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Faith’s Song

By: Stacey Johnson

Faith Holts laughed as the stage manager, who was short, fat and reminded her of Porky the Pig, stuttered through his lines. The karaoke rehearsal was part of a long tradition at the Summer Nights Karaoke Club. It had started about twenty years before Faith had even thought of coming there. ‘Porky’ Pruitt called for her and she walked out. The few waitresses and the bartenders that were there setting up, applauded loudly. Faith smiled and nodded toward the house band, who stared to play Dido’s ‘Here With Me’. Faith opened her mouth and began to sing.

*    *    *

Erik-Michael Estrada walked slowly into the karaoke club. It was the first time he could get his friends and bandmates to come to Summer Nights. The club was packed as usual and the first set was already playing on the stage. They finished their song just as Erik and two of his bandmates, Dan Miller and Trevor Penick, sat down at the nearest table. A waitress walked over and asked what they would have.

“I’ll have a beer please.” Erik said. Trevor and Dan said the same. The waitress left and the chubby stage manager appeared onstage to announce the next karaoke performer. The regulars affectionately called him Porky Pruitt, even though his real name was John-David Pruitt.

“O-o-okay, folks we h-have a sp-sp-special performer. You know s-s-she usually does her songs l-l-last, but tonight, just for you, the ‘S-S-Star of the Karaoke B-B-Bar’ is performing early! Please w-w-welcome, Faith H-Holts!” The regulars and non-regulars cheered as a tall young lady with white-blonde hair stepped onto the stage.

“Awww, Porky, I’m not the star and you know it. And this isn’t a bar it’s a club.” She said into the microphone. Erik’s heart had skipped a few beats, blood was racing through his veins faster than usual, and his mind was a blur. Faith’s voice sounded like honey and she looked, she looked… Erik couldn’t find a word that described how she looked. She was amazing. The house band began to play and Faith started to sing.

“I didn’t hear you leave, I wonder how am I still here.

And I don’t wanna move a thing it might change my memory.  

Oh, I am what I am. I’ll do what I want, but I can’t hide.

I won’t go, and I won’t sleep.

And I can’t breathe, until you’re resting here with me.

I won’t leave, and I can’t hide,

I cannot be, until you’re resting here with me 

I don’t wanna call my friends; they might wake me from this dream

And I can’t leave this bed, risk forgetting all that’s been 

Oh, I am what I am, I’ll do what I want, but I can’t hide

I won’t go, I won’t sleep,

And I can’t breathe, until you’re resting here with me

I won’t leave, and I can’t hide,

I cannot be, until you’re resting here with me.”

(Dido ‘Here With Me’)

Faith smiled when she finished the song. Someday, she hoped to sing in front of audiences, and crowds singing her own songs. That’s all she wanted. For now though, Dido would do.

Erik was sure his heart had stopped until he heard the pounding of it in his ears. This girl was amazing, he thought. No, this woman. She sounded like an angel when she sang, and Erik could tell it was straight from the heart. He thought it was a shame that she wasn’t a professional. She definitely had the right stuff. Looks to kill, literally, a hell of a voice, this lady had it goin’ on! Erik couldn’t take her eyes off of her as she walked off the stage.

“Man that girl is fine!” Trevor said to his bandmates. He noticed that Erik was wheezing. “Dude, are you okay? You’re, like, wheezing.” Erik gave him a questioning look then pointed to the empty stage.

“Th-th-that lady, Faith, she, she, she took my breath away. Dude, it felt like someone was hitting my chest with a sledgehammer when she sang. I thought I would have a heart attack when she started swaying to the music. What’s wrong with me?” Dan and Trevor smiled at each other knowingly and looked back at Erik. Dan shrugged.

“Maybe you got a thing for her man. Why don’t you go talk to her?” Dan suggested.

“Maybe I will once my breathing returns to normal. Until then I think I would faint if I tried to even stand up.” Erik answered. He looked toward the stage door and caught sight of Faith walking to the bar. His breath caught in his throat again. If his breathing returned to normal.

Faith walked to the bar and sat down on a stool and looked around. The crowd had been more than receptive of her performance that night. Maybe it had something to do with Porky calling her the ‘Star’; maybe it was her performing earlier. Maybe it was her outfit that made her act more accepted than others. Her gaze rested on three familiar faces. She had never seen them in the bar before but they looked strangely familiar. She averted he gaze upwards when one of them looked toward her.

Erik looked towards the bar just in time to see Faith looking towards him. When their eyes met, she had shifted her gaze to the artwork above their heads. Erik just kept staring. He couldn’t stop and didn’t want to. He slowly got up and casually walked past his friends toward the bar. Trevor gave him a ‘thumbs up’ sign and Dan laughed. Erik rolled his eyes. Trevor was so immature he wouldn’t know maturity if it smacked him upside the head. When Erik reached the bar he sat down a couple of seats from Faith. One of the bartenders walked over toward him. “Hey Erik! How ya doin’? It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you.” He said smiling. Erik looked at him thoughtfully then smiled.

“Hey Todd. How are you doin’? I thought you still worked at Majoro Mix. What happened?” Todd Singleton sighed.

“I quit because one of the girls tried to, uh, attack me. My wife wasn’t happy about that.” Erik smiled.

“You married Theresa? She’s a real nice person. Cute too.” Erik said smiling. Todd frowned.

“Hey, that’s my wife you’re talking about.” Todd said. He started smiling. Erik laughed and held his hands up in a no-contest gesture.

“I know, I know. So anybody really good here tonight?” He asked referring to the acts. Todd smiled. He looked at Faith, then back at Erik.

“Did you miss Faith’s performance? She performed earlier than usual.” He turned to Faith. “Why? That’s what I want to know. Shoulda saved the best for last.” Faith blushed slightly.

“Todd, I’m not the best. There are plenty of good performers around here.” She said softly. Erik’s heart lurched. He had this weird notion that he wanted to kiss her soft lips, her wonderful bronze skin, he wanted to touch her, to hold her, to… Erik shook his head. Where did that come from, he wondered.

“I didn’t miss it. She was incredible. Her performance was like living art.” He said. He looked over and saw Faith blush. “Don’t blush, it’s the truth. Believe me I know good music and that was terrific.”

“No. It was just the song. It can move people. The song is beautiful.” Faith said.

“It wasn’t just the song. You moved them. You made them cheer. The song is lovely, but you’re lovelier.” Erik could have kicked himself. But Faith just looked at him, smiled shyly and blushed slightly. Trevor and Dan came up to the bar then and asked if Erik would sing a song with them.

“We only have the three of us though Dan.” Erik protested. Dan shrugged.

“C’mon, man. We’ll let you pick the song. They have the music coming out of the jukebox now. The house band got tired.” Trevor pleaded. Erik sighed and got up to follow Dan and Trevor. “Alright Trevor, but I pick the song.”

Faith turned toward the stage as Erik and his friends got up on stage. Everyone started to cheer louder than usual. The music from the jukebox started and the guys go into place. The song they sang was The Calling “Wherever You Will Go’. The guy that Erik had called Trevor started singing.

“So lately, been wondering

Who will be there to take my place?

When I’m gone you’ll need love to light the shadows on your face

If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all

Then between the sand and stone, could you make it on your own?”

All three of them sang:

“If I could, then I would

I’ll go wherever you will go

Way up high, Or down low

I’ll go wherever you will go”

Then Erik:

“And maybe, I’ll find out

A way to make it back someday

To watch you, to guide you, through the darkest of your days

If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all

Then I hope there’s someone out there who

Can bring me back to you”


“If I could then I would

I’ll go wherever you will go

Way up high, or down low

I’ll go wherever you will go”


“Run away with my heart

Run away with my hope

Run away with my love”

Trevor again:

“I know now, just quite how

My life and love might still go on

In your heart, in your mind, I’ll stay with you for all of time”


“If I could, then I would

I’ll go wherever you will go

Way up high, or down low

I’ll go wherever you will go”

(‘Wherever You Will Go’ The Calling)

Faith looked at the three guys who looked so natural, so at home, on the stage. She looked at how they acted together, how they sang and how the women in the crowd reacted. Erik and his friends weren’t just friends, they were in a band together. She clapped loudly and managed a whistle. She had been thinking about how good Erik had looked on the stage, how his voice was so unlike anyone else’s she had ever heard. She thought about how good he looked too. How his dark hair, and dark complexion gave him a sort of ‘broody’ look. Faith had looked him up and down, and decided she liked what she saw. Especially Erik’s mouth. She wondered how his mouth would feel on hers, how it would feel on her bare skin, on her… She was so lost in that unexpected thought that she jumped when he spoke from behind her.

“Sorry, I didn’t notice that you were thinking. So, uh, what did you think?” He asked. Faith looked into his dark-brown eyes. He has puppy-dog eyes, she decided. And he has a pouty mouth. She tore her gaze from his face and looked at her forgotten drink.

“It was good.” She said. She could have kicked herself. It was extraordinary, fantastic, I loved it, kiss me, her thoughts pleaded. She shook her head. “What band are you in?” The question must have caught him off guard and Faith laughed at the _expression on his face.

“Umm, don’t laugh.” Erik said. She stopped laughing. Laugh again, he thought. Please, laugh again, even if you’re laughing at me. You’re so beautiful when you laugh. Wait you’re beautiful all that time “I’m in a boyband. It’s called O-Town. Trevor Penick over there,” he pointed to the guys at the table, “and Dan Miller are 2 of my bandmates. We were on the show Making The Band.”

“Oh, I remember watching that show a couple of times. I knew you looked familiar.” Faith took a slow sip of her drink, her gaze never leaving his.

“You know, you really should be a performer. A professional performer, I meant. Damn, a singer. There, that’s the word. Sorry I got a little tongue-tied.” Erik knew he was babbling but he couldn’t help it. Faith’s eyes were mesmerizing him. Her eyes were green, but they shimmered like they were green-gold. Her green-gold eyes were big oval shaped, perfect to him. He finally tore his gaze from her eyes and settled his eyes on her hair. Her white hair. Not white-blonde, like he originally thought, but completely white.

“You’re hair, did you dye it?” He asked without thinking. He mentally kicked himself again.

“No. I was born with no pigmentation in my hair.” She held up her arms. Fine white hairs were barely visible. Erik had never seen that before.

“That’s cool.” His words surprised Faith. She had expected him to say she was a freak or something, but he didn’t. He is so hot, she thought. He’s like an angel sent from Heaven. Oh God, I wish he’d kiss me. Faith shook her head again. Erik started to speak, but the sound of the DJ that came to the club on Saturday nights stopped him.

“Hey everybody, we got a special request. We’ve been asked to do a ladies choice song. Ladies, round up your man!” The DJ said into the microphone. Faith smiled shyly at Erik.

“Do you want to be this lady’s choice?” She asked. Erik’s heart almost stopped. Do I? he thought. What kind of a question is that? Not trusting himself to speak, Erik nodded and they stepped out onto the newly cleared dance area. The song was ‘Underneath Your Clothes’ by Shakira. Faith let Erik wrap his arms around her and laid her head on his shoulder. Faith was just the right height, so that her head rested comfortably on his shoulder.

Erik was having trouble breathing. With Faith’s body so close to his, it was a wonder he didn’t faint. Here he was dancing with God’s most perfect creation: an angel sent from Heaven. I wish I could kiss her, he thought. Before I have to let this angel fly away. Her heard Faith sigh contently on his shoulder just as the song finished. He looked over and saw Dan dancing with a nice looking girl with black hair. He looked to his right and saw Trevor dancing with a tall, dark skinned girl with fire engine red hair. He looked down at the white haired beauty staring up at him and smiled. He never wanted to let her go. They broke apart as a dance song that was really fast came on. Erik immediately started to dance.

“Faith, dance with me.” He said. Faith shook her head. Erik gave her a sad puppy dog look. “Please?” Faith laughed and walked over to him. They started dancing together, in perfect synchronization. Erik smiled as another slow song started. He just wanted Faith back in his arms. To his surprise she took his hand and led him out of the club. He gave Dan a confused look before the door shut behind him.

What’re you doing?” He asked, not angry, but confused. She smiled and stepped closer to him. Even in the 90-degree weather of Orlando, Florida, Erik felt a chill run down his spine. Faith stepped forward until her face was inches from his. Actually, with her height, her head only came up to his nose. Erik could have kissed Faith’s forehead without bending.

He looked down at her. “What’re you doing?” He repeated.

“I wanted to talk to you, away from prying eyes.” She answered. Faith hoped what she was going to do was right. She looked into Erik’s beautiful brown eyes. “You know, you really have lovely eyes, Mr. Estrada.” Erik blushed. Faith just kept looking into his eyes. Erik thought she might be looking into his soul. They stared at each other for about a minute, and then Erik blinked. Faith laughed and Erik’s heart almost burst. He couldn’t believe his attraction to this girl. Woman, he corrected himself, she’s a woman. Then she stopped laughing. “Please, don’t stop.” Erik said softly. Faith gave him a confused look.

“Stop what?” She asked.

“Don’t stop laughing. You’re beautiful when you laugh.” Hell, you’re beautiful anytime, he added in his mind. “Don’t stop.” He looked into her eyes again. Then Erik came to a realization. You could practically see a cartoon lightbulb going off above his head. Erik noticed the way her eyes shone with a sort of light of their own. He thought they looked like a lion’s eyes. “Wow,” he whispered. Faith looked at him confused.

“What?” She asked, her beautiful face full of confusion. Erik snapped out of his trance. “Your eyes remind me of a lion’s.” Faith gave him another look of pure confusion. “Your eyes remind me of those of a lion’s,” he repeated. “They are beautiful.” Faith blushed. She looked into Erik’s eyes again and had the sudden urge to kiss him. She leaned forward and up but just before their lips met, Trevor and Dan walked out of the club. Faith stepped back and looked at the blacktop. Erik muttered a curse under his breath.

“Erik are you ready to go or what?” Trevor slurred. Great, he’s drunk, Erik thought. He let out a heavy sigh. “I guess I’m ready Trevor.” Erik said looking at Faith. He was so sure she was going to kiss him, and he wanted her to. He looked over at Trevor who was propped up against Dan. He gave a ‘5 minutes’ gesture and Dan half dragged Trevor to the Jeep they had brought.

“Umm, Faith.” He said, feeling very nervous. “I know we, uh, just met and everything but I was wondering if…” Faith interrupted him.

“I'd love to Erik. Just call me and tell me when. Okay?” She wrote her phone number on the palm of his hand with the pen that was in her back pocket. “Don’t wash your hands because my number is unlisted. I’ll be waiting for your call.” She said as she walked to her black Chevy Tahoe. Erik looked at the number on his hand and walked toward the Jeep.  

Two Weeks Later

Faith and Erik had already gone on two dates and were getting along very well. Faith was visiting the guys’ house. They were all in the living room. Jacob was being his ever-moody self and not speaking. Trevor, Ashley, and Dan were all talking at the same time. Faith suddenly started to speak, her honey-sweet voice catching everyone’s attention and made Trevor, Ashley, and Dan stop talking.

“I think that we should stop sitting here like bumps on a log and do something fun. It’s a beautiful day, why not enjoy it?” Everyone stared at her. “Any suggestions?”

“Why don’t we go to the park?” Everyone turned to see Jacob. “They are having a festival today.”

“Doth my ears deceive me? Did Jacob Christopher Underwood just suggest something fun?” Ashley asked. Erik and Trevor started cracking up, followed by Dan and Faith. Jacob just glared at Ashley, who was also cracking up. “Ashley, you are such a blonde!” Trevor managed to gasp out between laughs. After a while everyone calmed down and decided to go. They had managed to split up into these groups: Erik and Faith, Ashley and Trevor, and Dan and Jacob. They agreed to meet in the middle of the park in three hours.

“Erik, this place is so cool!” Faith saw a dart-throwing booth and dragged Erik to it. “Come on Erik just one game, please?” Erik sighed and paid the guy at the booth $5.00. The guy gave Erik and Faith 10 darts. Faith took her five to one side and Erik took his to the other. They both threw a dart at the same time.

When they were done, Faith had hit a balloon with every one of her darts. Erik had hit the minimum for a prize: 3 darts. Faith was looking at the large array of big stuffed animals and Erik was looking at the smaller animals and posters. Faith chose a dark chocolate puppy with big, round, dark brown eyes. It reminded her so much of Erik that she laughed. She looked over to Erik who had chosen a poster.

“Erik, look at this puppy it looks just like you!” Faith showed Erik the puppy and he gave her a quizzical look. “Well, it does.” Erik showed her the poster he won. It was a rose on water. The stem was resting comfortably in the middle of a ripple. The rose itself was purple with water droplets and crystals on it. The lettering on the bottom said Beauty doesn’t describe you’ in flowing cursive. He rolled it up and handed it to Faith. She smiled and gave him a big hug.

“Faith, you know we’re going on tour next week right?” He asked. She looked at the blacktop and nodded slowly. “We’ll be back in a month.” He kissed her forehead then lifted her head and kissed her mouth. “Then we have only a few promotional things for three weeks, then we start the talks of a third album. If there is going to be a third album, we are gonna be very busy. I was wondering,” he stopped for a second and tried to find the right words. “I want you to be my girl.” He looked at the blacktop.

Faith was confused. “I thought I was your girl.” She said. He looked at her and laughed. She still looked confused. “Yeah but I want it to be, you know, official. I don’t want anyone else.” Erik knew how true that was. For the past two weeks, as he had leaned more about Faith Holts, the more he liked her. At that moment it was like she was the only woman in the world.

Erik leaned forward and brought his lips to hers, softly kissing her. Faith responded by wrapping her arms around his neck. She opened her mouth and moaned when Erik’s tongue slid in. Faith had never felt so happy. In just two short weeks, she had gotten to know Erik Estrada. And she had grown to enjoy the things he did, his spontaneity, and his sweetness. She loved to just be around him. She loved to watch him dance and sing. He put so much energy and spirit into it. After about five minutes Faith snapped out of her trance to the sound of Erik’s name being said over a loudspeaker. Faith broke their kiss. “We have been summoned, Erik.” Faith said. She turned and saw five or six girls openly gawking at the two of them. “And spotted,” she added. Erik groaned and began walking to where the guys had agreed to meet them. Faith noticed the group of girls were following them. “Erik, we are being followed.” She whispered. Erik muttered under his breath and turned around.

“Can I help you ladies?” He asked. The girls stopped and looked at each other. A tall brunette, obviously the leader, stepped forward and looked Erik in the eye.

“Umm, your Erik Estrada off of O-Town right?” She asked. Erik smiled and nodded. “We were wondering if we could have your autograph?” Erik nodded and stepped forward. The brunette handed him a notebook and a pen.

“Who should I make it out to?” He asked. The brunette smiled.

“My sister Candi is one of your biggest fans and she couldn’t be here today. I told her I was going to get her a souvenir. She would have loved to meet you.” Erik asked her how to spell her sister’s name, and then he signed it. A smaller blonde appeared with another notebook.

While Erik was signing autographs a young redhead walked toward Faith. She looked up at Faith and smiled timidly.

“Can I ask you a question?” She asked. Faith nodded uncertainly. “Are you Erik’s girlfriend? I don’t mean to be rude or anything, it’s just, my sisters were wondering. You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” Faith smiled at the younger girl.

“Yes, actually I am. But for right now, it’s a secret. I’m sure that Erik won’t mind me telling.” Faith smiled and the redhead looked at her with recognition.

“Don’t you perform at the Summer Nights Karaoke Club?” The redhead asked. Faith blushed slightly and nodded.

“You’re Faith Holts aren’t you? I watch your performance every night.” She said. “You know my cousin works at Jive Records. He could get a demo from you and submit it for you. With your voice, you are sure to get an audition. By the way, my name’s Aisland Gregor. Are you performing Monday?” Faith smiled. “Yes, I’m performing Monday. Aisland is a very pretty name. Will you be at the Club Monday?”

“I’m there every night. I’m going to bring my cousin by to meet you and see if you’re ‘Jive material’. Is that alright with you?” Aisland asked. Is it all right? Faith asked herself. That’s a stupid question. “Of course it’s alright, Aisland. I'd be delighted. See you Monday?” Aisland nodded, then went to join her friends and sisters.

Faith walked back to Erik and they went to meet the rest of the group. On their way home, Faith told them about her encounter with Aisland.

“That’s why I think this was the best idea Jacob Underwood has ever had.” She finished her story by giving Jacob a light peck on the cheek. “I owe it to the moody one of the group. Who woulda thought?” Everyone except for Jacob laughed. 

Monday- Faith’s Performance

Faith walked on stage slowly after Porky announced her. The crowd was tremendous. The entire club was packed. Faith spotted the guys in a far corner and Aisland was sitting at a table near the stage. Faith smiled and the house band started up as soon as the crowd quieted. Faith stepped to the microphone and began:

“I love you... I love you, I love you 


Baby I love you, you are my life 

My happiest moments weren't complete if you weren't by my side 

You're my relation and connection to the sun 

With you next to me, there's no darkness I can't overcome 

You are my raindrops, I am the seed 

With you and God who's my sunlight I'm blooming, grown so beautifully 

Baby I'm so proud, proud to be your girl 

You make the confusion go all away from this cold and misty world 


I am in love with you (in love) 

You set me free 

I can't do this thing called life without you here with me 

Cause I'm dangerously in love with you (in love) 

I'll never leave  

Just keep loving me the way I love you loving me 


I am in love with you (in love) 

You set me free 

I can't do this thing called life without you here with me 

Cause I'm dangerously in love with you (in love) 

I'll never leave  

Just keep loving me the way I love you loving me 


I know you love me, love me for who I am 

Cause years before I became who I am, baby you were my man 

I know it ain't easy, easy loving me 

I appreciate the love and dedication from you to me

Later on in my destiny I see myself having your child 

I see myself being your wife and I see my whole future in your eyes 

In awe of my love for you, sometimes makes me wanna cry 

Realize all of my blessings, I'm grateful to have you by my side 


I am in love with you (in love) 

You set me free 

I can't do this thing called life without you here with me 

Cause I'm dangerously in love with you (in love) 

I'll never leave  

Just keep loving me the way I love you loving me 


Every time I see your face, my heart smiles 

Every time it feels so good, it hurts sometimes 

Created in this world to love, to hold, to feel, to breathe 

To live you 

Dangerously in love, yeah 


I am in love with you (in love) 

You set me free 

I can't do this thing called life without you here with me 

Cause I'm dangerously in love with you (in love) 

I'll never leave  

Just keep loving me the way I love you loving me 


Dangerously (dangerously) 

Dangerous, dangerously in love with you 

Oh, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you  

I love you.. Oh yes…

Dangerously in love”

(Dangerously In Love- Destiny’s Child)

The crowd literally roared. Faith was so shocked that all of these people liked her performance so much. Everyone began getting out of his or her seats. They were giving her a standing ovation! Are they nuts? She asked herself. They have to be.

Erik couldn’t believe how nuts the crowd went. He was so taken aback by Faith’s performance that he couldn’t think, breath or speak. He was just paralyzed by the power of Faith’s song.

After Faith got off of the stage, Aisland and her cousin approached her.

“Miss Holts, I’m Aisland’s cousin, Michael Douggins. I work as an assistant manager at Jive Records. I would love it if you would come to a studio with me and record a demo tape so that I can let the top executives listen to it. I’m positive they will have you sign a contract on the spot. I’ll just give you my card and you can call as soon as you want to do it. Is that alright?” Michael talked so fast all Faith could manage was a nod. “Great. Well, I’ll be waiting for your call.” Michael flashed Faith a perfect smile before walking out with Aisland.

“Faith, that was amazing!” Faith turned around and was immediately picked up by Erik. He whirled her around and kissed her. She held onto him and deepened the kiss. After a few minutes Dan decided to break them apart.

“Guys, that’s enough already. Get a room.” He said, rolling his eyes. Erik gently let Faith down and flashed a smile at her.

“Girl, that was amazing!” He repeated. Faith smiled and explained what had happened with Aisland and Michael.

“I’m supposed to call him as soon as I want to do the demo. I am so happy. I don’t think my life could get any better.” I can think of one way, she thought looking at Erik. I can definitely think of one way. Erik smiled and Trevor declared that they should celebrate.

“Drinks on me in honor of the lovely lady and her success!” He declared. Everyone was in such a good mood, even Jacob, and they really wanted to celebrate. They partied until almost one in the morning and everyone was so tired. Once they got to O-Town’s house, Faith immediately plopped onto Erik’s lap. The rest of the guys went to bed.

“Erik, I’m so happy that things are working out for me. I’ve waited forever to do what I’ve always wanted. Ever since I learned how to sing, that’s all I wanted to do.” She whispered. Erik smiled.

“I want to see you happy. It makes me feel really good to know that you are going to fulfill your dreams. I really hope that everything works out for you Faith. I know that it will. You know, when you sang, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I really thought I was dying.” Faith laughed lightly. “That’s funny?” Erik asked trying not to smile. Faith nodded. “Well, if me dying is so funny, then, then, I don’t think I like you anymore.” Erik pretended to look hurt.

“Awww. Erik, that’s too bad,” Faith crooned. “Cause I love you.” Erik looked at her startled. “R-Really?” He asked. Faith thought for a second. “Yes.” She answered.

“I love you. I think I’ve loved you since I saw you sing onstage. Remember?” Faith asked. Erik nodded, not able to say anything. “I fell in love with you then. I know for a fact.” Erik was still speechless. That gut-wrenching feeling returned and now Erik had a name for it. Love. He was in love. He knew that from the first moment he saw Faith, and heard Faith, he loved her.

“I love you too.” He whispered. Faith’s heart leaped and practically stopped. Erik loved her. He had said it. She couldn’t breath. She couldn’t think. “Faith, ever since you walked on stage the first time, I knew that I was in love with you. I’m glad you feel the same way.” Erik leaned in close and kissed Faith with all of the love he felt for her. Faith returned that love tenfold. She was so happy that everything in her life was good and almost perfect. She was in love with the most amazing guy in the world and her longtime dreams were about to come true. She couldn’t ask for anything better. 

The End


Well, that concludes this story. I would love your questions and comments for this story, or suggestions for upcoming stories. I love hearing what people have to say! Please e-mail me if you want to comment!


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