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Wasting My Time

By:  Rhonda


Well I don't want to see you waiting 
I've already gone too far away 
I still can't keep the day from ending 
No more messed up reasons for me to stay 

Well this is not for real 
Afraid to feel 
I just hit the floor 
Don't ask for more 
I'm wasting my time 
I'm wasting my time 
You can't stop the feeling 
And there's no reason 
Let's make the call 
And take it all again 
Whoa again 

Months went by with us pretending 
When did our light turn from green to red 
I took a chance and left you standing 
Lost the will to do this once again 

See you waiting 
Lonesome, lonely 
See you waiting 
I see you waiting 

Well this is not for real 
Afraid to feel 
I just hit the floor 
Don't ask for more 
I'm wasting my time 
I'm wasting my time 
You can't stop the feeling 
And there's no reason 
Let's make the call 
And take it all 
I'm wasting my time 
I'm wasting...

“Hey look…it’s Kevin’s boyfriend,” Nick teased, snickering rather loudly. He was quickly told by more than one person to be quiet. He couldn’t help himself though and he continued to giggle as softly as he could. Two seats down in the darkened theater, Kevin sat, stunned, staring at the movie screen. He heard Nick’s comment, as well as his, Brian’s and AJ’s barely-contained giggles, but he could only continue to stare. 

How had he missed his face in the previews? Ok, so he hadn’t watched or paid attention to many previews. But why hadn’t he heard someone mention his name? People had been talking about this movie for months and he was just now seeing it.  

Andrew Smith. That was his name. By the time they reached the credits for the movie he found out exactly why no one had mentioned his name. There was no Andrew Smith. No…his name was Orlando Bloom. And he was a lying tease. 


Another night, another concert, more fans. But this time they weren’t surrounded by some mob of mindless teenagers and twenty-somethings, dressed in way too little, screaming for their attention. They were in New Zealand, and while the occasional crazy surfaced, the fans on a whole were much more civilized than the packs of freaks that followed them around America. He loved their fans, really he did. But sometimes he’d sooner kill them than even wave hello. 

Nick and AJ were already planning their evening out, and when asked, Kevin decided he’d join them. Eventually, the three of them had convinced Brian and Howie to join them as well, getting them to admit they had nothing better planned.  

They found some small club, which actually came at Justin’s recommendation. Nick, the campy little bastard that he was, had called Justin once he was back at the hotel, hoping to wake him up and doing exactly that, claiming that he didn’t remember the time change. 

“Yeah right Carter. What the fuck do you want?” Justin had asked irritably. 

Nick barely suppressed a giggle, covering it badly with a cough. “Last time you guys were in New Zealand, in Wellington, you told me about some awesome club. What was it called?” He asked, trying to sound sweet. After muttering something, which Nick clearly heard, about ‘stupid fucking Backstreet Boys…can’t even find a club to go to without help…’ Justin came back on the phone and gave him the name, “Lush Allure.” Before Nick could even say thank you, Justin had hung up. 

The night had started out normal enough…drinks, dancing, guys, and girls, all around good time. Sometime after midnight, a new group of guys had arrived and the five of them got a booth close to where the now rather inebriated Backstreet Boys sat. At first Kevin paid them no mind, but occasionally he’d glance in their direction. It was hard to tell through the dim lighting, the smoke AJ kept blowing in the air, and the fact that his vision was a little blurry from more than a few beers, but one of them looked familiar. He was short, he had big blue eyes…but Kevin couldn’t place him. Another of them seemed older and more laid back than the other four. He also looked vaguely familiar but again, Kevin couldn’t figure out why. He sat against the wall, watching his friends with an amused look on his face.  

But besides the blue-eyed one and the older one, he didn’t even remotely recognize the other three. It didn’t take long for the four of them to become as drunk and as loud as the famous boy band already was, and they soon left their table in favor of the dance floor, leaving the older man behind. 

Eventually, Kevin wound up there too, dancing first with Nick, then with a few random girls. When hands moved in to steal the current girl away from him, he didn’t fight. He knew there’d be someone else readily available to dance with. When he looked up from her face into the other man’s he recognized him as one of the people he had been watching before. He surprised Kevin by pulling the girl away, not to dance with, but instead to dance with him. 

This mystery man was quite a sight. He had a short mohawk and brown eyes. He was a few inches shorter than Kevin and rather thin. He really wasn’t Kevin’s type at all, but he was beautiful. His eyes held mischievous secrets that didn’t seem to be dark, just hidden. There was an air of happiness in him that Kevin sensed was hard to dissolve. He seemed totally carefree and willing to try anything once. He told him in an Australian accent that his name was Andrew and he was visiting some friends in Wellington. Kevin asked, as he slipped his arms around Andrew’s waist, if his friends were the four other guys he had come here with. Andrew nodded, glanced in the direction of the booth, turned back and kissed him. 

Something about Andrew had seemed gentle and even shy, but his kiss was neither. What followed from there was a blur of sensations Kevin hadn’t soon forgotten. Their kisses were deep and lustful and took away everything in Kevin except the need for more. Andrew’s mouth tasted so sweet, and he was more than addicting. One taste and Kevin was hooked. He thought he heard laughter. It sounded suspiciously like Nick but he couldn’t be sure. When Andrew broke away, Kevin felt as if he’d drown without more. Andrew grabbed his hand and pulled him in a hurry away from the dance floor. Along the way he flicked off the familiar looking blue-eyed guy and one of his friends, who were both snickering at him and paused at the bar for a drink. There, the third of his friends showed up, said something into his ear and laughed. 

“Fuck off Dom,” Andrew shouted, a smirk on his face. He downed half of his drink in one gulp and handed the rest to Kevin. He pulled him past the booths they had both previously sat at, and found one further away from the dance floor, up on a slightly higher level, shrouded in darkness. He smiled lightly at Kevin, his eyes full of lusty mischief. 

Quickly, he kissed Kevin again, hungrily, deeply, like he wanted to prove he could. His slim fingers were quick in unzipping Kevin’s pants and then slipping inside. Kevin moaned and slipped his hand to the back of Andrew’s head, pulling him in for another kiss. Andrew made short work of him, firmly stroking his cock while devouring his mouth in a round of potent kisses. Kevin thrust himself into Andrew’s hand, pleasure gripping his body tightly. He begged the other man for release, gripping tightly to his neck and looking into his dark brown eyes. Andrew didn’t disappoint, stroking him tightly and letting his fingers work their magic over the tip of his cock. Kevin moaned into the pulsing music of the club as he came, his fingers digging into Andrew’s shoulder, his hips thrusting upwards. He couldn’t believe a simple hand job had gotten him off so powerfully. He hadn’t had such a good orgasm in…well in quite a while. 

Andrew smiled prettily at him, waiting for him to recover before pulling his hand out of his pants, wiping it off on a nearby napkin and then zipping up Kevin’s jeans. The two of them kissed languorously for a few minutes, Kevin trying to pull him closer, wanting to return the pleasure he had felt. But Andrew wouldn’t fall into his arms the way Kevin wanted him to. After a while, they broke apart and he turned from Kevin and extracted a pen from his pocket. Quickly, he wrote a phone number on a napkin off of the table and handed it back to him. Kevin wanted more than just a hand job in a club and a phone number but before he could protest, Andrew was kissing him again, whispering the words “call me” and then flitting away. 

Kevin was left sitting alone in a dark booth, dazed by what had just happened. He had no idea what to think. On one hand, it was a rather normal night for the pop star. The status of celebrity that he had achieved with Backstreet Boys left him open to all kinds of offers and options. He loved it, being in no way ready to settle down into any sort of serious relationship yet. But on the other hand, he felt as if he had just run a marathon and had no hopes of catching his breath. Yeah, it had just been a hand job in the back of some club from some guy whose last name he didn’t even know, but he was quickly beginning to realize, to his dismay, that in the short hour-at-the-most they had known each other he had become very, very infatuated with this skinny, mohawk-sporting, brown eyed flirt. Bad news. 

They were only in New Zealand for two more nights. Another concert and then a day off. On the day off, the five of them had sat around for a good portion of the early afternoon, unsure what to do with so much time to themselves. Eventually, Kevin had left the other four to their own devices and had snuck away from the hotel to just generally explore the city. After about an hour, he dug through his pocket for the real reason he’d left the hotel, looked at the crumpled up napkin and dialed the number. He sat down on the edge of a small fountain in the park he had located and waited nervously while the phone rang and rang.  

Finally someone picked up and a voice mumbled hello. Kevin said nothing for a moment, not recognizing the soft, raspy voice that answered. “Uh…hi. Is…is Andrew there?” He asked, hating the fact that he sounded like a nervous teenager.  

A few seconds of silence ensued before the deep voice replied. “Andrew? I’m sorry, I think you…” The voice was suddenly cut off and a short scuffle ensued during which Kevin made out a few words from a voice that almost sounded like Andrew but with a slightly different accent. 

“Shut up Vig…it was your fucking idea…no, give me the phone.” There were a few seconds of laughter after that, followed by a few muffled moments Kevin couldn’t make out. Finally, a breathless sounding Andrew said hello, once again sounding exactly as Kevin had remembered him from the club, minus the loud music and drunken haze. 

“Hi Andrew…this is Kevin…um, from the other night at--” 

“Yes, yes, I remember,” he interrupted, a hint of seduction in his tone. 

“I was just wondering if you’re doing anything later…I’m only in town until tomorrow and I thought maybe…” Kevin trailed off uncertainly. Why the hell did this guy make him so damn nervous? 

“Oh yeah, sure, sure, good idea…mmm…later. Around seven?” He asked, sounding rather distracted and suddenly in a hurry. 

“Where?” Kevin asked, too elated that Andrew had said yes to pay attention to anything else that was happening on the other end of the line. 

“Equinox,” Andrew answered with a giggle. “It’s uh…downtown.” 

“Ok…I’ll find it. See you at seven,” Kevin said, hoping for some sort of positive reply. He wanted to know that Andrew was looking forward to this meeting as much as he was. But all he got was a mumbled ‘ok,’ another giggle and then a dial tone. He smiled to himself and slipped his phone into his pocket as he began walking back to the hotel. 


“I think maybe we should come with you,” Nick said. He was sitting on the edge of his older friend’s bed and watching him dress. 

“Why should you do that?” Kevin asked, wondering for the twentieth time if he should wear something dressier than jeans. He had called the restaurant earlier and inquired about their dress code. Casual had been the reply, but even if he didn’t have to dress for the restaurant, maybe he should dress for Andrew. 

“Well because you met this guy in a club when you were drunk and got a hand job from him, and you don’t even know his last name and--” 

“Ok Nick, I get it. Thanks for the concern, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be all right,” Kevin replied, sitting down next to his friend to put on his shoes. 

“He really isn’t your type,” Nick remarked, looking rather smug as he lounged on Kevin’s bed. 

Kevin looked at him curiously for a second. “First, Nick, how do you know my type? And secondly, when did you find time to get acquainted with him and determine that he’s not my type?” He asked, sounding both curious and amused. Truthfully, he was fishing for reassurance from Nick that what he was doing wasn’t a complete waste of time. Yes, he’d be leaving the country the next day so it seemed pointless already, but who knew what might develop? 

Nick sighed, rolling his eyes and suddenly looking very grown up and responsible, a complete change from his normal smirking façade. “First of all Kev, I’ve known you since I was thirteen; I think I know your type,” he said smartly. “Your type is someone mature, but still fun. Someone who takes the same things seriously that you do. Your type is normally blonde, but always tall and…well as gorgeous as me,” he teased, smiling warmly again. Kevin smiled back, silently agreeing. “And well, actually, I…” he paused, looking slightly embarrassed suddenly. “After your little…incident wit him, Brian and I, uh, sorta danced with him for a while. I mean, we didn’t know you’d just been with him and it was just dancing,” Nick said hurriedly, looking sheepish. “I just thought you should know,” he said, smiling weakly. 

Kevin laughed. “Don’t look so guilty Nick, it’s no big deal,” he said, smiling. “So that’s how you determined that he’s not my type?” 

Nick nodded, grinning at his friend. “Mohawk?” He asked, sounding amused. “And all that energy…hell, he seemed to be more AJ’s type than anyone’s! And well…he seemed like kind of a flirt, don’t ya think?” 

“Well…no more so than you,” Kevin replied in a teasing tone. But truthfully, he had thought the same thing. Andrew had seemed very flirty and well, even somewhat flighty. Kevin rarely enjoyed either of those traits but on Andrew they seemed sweet. “How do I look?” He asked, turning around to face his friend, finally satisfied with his appearance. He had kept the jeans and opted for a simple black, button-down shirt. 

“Fuckable,” Nick replied, licking his lips and pouting prettily. 

Kevin rolled his eyes and laughed. “Thanks. I’ll see you later Nick,” he said as he turned to leave. 

“See ya Kev, good luck!” 


Kevin got there first. It was a casual restaurant/bar making him glad he’d worn jeans. He told the hostess he was expecting someone else as she sat him a small booth. It took her a few minutes and a few suspicious stares but eventually she figured it out and asked him for his autograph.  

As he was signing, Andrew slipped past the hostess and into the booth. “Hey,” he said casually, giving Kevin a once over glance, nodding and smiling at what he saw. Kevin shivered, meeting his eyes and smiling back. Once the hostess had her autograph, she thanked him again and left. Now alone with Andrew, Kevin felt like a teenager on his first date. It was unbelievable the way this guy could make him feel so nervous. Again, as they held eye contact silently for a few moments, Kevin marveled at how different Andrew was from anyone else he had ever been with. From the way he was constantly in a state of fidgety movement, to the mohawk, to the cigarette he pulled out to smoke…Nick was right. He was so much more AJ’s type than his. 

As they began looking over the menu, Kevin, feeling brave, initiated conversation and asked Andrew where he was from and how long he’d been in New Zealand. He took a moment before answering, taking another drag on his cigarette and then a sip of water. Kevin liked how he composed himself before answering…maybe he was just as nervous. 

“I’m from Sydney, but Dom and I, one of the guys I was with the other night, went to school together. He moved here last year, so I’m just visiting for the summer,” he answered, hands flitting about as he talked. 

Kevin felt his infatuation grow a little stronger. “So what do you do?” Kevin asked, after the waiter had taken their orders. 

“I’m an actor,” he replied, lighting his second cigarette and then drinking down a few gulps of his beer. “Mmm…thank God he brought that now. I was so bloody thirsty,” he said, smiling. Kevin thought he might melt. He briefly wondered if someone had cast some sort of spell on him, leaving him unable to think about anything except Andrew. “Anyway,” Andrew continued. “I was in some plays…I just recently got out of school, actually. I uh…might be in a movie soon,” he said, looking uncomfortable for a brief second, but quickly smiling again. 

“That’s great,” Kevin replied, completely missing the slight nervousness in Andrew’s appearance. “I’ll be sure to stay on the lookout for you!” 


And he had. Kevin had continuously checked for new movies with an Andrew Smith in the cast, but had always come up with nothing. He had assumed it was because Andrew hadn’t gotten any roles. Unsuccessful actors were hardly a rarity. The rest of that dinner had been light and easy. Kevin had loved talking to him and loved listening to him talk even more. Despite wanting more, he had settled for a kiss goodbye outside of the restaurant and Andrew’s promise to call. He was well aware of the fact that a relationship was a rather unrealistic thing to expect due to their situations and different spots on the globe, but he believed anything was possible. However, Kevin never received another call from Andrew. And when he tried the number he had originally given him, which he had several times; he found it to be disconnected. 

His friends had been sympathetic for a while, cursing Andrew and comforting him. They all knew what it was like to be infatuated with someone who didn’t reciprocate those feelings. But after a few months it started becoming annoying. They all felt the same way, and rationally Kevin could see their points.  

He’d only seen Andrew twice in his life. The guy was a flirt. Look at how they’d met; was he expecting a lifelong commitment? Get over it Kevin! 

His moping quickly exasperated them, but he couldn’t seem to help himself. Eventually, he sort of moved on, but the part of him that had been so drawn to Andrew in the first place always wondered what might have happened. 

But now, three years later, he sat in a darkened theater, stunned and feeling like a fool. Why hadn’t it ever occurred to him that ‘Andrew’ might just be a tease? Why was he so infatuating anyway? And, most importantly, why had he lied? 

“Kevin!” He turned his head, looking at a rather annoyed Nick. “We’re not watching all these credits, let’s go! The movie was three hours long; we sure as hell don’t need to sit here for another ten minutes.” 

He was silent for the ride back to their hotel. Earlier he’d been excited to finally have a free moment to see the movie everyone had been talking about for weeks: The Fellowship of the Ring…part one of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Now he wished he hadn’t seen it. They ignored him the entire ride back, not wanting to get yelled at or listen to him whine and mope. If this had happened a month after everything in New Zealand, they would’ve been sympathetic, but it was three years later. If Kevin was going to continue to be so pathetic about this, they were going to continue to laugh and ignore him. 

Kevin spent the rest of that night in his hotel room on the Internet searching for everything he could find out about Orlando Bloom. The more he discovered the angrier and more upset he became. He hadn’t been visiting friends in New Zealand; he’d been filming Lord of the Rings. He wasn’t from Sydney; he was from Canterbury, England. So the accent hadn’t been real either. His friends, whom Kevin now vaguely remembered from that night at the club, were all fellow cast members. Elijah Wood…that was the short blue-eyed guy he’d sorta recognized. And Viggo Mortensen…the older man at the club who had stayed in the booth. He’d seen him before in some movie. He also…recognized his voice.  

He paused for a moment, leaned back in his chair and looked away from the serene face of Orlando Bloom as his golden-haired elf counterpart, Legolas. He thought back to the brief moments he’d had with Andr-Orlando. Something was bothering him that he couldn’t quite figure out. 

A few more hours of searching provided him with tons of facts on Orlando Bloom, Legolas Greenleaf, and Lord of the Rings in general. But it wasn’t until he started looking at pictures from the movie’s premiere that things started to click. Orlando seemed to be quite touchy-feely with every member of the cast. People whose names and faces Kevin knew quite well now thanks to hours of online time. But one person stood out with whom Orlando could almost always be seen. Viggo Mortensen. He wasn’t just friendly with him. He hung all over him. And from the pictures Kevin scanned through it didn’t appear to be one sided. They were always touching one another in some way. As he stared at one particularly suspicious picture of the two of them with their foreheads pressed together, he suddenly remembered why Viggo’s voice sounded familiar. 

He had been the one to answer the phone when Kevin had first called Andrew. In fact, if he remembered correctly, he had sounded confused by the name Andrew. He had been going to tell Kevin that he had the wrong number…but then all that scuffling had ensued and ‘Andrew’ had picked up the phone. “Shut up Vig…it was your fucking idea…” 

He’d been with him then. He’d probably known. They’d done all of this as some sort of trick. They’d used him. Paranoia now firmly in place, Kevin decided he’d confront the pretty blonde elf as soon as possible. He wanted explanations and he wanted to yell. He’d have the last word and then he’d put Andr-Orlando out of his life forever. 


He was beginning to think Nick was right. He was fucking crazy. Only crazy people stalked the object of their affection for weeks on end, learning their routine so that they could step in at the appropriate moment to get what they wanted. Yes, in his time off from Backstreet Boys, he’d become a stalker. But this entire situation had obsessed him too much to stop now. He had to put an end to it and get his answers before he could resume normal life. 

So far he’d discovered that Orlando appeared to be living with Viggo Mortensen…in LA anyway. It was Viggo’s house. He’d found that out from some cheesy Hollywood tourist ride around the city. But Orlando had been staying with him for weeks, ever since the movie premiere, Kevin was guessing. He hadn’t gone all-out crazy with binoculars or phone taps, but he’d sat outside the house – different car for different days – watching and waiting. Today, he planned to make his move and confront his infatuation. 

He was pretty sure there was a better way to go about this, but he wasn’t a professional stalker…not yet anyway. So once he saw Viggo leave the house, he simply got out of his car, walked up to the front door and knocked. He wasn’t sure what he would’ve done had the house been fenced off. As he had hoped, Orlando answered, a curious look on his gorgeous face. “Can I help you?” He asked, smiling. Kevin said nothing, adjusting to the shock of seeing him again, this time with hair and a distinctly different accent. But he quickly recovered when he realized that Orlando didn’t recognize him. 

“You don’t remember me?” He asked, half angry, half upset. 

Orlando shut the door slightly and frowned. “No…should I?” He looked slightly nervous now and Kevin could hardly blame him. He knew he must look a little crazed. 

“Yes…Andrew you should!” Kevin exclaimed, eyes flashing. It took him a few seconds but Kevin soon saw recognition flash in his brown eyes, and once it did, he had the grace to blush and look embarrassed. If he wondered how Kevin had found him though, he didn’t show it. “Why did you lie to me?” He asked, voice raised slightly above normal. 

“Look…Kevin,” he said, the hesitation making it obvious he barely remembered his name. “I’m sorry. It was…I’m sorry if I hurt you,” he said, looking sympathetic. “It’s really a very long story as to why it all happened, and you just happened to be there when I…needed someone for…bloody hell,” he muttered, looking more embarrassed by the second. “Look, I used you. I’m sorry. It was wrong and I apologize,” he said frankly, abandoning his attempt at a detailed explanation. 

“But why?” Kevin asked again, sounding whiny even to his own ears. 

Orlando began to look slightly exasperated, running his hand through his hair and fidgeting impatiently. “Does it really matter?” He asked. “I mean that was what, three years ago? And well, we hardly had a meaningful relationship or anything…we didn’t even have a relationship,” he said, looking more annoyed the more he talked. He felt badly, yes, but this was ridiculous. “Ok, I said I’m sorry. I meant it. Now, I’m really kind of busy so I’ll have to ask you to leave,” he said firmly, starting to shut the door. 

But Kevin had waited too long to be dismissed so easily. “No!” He shouted, his voice a little too loud. In turn, he hit his hand into the door, a little more fiercely than intended and forced it open. Orlando looked at him with a shocked _expression and then…everything went black. 


“I can’t believe you hit him!” 

“What was I supposed to do? He was forcing his way into my house, sounding more than ready to attack you!” 

“Oh for fuck’s sake Vig, he wasn’t going to attack me! He’s a little crazy, yeah, but I hardly think he’s dangerous. Besides, this is all your fault.” 

“My fault?!” 

“Yes, it’s your fault! Jesus! If you hadn’t been on your whole I-can’t-bring-myself-to-seduce-innocent-Orli crusade, none of this would’ve ever happened!” 

“But you were innocent.” 

“Oh shut up!” 

Kevin blinked his eyes open, feeling groggy. It took him a few minutes to orient himself and remember where he was and why he recognized the voices talking near him. He tried to sit up and moaned when a sharp pain shot through his head forcing him back down. 

“Kevin! Thank God you’re awake! How are you feeling? Can I get you something?” Orlando babbled quickly, staring down at him with concern bright in his brown eyes. 

“Orli, give him some air,” Viggo said, kneeling down next to Kevin, who now realized he must be lying on a couch in their living room. “Are you seeing double?” He asked. Kevin shook his head. “Do you feel sleepy?” 

“No,” Kevin answered softly, wishing he could just disappear. He had never felt so embarrassed in his life, and was suddenly wishing someone had hit him over the head a long time ago so that maybe he could’ve avoided feeling the way he did now. Utterly humiliated. 

“I’m sorry for hitting you,” Viggo said, standing up and unconsciously slipping his arm around Orlando’s waist. “But you were--” 

“No, stop,” Kevin interrupted. “I deserved it. I’m sorry; I don’t know what came over me. I just…could I use your phone to call someone to pick me up? I really don’t think I should drive…” he said, avoiding eye contact with both of them. Orlando quickly brought him the nearest cordless phone and handed it to him, smiling sheepishly, even though Kevin still wouldn’t meet his eyes. He knew it would bring about an endless amount of lectures and I-told-you-so moments but he called Nick, quickly asked him to pick him up, gave him directions and then hung up. He got there in about twenty minutes, and after some awkward introductions, he wrapped his arm around Kevin’s shoulder and led him outside to his car. He didn’t say a word for the entire ride back to his house, waiting patiently for Kevin to explain what the hell had happened. He also began to seriously consider dropping his older friend at the nearest psyche ward, rather than take him home. 

Once they got back to his house, Kevin got out of the car and turned back to Nick. “Thanks…I’ll call you--” 

“Oh no, I’m not leaving you alone,” Nick said, sounding rather outraged. “Let’s go inside now and you can tell me all about your little brush with insanity, ok?” Too embarrassed to argue, Kevin nodded and followed his friend inside. After four Tylenol and a three hour nap, Kevin sat, sipping tea on Nick’s deck. 

“Would you like to talk about your little trip off the deep end now?” Nick asked, sitting on the chair next to his friend. Kevin smiled softly, wondering when Nick had become the condescending adult and he the immature child. 

Kevin went on to explain exactly what he had done, leaving Nick rather speechless. He also told him that Viggo, feeling badly about knocking him out, had finally explained everything to him. Apparently, at that time, Orlando had wanted Viggo and vice versa, but Viggo had felt too much like the older, more experienced, seducer of the innocent – as Orlando sarcastically referred to him as – to start anything. So that night at the club, Orlando had been out to prove to Viggo that he was not a naïve innocent. And apparently flirting with and seducing someone had been his and his helpful friends’ idea. Kevin had unknowingly become his victim. The date two days later had only occurred because Orlando had felt rather guilty for leading him on. He had also been feeling rather grateful because the ploy had worked, as was evidenced by the fact that Viggo had answered Orlando’s phone the next day when Kevin had called. 

Nick had arrived soon after they had finished their story for which Kevin was thankful. The longer he stayed with Orlando and Viggo, the more embarrassed and pathetic he felt, although Viggo had given him a small look of understanding, like he knew exactly how it felt to be so infatuated with Orlando. But it was bittersweet because it was quite obvious that the two of them were very much in love. 

When he finished, Nick squeezed his hand and kissed him on the forehead. Smiling, he asked, “So you’re done being a crazy, psycho loser now?” 

Kevin nodded and shut his eyes, grateful he was finally free of the pretty, seductive flirt. “From now on, I’ll leave the crazy, psycho loser stuff to you.”

The End


Tell Rhonda what you thought of her story!