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Chapter 2

“So what do you want for your birthday?” Brian asked softly as he stroked Nick’s hair. They lay together in Brian’s bed, Nick cuddled to his chest and absently running his fingers up and down Brian’s arm. As was usual for them, they had just spent the day together. Earlier, they had been at Nick’s house, entertaining his brother and sister on the beach. Then they had come back to Brian’s apartment for the night to watch a movie, and, as was inevitable lately, make out. Large parts of the movie had been missed because they had been kissing each other.  

Nick was fifteen now, days away from turning sixteen and hardly a thing had changed between them since they had met. After a while, Brian had given up on trying to resist Nick’s kisses. He came to accept them as a normal part of their friendship, although he knew, realistically, their friendship was very different than most. He still worried that he was doing more harm to Nick than good by being his friend, but the teen seemed perfectly fine. At no time did his parents ever try and keep Nick away from him, and Nick’s social life at school had in fact improved since he and Brian had met. He wasn’t quite so shy all the time now, and while he still wanted to spend all of his free time with Brian, he did manage to attend a few school activities with kids from his classes. But Brian still worried that he was a bad influence, that someday Nick would look back and regret their relationship. Brian never wanted that to happen, because no one else in his life was so important as Nick was…there was no one else, not even his aunt Cindy, whom he could tell everything to and feel so comfortable with. Nick made him laugh, Nick made him open up; Nick made him feel…loved. He didn’t want to lose that. 

Nick looked up and smiled at Brian, knowing that now was the perfect time to tell him, to ask him rather for the one thing he wanted most. “I want you,” he answered rather boldly, smiling when Brian looked up at him in surprise and confusion. “You already have me,” Brian replied lightly, trying to smile. He was hoping…desperately hoping that Nick didn’t mean what he thought he might…. 

“No Bri, I mean…” he stopped for a second to gather his thoughts, looked down and then up into his best friend’s eyes again. He was nervous and embarrassed, but he trusted Brian enough to feel comfortable in asking. “You know that I’ve never…had sex, and I want…I want you to be my first.” Brian froze and stared into the blonde’s eyes. He hated himself for the fact that the idea had him hot in seconds. Yes, he wanted Nick. He couldn’t even begin to count the number of times he had fantasized about him. And the thought of being Nick’s first…of taking his virginity…it was almost more than he could bear. 

He shook his head, swallowing hard when Nick’s eyes remained hopeful. Brian knew that his best friend wouldn’t give up that easily…he could see strong determination in Nick’s eyes, and God help him, he was secretly hoping that the boy would be able to convince him to say yes. “No Nick…no, I can’t, we can’t…I won’t do it. No…for God’s sake Nick, sleeping with you would be…it would be…illegal!” He spat out, quite aware that, already, he wasn’t doing a very good job of convincing Nick that his answer was definitely no. Nick’s lips turned up into a smirk…a smirk that Brian hated. Hated because it made his heart race, made his blood boil…he loved that smirk. “Is that the best you can come up with?” Nick asked, still smirking, his voice sounding amused. “Illegal?” He giggled softly and then leaned down to kiss him. 

Brian responded to the kiss for a few seconds before pushing Nick away. He had to resist him on this; he had to. It was wrong. He couldn’t have sex with Nick. He just couldn’t. Nick trusted him, admired him…he didn’t want to abuse that trust. He didn’t want to be Nick’s one and only influence. He was terrified of leading the boy down the wrong path. 

When he had agreed to be Nick’s first kiss, he had never thought things would end up the way they were now. He had never thought that there would be more than one kiss! So what would happen if he slept with him? Would it become a regular thing? What would that mean? Would they still be just best friends then or would they be lovers? He hated himself for even thinking about it. Nick was only turning sixteen! If he did agree, what then? What did that make him? How could he call himself Nick’s friend if he took such advantage of him? 

“Nick…no,” he repeated, trying to calm his beating heart and sound convincing. “You should…your first time should be…well, it should…” “What Bri?” Nick purred, trying his best to be seductive. Brian swallowed hard and watched him carefully. Already his resolve was slipping. Why did Nick have to be so beautiful? So sweet? “It should be with someone you really care about…” Brian began softly, trying to sound sure of himself. “I really care about you,” Nick replied sweetly, planting a small kiss on Brian’s mouth. For a moment Brian did nothing but stare at him, unable to deny that the boy’s words warmed his heart. 

“Someone your own age…” he tried, not even really convincing himself. Nick smiled. “That’s lame Brian, and you know it,” he teased, still hovering over him and waiting for Brian’s next excuse. “It should…be with a girl…” Even as the words left his mouth, he cringed. Nick frowned and sat up suddenly, folding his legs beneath him and looking down at his friend. “What if I don’t want to sleep with a girl?” Nick asked, sounding slightly upset. Brian knew he shouldn’t have said that. It was just that he didn’t want Nick to think he should be interested in guys simply because Brian was too. “Look, Nick, I’m sorry,” Brian said softly, sitting up as well and waiting for the blonde to meet his eyes. “I didn’t mean that…you know I don’t care if you’re straight, gay, whatever…I just…I don’t wanna influence you too much…” All of these words sounded ten times better in his head and he knew he wasn’t doing a very good job of explaining himself to Nick. 

“Brian, I want it to be you coz...coz I trust you. I trust you more than anyone and…” he trailed off and blushed slightly. “Well…Brian, you know I’m shy and…” He looked down and Brian smiled. “Can you really see me with some girl, trying to figure out what to do?” Brian couldn’t help giggling but he quickly pulled Nick into a warm hug and kissed his cheek. “I do like girls, you know,” Nick said softly as he laid his head on Brian’s shoulder. “But I think we both know that…” “That you’re into guys too,” Brian finished for him.  

He felt a little better, knowing that Nick was making his own decisions and not solely doing and liking certain things because he did. But he still felt that sleeping with him would be wrong…no matter how badly he wanted to. “You still won’t say yes, will you?” Nick asked as they lay back down, Brian’s arms still wrapped around him. Brian sighed and kissed the top of Nick’s head. “No, I…Nick, I’m sorry but I just can’t…” Nick sighed and leaned up to kiss him softly. “Ok,” he said, sounding defeated as he settled himself comfortably in Brian’s arms. Brian sighed, relieved, and closed his eyes. But he didn’t see Nick’s grin or the mischievous look in his eyes before he fell asleep. He had no idea what the teen had planned… 


Another worry Brian had, regarding his relationship with Nick was his aunt Cindy. About a week before Nick’s birthday request she confronted Brian about the two of them. Brian was expecting his aunt to visit that day, but he wasn’t exactly sure when she’d arrive. Nick was getting ready to leave Brian’s apartment and the two of them were messing around, kissing and teasing each other in the doorway of his bedroom. Once they finally stopped and walked into the kitchen they were quite surprised to see Cindy there, although Brian knew she had a key to his apartment. She acted completely normal though, talking to the both of them until Nick’s dad had called up to the apartment to pick him up. Brian watched, like he always did, out the window to make sure Nick got to his dad’s car safely.  

When he turned around he was expecting Cindy’s curious and slightly upset _expression. “You saw, didn’t you?” Brian asked softly. She nodded. He knew that she wasn’t upset or shocked because of his kissing another guy…she knew he was bisexual and she had no problem with that. But the fact that it was Nick…her best friend’s young son was what worried her, he knew. 

“Brian…he’s only fifteen,” she said rather nervously. He sighed and sat down at the kitchen table. “I know,” he replied softly. “Aunt Cindy, I’m not…I’m not sleeping with him,” he said flatly. She looked unconvinced. “I swear I’m not,” he added. “Please look at me,” he asked when she still hadn’t met his eyes. “He asked me…a while ago…to be his first kiss and I…I said yes.” 

She looked up, finally meeting his eyes. “After that he…well we kiss every so often but…it’s nothing more than that, I swear it’s not,” he said softly, almost pleading with her to believe him. “Brian…” she began. “I knew I shouldn’t have done it!” He exclaimed, interrupting her. “I’m so afraid that I’m influencing him more than I should and that he’s gonna look back and resent me, but…when he first asked me…he was so sweet and I didn’t have the heart to say no, and then after that…I couldn’t resist…” he finished in a whisper. 

Cindy could see just how worried he was that he would do something wrong, something to hurt Nick, and she knew he didn’t want that…it was plain to see just how much he cared about the teen. It was also obvious to her, despite his trying to hide it, that he was highly attracted to Nick. She sat down next to him and gently took his hand. “I believe you honey…I know you wouldn’t do anything to harm him,” she said softly, smiling kindly when he looked up. “No, not intentionally,” he whispered, still clearly distraught. “But what if I am harming him?” He asked, still worried. “Brian…you’re not, believe me sweetie. You can’t know how different Nick has been ever since he became your friend. And I mean different in a good way,” she added. He took a deep breath and whispered, “Really?” 

“Yes,” she replied, still smiling. “He used to be so terribly shy and lonely. Once you befriended him, not only did he have a close friend, he became more outgoing at school and with other kids. And his mother is always telling me how much happier he is now. If you’ve been influencing him at all, it’s been only in a good way.” He seemed to think about that for a few minutes, and while a part of him still worried, another part was also relieved. He knew his aunt wouldn’t lie to him, and he trusted her judgment. 


When Nick’s parents threw him a birthday party at their house, Brian got to see, firsthand, just how well adjusted Nick had become. Several of his friends from school were there, talking and playing on the beach. It made Brian happy and relieved to see him like that…there was nothing he wanted more than for Nick to have loving, happy and normal teenage years…so unlike his own. But he couldn’t deny that a small part of him was jealous. Seeing Nick smiling and laughing with his friends…he wanted that smile turned on him, like it always was when they were alone. But Nick seemed to know how Brian felt and every once in a while, he would flash Brian a secret look, a private smile…and tomorrow night, Brian knew he’d have Nick all to himself again. 

Meanwhile, Nick was having a blast. He had never really had a birthday party with friends. And he knew, for the first time, that all the kids he had invited genuinely liked him and wanted to be there. But for as much fun as he was having, he couldn’t help anticipating the next day. Tomorrow he’d be staying at Brian’s. There was nothing unusual about that…except for the fact that this time, if all went according to his plan, the night would be so different. He knew Brian had said no, that he wouldn’t have sex with him, but Nick was confident that he could change his mind. He realized, on some level, that Brian was attracted to him, and Nick himself found Brian incredibly good looking. Ever since they had started kissing more and more on a regular basis, he had begun to want more…badly. He knew, now, that what they had was more than friendship, but he wasn’t quite sure what to call it. All he knew was that he wanted Brian. 

The next day, Nick had his dad drop him off at Brian’s apartment early, knowing full well that he wouldn’t be there. Brian had given him a key a while ago, in case he ever stopped by after school or something and Brian wasn’t home. Nervously, he let himself in and looked around carefully, making sure Brian was in fact, not home. He knew he had about two hours before his friend came back, but he wanted everything to be ready right away. 

He went into Brian’s bedroom, feeling slightly guilty for invading his privacy, but determined nonetheless, and took a deep breath. He swallowed hard as he looked at Brian’s bed. He had slept there countless times but…if everything went the way he wanted it to, tonight would be completely different. Nervously, he opened the top drawer of Brian’s nightstand and found, after a little rummaging around, condoms and lube. He blushed crimson and carefully set both items on top of the nightstand. 

Quickly, he turned to his book bag, anxious to get to his next task, as it was much less embarrassing. From a closet at home, he had snagged a ton of candles and had piled them all into a bag before leaving. Now he took each one out slowly and set them around the room. Once he was done, he took out the matches and tossed them on the bed. He went into the bathroom then and stared at himself in the mirror. He was nervous, terribly so, but he was also determined. He glanced at his watch and saw that he still had plenty of time left, but he was terrified that Brian would come home early. So he quickly went about getting a shower and brushing his teeth, becoming more and more nervous with every minute that passed. 

About a half hour before Brian was due to return home, Nick began lighting all the candles. He stepped back when he was finished to observe everything, and decided to rearrange some of candles, trying to stall before the last step in his plan. Finally there was nothing left to do. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath, picturing his friend in his head and praying for him to go along with his wish. Please Brian… With trembling fingers he peeled off his t-shirt and jeans and finally his boxers and piled them neatly on a chair in Brian’s room. Feeling exposed and vulnerable, he quickly climbed into bed, sitting up against the headboard and pulling the blankets up to his waist. Now all he had to do was wait. 

Brian was eager to leave his aunt Cindy’s house; she had made him a wonderful dinner, and normally he’d be happy to stick around and chat with her for a while, but he knew Nick would be at his apartment soon, and he was anxious to see him. It wasn’t like they had anything special planned for the evening, just a normal night of watching movies and, more than likely, kissing. He just wanted Nick all to himself. He found himself smiling smugly when he thought about those kids at Nick’s birthday party and how they would never get to kiss him, never get to hold him as he slept…and then he berated himself for being jealous of a bunch of fifteen year olds. Especially since he wanted Nick to have those friends. 

As he drove home he thought about how so much had changed since he and Nick had become best friends. He had other, random acquaintances from college, but no one he’d feel comfortable spending an evening alone with. And he hadn’t been out on many dates recently either. It wasn’t that he didn’t find other people attractive, or fun to be with…it was just that he’d rather be with Nick than spending the evening trying to get to know some girl or guy and worrying about saying and doing the right thing. 

When he arrived home he was too excited about the evening to notice anything amiss. He checked his answering machine briefly before heading to the bedroom. There was enough time, he figured, to take a shower before Nick got there. But when he opened the door to his room, he froze. 

He stood perfectly still, his hand stuck on the doorknob, his eyes glued to the gorgeous creature in his bed. He couldn’t breathe. His heart felt like it would beat right out of his chest. And the longer he stayed there, the worse it became. Nick watched him carefully; happy with the initial reaction he got, but quickly becoming nervous again. He lifted his hand and beckoned Brian closer. “Come’re,” he whispered, knowing his voice would tremble if he spoke any louder. It was like he was in a daze; Brian was unaware that he was moving across the room, until he realized he was no longer standing by the door. He looked down at Nick in his bed, obviously naked, and swallowed hard. The candles that the boy had set out were making him look even more beautiful. The soft light flickered off of Nick’s hair, making it seem to glow, and his eyes were shining softly as they gazed up at him. 

He sucked in a sharp breath when he glanced down to his nightstand and saw condoms and lube carefully laid out there. This was too much. He looked down at Nick again and his voice caught in his throat. He couldn’t speak, couldn’t move, could only gaze into the boy’s eyes and stand completely still. Besides the loud beating of his heart in his ears, the room was silent. He jumped a mile when he felt Nick’s hand grab his own. “Brian…please…” That was all he said, his eyes conveying so much more as he looked up at his older best friend. Above all, he was terrified that Brian would refuse and then he’d be left looking stupid and desperate. His words rushed through Brian’s head, his heart…every excuse he had for saying no was gone. He tried so hard to come up with the reasons he had explained to Nick when he had first asked, but he couldn’t remember a single one of them. It was like he was dreaming. But no dream had ever been so real. No dream had ever made him feel this way…. 

Nick squeezed his hand, and as he met the boy’s eyes again, he swallowed hard from the realization that…he couldn’t say no. He wouldn’t say no. With a simple nod of his head, he took off his shirt and then sat down on the edge of the bed. Nick’s heart was beating a mile a minute…he couldn’t believe this was happening. Brian had said yes. Yes. He looked into his best friend’s eyes and finally let himself be afraid. From the moment Brian had entered the room, he had forced himself to stay calm and just concentrate on getting Brian to agree. But now that he had…Nick was very, very nervous about what was to come. 

Brian could see that. He could easily pick up on the fear and the anxiety the blonde was experiencing now that he had said yes. Since he was now completely past saying no, he planned on concentrating fully on his friend and making this the best night of his young life. He wanted Nick to remember it forever…because he knew he would. 

Brian reached out and cupped Nick’s cheek in his palm. The boy jumped slightly and started gathering the blankets beneath him tightly in his hands. Brian shifted so that he was closer to his friend and leaned forward to kiss his forehead. He looked into Nick’s eyes and smiled softly. “Shh…” he whispered, running his thumb back and forth across Nick’s soft cheek. “It’s just me Nicky,” he said softly, his voice low and soothing. “I won’t do anything you aren’t ready for, ok?” Nick nodded and again Brian kissed his forehead. “And we’ll take this as slow as you want,” he added. Brian moved his hand from Nick’s cheek to the back of his neck and gently let his other hand run down Nick’s arm. The boy shivered and bit down on his lower lip nervously. His beauty, as usual, captivated Brian, even more so tonight. 

“Nicky…can I kiss you?” He whispered. Still chewing on his bottom lip, Nick nodded. He wanted Brian to kiss him, to touch him…but he was just so nervous. And Brian could see that. Carefully, he framed Nick’s face in his hands and looked into his eyes. “Shh…just a kiss…the same as always…” he said softly. But they both knew it would be completely different than their normal kisses. Nick took a deep breath and reached out for Brian, putting his hand on his shoulder and shifting slightly closer. Brian shivered at the touch of Nick’s hand on his naked skin. He wanted those hands everywhere…. 

“Kiss me Bri,” Nick whispered, his fingers squeezing Brian’s shoulder. Brian leaned closer to him and smiled once more before pressing his mouth to Nick’s. They kissed softly at first, Nick losing some of his nerves under the familiar feel of Brian’s lips. Brian slipped his tongue into Nick’s mouth and gently pushed his fingers against the back of Nick’s neck, drawing him further into the kiss. He let his other hand slip around the blonde’s waist and pull him closer. Every touch of their skin was electric. Nick was quickly losing himself in the touch and taste of Brian. And Brian was practically trembling, because every touch was better than his dreams. Every kiss from Nick, every sigh…his fantasies didn’t begin to compare. 

Their kisses grew deeper and Brian could feel Nick’s body warming in his arms, could feel him desperately pushing closer, wanting more… Brian broke the kiss and looked into Nick’s eyes, now glazed over in soft pleasure. Reluctantly, he let the boy slide from his arms as he stood up to remove his jeans. Nick blushed and lowered his eyes, causing Brian to smile softly. He knew that Nick wasn’t ready to see him naked yet, so he kept his boxers on and sat back down on the bed. Instantly Nick reached for him, seeking the comfort of his arms. Brian held his body tightly and briefly gazed into his eyes before kissing him again. This time there was even more…the kisses were deeper and more desperate…hotter and more intense. Nick sank back from his sitting position into the pillows beneath him, pulling Brian down with him. Brian broke their kiss and looked down into Nick’s flushed face. He lay partially on top of Nick, their chests pressed together, their faces inches apart. 

Brian knew exactly what he wanted, but he knew he had to take his time too. He ran his fingers through Nick’s soft hair and smiled at him. Nick blushed and lowered his eyes, still terribly nervous. Brian leaned down and kissed his forehead, his cheeks, and then his chin. “Look at me Nicky,” he said softly, his fingers still moving in Nick’s hair. Brian shivered when he felt the boy’s fingers on his back. Slowly, Nick looked up into Brian’s eyes, tightening his grip on his older friend as he did. “Are you sure?” Brian whispered, tenderly pressing his lips to Nick’s. The teen returned his kiss and pulled Brian even closer. “Yes,” he whispered fervently, leaving no doubt in either of their minds that this really was going to happen tonight. 

They stared at one another for a few more moments before kissing again. It didn’t take long for the kiss to deepen. Nick eagerly opened his mouth for Brian’s tongue and let his fingertips run down the bare skin of Brian’s back. Brian moaned softly and slid his arms beneath Nick’s back as the boy began sucking gently on his tongue. Brian shuddered as Nick pressed closer…he was driving him crazy. The heat emanating from his body was incredible…. And what made it worse was the fact that he knew that his young friend was naked beneath those blankets. He could feel him…the only thing separating them now were sheets and boxers. Heat washed over him powerfully at the thought of feeling Nick’s naked body against him. It was intoxicating…. 

Reluctantly, Brian broke their kiss, but immediately began kissing and sucking the soft, sweet skin of the teen’s neck. Nick moaned softly and absently squeezed Brian’s back. Instinctively, he rolled his head to the side so that Brian had better access to his throat. Brian loved the way Nick tasted. He took his time…tenderly sucked, licked and nibbled Nick’s soft, smooth skin. When the boy moaned Brian shivered and smiled…he couldn’t get over how sexy Nick sounded, and he couldn’t wait to hear him scream…. 

The boy’s hands were everywhere on his back and arms, exploring and touching. Nick’s body was so warm in his arms, and he was desperate for more. He had to touch more of him. Tenderly, Brian kissed his way back up Nick’s neck to his mouth. They kissed each other deeply again, lips pressed tightly together, tongues tangling. When Brian pulled back he was out of breath and eager for more. “Nick…let me see you,” Brian whispered, running his fingers down Nick’s chest to where the blanket lay around his waist. “Touch you…” he went on, gently pressing his lips to Nick’s. 

“Brian,” Nick breathed as he nervously met his friend’s eyes. He wanted Brian to touch him, but he was terrified he’d do something wrong, that he’d react in the wrong way…. “Shh, Nicky…” Brian purred, running one hand through Nick’s hair, letting the other dip slightly lower on his body, beneath the blankets that covered him. “Don’t be afraid baby…” he whispered, tenderly kissing Nick’s chin. The boy was now trembling in his arms and he began chewing on his swollen lower lip. He nodded as he looked into Brian’s eyes, unable to say the words. But Brian understood. He knew that despite his nerves, Nick was ready for more…he needed it. 

Slowly, Brian sat up, his eyes never leaving Nick’s. Despite his embarrassment, Nick was unable to look away from Brian’s eyes. Above all, he trusted Brian completely and knew he wouldn’t do anything to hurt him. And he wanted this. There were feelings running through him now that he had never felt before. His body was so warm and tingling with anticipation. But he knew there was more…. Brian, too, was delightfully nervous. He couldn’t wait to touch all of Nick, but he was terrified of everything he knew he was going to feel. This was more than just sex. This was longing finally requited, this was his best friend, this was special…Nick’s first time.  

The candlelight made Nick’s skin glow, his eyes shine. Their eyes locked, both of their hearts beating a mile a minute. Brian swallowed hard and slowly tugged the sheets from his waist. Nick couldn’t stop himself from shutting his eyes, and Brian couldn’t help gazing in wonder at the beautiful being before him. “Nick…” he breathed softly, unable to calm his beating heart. Gently, he ran his fingertips over Nick’s hips and down his thighs. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered in awe. His infatuation with Nick’s beauty only increased in that moment, and he knew that things would never be the same. 

The blonde was trembling under Brian’s soft touch and sweet words. While Nick’s eyes were still closed, Brian slipped off his boxers and tossed them to the floor. “Open your eyes Nicky,” he whispered, reaching up to run his fingers over the boy’s cheek. Lightly, Brian ran his hands up and down Nick’s chest and stomach and across his thighs as he patiently waited for his friend to open his eyes. But Nick didn’t comply easily. He shook his head and reached out his arms for Brian. “Please…” Nick whispered, and Brian knew what he was pleading for. Slowly, carefully, Brian lowered his body onto Nick’s until he covered him like a blanket. 

“Oh Nick…God…” Brian moaned in pleasure. Nick’s body was trembling; he wrapped his arms around Brian’s back and nuzzled his head against his neck. Nick whimpered and grasped him tighter when Brian moved against him. He was amazed…he had never thought that so little would feel so good. Brian’s body was burning against his and he loved it. They were both hard and their hips were pressed tightly together. Every time Brian moved Nick shuddered and arched up into him. His young body had never felt such pleasure, and Brian…Brian could swear that nothing had ever felt as good as this.  

Brian lifted his head and looked down into Nick’s eyes, which he had just opened. Quickly, Nick reached up and kissed him. They both lost control then and began kissing each other deeply, hungrily. Brian ran his hands over as much of Nick’s body as he could touch. Nick held him tightly, keeping them pressed together. “Nicky…oh babe, you feel so good,” Brian murmured against his lips. Their skin was slick with sweat as they moved against each other; neither could get enough. Nick slipped his fingers into Brian’s hair when Brian began sucking on his neck. Brian was lost in the feel and the taste of Nick’s body. As he let his fingers slide down the blonde’s sides to his hips, Brian moved his lips lower. His mouth was all over Nick’s throat, his neck, and then he went further to his chest. Nick was gasping for breath, running his hands frantically across Brian’s shoulders and back…he wanted more. 

“Brian…” he moaned hotly when his older friend closed his mouth over one of his nipples. The teen arched upwards and grasped his body tightly. It was all too much for him. He had never expected any of it to feel this good, this…right. And he knew there was still so much more. Brian looked up at the sound of his name being moaned and gazed into Nick’s eyes for a few moments. He looked gorgeous…more so than usual. Slowly Brian moved upwards again and kissed him deeply. 

When he broke the kiss he gazed into his eyes and breathed deeply. Never breaking eye contact he slid his hand down Nick’s side and then between their bodies. He shifted slightly onto his side so that he had better access to Nick, and lightly ran his fingers across the boy’s stomach. Nick was panting, staring into Brian’s eyes desperately. He wanted, needed, him to go further, but he was still nervous. Brian leaned down and kissed him gently, their eyes still open, and then moved his fingers lower. Nick moaned and his eyes fell shut. He dug his fingers into Brian’s upper arms and pushed his head back into the pillow. Brian let his fingers lightly caress the hot, satiny flesh of Nick’s cock before closing his fingers around it. 

He couldn’t catch his breath as he watched Nick’s face; he was completely enthralled. But he wanted to give him more. He wanted to take more. He slid his hands to Nick’s hips and knelt over his body. Slowly, sensually, he began kissing and licking a trail down Nick’s chest, taking his time to suck on his nipples, teasing him more and more. “Brian…oh God, Brian…please,” Nick begged, his voice nothing more than a whimper. Brian smiled up at him as he went lower, licking his stomach, his navel, and the sweet skin below. He was absolutely addicted. Just as he had imagined, the boy’s skin was so soft, tasted so sweet…he couldn’t get enough. Gently, he squeezed Nick’s hips and looked up into his eyes once more. His beautiful blue eyes were clouded with pleasure as he looked down at his older friend…he could only beg with those eyes. 

Brian smiled tenderly at him and then lowered his head. He took the tip of Nick’s hard cock between his lips and sucked him slowly, pushing his tongue against him and tasting him. “Bri…Brian…oh God…” he moaned, his body instinctively arching upwards. But Brian kept a firm grip on his hips as he took more of Nick into his mouth. Nick was gasping for air, desperately trying to look down at Brian, yet at the same time, unwilling to meet his eyes. Nothing had ever felt like this before. His body was burning, shivering…his blood was brimming with pleasure as it rushed through his veins. Brian’s mouth was so warm and so wet; and Nick’s body, innocent to sexual pleasure as it was, couldn’t imagine anything better. And Brian was obsessed…addicted to everything about Nick…more so than ever before. He loved the way his soft skin felt, the way his body tasted, every shudder, every moan…they made Nick carnal, they made him innocent… Brian knew, then and there, that Nick would always be his downfall, and yet he could not resist. 

Tentatively, Nick’s fingers found their way into Brian’s curls. Brian shivered, loving the way Nick was gently tugging and pulling on his hair. Brian sucked him deeper, and Nick’s body froze when he felt the tip of his cock brush the back of Brian’s throat. He froze and then he screamed. “Brian! Please…please don’t stop…” Don’t worry Nicky. I have no intention of stopping until you come. Nick was frantic, his body trembling with feelings he’d never felt before. He couldn’t even begin to describe the way it felt to be surrounded by Brian’s hot, wet mouth…how it felt to feel his tongue swirling over his flesh… 

Brian kept sucking him, licking him, bobbing his head up and down…driving Nick crazy. God Nick…you taste so fucking good…come for me baby…I want to see you… Nick was so close; he was hot, panting, filling his fists with Brian’s hair as he arched up into him. “Brian…it’s so good…please, I can’t…oh God…Brian!” Nick screamed and for one second his body went completely still, and then he came. Brian felt him against his throat, tasted him hot on his tongue…and he loved it. Nick’s body melted as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over his body. The sensations lulled him, and his limbs turned to liquid until he couldn’t move a muscle. Brian’s mouth was still on him, gently sucking and licking him, lapping up anything he had missed. Slowly, he began kissing his way back up Nick’s still trembling body until they were face to face again, body pressed to body. 

Lightly, he brushed Nick’s bangs off of his sweaty forehead and then tenderly pressed his lips to Nick’s. Gently, Brian pushed his tongue between his friend’s lips and let him taste himself. Nick shivered pleasurably and wrapped his arms around Brian’s back. “Bri…I’ve never…never felt that way before,” Nick whispered shyly against his lips. Brian smiled and looked down into his clear blue eyes. Waves of adoration and affection ran through him, and all he wanted to do was give him more. Of course, he had to admit, that his darker side wanted nothing more than to take…he wanted to take all that Nick had to offer as quickly and as thoroughly as he could. The boy was irresistible…and he was naked and vulnerable in Brian’s bed. And there was no turning back. 

Brian planted sweet kisses all over Nick’s face as he ran his fingers through his golden locks. “Are you sure baby?” Brian whispered tenderly between kisses. Nick shivered, loving the way it sounded when Brian called him baby. “Are you sure you want…everything?” Nick squeezed his friend’s body tightly and kissed him. “I want it all…I want you,” Nick whispered in a husky voice. 

Brian knew that he didn’t mean to, that he didn’t even realize he was doing it, but Nick was teasing him terribly. The way he blushed and looked at him through upturned eyes and the way he moved, ever so slightly, against his body as they kissed…it shot streaks of pleasure through every inch of Brian’s body, making him more and more desperate. He wanted Nick so badly…but he knew that this was going to be hard. He knew that he had to be careful, to go very, very slowly. Not only did he not want to frighten his friend with too much too soon, he didn’t want to hurt Nick either…however he knew that was probably inevitable. 

Brian continued kissing Nick for many long moments as he lay on top of him. He was already painfully hard and desperate for release, and he could feel Nick becoming aroused again as well. But he knew that no matter what, he had to go slow. So he kept up the torturous pace, grinding his hips against his young friend’s, making them both sweaty and hot, making their kisses deeper and wetter, their moans louder. Brian slid his hands beneath the blonde’s back and pressed him closer. Growing bolder, Nick began planting kisses on Brian’s jaw line and then over to his ear. Brian moaned when he sucked on his earlobe and then went further to his neck. Slowly, Nick slid his fingertips down Brian’s back to the base of his spine and then lower, across his ass, coming to rest on his hips. Brian felt his body melt with pleasure at Nick’s sweet kisses and tentative touch. But he was so hot now and he knew he couldn’t last much longer. 

He pulled back slightly and looked down into the teen’s eyes. Lightly, he ran his fingers down Nick’s cheek and smiled softly. “Nicky…I want you so much,” he whispered. Nick’s already flushed cheeks grew even redder, but he bravely continued to look into Brian’s eyes. Brian slowly pushed his hips down into Nick’s, watching as the boy shut his eyes and moaned. “Feels so good Nicky,” Brian murmured, leaning down to kiss him. “I want you baby,” he went on in the same low, seductive voice. “I wanna be inside you.” Nick moaned low in his throat and gripped Brian tightly. He was trembling and desperate. He loved the way Brian kept talking to him, murmuring how much he wanted him. He loved the feel of Brian’s naked body on his; hot, sweaty, and rubbing against him. And he wanted more…he wanted everything…he just needed Brian to take things slowly. 

“I know you’re scared baby,” Brian whispered, seeming to read his thoughts. “And that’s ok. I just want you to know that…I’ll go slowly. As slow as you want…Nicky…” Nervously, Brian bit his lip and looked down into Nick’s bright blue eyes. The boy looked so gorgeous, so…forbidden. His skin was flushed and shining with sweat, glowing in the light of the candles. Hid eyes were brimming with lust and anticipation, his mouth swollen and red… Brian kissed him gently and then looked into his eyes. 

“Nicky, you know that…that this is gonna hurt…right?” Nick bit down on his lower lip and nodded. “I know,” he whispered, sounding frightened. “But Nicky, I’ll go as slow as you want, and once the pain fades…it’ll be so good,” he murmured, softly kissing the boy and trying to alleviate some of his fear. But he was afraid too. If he were honest with Nick, he wouldn’t be able to say with all certainty, that the pain would end and the pleasure would overtake him. Because he didn’t know. He’d slept with other guys, yes; however…he’d never been a bottom. But he couldn’t tell Nick that. He had to be the knowledgeable one, the experienced one, and above all, he couldn’t be afraid. 

Nick kissed him softly and then smiled up into his eyes. “I trust you Brian…I’m ready…I want you,” he murmured. Brian flinched slightly when Nick said that he trusted him, but he kissed him back and quickly lost himself again in the blonde’s touch and taste. Their kisses grew deeper and deeper and soon they were frantic, touching and grinding into each other as their tongues tangled. Blindly, Brian reached over to his nightstand and groped for the lube Nick had placed there. He managed to continue kissing Nick while he found and opened it. But he broke the kiss moments later and looked down into his friend’s eyes. 

Reluctantly he lifted himself off of the blonde and knelt between his legs. He smiled as Nick squeezed his eyes shut and began to blush. Brian squeezed a liberal amount of the lube onto his hand and laid the tube aside. He coated two of his fingers with it and with his other hand, gently pushed Nick’s legs further apart. “Bend your knees baby,” he requested softly, smiling as Nick slowly complied, his cheeks and neck flushing even more. “Don’t be embarrassed Nicky…” Brian whispered, trying to put him at ease. But his own heart was in his throat, his breath coming in short gasps. Seeing Nick this way…completely open and vulnerable to him…it was too much. “You’re beautiful…” Brian murmured as he trailed his fingertips over the soft, downy skin of Nick’s inner thighs. 

Nick’s whole body shivered with pleasure and he opened his eyes and looked at his older friend. Brian, this time, was the one to look away, lowering his eyes to watch what he was doing, but also because the look in Nick’s eyes was so intense. He let his fingers slip lower and when he found Nick’s small pucker, he swallowed hard and touched him gently. Slowly, he pushed his finger into Nick’s warm body and nearly gasped at the feeling. He was so tight, so hot…Brian knew, then, that it was going to be harder than ever to hold back. He was panting for breath as he continued, glancing up at the boy to make sure he wasn’t in any pain. Brian knew he had to try his best to stretch Nick slightly to prepare him for what was to come. 

Nick’s body jerked as Brian pushed his finger inside him, and he gripped tightly to the bed sheets beneath him. He couldn’t take his eyes off of Brian, even when Brian wasn’t looking at him. Nick couldn’t imagine anyone ever looking as beautiful as Brian did at that moment. His dirty blonde hair was wet with sweat, pressed to his forehead, curling more than usual. His tan skin looked golden in the candlelight and he was biting down on his swollen lower lip in concentration. Nick couldn’t begin to describe the way it felt to feel Brian’s finger inside him. On one hand it felt weird, odd…yet at the same time, it was making him so hot and he could sense that behind the oddness of the feeling, behind the slight discomfort…there was so much more. 

Brian pushed further and Nick jumped and then moaned his name. “Brian…oh…Bri, I…please…please do that again,” he begged, pushing down on Brian’s hand, wanting more. Brian smiled slightly to himself and again touched the same spot within Nick, making the boy moan. While Brian himself, really had no true idea of what that kind of pleasure felt like, he had been told it was fantastic. All he knew was that if he could keep touching Nick’s prostate and keep his mind on that pleasure, he might be able to help him avoid some of the inevitable pain. 

Nick hadn’t counted on this. He really hadn’t known what to expect, but he hadn’t really thought there’d be this intense pleasure involved. Slowly, carefully, Brian inserted a second finger into him, wincing when the boy’s face scrunched up with brief pain. “Shh, relax Nicky,” Brian whispered when he felt Nick’s body tense. That slight moment of pain had broken through his haze of pleasure and had made him nervous again. But he listened to Brian’s words, took a deep breath and relaxed. Gently, Brian pushed his two fingers deeper into Nick, stretching him and again, brushing his prostate. Brian could barely breathe; his body was flushed and practically trembling. Watching Nick like this…watching his fingers disappear inside Nick’s body…watching Nick moan and sweat and writhe with pleasure under his touch…it was too much. He needed him; he needed release…now.  

He ran his other hand over Nick’s thigh and up to his hip. “Nicky,” he breathed, idly squeezing and rubbing the flesh of his hip. Nick looked up into Brian’s eyes and reached out his hands to touch him. “Nick…I need you now baby, I…please…I need you so fucking bad,” Brian begged, his words strung together and heated. Nick blushed and then smiled softly. “I need you too Bri,” he replied simply. Slowly, Brian pulled his fingers out of Nick and then reached for the lube again. With nervous fingers, Nick managed to get a condom out of the box on the nightstand and give it to his friend. Brian took it from him and quickly put it on, panting and sweating as he spread lube over his cock. He knew he had to go slowly for Nick, but he was so hard and so desperate for release. And it was even worse now because he knew exactly what Nick felt like…. 

Nick too, although still nervous, wanted nothing more than release. He was ready for Brian, open and willing, desperate for his touch. Brian slipped a pillow beneath Nick’s slim hips and gently bent his knees back further. Nick swallowed hard and looked into the older man’s eyes. “Brian…” he whimpered. “Please Bri…take me,” he whispered, his blue eyes shining. Brian ran his fingers up Nick’s soft thighs and took his hips in his hands. “Ready?” He whispered, breathing heavily. Nick nodded and took a deep breath. Brian looked down at him for one more moment, waves of affection washing over him. He adored Nick…this was what he had wanted with him since the first day he saw him…but he had gotten so much more. He had gotten a best friend, someone who cared deeply for him…and now he had even more. 

Nick shivered and whimpered in desperation as he felt the tip of Brian’s cock brush against his small entrance. Their eyes locked and they knew it had to be now. As gently as he could, Brian pushed forward and into him. Nick cringed and squeezed his eyes shut in pain. Brian gasped and dropped his head forward in pleasure. But when he opened his eyes again and glanced down at Nick he winced. The boy was in terrible pain; Brian could see that. He stayed very still and soothingly stroked Nick’s hips and thighs. It was extremely difficult but he knew he had to be patient and go slowly…even if his whole body was on fire and pulsing with pleasure. “More…” Nick whispered, his eyes still shut, his knuckles white as he squeezed his hands into fists. Carefully, Brian pushed further, biting his lip to keep from moaning…nothing had ever felt this good. Nick’s eyes flew open and inadvertently met Brian’s. Brian cringed…the teen’s eyes were full of tears. Tears of pain. He couldn’t take it. It would kill him…but he’d rather pull out and end Nick’s pain than push further and hurt him more.  

“Nicky…baby,” he purred, still caressing the boy’s hips. “I’ll pull out…I don’t want to hurt you, I--” “No!” Nick exclaimed, reaching down and digging his fingers into Brian’s wrists. “No don’t…just…please just let me get used to it,” Nick begged, his eyes shining with tears. He was in an awful, burning pain…it felt like he was being torn in two. But beneath it an underlying sense of pleasure struck him. He couldn’t know for sure, but he remembered the way Brian’s fingers had felt within him and…he was positive that if he just waited a little bit…the pleasure would be entirely worth it. Brian breathed deeply and looked into Nick’s eyes, trying to make sure that he really wanted this. Nick nodded, his eyes pleading with Brian to just wait. He needed him…needed this so badly.  

Tenderly, Brian leaned down slightly and wiped away Nick’s tears. Nick took Brian’s hand in his own and kissed his palm. When he let go he reached up and ran his fingers over Brian’s face, wiping away drops of sweat. “Go further,” Nick whispered. Eagerly, Brian complied, pushing deeper into Nick’s tight body. Nick winced again and bit down on his lip. The moment Brian saw his pain he stopped again and waited. He was positive his body was going to give out or instantaneously combust…he was in so much pleasure it was agonizing pain. He moaned when Nick moved slightly, trying to get used to him. Brian locked eyes with his friend and slid his hand from the boy’s hip over to his cock. He wrapped his fingers around him and slowly began to stroke Nick, hoping the feeling of pleasure would overtake his pain. 

Nick moaned softly and squeezed his eyes shut. “Brian,” he breathed, drawing his lower lip between his teeth and pushing his head back into the pillow. Nick hardly knew what to feel by now…the feeling of Brian stroking him was sending chills of pleasure all over his body. But as his older friend pushed further inside him, he could still feel pain…although it was quickly lessening. 

“Nick…relax baby…just concentrate on what feels good,” Brian whispered, breathing heavily. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt Nick, but he needed the teen to get past his pain quickly…he couldn’t take much more. No one he had ever been with before had felt as good as Nick did. “More Brian…please,” Nick begged, his eyes bright, sweat dripping off his forehead. Slowly Brian sank deeper inside of him until finally, he was completely buried.  

Brian’s head fell forward, his chin hitting his chest. He balanced himself on his free hand and tried to breathe deeply. Nick was panting, sweating; he had balled his hands up into fists at his sides causing him to tremble. His body was on fire…a mixture of painful pleasure and pleasurable pain. He looked up into Brian’s eyes and was shocked by the _expression on his face. He looked lost, almost in pain… “Bri…?” Nick gasped, reaching out to touch him. Brian met his eyes and licked his lips.

“Nicky…please baby…you feel so damn good…I have to…oh God Nick…” Brian moaned desperately. The feeling of being surrounded by the hot walls of Nick’s body was overwhelming…he knew he couldn’t take anymore. He had to move…now. Nick shut his eyes and ran his fingertips up Brian’s trembling arms. The pain was fading fast. Brian moved ever so slightly and Nick’s body jerked in shock. He moaned loudly and gripped tightly to Brian’s arms. “Oh God Bri…” he panted, searching his friend’s eyes. There was that feeling again…the same thing as when Brian had put his fingers in him…except it was ten times more powerful now. All he could feel was pleasure…even the lingering pain was bliss. He felt filled, complete…and deliciously vulnerable. 

“Please Brian…move…I need you to…oh God…” he begged in a heated moan. Brian looked down into his young friend’s eyes and eagerly complied. He pulled back ever so slightly and then pushed deeply inside Nick again, watching as the boy’s body was racked, once again, with shudders. Brian gripped both of Nick’s hips in his hands and thrust into him again, making them both moan. “Fuck baby…” Brian hissed, shutting his eyes and taking a deep breath as he thrust inside of Nick again. “You’re so damn tight…so good…” he moaned. Nick drew his knees back further allowing Brian to push even deeper inside him. He moaned every time, unable to believe how good it felt.  

Brian looked down into the boy’s eyes and licked his lips. Nick looked so beautiful then and it thrilled Brian to know that he was feeling as much pleasure now as he was. Gently, he slipped his hands behind Nick’s knees, pushed them slightly up and then wrapped his legs around his lower back. “Bri…” Nick moaned, pushing his head back into the pillow and biting down on his swollen lower lip. Tenderly, Brian leaned down until their chests were almost touching and slid one hand into Nick’s damp hair. He stared into his eyes and slowly pulled back and then thrust into him again. Nick dug his fingers into Brian’s shoulders and arched up into him. “Bri…” he panted, searching his friend’s eyes. “What is it baby?” Brian murmured, leaning down to kiss his flushed cheeks. “It…f-feels so…good,” he choked out, sliding his fingers into Brian’s sweaty curls. Eagerly he pulled Brian closer and begged, “Kiss me!” 

Brian reacted instantly to Nick’s desperate plea. He crushed his lips to the blonde’s and quickly slid his tongue into his mouth. Nick gripped tightly to Brian’s shoulders as he eagerly returned his kiss. Brian was in heaven. Each time he thrust into Nick’s body the boy moaned into his mouth and arched up into him. He loved the feel of Nick’s hot, sweaty limbs wrapped all around him. Nick sucked on Brian’s tongue and pulled him closer, wanting more. But they reluctantly broke the kiss in order to breathe, and Nick moaned Brian’s name. Wanting to give him even more, Brian slid his hand between their bodies and closed his fingers around Nick’s erect member. Nick’s eyes flew open in surprise pleasure, and before he could make a sound Brian captured his mouth in another deep, drugging kiss. Brian knew Nick was close to coming, and he himself, couldn’t last much longer either. 

He broke their kiss and ran his tongue across the boy’s swollen lips. “Nicky…you feel so good,” he purred against the boy’s mouth, thrusting deeply inside his warm body. Nick whimpered and squeezed Brian’s body tightly. “You’re so tight…so hot…I love being inside you,” he whispered as he kissed the teen’s ear. Nick moaned, Brian’s words making him tremble. Brian couldn’t stop kissing him. He planted sweet, little kisses all over his flushed face and neck. He was losing any last grip he had on control…Nick was giving him everything but he wanted to take more, to take him and make him his own…. 

He looked down into the boy’s clear blue eyes and slid his fingers into his blonde hair. Nick looked up at him and shuddered in his arms. He was practically crying he was so desperate…but he was still shy, still unsure how to ask for everything he wanted. He didn’t know how to say that…he wanted to be Brian’s…wanted him to take him completely. “Brian…” he moaned. “Please…” he begged, tugging on Brian’s curls and desperately arching into him. Brian stared into Nick’s eyes and slowly pushed deeply inside him again. Nick squeezed his eyes shut and moaned as pleasure once more washed over him. “Bri…” he whimpered, tears forming in his eyes. Tenderly Brian slid both of his arms beneath Nick’s back and took complete control. Nick clung to him and went weak in his embrace. Brian kissed Nick’s lips, his cheeks, his ears. 

“Tell me,” Brian whispered into his ear. Nick shut his eyes and tightened his grip on Brian’s body…his legs and arms wrapped all around his older friend. “I…can’t,” Nick moaned, squeezing his eyes shut. “Yes you can,” Brian murmured. “It’s just me…come on baby…I want to hear you…tell me what you want…what you need,” he whispered in between kisses. Nick buried his face in Brian’s neck and kissed his hot skin. “Please Bri…harder,” he whispered, his voice barely audible. “Go deeper…” he begged, his voice still a whisper. “Make me…please make me come,” he pleaded as he began sucking on Brian’s neck. Brian bit his lip and moaned, loving Nick’s desperate words, his shy voice. He kept his arms around his back and pulled back to look into his eyes. He did just as Nick asked and thrust deeply inside of him, harder than before, sending them both closer to the edge. 

“Oh Brian…more please…oh fuck…” Nick moaned. Brian snapped when he heard Nick’s husky voice. He kissed the boy deeply as he thrust harder and deeper into him, over and over, every inch of his body on fire, desperate for release. Nick met him each time, arching up into him and eagerly returning his kisses. “Nicky…baby I can’t last, I…oh fuck…please Nick…come with me…I want you there with me,” Brian moaned, staring into Nick’s clouded eyes. Brian thrust into him once more, hitting his prostate and that was all it took. Nick screamed Brian’s name and then fell into a string of incoherent moans as his orgasm washed over him. Brian lost himself as he came, falling into Nick’s body, becoming one with him as he drown in pleasure. 

Many long moments later the two of them collapsed, Brian on top of Nick, Nick still completely wrapped around Brian’s warm body. They lay still for a long time, neither saying a word, only concentrating on breathing as their racing heartbeats slowly dropped. Finally, Brian lifted his head and looked down into Nick’s closed eyes. He smiled to himself as he drank in Nick’s image. The teen’s eyes were shut, his lips turned up in a dreamy smile, his cheeks flushed, and his hair stuck to his sweaty forehead. Brian ran the back of his hand lightly across the boy’s cheek and leaned down to gently kiss him. Nick returned the kiss, softly licking at Brian’s lips and letting his fingers pass through Brian’s curls. When Brian pulled back he met Nick’s eyes and the boy blushed. Brian smiled tenderly and kissed him again. They stayed that way for a few more minutes, staring into one another’s eyes and kissing softly. Eventually, Brian pulled out of him slowly and then carefully climbed out of bed. Nick panicked and grabbed his wrist. “Bri…” he whispered, his voice scared. Brian smiled tenderly and shook his head. “I’ll be right back baby…promise,” he murmured. Seconds later, he returned from the bathroom with a damp towel. He smiled lovingly at his young friend as he wiped sweat and cum off of both of them and then tossed the towel to the floor. 

He leaned over Nick and blew out several of the candles and then turned around to his side of the bed and blew out the rest. He lay on his side and eagerly gathered the waiting boy into his arms. He kissed Nick’s forehead and smiled as the teen snuggled closer to him. “Brian?” Nick called quietly, his fingers idly caressing Brian’s back. “Hmm?” Nick pulled back slightly and looked into his friend’s eyes. Their eyes had adjusted to the darkness so that they could make out one another’s faces. “Is it always that good?” Nick asked shyly. Brian smiled and kissed him again. “Nick…that was the best sex I’ve ever had,” Brian replied honestly. Nick blushed and hid his head in Brian’s neck for a few moments. 

When he looked back up he looked slightly worried. “Bri, you…you don’t regret this do you?” He asked timidly. “I mean cause you didn’t want to do this in the first place and I--” Brian cut him off with a soft kiss and pulled him tightly against him. “No,” he replied against Nick’s lips. “I don’t regret this…at all.” He looked into Nick’s eyes and lightly traced his cheek with his fingertips. “Nick, it’s not that I didn’t want to do this,” he went on. “I just…I wasn’t sure if we should, but now…now I’m so glad that we did.” Brian kissed him again and Nick sighed happily. 

Brian wanted to say more, to tell him that he had been afraid of sleeping with him because he had been afraid he’d become even more infatuated. He had been afraid of feeling too much, of thinking that they might be more than friends…he didn’t want that. He had never before had a real best friend, someone who he shared secrets with, someone who made him laugh, and someone whom he knew cared about him. He was afraid that sex would ruin all that. Sex destroyed friendships…he knew that. And it would kill him to lose Nick. But now he wasn’t so sure he felt the same way. Their night together had been amazing, and so far things were the same. He didn’t feel weird, didn’t feel like he owed Nick something more…and he could tell from the boy’s eyes, his sweet, soft touches, that he felt the same way. He looked down at his best friend, now asleep in his arms and smiled. He’d have to wait until the morning to be sure, but he had a feeling that things would be ok. Their friendship was too strong to ruin. 

< Lead The Way >