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Lone Moon

Stacey Johnson



Alexandra Blake stepped off of the Greyhound bus and looked at her surroundings. Nothing like a small town to raise your child in, she thought. She adjusted her maternity shirt and tried to bend down and grab her bag unsuccessfully. She stood and watched the bus drive away down the dusty highway. She sighed. Alex was eight months along and about as big as a house in her opinion. She tried again to grab her bag. She couldn’t reach it because of her protruding stomach. She bent up again and winced at the pain in her back. I shouldn’t have this problem, she thought, I should be back home, finishing college and hanging out with my friends. She stood still for a few more moments and looked up at the clear blue sky.


“Do you need any help with that?” Alex jumped at the deep timbre of the voice. She turned and saw a young man in dirty jeans and cowboy boots with a flannel shirt leaning against a railing. He smiled and motioned to her bag.


“Umm, yeah, thanks,” she mumbled, embarrassed that she couldn’t reach it. He walked over and picked it up. He turned to her and Alex looked up into his green eyes.


“Where to, ma’am?” He smiled and Alex returned it.


“Where’s the nearest hotel?” she asked. She was weary from the long bus ride and she wanted to rest. He laughed.


“This town is too small for motels, let alone hotels. We have a ranch house for people who are just passing through though. It’s about ten miles south of town. I can drive you there, since you look like you’re in no condition to be walking anywhere, ma’am.” Alex smiled. She looked at the young man. He looked a few years older than her, and under his cowboy hat she noticed his blonde hair. Her eyes widened and she shook her head.


“No,” she said harshly. She winced at her tone. She said again softer, “no. I can grab a ride. I shouldn’t stay here for very long. I have to get somewhere.” The stranger shook his head.


“I can’t let you do that, ma’am.” Alex smiled to herself with her eyes on the ground. “It wouldn’t be right. And besides, you look like you need some rest. Have you been travelling long?” Without waiting for an answer he started walking towards a beat up pick-up with her bag slung over her shoulder. Alex had no choice but to follow. When they reached the pickup, Alex turned to him.


“I’ve been on the road for about six months. I really can’t stay, I have to take the next bus to Dallas.” The blonde stranger looked at her funny and opened the passenger door.


“Get in.” He walked to the other side and jumped in. Alex sighed and decided to go. A hot bath and some food sounded really good anyway. They headed down the dusty highway in silence. After a few minutes of silence, Alex turned to face the stranger.


“You got a name?” she asked. He looked at her a second before turning back to the road.


“Lance. You got one?” Alex cursed herself inward. Lance, she thought, why does it have to be Lance?


“Alexandra Blake. Just call me Alex.” Lance smiled.


“It’s nice to meet you Alex. I’m Lance Bass, by the way.” She smiled. At least the last name’s different, she thought. They turned onto a gravel road that seemed to go on forever and drove the rest of the way in silence. Alex looked up at the ranch house and smiled. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all. An older woman was standing on the porch watching the truck.


“Justin, Lance’s back, go help him unload the feed for the horses,” she called to a young man with curly hair who was walking a horse to the barn. He handed the horse to another man and walked to the truck. Lance stopped the truck and hopped out. Alex opened the door and made an attempt to get out. The young man the woman called Justin reached out a hand to help her.


“Are you alright, miss?” He asked with a very prominent southern accent. After he helped her out, he grabbed her bag. “Welcome to Lone Moon Ranch. I’m Justin Timberlake.” He turned to Lance and gave him a quizzical look. “Where’d you find her, Lance?” Lance opened the back of the pick up and dragged out a fifty-pound bag of feed. He shrugged.


“She was at the bus stop and I helped her with her bag. Justin, this is Alexandra Blake. Call her Alex.” He smiled at her and she smiled back.


“Let’s get you a room, Alex, and something to eat.” He led her up the steps and looked back at Lance and winked at him. Lance shook his head and lifted another feedbag.


“Mom, we have a guest. This is Alexandra Blake. Alex, this is my mom Lynn.” Alex smiled at the older woman weakly. She suddenly felt light headed and very, very tired and she closed her eyes and fell against Justin with a moan.


“Justin, get her into the house. This heat must be getting to her,” Alex heard Lynn say. Once she was inside and sat down, Alex opened her eyes. The living room was tastefully furnished in an old west style to match the outdoor décor. Alex smiled weakly again and sighed. She looked up at Justin’s worried face.


“I’m all right, I ain’t gonna die,” she said laughing. Justin smiled and relaxed. “I just fainted. I got too hot. I’m fine now.” Justin’s smile got wider and Alex couldn’t help but smile back.


“Miss Blake, would you like me to take you to your room?” he asked. Alex’s smile faded.


“I have no money. I can’t pay*” Lynn interrupted her.


“Don’t worry about that dear. You don’t need to pay us. Just stay here for a few days and get some rest. How far along are you, Alex?” Alex felt uncomfortable.


“I’m eight months ma’am.” And I’m seventeen, she thought.


“How old are you?” Lynn asked as if reading Alex’s thoughts.


“I’m nineteen,” she whispered. Lynn leaned in closer to her.


“What was that dear?” she asked.


“I’m nineteen,” Alex repeated, louder. Justin’s eyes got wide, but Lynn just nodded.


“Alright. You need to have a nice long bath and when you get out, I’ll have supper ready for you and the other guests. Justin, show her to her room.” Alex decided that she really liked Lynn and Justin and even Lance. They were nice honest people and Alex felt like she could trust them. Justin helped her up and led her into along hallway. He stopped at the third door on the left side and opened it. Alex’s one meager bag, which contained all of her worldly possessions, set on a chair in the right corner opposite the door. The bed was leaned against the wall and there was a patio-like thing outside of the room. Double French doors opened onto the patio area. The walls were white and so was the ceiling. The chair was baby blue and the comforter on the queen-size bed was white with huge yellow sunflowers printed on it. Alex instantly liked the room. Justin smiled at her meekly.


“It’s, uh, our smallest, uh, room, but I, uh, hope, uh, you like it,” He said. Alex suppressed a giggle.


“I love it. And I didn’t expect you to put me in your best and biggest room. Especially since I can’t pay.” Justin smiled his wide smile.


“I’m glad. The bathroom is over there,” he pointed to a door near the French doors. “You can take a hot bath and I’ll come get you when you’re ready to eat.” Alex smiled gratefully and Justin left, shutting the door behind him. Alex walked over to her bag and unpacked, folding the few clothes she had and putting them in the dresser near the bed. She took out three pictures: one of her father, one of her grandmother, and one of her baby’s father. She thought of Lance. Lance Waite with the blond hair and blue eyes that were almost green, and lean but muscular build. Then her thoughts turned to another Lance. Lance Bass with the blonde hair under his white Stetson, and green, green eyes, and nice build, and deep southern voice, who reminded her so much of her old boyfriend that it hurt to look at him.


She placed the framed pictures of the people she loved on the stand next to the bed. She was startled by a knock on the door.


“Alex?” Lance. She should have known. “Can I come in?” Alex sighed and tossed her emptied bag on the floor beside the chair. She set the pictures on the bed stand and put the one of Lance Waite face down.


“Yes,” She said wearily. Lance opened the door and smiled at her.


“I just wanted to make sure you’re settled well and all right,” He said with his hat in his hands. His hair was dishevelled and his shirt and pants were dusty. Alex smiled through her tiredness.


“I’m fine thank you. I just wish I could pay for all of this,” she said. “The people here are very kind. They’re letting me stay here even though I can’t pay.” Lance smiled sheepishly.


“Actually, I’m paying for you,” he looked down at his hands and Alex could tell that he was blushing.


“Why?” she asked. He looked up at her for a second then went back to looking at his hat.


“I figured you wouldn’t have any money. Bus tickets aren’t very cheap. And I persuaded Lynn to let me pay for everything concerning you because I brought you in. She would have let you stay, but this way she doesn’t lose any money and I can repay a debt I owed her.” Alex smiled again gratefully.


“You don’t have to do that, Lance. I could eventually pay her back. Or work for my stay.” Lance looked at Alex in surprise.


“Lynn would never make a person in your…condition work for her keep. She’s not like that. No, just let me pay for everything and what I can’t pay for I’ll work off for you.” Alex started to protest but Lance stopped her. “Please Alex, Let me take care of it. I really need to pay off this debt and this will help. This benefits all of us. You just relax all you want for as long as you want, all right?” Alex was deeply touched. She felt tears coming to her eyes and squeezed her eyes shut. When she opened them, Lance was closer, looking at her with concern in his green eyes.


“I’m all right Lance.” Lance relaxed and looked at her imploringly. “I don’t know what to say. I don’t quite understand why you’re doing this for me, but thank you.” Alex gently touched his cheek without thinking. He looked surprised and she pulled her hand back, blushing. “Thank you, Lance,” she whispered. Lance smiled sweetly at her.


“I have to go now, but I’ll be back for dinner. I’ll, uh, see you there.” He smiled again and turned and left the room. 




Lance stopped and sighed in the hallway. He didn’t know why he was doing this for her either. All of his savings would be going to this and, if she stayed long enough, his pay for later. He began walking down the hallway. The young woman intrigued him. Her hair was sun lightened gold. Lance guessed it was natural. Her eyes were what Lynn called cornflower blue, they were bright too. And with her in her…condition, Lance felt very protective of her. And she had sparked his interest too. Why did she have to get to Dallas. Why wasn’t she at home with her parents, instead of wandering around on busses when she was about to have her baby? Lance shook his head, trying to rid himself of the questions that he couldn’t answer and headed to his room.




As soon as Alex was dressed for dinner, there was a knock at the door. “Come in,” she said. Justin walked in and smiled.


“May I escort you to dinner?” he asked smiling. Alex laughed and nodded.


“Well, aren’t you just a perfect gentleman,” she said smiling. He took her through the hall and past the living room and into a large dining room with a large oval table. Over the table was a round lighting fixture with candle shaped lights on it. Already seated at the table were three men and a young woman. The three men were sitting on one side of the long table; the woman was at the other side across from them. Justin sat Alex down next to the blonde woman and he took the seat on the other side of the woman.


“Alex this is my girlfriend Britney. Brit, this is Alex Blake. She just arrived today.” Justin smiled encouragingly at Britney and she smiled at Alex. Alex smiled back and turned when a door opened from the outside. Her breath caught in her throat. Lance and another man walked in and Lance smiled at her. He had washed and was wearing a clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt. His hair was still wet and it hung in his eyes. He looked really good. Alex broke her stare and looked at the table. Lance walked over and took the empty seat next to Alex. They exchanged a smile and Lynn walked in with an older woman holding pots of delicious smelling food.


Dinner was great. The food was delicious and Alex got to know everyone. Lynn had her ranch hands eat with her and her guests. Toby, the other ranch hand, Lance, and Britney (who worked in the kitchens), got to eat with Lynn, Justin and her three other guests: Joey Fatone, Chris Kirkpatrick and JC Chasez. And now Alex, who didn’t really consider herself a guest. Joey, Chris, and JC were business partners on vacation. They were checking out different towns to set up their business. They were nice enough. They were kind to Alex and didn’t ask any questions. About halfway through dinner Lynn asked Alex a question.


“Have you been to a doctor, Alex?” All eyes turned to her. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat.


“Not yet ma’am,” she answered. Might as well tell the truth, she thought. Lynn looked thoughtful for a moment then looked at Alex with kind eyes.


“You really should. Just to make sure everything’s all right. I can have Lance take you in to see Doc Milton in the morning.” Alex blushed, embarrassed by the suggestion.


“I’m fine ma’am, I really don’t want to burden anyone with my, uh, problem.” Lynn laughed.


“Honey, it’s no problem. Lance has to go into town for me in the morning anyway. And Doc Milton won’t charge you for anything, if that’s what you’re worried about.” Alex blushed deeper and looked at the table.


“If Lance doesn’t mind. It might be best I have a check up.” Lance smiled.


“I don’t mind at all Alex. We’ll have to leave early though. I have some things I need to take care of.” Soon after that exchange dinner ended and everyone went their separate ways.


Alex woke up the next morning vaguely aware of where she was. She sat up and looked out into the morning sun. A knock on the door informed her of what woke her up. She put her feet on the ground and pulled a robe over her pajamas. She walked to the door and opened it, walking into the bathroom.


“Good morning Justin,” she said without looking at him.


“How’d you know it was me?” he asked. She smiled and looked at him standing in the doorway.


“I just figured it was you from the way you knocked. Don’t ask.” She walked back out and grabbed a few clothes from the dresser and walked back into the bathroom shutting the door. Justin sat down on the chair and looked around the room as he heard the shower running. He looked over at the pictures on the stand. His eyes fell on the picture of a young man who looked exactly like Lance. He got up and took a closer look. No, not exactly. The guy in the picture, his eyes were blue, his nose was a little crooked and his hair was cut different, military style almost. Justin sat back down in the chair when he heard the shower turn off and about ten minutes later Alex walked out in a maternity dress that was cobalt blue and underneath Justin could see a pair of sweatpants. She sat down on the bed and struggled with her tennis shoes. When she finally got them on, she smiled at him.


“I look bad, don’t I?” she asked. He smiled sympathetically.


“Not really. Blue looks good on you.” Alex laughed. They walked into the dining room and sat down to the breakfast with the others. After breakfast, Alex walked outside to look at the ranch and it’s surroundings. There was a huge pasture that ran for acres. Alex could just make out a fringe of forest in the horizon. On either side of the driveway were huge trees. Alex had no clue in exactly which state she was in, let alone the town Lance was taking her to. Alex smiled and walked to the barn. She saw Toby and Justin saddling five horses. She guessed that they were taking Chris, JC, and Joey for a ride. She walked into the barn and smiled again. Lance was with a young mother and a colt, feeding them. Alex guessed the colt had just been born because it still stood on shaky legs. She walked as silently as possible over to them, careful not to scare the young mare and her baby.


“Hey there, cowboy,” she said softly. Lance looked up and smiled. “Just born?” she asked indicating the colt. He nodded.


“We haven’t even named him yet. Dancer, the mother, had a difficult time last night. We almost had to get the vet out here.” Alex laughed. She looked at the colt. He was rust brown with one white patch on his forehead in the exact shape of a circle. He was an Arabian horse, the fastest horses in the world.


“Why not name him something like Wind?” Lance looked thoughtful.


“That sounds like a good name. Yeah, I’ll name him that.”


“Don’t you have to ask Lynn before you name him?” Alex asked. Lance shook his head and walked out of the stall.


“Nah, Dancer’s my horse so the colt is mine too. Wind. That’s a good name for an Arabian.” Alex nodded.


“I know. My horse back home was named Wind. He was an Arabian too. The fastest horse on our farm…” She trailed off, looking away. Lance studied her troubled _expression and then sighed.


“We’d better be getting to town now. The doc’s expecting you.” Alex looked up and smiled. They walked over to Lance’s truck and got in.




At Doc Milton’s office, Alex was sitting down in a chair next to Lance telling the doctor how far along she was and why she hadn’t had a check up lately.


“I’ve been on the road sir,” she explained. “I didn’t have time to have a check-up and I was fine, so it didn’t matter.” The doctor, a kindly looking old man with white hair and glasses who looked every bit the country doctor nodded and smiled.


“Mr. Bass, if you’ll wait outside I’d like to examine Miss Blake. It will only be a minute.” Lance stood up and smiled at Alex.


“Actually, I need to run a few errands, so I’ll be back to pick her up in about an hour.” He smiled at Alex and left. Once alone, the doctor handed Alex a gown and left the room. Once Alex was dressed he came back in and did the examination. Alex was about 33 weeks along. Her baby was perfectly healthy. Doc Milton told her that usually during the 33rd week the baby is about nineteen and a half inches and weighs about four and a half pounds. He said that Alex may have the baby anywhere from forty-two to forty-five weeks. They talked some more and then Alex thanked the doctor and changed. After that she walked out of the office.


Alex walked down the sidewalk of the quaint little town and sighed. It looked so much like her hometown that it hurt. Alex stood and looked up at the town hall. Newbery was the name of the town. Different name. What state? Oklahoma. Newbery, Oklahoma. Newbery was in the northern part of Oklahoma, well away from Dallas. She was deep in the thoughts of the past when she heard a truck pull up next to her.


“You finished?” She grinned and looked at Lance.


“Yep,” she said. She walked around the truck and got in. “Where to?” Lance shrugged.


“I guess we’ll head back. I’ve got to check in on Dancer and Wind. Make sure they’re all right and everything.” Alex nodded. She leaned against the side of the truck and absently touched her protruding stomach. Lance looked over and smiled.


“What’d the doctor say?” Alex looked over and smiled.


“He said I’m about 33 weeks along. I thought I was farther along than that. He also said I should have weekly check-ups done and I can’t travel anymore. I guess I’m staying here for a while.” Lance smiled.


“That’s good. Is your baby healthy and everything?” Alex nodded.


“He said I should exercise a little and get plenty of rest too. I’m trying to figure up my due date. If I’m thirty-three weeks today and I’m having the baby about the forty-second week it should be around…” she paused looking at a small calendar she’d found on the floor, “September fifteenth. That sounds about right.” She smiled. Then frowned. “That’s almost two months. So I’m only seven months. I think.” Lance frowned at her distressed look. “I can’t stay that long! I’ll be a burden on everyone. And I can’t expect you to pay for me for two months.” Tears formed in her eyes and spilled onto her cheeks. Lance stooped the truck along the highway and turned to her. He brushed the tears from her face gently with his thumb.


“Don’t worry about it, Alex. I’ll take care of it. It’s not that much. Like I said before what I can’t pay, I’ll work it off.” Alex sniffed and looking into Lance’s sincere eyes. “Let me take care of you. You just take care of your baby. Stay as long as you want. Please don’t cry.” Alex smiled weakly and nodded.


“Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you so much, Lance. I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t here.” Alex stopped and laughed. “God, I’m so corny.” Lance laughed too.


“Are you ok?” he asked. Alex nodded and smiled again. “Good, because I hate to see people cry.” He started the truck back up and they drove in silence.




The next five weeks went by in a blur. Alex spent a lot of time with Lynn, Justin and Britney. Lynn gave Alex some very good advice and calmed her down when she was close to hysterics. Justin and Britney provided the comic relief Alex sorely needed. They became like a family to her. Lynn was the mother she never had and Justin was like a brother. Britney became like Alex’s best friend.


Whenever she could, Alex would spend time with Lance. Usually she found him with Dancer and Wind. Wind was growing quickly and Dancer was perfectly recovered, so Lance let them out into the pasture with the other ten horses. Alex and Lance became very close. He told her about his childhood, how he left his parents in Mississippi and wandered around for a year before coming to Newbery, and Alex opened up and told about her childhood. She never mentioned why she’d left her home in West Virginia. Finally one day they were having a picnic by an old maple where they could see the pasture and Lance asked her about it. There was an uncomfortable silence then Alex began to tell him, tears coursing down her cheeks. She told of her old boyfriend, Lance Waite, and how her mother had always disapproved of him.


“Lance was a bad boy,” she said. “He loved motorcycles and fast cars, anything dangerous. My mother didn’t want any of her friends to know that her only child was involved with a troublemaker. So we kept our relationship secret. My dad didn’t mind. He told me to always follow my heart.


“I was out riding with my dad one day. Wind was having some problems with his leg, and the vet said he should get as much exercise as possible. Anyway, we were riding and a rattlesnake scared the horses. Wind reared up and knocked me out of the saddle. I hit my back on a sharp rock. The rattlesnake had bitten my dad’s horse, Chaser, and the horse had fallen on top of my dad. It,” she stopped and let out a sob, “ the fall broke his neck. He died instantly. My back hurt so much that I couldn’t move at all. Wind had ran into the woods. My mother and some of our hands came out looking for us and found us.” She stopped as the memories flooded her. She sobbed again and allowed Lance to hold her as she cried. Finally she stopped.


“I was in the hospital for three weeks. That’s when, when I learned I was pregnant. My mother was still grieving and she blew up at me. She blamed me, and Lance, and everything she could.


“Lance came in the day before I was released. I told him and he didn’t say anything. I couldn’t read his _expression or anything. He just looked at me and left. Later that night his mother called me. She, she told me that Lance was out riding his motorcycle and he turned around a sharp turn and ran into a semi. He was going so fast and he was drunk and…” She stifled a sob. “He died,” she said quietly. “I couldn’t stand my mom anymore so I packed a few things, took some cash and ran. I’m trying to get to my aunt Charlene. My father’s sister. She lives somewhere in Texas. I haven’t seen her in ten years, but I know she’d take me in. She’d help me through this.” Lance sat in silence. Alex looked up at him for a moment.


“I’m sorry,” he said finally, looking down into her red eyes. She nodded and began to cry again. Suddenly she cried out as a sharp pain curled around her lower back and her abdomen. Lance looked at her, worried.


“I’m alright,” she said. She stood up and wiped her eyes. About ten minutes later another pain hit her. Her eyes widened as she realized something. Within five minutes another pain came. They were becoming more frequent, happening within five minutes of each other. “Lance,” she said shakily. He looked at her. “I think I’m having contractions.” Lance’s eyes widened and he walked over to her.


“Are you sure?” he asked. She nodded as another pain hit her. “Oh shit,” he breathed. “We have to get you to the doctor’s.” He helped her to the house and ran inside.


“Lynn!” he shouted. Lynn came from the kitchen, startled by Lance’s frantic voice.


“What?” she asked. Lance motioned outside.


“Alex is having pains, she thinks she’s having the baby.” Lynn’s eyes widened and she yelled for Justin.


“Help Lance get Alex in the truck!” He frowned. “Hurry!” She called to Britney as Justin left. Lance and Alex were waiting outside. Justin helped Alex into the truck and hopped in beside her. Lance started the truck and tore down the driveway, quickly followed by a black car, which contained Chris, JC, Joey and Lynn and Britney.


The pains were coming closer together and becoming even more intense. The bumpy ride didn’t help Alex anymore and soon she was involuntarily crying out every time a contraction came. As soon as they reached Doc Milton’s place, Lance jumped out without turning off the truck and Justin and Lance pulled Alex out of the truck. They rushed into the doctor’s office and Lance quickly explained what was happening. Doc Milton immediately took her into the labor room, allowing no one to come in. Alex’s water broke and she was soon having one contraction after another.


“It’s too soon, isn’t it? I’m only thirty-eight weeks!” her voice rose higher as another contraction racked through her body. The doctor checked her heart rate and made sure she was comfortable. She kept asking for Lance, so the doctor let him come in.


Lance was very worried about her. She shouldn’t be having the baby this early! He tried to calm down his frantic thoughts. Alex needs me, he thought. She needs me to be strong for her. Her face contorted as another wave of pain hit her. She was panting and sweating slightly. She looked up at Lance and he saw the fear in er eyes.


“It’ll be ok, baby. Just hold on, Alex. Everything’s going to be fine.” Secretly, Lance wasn’t sure that everything really would be fine.


Almost an hour past before she was ready for labor. The doctor instructed her to give the first push. She gripped Lance’s hand tightly and grit her teeth and pushed.


“That’s it, keep it up,” the doctor was saying. “Ok, another big push, dear.” Lance was gently reassuring her everything would be all right.


“Breathe, Alex. Breathe. You’re doing fine, you’re almost there.” His touch comforted her and she pushed again. The baby’s head was almost out.


“One more,” Doc Milton said. “Come on, a nice big push.” Alex pushed until she couldn’t push anymore. She cried out in effort. Her face was red and there were bruises on her face from pushing so hard. Finally, the baby’s head was out. “One more and it’ll be over.” Alex pushed one more time and then her world faded to black.




“Alex,” she heard Lance’s deep voice. She opened her eyes and looked into his green ones. Her blonde hair was in her face and he gently brushed it aside. He smiled. Alex heard a baby crying. “You did it, darling. You have a new baby boy.” Alex’s eyes filled with tears.


“Where is he?” Doc Milton wrapped the baby in a blanket and handed him to her. Tears streaked down her face, tears of joy at the sight of her baby. Her baby boy. He had a thick patch of red-gold hair on his head. He was small, but big enough to be perfectly happy.


“Congratulations,” Doc Milton said. “Lance, you’ll need to leave for a minute while I help Alex push out the, uh, other stuff.” The old man blushed and Lance nodded. He gave Alex a kiss on the cheek and left. Everyone was anxiously waiting outside. Lance smiled at them.


“It a perfectly happy and healthy baby boy.” Britney and Lynn hugged and everyone smiled. “Alex is fine.” Lynn smiled at the look on Lance’s face. She knew, even though Lance didn’t, that Lance was falling for Alex. He was grinning from ear to ear as though he were the father of the boy. Doc Milton came out of the room and smiled at the crowd in his small waiting room.


“You can go see her,” he said. He added, “one at a time, she’s still very tired from the labor.” Lynn walked in first. She smiled at the sight of the young mother with her baby boy. Alex’s eyes were closed, but they opened when she heard someone walk in.


“Congratulations, Alex,” Lynn said, smiling. Alex smiled wearily back. “Have you thought of what to name him?” Alex shook her head.


“I’m not sure. When I went for my first ultrasound in South Carolina, the doctor said it was a girl. I was going to name her Emily Mae. I guess I’ll have to rename him, huh?” Lynn laughed.


“I guess so. Was South Carolina the only place you went to the doctor?” Alex nodded.


“I got stuck there because of a tropical storm. I didn’t have time anywhere else.” Lynn nodded. “You need to think of a name.” She gave Alex a hug and gently kissed the baby’s head. She left and Britney immediately came in.


“Oh my gosh,” she gushed, “he’s just so adorable! Can I hold him?” Alex nodded. She gently handed him to Britney who held him like he was the most fragile thing in the world. He began to cry and Britney handed him back over.


“He’s hungry. I don’t know how to…” Britney smiled.


“I’ll get Lynn in here. She’ll know.” She hurried out and Lynn came back in. Lynn told her how to breast-feed and soon her baby was suckling happily. She smiled gratefully at Lynn and Lynn left her to tell everyone that she was feeding her baby, don’t go in there. When she was finished and covered, Justin came in.


“Hey there,” he said, smiling. “I hope you know that this baby is like family to me. I mean, you’re like the sister I never had and, well, I feel like his uncle.” Alex smiled.


“You hear that, little guy, you have an Uncle Justin.” Justin’s smile widened.


“What’s his name?” Alex shrugged and looked down at her sleeping son.


“I’m not sure.” Justin stayed for another minute and then left. Joey, Chris and JC came in and said congrats and left, then Lance came in with a book.


“I bought you a baby name book, so you could figure out what to name him,” he said shyly. Alex smiled.


“Thank you Lance.” She laughed. “I always seem to be thanking you for something.” Lance smiled and sat down in a chair next to her bed. He opened the book and went to the ‘boys’ section.


“Adam?” Alex shook her head. “Caleb?” She wrinkled her nose. Benjamin, David, Michael, Jesse, Tyler, Jacob, John, Mark, Anthony, and Joshua were all shot down. Finally Alex suggested something.


“James is a nice name,” she said. Lance laughed.


“James is my first name.” Alex looked up at him surprised. “I didn’t like it so I went by Lance.


“I like it. Now we need a middle name.” After about an hour it was decided that Alex’s son’s name would be James Wyatt Blake.


“Why Wyatt?” Lance asked. Alex laughed.


“We had a horse named Wyatt that was one of my favorites. I like that name anyway.” Lance shrugged and shut the baby book. He looked at James Wyatt tenderly and touched his forehead.


“Hello there James,” he whispered. Alex smiled at the look of tenderness on Lance’s face.


“Do you want to hold him?” Lance looked up at Alex, startled.


“No, I’ll drop him.” Alex laughed lightly at the panic in his voice.


“I trust you. Go ahead.” She handed James to Lance and he held him gently, a look of wonder on his face.


“He’s so small,” he whispered reverently. He touched one of James’ small fingers and smiled as James curled his finger around Lance’s. Alex smiled again and her heart swelled at the sight of her baby and Lance. She didn’t know it yet, but Alex was falling in love.




The next few weeks went by with very little change. Alex got very little sleep; being woke up every hour by James’ hungry cries. James was growing like a weed and he was soon twice as big as he was when he was born. Whenever Alex could she would spend some time alone, trying to exercise to lose the weight she had gained. September 15th went by, Alex’s original due date, and soon Alex almost forgot about her quest to find her aunt. She felt like she was home at the ranch, which surprised her. She started working in the kitchen with Britney to earn some money for new clothes and to pay for her stay. The three guests, Chris, JC, and Joey, left soon after Alex began working there to pursue other places to open their business. They promised Lynn they’d stop back by on their way up north.


Alex was baking some pies when the phone in the kitchen rang. Lynn, Justin, and Britney were out and Alex was by herself in the house. She answered the phone.


“Lone Moon Ranch, how may I help you?” she asked.


“May I speak to Miss Alexandra Blake, please?” Alex’s eyes widened. No one knew she was here.


“This, this is she,” she stuttered.


“Alex, thank god. This is Charlene, your aunt.” Alex’s mouth opened in a surprised O.


“Aunt Charlene? How did you know I was here?” Alex heard Charlene laugh.


“A young man tracked me down and told me where you were and that you were looking for me. Why were you looking for me, dear?” Alex ignored the question for the moment.


“Did he say who he was?” Again, Charlene laughed.


“He said that if you asked to tell you it was James. Why were you looking for me?” Alex thought, James. Lance!


“Mom didn’t tell you?” Alex heard a noise that sounded like a snort.


“Miriam hasn’t spoken to me since she married your father, why would she start now?” Alex felt a tear escape down her cheek.


“Dad was in an accident, Aunt Charlene. He died.” She heard Charlene’s gasp and winced.


“Daniel’s dead? How?” Alex told her and she heard her aunt start crying.


“Where are you, Aunt Charlene? I’ve been looking all over the country.”


“Dallas. I moved to Dallas.” Alex almost laughed. Her next stop was Dallas; she would have found her aunt and never met Lance nor stayed at the Lone Moon. “Honey?” Charlene asked after Alex didn’t say anything for a moment.


“I have a baby,” she said quietly.


“What?” Charlene asked, surprised. Alex smiled as she looked at her beautiful baby boy.


“His name is James Wyatt Blake. He’s a month and a half old.” Alex heard the smile in Charlene’s voice when she spoke.


“That’s great, sweetie. I’m going to have to meet my nephew when I come to visit.” Alex smiled widely.


“You, you’re coming here?”


“Yep. Actually I’m moving again and I think Oklahoma sounds like a good spot.” Alex’s eyes widened. “Listen, sweetie I have to go. I’ll see you in a couple of days. Bye Lexie.”


“Bye Aunt Charlene.” Alex hung up the phone smiling. She turned as the kitchen door opened and pounced on Lance as he walked in. She gave him a huge hug.


“Thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!” Lance laughed and set her down.


“I take it that was your aunt.” Alex smiled happily and hugged him again. Her eyes were shining from tears of joy unshed and she looked into Lance’s eyes. Surprising them both, she leaned up and gently pressed her lips to his. She backed away, blushing and looked up at Lance through her long lashes, noticing Lance blushing as well. She laughed happily and slung her arms around him again, her face inches from his.


“I don’t know how to ever thank you for everything you’ve done for me, but I promise to try,” she said softly. Lance smiled at down at her, his green eyes meeting her sparkling blue ones. They both realized in that instant that they were in love. Lance leaned down and kissed Alex softly, then increased the pressure. They broke apart blushing again as someone cleared their throat.


“Did I interrupt something?” Justin grinned at his two friends. “Sorry, but I thought you should know, your pies are burning.”




Two years later:


“Wyatt! Don’t touch that!” Alex scolded. Her two-year-old son pouted up at her.


“Ma, why?” he whined. Alex and Lance decided to call James Wyatt by his middle name, deciding it was easier should someone call Lance by his first name. Alex adjusted her dress, making sure everything was perfect. Charlene and Lynn came in, followed by Britney. They smiled happily at her. Charlene and Lynn were her bridesmaids; Britney was the Maid Of Honor,


“I can’t believe y’all is getting married!” Britney exclaimed happily.


“I’m just glad you agreed to be my Maid Of Honor, Brit,” Alex said smiling. Charlene’s eyes were glistening as she looked at her niece.


“You look so beautiful, Lexie,” she said. “Daniel would be so proud.” Alex nodded, knowing her father would be very proud.


“I wish he was walking me down the aisle,” Alex said as tears glistened in her eyes. She adjusted her veil. Someone knocked on the door and Lynn opened it. Alex glanced up and froze.


“Mom?” Alex asked, surprised. Her mother stood in the doorway, wearing a white sleeveless dress.


“Oh, Alex,” she breathed. “You look so beautiful.” She walked to Alex and stopped in front of her. She looked down at Wyatt and smiled sadly. “Is this my grandson?” Alex nodded, fighting tears. Miriam bent down in front of Wyatt. “Hi,” she said. Alex smiled despite herself.


“Hi,” Wyatt replied and went back to getting into the make up that was on the bed. Miriam smiled and got up, straightening her dress.


“Alex, I’m so sorry for what I did. Please forgive me,” Miriam pleaded. Tears ran down her cheeks as she spoke. “I know that I hurt you deeply, but I want to be a part of Wyatt’s life… and yours.” Alex nodded and mother and daughter embraced. Charlene, Britney and Lynn smiled at the sight. Another knock on the door interrupted them.


“Alex, are you ready?” Justin walked in, wearing a white tux. Alex nodded and Miriam left to get her seat. Charlene and Lynn walked out first, followed by Britney. Finally Alex walked out, escorted by Justin on one side and a wobbly-legged Wyatt on the other. They began the slow procession down the aisle. When they reached Lance and the preacher, Justin gave Alex a kiss on the cheek and, putting her hand in Lance’s, led Wyatt to sit with Miriam and took his place as Best Man. Alex smiled happily up at Lance. She smiled at the rest of her life.


The End


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