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Summer of Love

By:  Rhonda

There he is. My prey. The one I’ve been wanting for so long. Don’t want him for anything more than one night. But still, I want him. Want him badly. And I know I can make him want me. The atmosphere here is meant for seduction. And seduce is exactly what I’ll do. 

Dance, it's the summer of love 

Tonight the fiesta will come 

Ah, ah, it's the summer of love

There are way too many people here. It’s so crowded and so…typical. Why I ever agreed to come here in the first place is still a mystery to me. As expected my four best friends have long since abandoned me for a drink or a random sexy dance partner…or both. But, I think I’ll make the best of the situation and at least get a drink. After all this is Cancun. It’s a sweltering night, on a breezy, moonlit beach. The colorful Chinese lanterns strung about only add to the heated atmosphere. Yards away, the warm ocean water laps at the silky sand, probably providing a cool, calming air. But here, the beat is fast and the air is sultry. There aren’t many choices on where to go or what to do. It’s that kind of party. Either dance, or hang out around the dance floor and drink at the several bars that had been set up specifically for this event. If you wanted peace and quiet, you wouldn’t find it here. And no one here was looking for peace and quiet. Hell, I don’t even think I was. I couldn’t help be sucked in by the intense atmosphere, and as I watched the bodies dancing, moving, grinding with each other, I realized I wanted to be a part of it. I wanted someone to dance with, someone to press up against…just for right now, just to satisfy this craving that’s suddenly flooded my veins. Nothing specific, nothing too deadly, just…I wanted sex. 

The realization was rather surprising to me, but judging from the people here, I didn’t think anyone would mind. So, I was set. I had a course of action for the evening…it wasn’t as I thought any of my friends would be leaving this party alone, or like we’d all be leaving together. In fact the idea was laughable. I’m sure they all assumed that I would probably leave alone and early. But I’m intent on proving them wrong now…not that I need to; I just like surprising them every once in a while.  

But now I have to find someone. Someone willing, someone who knows it’s just for tonight. The heat, the alcohol…Cancun in general seem to make people more eager than in normal, every day situations. But I don’t want just anyone. Someone hot, someone who knows how to please…and someone male. No woman on earth could satisfy the craving that has taken over me this evening. It had to be a man. Women were nice; women were sweet, tasty, alluring…all that and much more. But I didn’t want a soft body, didn’t want curves…not tonight anyway. 

As I turn around and lean back casually against the bar I take a swig of my second Corona (only appropriate, since I’m in Mexico) and begin scanning the crowd for what I want. I have a feeling I’ll know the second I lay eyes on him. 

Dance, it's the summer of love 

Tonight the fiesta will come 

Ah, ah, it's the summer of love 

I want you Brian. I want you so much. And I’m going to have you. Going to make you scream my name, going to taste you, touch you…fuck you. I’ll make you want me as much as I want you. I’ll make your body sweat, make your face flush with passion… I want the two of us wrapped up in each other…tangled twisting limbs, wet kisses, dripping bodies. Now. Nothing else matters now. 

Tonight we live la vida loca 

Yes we'll have the time of our lives 

A fiesta we'll always remember 

Tonight we will taste paradise 

Life is sweet and we treasure each moment 

Moving closely with me as we sway 

For tonight we forget our tomorrows 

It's time for the music to play

Just when I stop looking…that’s when it happens. His hands on my hips, his body pressed into my back. “Dance with me.” I hear a breathless whisper in my ear, lips brushing my neck, the scent of alluring cologne…. I take one last swig of my beer and turn around.  

His hands are still on my hips, pulling us together and out onto the over-crowded dance floor. All this before I even get a chance to register in my brain that I know him. I know him and…it doesn’t matter. He’s fucking gorgeous…his eyes are burning with a secret. Burning with lust…and when he pulls me against him, I give in. Nothing else matters, all I can concentrate on is the feel of his body against mine. My arms are around his neck, his hands on my hips…now on the small of my back, beneath my shirt, pressing into my damp skin. He licks his lips, and instinctively I do the same. God he is so hot! Dancing with me, holding me tightly, leading our movements…sweat dripping down the side of his face, his whole body is like liquid fire in my arms. 

He pulls me closer, if that’s possible, and licks a small path up my neck to my ear. He starts sucking on the lobe, running his tongue over my skin and sending shivers all over me. “Want you,” he rasps in my ear, his hot breath leaving me breathless. “I wanna fuck you,” he breathes, pressing his hips into my own. We’re both hard. I slip my hands under the hem of his shirt, desperate to feel his skin. It’s already slick with sweat, so smooth and soft…I can’t wait to feel his skin on mine. “I wanna taste you,” he goes on, his voice low and velvety. “Feel you beneath me…writhing…desperate…moaning…all for me…” he went on in that voice that was making my knees weak. Between each word he pressed his lips to my neck, moving across my jaw line, closer and closer, till he was running his tongue over my chin. I felt weak, lightheaded, and completely on fire. His fingers slipped across my cheek and into my hair. It wasn’t gentle, wasn’t a caress…his fingers fisted in my curls and he smirked. Our lips met. 

I nearly moaned and pulled him as tightly against me as I could. They were hard, fast, passionate kisses. His tongue quickly found its way between my lips, plunging into my mouth and tangling with my own. I kissed him back just as roughly, forgetting everyone around us and letting him devour me.  

“Fuck…I want you…now Justin,” I panted as we broke apart. I squeezed his hips through his jeans and pulled him tightly against me. He smirked, feeling just how much we both needed this. “Let’s go…” “Where?” “Do you care?” I shook my head and followed eagerly as he led me away from the beach side party. 

The temperature's rising 

You search the horizon 

And there's not a cloud in the sky 


So dance, it's the summer of love 

Tonight the fiesta will come 

One hundred degrees 

In the shade of the trees 

One more time 

Tonight is the night of our lives 

De fruta la vida that's right 

One hundred degrees 

And we turn up the heat 

One more time 

For the summer of love

We couldn’t keep our hands off of one another. Neither of us wanted to. We were hot, hard, horny…desperate for somewhere we could be so that we could feel each other completely. “Get in,” he said, pushing me up against the side of a jeep that I assumed was his. He kissed me deeply, frantically, digging his fingers into the skin of my upper arms. When he pulled away, he smirked again…dangerous, that smirk…and quickly crossed in front of the car to get in the driver’s seat. 

I couldn’t wait. I wasn’t even sure where he was taking me, but I didn’t care. He pulled away from the beach and sped out onto the ocean side highway that led in the direction of my hotel. I figured he was probably staying somewhere nearby. I slid closer to him and snuck an arm around his waist. My lips found his neck, tonguing the sweet skin there and making him shiver. My fingers found their way to the button of his jeans. I popped it open and smiled devilishly when he glanced at me. I leaned down, my head in his lap, and lifted his shirt slightly. His body was still so warm; sweaty from dancing…I pressed my mouth to his stomach, laving the skin with my tongue. I went lower, across his abs, dipping into his navel, as my fingers found their way to his hips. 

I smiled as I went further. He wasn’t wearing anything beneath his jeans. Wanting, needing, to help me, he slid down slightly in his seat, even as he kept driving, so that I could tug on his jeans. I undid the zipper and pulled the slightly past his hips. He moaned…a low, throaty, delicious sound, when my fingers brushed his throbbing cock. I felt his hand on my head, pushing gently, and I complied eagerly. I heard his breath catch in his throat as my lips brushed his heated skin. His fingers gripped onto my hair as I opened my mouth, slowly sucking on the tip of his hard cock. “Fuck…” he hissed. I shifted my body closer and gripped his hips as I took more of him into my mouth. He was so hot, so good…this whole situation was wildly enticing and out of control, making it all the more amazing. 

Within seconds, I had him close to climax, and he was squirming around in his seat, trying to get closer to me, even as he continued to watch the road. He slammed on the breaks the instant his cock touched the back of my throat, and reluctantly yanked my head up. “We’re here,” he gasped, pulling me close for a frantic kiss. I was the one to break away, practically jumping out of the car; so eager to be with him I thought I might scream. Soon we were half-running through the parking lot and into the hotel. It took a few seconds for me to recognize the hotel as my own, but it didn’t matter. Unfortunately the elevator was packed, and we had no chance to fool around. The two of us probably made an interesting sight to anyone who really took a moment to study us. We both had obviously flushed cheeks and were breathing heavily. Every chance he had, he’d lean into me, or accidentally brush his fingers down my arm or across my chest. It was killing me. Finally, after a particularly long scenic route through almost every floor of the hotel, we were at his, one below my own. The two of us pushed past the remaining people in the car and out into the hall. His room was only a few doors down, and within seconds we were inside.


The night is when friends become lovers 

And people are lost in their dreams 

Tomorrow the spell may be broken 

So celebrate love and be free 

The rhythm of life beats within you 

Don't try to resist when it calls 

Move closer to me feel the music 

Now nothing else matters at all

He slammed me back into the door, kissing me violently as his hands yanked and pulled at my clothes. I kissed him back just as hard, moaning at the feel of him pressed up against me. Our hands were everywhere, searching, touching and feeling heated flesh, desperate limbs. He pulled my shirt over my head and I quickly did the same to him. His fingers dug into my naked back as I pulled him against me. “Fuck…you’re so hot,” I moaned, his slick skin burning against my own. He grabbed a handful of my hair and looked into my eyes, licking his lips as he smirked at me. “I wanna fuck you so hard…I wanna hear you scream,” he whispered, eyes flashing with heat. His mouth was on my throat then, sucking, licking and sampling. I slid my fingers between our bodies and undid his jeans for the second time tonight. He kissed me again, our tongues wrapping around each other, lips pressed tightly together, the kisses so hard they were almost bruising. It didn’t take much longer for the two of us to yank the rest of our clothes off. 

We tumbled into his bed, and he was instantly on top of me, his hands everywhere, his mouth once more on mine. We were both on fire, our skin slick with sweat. I couldn’t remember ever being so desperate for someone as I was for him. “Justin,” I gasped, arching my hips upwards against him, running my hands down his back and pulling him tightly against me. “Justin I want you now…please just…fuck me.” I wasn’t above begging, especially not now when I wanted him so badly. He broke away and looked down into my eyes. I moaned when he rotated his hips against mine, our cocks rubbing together heatedly. He smirked, though he was breathing just as heavily as I was, and did it again. I pressed my palms to the small of his back and pushed him down against me harder, making him moan and sending chills all over both of our bodies. “God Brian…” he hissed, looking down at me again. I licked my lips as I stared up at him, begging him with my body and my eyes to take me. He looked so good…his eyes full of lust, his lips swollen and wet, his hair damp with sweat. “Justin…” I pleaded. He nodded and whispered, “Now.” I agreed. 

I couldn’t stop touching him. As he leaned over me for a condom and lube, I ran my hands down his back, over his ass and thighs and planted kisses all over his throat and shoulder. We were quick about it, both of us desperate for him to be inside me. I slipped the condom on him as he pushed a lube-covered finger inside me, stretching me slightly. Seconds later I squeezed his hips and captured his mouth in a fierce kiss, letting him know I was more than ready. He pushed my legs up, bending my knees and settling himself between them.  

I dug my fingers deeper into his slim hips as he pushed inside me and screamed. “Oh fuck Justin…” I moaned, squeezing my eyes shut and gasping for breath as he filled me. I felt his forehead on my chest, felt his tongue licking my sweaty skin. His arms slid down my legs, forcing my knees up farther. “Jesus Brian…” he moaned, his voice low and throaty. “So…fucking…tight,” he gasped, his fingers digging into my back as he pushed deeper inside me. “More…” I begged, putting my hands on either side of his head and pulling his mouth down to mine. We kissed deeply as he began thrusting in and out of me, harder and faster each time. My body jerked as the tip of his cock hit against my prostate. I bit down on his lip and moaned loudly. The two of us were frantic, our kisses hot and needy as he thrust deeply inside me. I wrapped my legs around his back as he stretched my arms out above my head and linked our fingers. Our bodies were slick with sweat as we moved against each other. It was so hot I could barely breathe, but I couldn’t get enough, couldn’t taste or feel enough of him. 

“So close…” he moaned into my mouth, pressing our swollen lips together once more. “Fuck Justin it’s so good. Make me come…” I begged. He reached between us and stroked my cock feverishly, as he thrust inside me again and again. “So hot Brian…God, you’re good…better than I…thought.” His voice was ragged, his eyes glazed over in passion. I grabbed his hips and forced him deeper, harder, and felt him stroke me again and again. We came then, at the same time, screaming and moaning, our hands groping, our bodies pushing against each other so we could be as close as possible. It was so good, just what I needed, what I wanted. He collapsed on top of me and lay there for a few moments, catching his breath. I did the same, feeling my heart pounding in my ears, my mouth open in a desperate attempt to suck in as much air as I could.  

After a while, he pulled out of me and rolled off of me onto his back. I leaned over and slid my arm around his waist as I looked down into his flushed face. When he opened his eyes a few seconds later I smiled and leaned down for a kiss. “Thanks,” I whispered. He smirked. “Thanks to you too,” he replied softly. He put his hand behind my neck and pulled me in for another kiss, more passionate this time. I had a feeling I’d be having trouble getting the taste of him off of my lips in the days to come. Somewhat reluctantly, I slid out of bed and pulled on my forgotten clothes. He propped himself up in bed and watched me, his _expression lazy with lingering pleasure. My body was still tingling from that incredible climax, and I knew if I didn’t leave now, I’d probably jump back into his bed and start this all over again. He raised an eyebrow at me as I glanced over at him again, almost inviting me to stay. I crossed the room in three strides and leaned down to him for one last kiss. It was passionate and hot and made me want him all over again. But we both knew better. 

“I’ll see ya around Brian,” he whispered when we broke apart. I nodded and made my way to the door of his room. “Night Justin.” He smiled, and I left, a smile playing on my own lips. Now that had been a great start to a long, hot summer. 

The End


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