed, his voice hoarse. “The feelings I have for you…they overwhelm me, they terrify me, but…I wouldn’t give them up for anything. I don’t want to go back to the way things were before. I don’t want to be alone. I want to let you in. I want you to know all of me,” he whispered, his heart pounding in his ears, making it difficult for him to hear his own nervous voice. Nick’s fingers were lightly stroking his hair, encouraging and begging him to go on. Brian’s words filled his aching heart, and he knew he had to wait and let Brian say what he needed to say…but he was dying to hear those three precious, beautiful words. 

“I can’t promise you that everything will always be perfect,” Brian went on in the same nervous and heartfelt whisper. “I don’t know if the future will always be bright for us. I’m sure there will be times that we both hurt, and for that I want to apologize to you in advance, but I want to try Nick. I want this so badly, that I’m willing, now, always, to let myself go…to give you my heart and soul. I’m terrified,” he repeated, his eyes shining. Again, he framed Nick’s face in his hands and leaned closer to him, their eyes lost in the depths of each other’s gaze. “But it doesn’t matter because…I love you.” 

Nick couldn’t help the soft cry that left his lips just before he pulled Brian closer and kissed him. His arms pressed the older man as close as he could, wanting to melt into him. Brian returned his tight embrace and kissed him back warmly, lovingly. Their kisses were passionate and tender, deep and gentle…the love they felt for one another flowed between them and surrounded them. It was in their kisses, it was in their embrace…it was in the air around them. 

When the kiss finally broke, many long minutes later, they were both breathless and flushed. For all their past kisses, none had been so good as this one. None had ever meant so much or had been filled with so much emotion. “I’m scared too, you know,” Nick finally whispered, smiling softly and continuing to look into Brian’s eyes. “And Bri, I know that things won’t always be perfect. I never asked you for perfect… But I…I love you so much Brian,” he murmured, tears once again stinging his eyes. “I’ll always love you.” 

Brian shivered and kissed him again, loving the sound of those words even more than he had before, because now he could say it back to Nick. The two of them stayed on the rooftop for a while longer, holding each other, kissing and swaying gently to the music that played softly in the background. Neither of them really heard it; they were too tuned into the beating of each other’s hearts and the sound of the other breathing. When the radio finally gave up on the soft music and started playing commercials, Nick lifted his head from where it lay on Brian’s shoulder and looked into his eyes. He traced his fingers over the older man’s cheek and smiled shyly at him. Brian returned his smile and kissed him once more. He broke their embrace, but not their touch, slipping his hand into Nick’s and leading him towards the stairs. 

Nick smiled brightly when he realized that Brian had gotten the same room as the last time they had been here. There were no candles this time, but it didn’t matter. Neither of them said a word still as Brian led Nick into the bedroom. They both slipped off their shoes and then reached for each other. Their kisses were still very soft and tender. The feelings that ran between them were making them both tremble. Brian’s eyes shone as he pulled Nick’s shirt over his head and then quickly discarded his own. They quickly went back to kissing, desperate to stay as close as they could, and gradually began to let their hands wander. It didn’t take long for the kisses to grow deeper and more passionate, for their touches to become more heated. They were both glowing with love. Every familiar touch was more now, every kiss was more intense…the shared love that ran between them heightened everything and brought it to an entirely new level. 

When their naked bodies touched, they both shivered in pleasure. It was like they were discovering one another for the first time all over again. But this time there were none of the nerves and fears that had been there the first time. There were a whole new set of nerves and fears, but none of them seemed to matter now that they were in love. Nick pulled Brian down on top of him as they tumbled into bed. Their kisses were deep and nothing but passion now. Each touch of their bodies burnt and made them shudder in pleasure. Their skin was slick with sweat as their hands wandered and explored every inch of each other’s already well known bodies. Just when they both thought that they couldn’t hold out any longer, they stopped for a moment and stared into each other’s eyes as they gasped for breath.  

“I love you,” Brian whispered, looking down into Nick’s intense blue gaze. “I love you too,” Nick replied in a husky voice, sliding his fingers up Brian’s back to the sides of his neck. He leaned up and kissed his neck, his chin and then his lips. “Come inside me,” he whispered, nibbling softly on Brian’s swollen lower lip, his eyes never leaving the older man’s stare. “Make me yours forever.” Brian kissed him back deeply, keeping his eyes open and locked with Nick’s as he slipped his tongue into the younger man’s mouth. 

Moments later Brian leaned over Nick’s body and slid his hands to the blonde’s hips. “I love you,” he repeated as he slowly pushed inside his lover’s body. Nick fell in love all over again when he met Brian’s eyes. There was so much love there it warmed his whole body. He slid his arms around the older man and pulled him down so that they could kiss as he wrapped his legs around Brian’s waist, pulling him deeper. Brian filled him, and Nick surrounded him. They kissed deeply as Brian began thrusting in and out of Nick’s body, both of them desperate to fall over the edge, but neither wanting to leave this moment behind just yet. The only sounds in the room were their moans of pleasure, their gasps for breath and their bodies moving together.  

“Nicky…” Brian gasped, filling his hands with Nick’s hair and sucking desperately on his neck. “You’re so good baby…God Nick, I love you so much,” he moaned, pushing deeper into Nick’s tightness. Nick squeezed his eyes shut and arched his body upwards, trying to get even closer. He slid his hand to the back of Brian’s neck, his fingers brushing the sweaty curls, and moaned loudly as Brian hit his prostate. “Bri…Bri, I can’t last any…longer,” Nick panted, pulling his lover’s head back and kissing him again. He squeezed Brian’s body tighter and pulled him deeper once more. Their eyes met and held even as they screamed. They both watched in amazement as the other’s eyes clouded with pleasure. They could see themselves in each other’s eyes. The pleasure was more intense than it ever had been. It was pleasure tinged brightly with love. Binding love. All-encompassing love. It heightened everything and made them cry even as their hearts resounded with blissful happiness.  

When they finally recovered, they stayed wrapped in each other’s arms, pressed together tightly and staring into each other’s eyes. “I love you,” Brian whispered, yet again, loving the way his body tingled all over each time he said it. He could see plainly that his love made Nick so happy, and that thrilled him. “I love you,” Nick whispered back softly. He finally had everything he wanted. He had Brian, and Brian had him. Even as he basked in Brian’s love he vowed to himself that he would always love the older man, and he knew nothing could change that…and he would always be there for him. He’d give him everything he had never had before. He’d be his family, his love, his life, and he’d be that forever. 


Despite what they wanted, they both knew there wasn’t a chance in hell of them getting to be alone today. If it were up to the two of them, they’d spend the day in bed, kissing, touching, talking, planning and making love. But the fact that many others knew about last night’s surprise didn’t give them that luxury. They would all want to know how things had gone, and they wouldn’t leave them alone until they knew. 

Brian called his aunt first, smiling the whole time he was on the phone, because Nick was in his arms, his head on his chest and Brian just kept running his fingers through his hair. He couldn’t think of a better place to be. He told Cindy to get Nick’s family together and meet them in two hours in the hotel restaurant downstairs.  

Cindy did one better and got them a private room in the hotel restaurant downstairs, then called Jane to squeal about what Brian had told her: he and Nick were together. Then she called Marissa and told her to be at the restaurant in two hours. Marissa, of course told Madison, who, although she was still a little leery of Brian, couldn’t help be touched by his surprise. Madison relayed the news to Alex, who was beside her when her sister called, and then made the decision to invite Howie, Kevin and Jen along with her. After all, they were all Nick’s friends, and she was sure that he would want them all there. 

When the moment came, two hours later, Brian and Nick held hands as they stepped out of the elevator and crossed the lobby to the restaurant. The hostess smiled at both of them and informed them that their party had reserved a private room. Neither of them were really surprised when they walked into that room and saw more there than just Brian’s aunt and uncle and Nick’s family. But while Nick could only smile happily when he saw all of his friends, Brian gripped the younger man’s hand tighter as nerves settled over him. A small part of him worried that these people would somehow break their spell. He figured it would still be a little while before these bouts of insecurity ceased to plague him. But right now he couldn’t help it, and so he squeezed Nick’s hand all the more tightly, afraid to let him go even for one second. 

Cindy and Jane took first dibs on congratulating the happy couple, quickly meeting them at the doorway and hugging them both. When Brian was forced to let go of Nick’s hand in order to return his aunt’s embrace he felt his heartbeat flutter with anxiety. But Nick’s smile quickly set his heart at ease. His eyes communicated silently to the older man that things would be ok. Situations like this…family situations…couldn’t tear them apart. He knew Brian still feared the whole idea of a family, being that his own had disillusioned and ruined the idea of it so badly, but Nick intended to show him, no matter how long it took, that he really did have a family that would always love him. 

After nods and smiles they got from Nick’s father and Brian’s uncle, Aaron and Angel couldn’t resist attacking their older brother and his lover. Brian had been afraid that once they knew, that things would be different, that they wouldn’t want to be as close to him as they had before…but they had proved him wrong when Nick had told them over Christmas, and they proved him wrong again now.  

Nick could feel Brian’s reluctance when he took his hand and led him towards where his friends stood together, but he squeezed his hand tightly, trying to reassure him that things would be fine. Nick had to smile to himself when he saw that Kevin was here too. Not that it really surprised him, considering he and Howie were a couple now, but…he couldn’t help wanting Brian to be jealous when he introduced him. 

In fact he went there first, smiling brightly and giggling inwardly. “Ok guys…this is Brian,” he said softly, happy to finally be able to introduce the man he loved so much to his best friends. “Bri, this is Howie and Kevin,” he said, pointing to each of them. He wasn’t disappointed when he saw the jealousy flash in Brian’s eyes when they looked at Kevin. He, of course, kept his polite smile plastered to his face, but his eyes told a different story. Nick giggled softly and blushed, cleared his throat and then quickly moved on. “This is Jennifer and Alex,” he went on, motioning to both of them. When he met Madison’s eyes, he bit his lip. He knew that she had never warmed up to Brian completely, even though Nick loved him so much. He didn’t blame her…after all, she had never met Brian, and she had been the one to comfort him when his heart was broken far from home. 

“And this is Madison,” he finished softly. Brian knew that the beautiful woman Nick introduced him to last was Nick’s closest friend at school. He could also tell, right away that, she wouldn’t accept him quite so easily. Brian was sure that she had been there for Nick when he had broken his heart, when he was crying… Brian couldn’t blame her for being leery of him. If he had been in her position, he would have felt the same way.  

Cindy chose that moment to call Nick over to her to tell him something important. Jen pulled Alex away from Madison for a moment to ask him something, and Howie and Kevin went back to the conversation they had been carrying on before Nick and Brian had come into the room. But Madison continued to stare at Brian. She hadn’t expected him to be quite so beautiful. She had, of course, seen pictures of him before, but…they didn’t do him justice. His eyes alone made it easy to see why Nick had fallen in love so effortlessly. But she pushed all of this to the back of her mind for the moment.  

“Brian…can Nick trust you?” She asked softly, not intending to sound so harsh, but knowing she had to get this out of the way first. She loved Nick too much to not want to protect him. “Do you truly love him?” She added. To her surprise Brian smiled. “Yes,” he said softly, his _expression tender as he looked into her eyes. “I swear I love him. I love him so much, it’s hard for me to breathe when he’s not around,” he said truthfully. “And I’m so glad that…well, for all that time while I was being such a jerk and hurting him that…that he had you,” he said softly, smiling at her. “I can tell…just from the two questions you just asked me that you care about him very much and that you only want him to be happy.” She nodded. “Madison, thank you for being such a good friend to him. Thank you for comforting him when I broke his heart,” he said softly, frowning in pain. He hated thinking of Nick sad and broken, especially because of him. “I swear to you that he can trust me now though. I won’t deny that it took me a while but…I love him,” he said simply. She looked into his eyes for a few moments longer before giving in and letting her face break into a smile. Impulsively, she hugged him.  

Before either of them got to say anything else, Nick reappeared, smiling happily seeing that Madison wasn’t going to hold a grudge against Brian. “Bri…I have a surprise for you,” he said quickly. He was so excited he could barely keep from jumping up and down. “But we can’t do this here…come with me,” he said, grabbing Brian’s hand and leading him away, out onto the balcony that was off of their private room. 

Brian wondered what on earth Nick’s surprise was. When they got outside he noticed a woman standing next to the railing and looking at him. She seemed quite nervous. Brian glanced at her briefly and then back at Nick to ask him what the surprise was. But before he said anything he turned back to face the woman and looked at her more closely. He had seen that face before. He stepped away from Nick and closer to her. 

“Hello Brian,” she said softly, tucking her hair behind her ear nervously. He stared into her eyes, desperately searching his memory. She looked so familiar…he recognized her voice. And then it hit him. All of the memories he had of her rushed back to him in a wave. 

“Marissa?” He whispered, his heart in his throat. She nodded and took a step closer to him. Confused, he turned to Nick, looking for answers, trying not to cry. Nick smiled lovingly at him and slipped his hand into Brian’s. “Marissa is Madison’s older sister,” he explained softly. “After talking with her for a while about you…she figured out who you were and then she told me who she was.” 

Brian looked at him in disbelief for a few moments before turning back to face her. “I’m sorry Brian,” she said softly, speaking up before he had the chance to form a coherent thought. “When Harold and I broke up, I never meant to leave you behind,” she said softly, pleading with him to understand. Seeing him again brought all the sweet memories back. But she was happy to see that his eyes weren’t haunted anymore. He had something to live for now, someone to love him.  

“I stayed away at first because I was still nursing my broken heart but…by the time I tried to reach you again, you were in Europe. And I…I never made the effort to try and contact you. I’m so sorry…I never wanted you to think that our friendship wasn’t important to me because it was. I was never just nice to you because you were Harold’s younger brother. Despite your being several years younger than me…I truly did enjoy all those times we spent together. In fact when I look back at that point in my life, it’s you I remember most,” she said, smiling softly at him. “I’m sorry because I know when I left I must have hurt you. I never wanted that,” she said honestly. “I know this all comes very, very late but…I truly am sorry Brian. And I hope that maybe someday…you’ll be able to forgive me,” she ended softly, her voice trembling softly. 

Brian took in her words slowly, realizing again just how much her leaving had hurt the first time. She had been the one person at that time that he had truly trusted and looked up to. When she had gone away, he had understood at first that it was because of his brother, but when she didn’t come back after several weeks…his heart had again been broken, and she had become just another person to abandon him. But now, she stood here apologizing and asking for his forgiveness. And he had love now. He was finally, truly happy, and he knew, more than he had ever known anything before that Nick would be the one who would never, ever abandon him. He had no reason, now, not to forgive her. 

He stepped forward and took her hand in his own. “I forgive you Marissa,” he whispered, smiling at her surprised _expression. “And I…I want us to be friends again,” he added softly. She bit her lower lip when it trembled and blinked to keep her tears from falling. He smiled adoringly at her and hugged her. Nick looked on happily as they embraced. He was absolutely thrilled with the outcome of this surprise. He knew Brian wouldn’t be able to resist forgiving her, not now, when he had everything else.  

When they broke apart, they both smiled softly at one another. “I’ll talk to you more in a little bit, ok?” She murmured, unable to resist running her fingers through his hair. “I’m gonna go find my sister. I’ll see you inside.” Brian nodded and turned to face Nick. Marissa smiled at Nick and squeezed his hand, thanking him for this, looked back at Brian once more and then went inside. 

Brian stepped closer to the younger man and slid his arms around his waist. Nick leaned down and kissed him and then pressed his forehead against Brian’s. “Thanks baby,” Brian whispered, looking into his eyes. “You’re welcome,” Nick replied simply. “So what do we do now?” Brian asked after a few moments of silence. “Well first we go inside and eat something, then we endure a few hours of endless questions and comments from our family,” he said, causing them both to giggle. “And then we go back upstairs to our room and make love for hours,” he whispered, his voice taking on a slightly seductive tone. Brian grinned back at him and kissed him quickly. “And then what?” Brian whispered.  

Nick stopped for a moment and stared into his eyes. When he spoke again, his voice was a whisper. “And then we love each other.” Brian stared back at him silently for a few minutes, absorbing Nick’s words and everything behind them. He could feel the love in Nick’s touch and he could see it in his eyes. He knew it was forever and he trusted it. He trusted it and he gave it all back. He loved Nick with everything he was. “Well then,” Brian said softly, slipping his hand into Nick’s and stepping out of their embrace. “Lead the way.” 

The End


Tell Rhonda what you thought of her story!