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Better Days

By:  Stephanie Woodworth

© 2003 Chaotic Bliss Fan Fiction


Elisabeth pulled her car into the hotel parking lot, sitting in the front seat momentarily admiring the beautiful fall day.  She’d just finished decorating at the wedding hall and was stopping one last time to see her fiancé before they were meeting up at the park for rehearsal.  Her cell rang on the seat next to her.  “Bridalmobile,” she answered with a giggle seeing her maid of honor’s cell number on her caller id.

“Ugh!  You make me want to get sick.”

“Hey Carlie, what up?”                                                         

“Just wondering what the bride-to-be is up to?”

“I just pulled into the hotel parking lot.”  Elisabeth got out of the car and headed into the lobby.

“Going for one last premarital game of baseball.”  Carlie asked, using their code name for sex.

“How crude Carlie.  I would never do something like that.”  Elisabeth laughed.  “Or at least I’d never tell.  Hey, I’ve gotta go.  I’ll see you tonight at the park.  You didn’t really need anything did you?”  She looked down at her watch.  She’d have to hurry if she’d want to spend any quality time with Lance.

“No, I just wanted to bug you.”  Carlie laughed.  “Hit a homer for me.”

“Ugh.  I’m hanging up now!”  Elisabeth closed her phone and dropped it in her purse.  She walked up to the front counter.  “Hello, I’m Elisabeth Caldwell and I’m going to be getting married tomorrow to the person that is staying in 1553.  I’d like to surprise him.  I do believe that the room is in my name also and I’d like a key.”

The young man behind the counter punched a few keys on the computer.  “I’ll need to see an id, ma’am.”

“No problem,” Elisabeth said with a smile.  She hated when people called her ma’am.  Did she look that old?  She realized that it was a polite thing, but couldn’t he call her miss?  She produced her id and waited.

He handed her a key.  “Thank you Ms. Caldwell, have a nice evening.”

Elisabeth smiled at him and walked away.  Excitement raced through her, she was going to break ever rule that she had.  She’d never thought that she’d sleep with Lance right before their rehearsal, but she needed him.  Ever since she met him she had a deep need for him and never wanted to be away from him.  His job made that difficult and she ended up flying out to wherever he was whenever her job permitted.  Now that they were going to be married she was hoping that they would at least see each other more.

With a huge, silly grin on her face Elisabeth rode the elevator up to the 15th floor.  Lance was staying in the suite that they would stay in tomorrow night before they left for their Mediterranean Cruise.  She stopped momentarily when she when she heard what sounded like someone else on the hall was also in the throes of passion.  She giggled as she slid the key card in the lock.

Elisabeth slowly made her way through the suite to the bedroom, that’s where everything in her life changed and it was as time began move in slow motion.  As she swung the door open she was highly shocked to see Lance bent over the bed, face down with JC penetrating him.  She felt instantly sick to her stomach and couldn’t find her voice.  All she could do was drop the key card that she was holding.  It happened to be enough to draw JC’s attention to her.

“Oh God.”

“I know JC, so good, please don’t stop,” Lance moaned.

JC stopped, causing Lance to turn and look at Elisabeth.  “Oh God,” he repeated over and over.

“I already covered that,” JC stated, pulling out of Lance and trying to cover himself.

Elisabeth couldn’t help it, she throw up right there in the doorway to the bedroom.  She turned and ran from the suite not stopping when she heard Lance call her name.

Better Days >