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Chapter 4

Nick couldn’t be anymore excited. He was going home for Christmas today. Officially, classes weren’t finished until tomorrow, but he had finished all of his finals, and there was nothing keeping him in New York. Sun-shiny southern California was calling his name…and more than anything, he couldn’t wait to see his parents, his brother and sister…and Brian. He grinned to himself as he threw a few more things into his suitcase. As a surprise, he was going home a day early…not to see his family, but to see Brian. Nick couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when he knocked on the door of his apartment. 

“You certainly look happy to be leaving!” He looked up and over to the doorway where his friend, Madison stood. She smiled and plopped herself down on his bed, watching as he packed a few more things. He smiled back at her as he struggled with the suitcase zipper, tossing the bag to the floor as soon as he had successfully closed it. He sat down next to her and leaned back against the wall. “You all packed?” He asked her as she leaned into him and laid her head on his shoulder. “Yep…although it’s not like I’m going real far you know,” she replied. He laughed. “What, like that trip across town isn’t going to take forever?” She giggled and kissed him on the cheek. 


Madison and he had become good friends during this first semester. They had met about a week after classes began, although as Madison had later admitted to him, she had noticed him the first day. They had two of the same classes and they lived across the hall from one another. She saw him the day he moved in, looking lonely and scared. Something kept her from introducing herself that day…he looked so alone, but somehow she knew that he wasn’t ready to meet anyone new just quite yet. She couldn’t deny that the first thing she noticed about him were his looks. He was absolutely gorgeous, and she wanted, more than anything to get to know him. After about a week he was still quiet and looking very lonely. She hadn’t seen him anywhere outside of the two classes they shared and whenever he came back to his dorm room, he’d shut himself in there for the night. Finally, she worked up the courage to knock on his door and introduce herself. 


“What time is your flight?” Madison asked. “In about three hours,” he replied. “But I should probably leave now in case there’s traffic.” She giggled and sat up, looking down into his eyes. “In case there’s traffic?” She asked, sounding amused. “Of course there’s gonna be traffic!” She sighed dramatically. “Haven’t you learned anything about New York yet?!” She rolled her eyes and stood up. “Come on, I’ll walk you downstairs and get you a cab. You already said goodbye to everyone else?” He nodded. “Hey!” He exclaimed after a few seconds. “Who says I can’t get my own cab?!” She laughed again, her brown eyes sparkling. “What, like that time we went to the movies and we almost didn’t get tickets cause we stood here for twenty minutes waiting for you to hail a taxi?!” She giggled and he muttered something about none of the cabs stopping. 

“Damn, it’s cold!” Nick exclaimed as they stepped outside, pulling his coat tightly against him. Madison laughed and quickly got him a taxi. “Don’t worry sweetie,” she teased. “You’re leaving the arctic now and going back to the warm sunshine!” “Shut up!” He yelled, grinning at her as he threw his suitcase in the trunk. “I’ll miss ya Nick,” she said, smiling at him. “Have a great holiday.” He smiled and gave her a hug. “You too babe…I’ll see you in January.” 

As he had guessed there was traffic and by the time he got to the airport he only had to wait about forty-five minutes before he got to board the plane. The flight home was long but he was too excited to care. He gazed out the plane window into dark blue sky and thought about Brian. Nick couldn’t wait to see him. Even though they had kept in touch with constant emails and phone calls, it wasn’t the same. Despite his new friends and the fact that he was very happy at college, he still missed Brian terribly. No one he had met or had become friends with compared to Brian and the closeness they shared. He had told Brian as much over the phone or through email, even as he had told him about each of his new friends. 


The first week of school had been the worst. He had been so scared and overly shy. He was grateful to his parents for paying extra to give him a single room. He didn’t know if he’d be able to deal with a roommate. Besides going to his classes and to eat he hadn’t left his room for any other reason. He had convinced himself that no one would want to hang out with him anyway. He spent his time curled up in bed watching TV or online emailing Brian or occasionally, friends from high school. Nighttime was the worst. He tried to be strong the first couple of nights, but loneliness and fear soon overtook him. He sat on his bed in the dark holding a pillow and dialing the phone with shaking fingers. 

“Hello?” “Brian…” Nick choked out, tears already falling from his eyes. “Nick? Nick…what’s wrong?” “I’m so lonely…I miss you and I w-want to come…h-home.” His voice sounded so small and horribly sad. “Shh…Nicky, you’ve only been there a few days. I’m sure things will get better soon…just give it some time.”  

He had talked to Nick for over an hour, convincing him things would be ok. His voice had been such a comfort to Nick and had calmed him down immensely. Then Brian got him to lie down and talked to him softly for a while about nothing in particular. His soft, low voice soon put Nick to sleep and in the morning he had felt a tad bit braver.  

When Madison had knocked on his door the next day, he was quite surprised and a little nervous. Madison was beautiful with soulful brown eyes and long reddish brown hair. And despite her kind smile, Nick couldn’t help being a little intimidated. But she managed to talk to him for a while and soon put him at ease. Over the next couple of weeks they became good friends and spent many of their evenings in Nick’s room or hers, eating, laughing and talking. 

Madison came from a wealthy New York family. Her mother had died when she was only two years old, but she had had a loving, happy childhood and adolescence with her father, stepmother and older sister. Nick soon came to learn that while Madison was as sweet as honey to those she liked, she was sort of a snob to everyone else. And she had a wild side that Nick had only glimpsed a few times. But, as far as he could see, it didn’t seem like an unhealthy wild side…. 

It was through her that he had met Alex, Howie and Jennifer. Alex and Howie were sophomores, but had a class with Madison and Nick. Jennifer was a freshman and had apparently gone to high school with Madison their senior year. But Jen and Madison hardly seemed to be good friends. They were always bickering with each other, although Nick had once glimpsed Madison stand up to some guy for putting Jen down. He wasn’t quite sure what their previous history was, but it seemed like on some level they cared about each other. But Nick often wondered why Jen was in their little group of friends at all. She was sweet, and Nick never had any problem with her, but she was very quiet, in a brooding sort of way. When he had first met her and Alex, he had thought they had something going on because they were always flirting. But Alex, he soon learned, was always flirting with everybody. Alex, he liked immensely. The older guy could always cheer him up and was forever telling him stories about his adventures at this or that party. But Nick could sense a kindness in him that he came to see could be easily bruised. Howie, Alex’s best friend, was probably the nicest person Nick had ever met. He was always putting himself in the middle of any disagreements any of them might have and working things out…especially with Madison and Jennifer. Howie was openly gay, which secretly comforted Nick, since he was still discovering his own bisexuality. But he hadn’t told any of them…not even Madison, with whom he was closest. He just wasn’t quite sure of everything he felt yet. And while he knew that none of his new friends would fault him for being bisexual, a part of him was still shy, still insecure. He hadn’t told any of them about Brian either, afraid that he might say too much or give something away with his eyes. 

He smiled to himself as he let his thoughts drift away from his friends at school to Brian. Nick had missed him badly. For four months he hadn’t been able to fall asleep in his arms, to kiss him, or to just talk and laugh with him. He couldn’t wait to see him again. All he wanted was to fall into his arms and feel Brian’s warm, protective embrace all night. For a brief moment Nick closed his eyes and saw the two of them sweaty and naked, tangled in each other’s arms; kissing, moaning and touching frantically as they made love. His eyes flew open and he nervously pressed his palms to his suddenly flushed cheeks. He took a deep breath and turned his body closer to the window, away from the other people in his row. He couldn’t deny that he had replayed those two times they had made love over and over again in his mind. Did he want it again? He wasn’t sure. Those feelings he had begun to have before he had left for school still lingered in his mind, and more dangerously, his heart. He was afraid that if he had sex with Brian again, they might intensify. But still, the thought of sleeping with Brian again…he smiled secretly to himself and shut his eyes. He’d figure it out when and if the time came. 

Nick woke up about an hour later, just before they were about to land. He thought of Madison when he heard the captain come on the intercom and say that the weather in Las Angeles was cloudy with a chance of thunderstorms. No sunshine for me yet Maddy! As he had secretly arranged with her, Cindy was waiting for him at the gate. She hugged him tightly, murmuring how good it was to see him. She linked her arm with his as they went to pick up his luggage. “Brian’s going to be so surprised…and so happy to see you,” Cindy said excitedly. “As it is, he’s thrilled cause you’re coming home tomorrow.” Nick grinned. “Or so he thinks,” he said, smiling devilishly. 

As Cindy drove them towards Brian’s house, Nick gazed out the car window, smiling to himself as he watched the familiar landscape pass by. As much as he liked New York, he was thrilled to be home again. Oddly, he found himself getting more and more nervous the closer they got to Brian’s house. For a few brief moments he was plagued with doubts. What if Brian really wasn’t that excited to see him? What if he had someone there with him? A new friend, a girlfriend…a boyfriend. He frowned at the thought, knowing he’d be jealous…extremely jealous if it was a boyfriend. That thought unnerved him a bit. He shouldn’t be jealous if Brian had a relationship with someone. After all, they weren’t lovers…. 

“He’s really missed you Nick,” Cindy said softly, bringing Nick out of his thoughts and helping to quell his fears. “I’ve missed him too,” Nick whispered, glancing over at her and smiling shyly. He often wondered if she hadn’t seen them kissing that day she had showed up in Brian’s apartment before Nick had left. She had never said anything to him but sometimes; he got the feeling that she knew. Kind of like his mom…when she had seen him kissing Brian that morning, she had been a little shaken up, yes, but as he looked back, he realized she hadn’t been overly surprised. That worried him somewhat. Were Brian and he obvious? He shut his eyes and took a deep breath. He should stop worrying about it…it didn’t matter anyway. They weren’t in love; they were just best friends…who happened to have had sex twice. 

He smiled brightly, feeling a tad nervous but more excited when Cindy parked across the street from Brian’s building. “So he knows you’re coming over?” Nick asked as they crossed the street with some of his luggage. He had left the rest in Cindy’s car and figured he’d get it from her tomorrow. Cindy nodded and then shushed him with a smile as she pushed the buzzer for Brian’s apartment. “It’s me Brian,” she said, smiling mischievously at Nick. “Come on up aunt Cindy,” Brian replied as he unlocked the door. Upstairs, on Brian’s floor, Cindy knocked on her nephew’s door while Nick hid himself a few feet down the hall. Brian quickly opened the door and smiled at his aunt. He motioned her inside but Cindy stopped him. “Wait Brian…I have a surprise for you,” she said, grinning. He smiled and eyed her suspiciously. “What kind of surprise?” He asked. Cindy stayed where she was and reached her arm over to Nick. He took a deep breath, already practically trembling with excitement, and stepped in front of her. 

Brian froze, unable to do anything but stare at Nick, thinking that he had to be dreaming. Nick smiled softly at him, waiting for him to recover from the surprise; his arms were itching to hold Brian. Brian was, like the first time he had seen him, bewitched. It was as if he had never seen him before. All he could think of was how beautiful Nick was…and then, quickly after…how much he had missed him. “Nick…” he whispered. “Surprise Brian,” Nick said softly, his smile bright. He couldn’t wait anymore. He stepped forward and threw his arms around his older friend. Brian’s shock disappeared as soon as he felt Nick’s touch, and he eagerly returned the teen’s embrace.  

“What are you doing here?!” Brian asked, smiling brightly. He pulled back for a moment as he asked him and then, without waiting for an answer hugged him again. “I thought you were coming home tomorrow…” Nick hugged him a few moments longer before pulling back and smiling. “I was…but I conspired with Cindy,” he said with a grin. “So I could come back a day early and surprise you.” Brian smiled into Nick’s eyes and unconsciously let his hands slide down from Nick’s shoulders to his waist. “Just me?” Brian whispered. Nick nodded, his body feeling lighter suddenly. The way Brian had let his hands slip down his back…it left him shaky. Just that…that small, friendly touch was intoxicating. 

Nick started to realize just how much he had missed his friend. His heart had missed him…his kindness, his friendship, the bond they shared. But Nick’s body had missed him too…missed those tender kisses; sweet caresses…missed feeling Brian’s arms around him. “I’ve missed you,” Nick whispered, hugging him again, this time, nuzzling his head in Brian’s neck. Brian shivered as he felt Nick’s breath on his skin, his arms, once again surrounding him. God, he wanted to kiss him. He wanted to kiss him, touch him…and there was no denying how much he wanted to take him back into his bedroom and make love to him for the rest of the day. “I’ve missed you too Nicky,” Brian replied softly, his voice low and almost seductive. 

Cindy watched them both with a gentle smile. She knew that the two of them were still wondering, still discovering what exactly they felt for each other. She realized that they were both terrified of anything more than friendship, and yet neither could help being highly attracted to the other. “Brian…Nick,” she began softly, drawing them both out of their thoughts for the moment. They turned to face her, both of them looking almost surprised to see her for a second. She smiled inwardly to herself, knowing that they had been so caught up in each other that they had forgotten she was there. “I’m gonna go now, but Nick, remember I’ll pick you up here tomorrow around eleven and take you home.” He nodded and thanked her. Brian too, smiled at his aunt and thanked her for setting all of this up. He would have hugged her, but he was reluctant to let go of Nick even for a moment. 

As soon as she left they turned back to face each other, smiling into one another’s eyes. Brian reached up and ran the tips of his fingers down Nick’s cheek, letting his hand rest on his neck. Nick felt that familiar sensation of warmth and weightlessness come over him. It was amazing how such a small touch could affect him so much. “Bri…” he whispered, feeling desperate suddenly. He wanted Brian closer…so much closer. Brian shivered, his name on Nick’s lips sounding like a plea…much like the way he sounded when they made love. Brian slid his fingers into Nick’s soft blonde hair and pulled him closer so that they were face to face. “God, I’ve missed you,” Brian whispered fiercely before crushing his mouth to Nick’s. 

Nick melted and quickly began to kiss him back. He clung to his older friend as Brian slipped his tongue past his lips. Their kisses were deep, hot and wet. Both of them were desperate for each other, wanting to taste as much as they could. For four months they had been starved for each other and now they couldn’t get enough. Brian slid his hands beneath Nick’s shirt and up his back, loving the feel of his soft, warm skin. Nick shivered and moaned softly into Brian’s mouth, pulling his body closer. Brian gripped Nick’s hips in his hands and pressed him tightly against his middle. “I want you,” he whispered against Nick’s mouth, both of them gasping for air. Nick was overwhelmed with desire at Brian’s words, Brian’s touch. He hadn’t expected this. He had never expected his desire for Brian to run so hot and happen so quickly. His intention in coming home a day early to surprise his friend had not been so that they could have sex…but that was the only thought in his head now. Brian had already gotten him hard and incredibly aroused with his deep, searching kisses and in contrast, his feather-light touches. He loved being at Brian’s mercy; under Brian’s control…it made him feel helpless and vulnerable in such a good way. 

Brian too, was amazed at how quickly their reunion had become so physical. But he couldn’t resist Nick; the teen was just unbelievably intoxicating. The scent of him, the taste of him, the feel of Nick in his arms…it drugged Brian and only made him want more. He pulled back briefly and pulled his shirt over his head, smiling when Nick did the same thing. Unable to wait, to resist, Brian pulled Nick tightly against him and kissed him deeply. They moaned at the feel of their skin pressed together; it only made them both even hotter. Nick whimpered into Brian’s mouth, sucking on his tongue and then pushing his tongue against Brian’s and exploring his mouth. Brian felt his knees weaken at Nick’s bold kisses. He began pulling Nick towards his bedroom, walking backwards and never breaking their kiss for a moment. It took them almost ten minutes to go the small distance to Brian’s room. They wouldn’t stop kissing or touching, so they tripped over a few things; Brian stopped them once to push Nick up against he wall and kiss him even deeper as he pushed his hips into Nick’s. Nick moaned and tangled his fingers in Brian’s curls. After a few minutes, they tried again to make their way down the hall, stopping once more when this time, Nick backed Brian into the wall and kissed him even more hungrily. 

Brian slid his hands between their bodies and ran it down Nick’s chest to his waist. He swallowed Nick’s moans as he cupped his erection through his jeans. “Bri…” Nick breathed, licking at his lips and tongue. They stumbled the few remaining feet into Brian’s room and began to pull and tug at each other’s jeans. Once they had successfully removed all of their clothes Brian took a moment to step back and run his fingers down Nick’s arms as he drank in his image. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. Nick blushed and looked down as he desperately reached out for Brian. They kissed again, moaning and sighing as they pulled each other close. It didn’t take long before they tumbled into bed, Nick pulling Brian down on top of him. Brian rocked himself against Nick’s warm body, both of them moaning in pleasure as their hard cocks rubbed together. Almost unconsciously, Nick bent his knees and spread his legs as Brian kissed him deeper and deeper. The older man began sucking and nibbling on his neck as he slid his hands beneath Nick’s back. “Brian…” Nick whispered, his fingers on Brian’s lower back. Brian looked down into his eyes and brushed his fingers through his hair. “I want you inside me,” he said softly, staring into his friend’s blue eyes. “Oh Nicky…” Brian breathed, the teen’s words making him shudder. Nick wrapped his arms around Brian’s back and squeezed the older man’s hips between his legs. They kissed each other deeply, slowly…a tender moment amongst their hot, needy passion. But the intense desire they felt for one another quickly took over and again their kisses and touches became desperate and frantic.  

Brian reached over to his nightstand to look for lube, feeling his body weaken as Nick began sucking on his neck and shoulder. Nick took the lube and began spreading it on Brian’s hard cock even as Brian pushed his lube-covered finger inside Nick’s tight hole. They both moaned, growing even more restless, more desperate to become a part of each other. “Brian…” Nick moaned as he felt Brian’s fingers within him, hitting his prostate. “Please Brian…” Nick begged, desperate to feel the older man inside him, filling him. Brian wasted no time, pulling back and taking Nick’s hips in his hands. Nick eagerly pulled his knees back further, looking up at Brian and reaching out to grip his arms. Slowly, Brian pushed inside of him, stopping occasionally when he saw small flashes of pain cross Nick’s face. But it didn’t take long before he was buried inside his younger friend. They both went still for a moment, breathing heavily and looking into each other’s eyes. Nick slid his fingers up Brian’s spine and into his hair, squeezing his eyes shut and moaning when Brian moved slightly. 

“God Nick…you feel so good,” Brian breathed, sliding his hands up his friend’s sides. He thrust into him slowly, savoring every second of pleasure. When he leaned down closer, Nick quickly pulled him into a kiss, slipping his tongue deeply into Brian’s mouth. “Mmm…Brian more,” Nick begged, arching up into him as he dug his fingers into his shoulders. They lost themselves easily and quickly. Brian thrust deeper into Nick…harder, faster. Both were aware that they wouldn’t last long; they had been apart so long and every touch, every taste was hot and needy. Nick moaned each time Brian pushed into him. Brian couldn’t get enough. He gathered Nick even closer in his arms and kissed his mouth, his cheeks, and his neck as he continued to thrust into his body. The two of them were drenched in sweat and on fire, shaking, shivering…desperate for release but unwilling to let their pleasure end. “Bri…I can’t…please Bri, I’m so close, I…oh God…” Nick moaned, shutting his eyes and wrapping his legs around Brian’s waist to pull him deep once more. Brian buried his face in Nick’s neck, sucking the soft skin and moaning. “Nicky…so good, so damn tight…fuck Nick!” Brian came deep in Nick’s hot tightness, shuddering and moaning the teen’s name. Nick followed immediately, coming between the two of them, and dragging his nails down Brian’s back as he moaned his pleasure. 

They lay for quite a while as a heap of tangled limbs and sweaty bodies. When Brian finally pulled out of him and rolled onto his side, Nick was already yawning and cuddling up to his still-warm body. Brian smiled to himself and pulled him close, laughing softly when he realized the teen had fallen asleep almost instantly. He didn’t care one bit. Nick was here with him, in his arms, and for the moment, that was all he cared about. 

Nick woke up a few hours later to a clap of thunder. He saw that Brian was already awake and was smiling tenderly at him. Brian pulled Nick closer so that they were face to face on the same pillow, and tangled his legs with Nick’s. “This wasn’t my intention you know,” Nick said softly, his hand settling on Brian’s waist. “I mean...I didn’t come home a day early to surprise you just so that we could have sex,” he said, smiling sheepishly. Brian smiled brightly and kissed him. “I know,” he replied, his eyes sparkling as they looked into his friend’s. 

The last four months had been very hard for Brian. He had missed Nick every day. He had wanted to call his younger friend much more often than he had, but he didn’t want Nick to feel smothered. And besides, hearing Nick's voice over three thousand miles of phone wire had been bittersweet because he hadn't been able to see or touch him. Plus, after a while, it was obvious to him that Nick was going to be ok. He had made some friends and every time Brian did talk to him, he sounded very content. Brian knew very well, that he had been much more lonely without Nick, than Nick had been without him. 

Never in his life had Brian been close to anyone the way he was close to Nick. The teen understood him in ways no one else ever had. And he knew that Nick genuinely cared for him. That had been a rare phenomenon in Brian’s life. Besides his aunt, he could only remember one or two other people who had ever seemed to care...but they had all gone away and left him alone. So letting Nick go had probably been the hardest thing he had ever done. However on some level, he was a tiny bit glad that they had to be apart for a little bit of time. Brian was terrified that they were too close. He often wondered what exactly to call their relationship. They were best friends, yes, but much more... He hoped with all of his heart that Nick never fell in love with him because he knew he wouldn’t be able to handle it. Love...romantic love ruined things. It always ended badly, leaving those involved hurt, bitter and unable to stand the other person. He couldn’t give Nick that kind of love...ever. And the last thing he ever wanted was for their friendship to falter and fade. 

Yet at the same time, he knew that to avoid any complications with love he should stop sleeping with Nick, stop kissing him, stop...everything except their friendship. But he hated the thought. Not only because sex with Nick was so damn good, but because...they seemed to be able to share a certain closeness, almost like love, but without all the problems and heartache that scared Brian so badly. 

“Brian?” Nick said softly, his fingers moving absently on the older man’s waist. “Bri can we...can we just stay in bed all day?” He asked, blushing sweetly. Brian knew what he meant but he wanted to tease him. He raised an eyebrow suggestively and slid his hand down Nicks back and across his ass. Nick swatted his hand away and giggled nervously, blushing even more. “No Bri...I just...I...” Brian tipped his chin up and kissed him gently. “I know what you meant Nicky,” he said softly. “I was just teasing you.” 

So they did exactly that. They put their boxers back on, got some food from Brian’s refrigerator and settled themselves in bed with the radio on and the curtains pulled shut against the thunderstorm that was still raging outside. They spent hours talking and laughing with one another, both of them more than thrilled to be able to be together like this. Being apart for so long had been hard on both of them; now it was so easy. And they both knew that it was better that they had had sex right away. It was like they needed to get it out of the way, get past their intense physical attraction so that they could settle down comfortable with each other and just be friends. 

Brian talked about his job and how happy he was there. He had even found some friends that he hung out with occasionally. Nick told Brian more about his friends from school and how much he liked most of his classes and that he loved New York. Brian could tell that Nick was pretty close to Madison from the way he talked about her. He tried his hardest to ignore the small stab of jealousy he felt because of that. 

They spent the rest of the day and much of the night dividing their attention between whatever was on TV and each other. Nick lost his battle with sleep long before Brian, being jet-lagged as well as exhausted from their emotional reunion. Brian watched him sleep for the longest time, running his fingers through his hair and kissing him occasionally. Eventually Brian shut off the television and settled himself beneath the blankets with his friend. The storm outside was slowly fading away, the thunder becoming softer and more distant. Brian continued to watch Nick; smiling to himself as he remembered all the times he had held Nick during a thunderstorm. Nick had always tried his hardest to act as if the storm didn’t affect him, but Brian had been able to tell that they made him slightly nervous. He had always slept a little bit closer to Brian on those nights, had always made sure that they were touching in some small way.  

It still amazed Brian how beautiful he found Nick. After all this time his infatuation hadn’t decreased; he still found Nick as alluring now as he had the first time he saw him. True Nick’s appearance had changed as he had grown, but it didn’t matter. He was still gorgeous…and Brian couldn’t help admitting that he loved Nick’s grown up body…. He shut his eyes and smiled as Nick snuggled closer to him, nestling his head against Brian’s neck. He kissed the top of his head and sighed. He knew they only had about a month before Nick went back to school, but he intended to treasure every moment. 


Despite Cindy’s promise to Nick that she was the only one that knew he was coming home early, she had told his parents. She wasn’t about to let him fly all the way back across the country a day early without his mom and dad knowing. About a month after Nick had gone to school, Cindy and Jane had a long conversation about Brian and Nick’s relationship. Cindy told her that she had seen the two of them kissing almost three years ago. Jane told her what she had seen the day Nick had left for school. They were both a little bit worried about the two of them. Cindy knew that Brian was afraid of love. He didn’t trust it and honestly, she couldn’t blame him for that because she knew how he had grown up. His parents had ignored him, his brother had ignored him…he hadn’t made friends in school simply because he hadn’t really known how. He had grown up at home being ignored and unloved so he had just expected the same thing to happen at school. In order to protect himself he had remained coolly aloof and distant towards any of the other kids who ever approached him. Looking back, Cindy wished that she had been a little bit older, a little more settled in her own life so that she could have been there more for Brian than she had been. She told all of this to Jane and also stated her worries that if Nick were to fall in love with his friend…Brian might run from that love and hurt Nick, certainly not intentionally, but hurt him nonetheless. 

Unfortunately, that confirmed Jane’s fears. She knew her son, and she knew that no one had ever been to him what Brian was to him. And Nick tended to let his emotions rule him. She knew that he and Brian were very close…talking with Cindy pretty much confirmed the belief they both had on how close. They both seemed to realize that Brian and Nick’s friendship involved a lot more than just that. But they also agreed that neither of the boys really knew what to make of their relationship. She was just afraid that Nick might feel something Brian didn’t and then…she didn’t want her son to get his heart broken. However, they both agreed that it was better to let Brian and Nick figure things out together.  


As excited as Nick had been to surprise Brian, and only Brian, a day early, he was also thrilled to see his family again. Brian went with Cindy and him when he went home the next day. He stood back with a soft smile on his face as he watched Nick hug his parents and siblings. He loved seeing Nick so happy, smiling and laughing with his family. But a tiny piece of his heart was full of sorrow. He would never have that…parents who loved him, a brother who loved him…no happy smiles, no laughter, no love. 

“Brian…where have you been hiding?” Nick’s father asked, smiling, shaking his hand and then hugging him. “We haven’t seen you for a few weeks,” he added. Brian started to respond, but Jane wrapped him in a hug before he could say a word. “Yes Brian, Bob’s right…we haven’t seen you in over a week. I demand you visit us at least once a week, ok?” She asked in a firm voice, her eyes sparkling with a smile. Brian couldn’t help but smile back as he nodded. 

While Nick had been away at school, his family had been sure to include Brian whenever possible, and had gone out of their way to make sure he wasn’t lonely. Brian was often overwhelmed by their kindness to him. He didn’t want to, but he couldn’t help but be somewhat wary of why they wanted to be so nice to him and to include him in their family activities. Being that he had never experienced any of that within his own family, he didn’t quite understand it. And it didn’t help that occasionally he would start to feel very, very guilty while he was around them. They took him in, helped chase away his loneliness while Nick was away, made him feel welcome and a part of their family, and how did he repay them? By fucking their teenage son. He despised himself in those moments and often thought it would be best if he just walked away. But he had come to care for them so much. 

Ever since he and Nick had become friends, they had started to be his family. Bob and Jane were everything he had ever wanted in his own parents. Aaron and Angel were sweet and playful…he loved them like they were his own brother and sister. And then of course…Nick. Nick was his best friend, his brother…and so much more to him that he couldn’t even identify. 

He followed Nick to his room to help him unpack, laughing as Aaron and Angel ran ahead of them, racing to see who could make it there first. Nick rolled his eyes and smiled tenderly at Brian, his whole face softening, his eyes shining. Brian swallowed hard, Nick’s beauty catching him off guard for a moment, then smiled back at him softly, feeling his heart constrict in his chest. Aaron and Angel’s yelling soon broke the spell though and they both turned to follow the kids to Nick’s room. Neither of them saw the look that Bob, Cindy and Jane exchanged…slightly worried, slightly happy and very knowing. 


Brian stayed that night for dinner with Nick’s family as well as almost every other night while Nick was home. Whenever they could escape they’d stay the night at Brian’s apartment. Nick loved being home with his family, yes, but sometimes they could be a little overbearing. He and Brian only made love two other times while he was home. Once when Nick just hadn’t been able to resist his older friend and had been feeling extremely playful. And the second time was the night before Nick left to go back to New York. Each time brought them closer, made them feel more than either of them wanted. But the alternative…never touching or kissing again was truly unbearable. 

Neither of them talked about it with each other, or anyone else, but they were both afraid of love. Nick, because parts of him were still shy, still insecure and he was afraid of rejection. And Brian, because he didn’t trust it and was positive that love would ruin what they already had. 

Saying goodbye this time wasn’t any easier…it was harder. Harder for Brian to let him go a second time, harder for Nick to leave him again. The first had been tough enough so doing it again was even worse. And even though Nick was anxious to get back to school, his independence and his other friends…he still didn’t want to leave Brian behind. They both were looking forward to the summer, when Nick would be home for almost four whole months. So as they hugged one another goodbye, they let the world of the airport drift away for a few moments, melting into each other and savoring the embrace. There were so many feelings between them that neither was brave enough to analyze. They had both changed so much from that day they had met, but one thing stayed the same, and they were confident that it always would…they had each other. 

< Lead The Way >