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Chapter 2

                Kamie never imagined that everything would be moving so quickly.  She’d only received the email from Mr. Perlman two days earlier and she’d already agreed to meet with him that Friday in Orlando.

                Quince wasn’t taking the news very well.  He was pouting around the apartment and avoiding Kamie whenever possible.

                “Quince, quit acting like a diva!”  Kamie yelled while packing her bathroom essentials.

                “I’m no a diva!” he huffed.

                “Well you sure are acting like one.  Why can’t you just be a friend and support me on this.”  She picked up her small suitcase and pushed past him.  “I’m really excited about this.”  She picked up a shirt and started folding it.  “Please Quince, I leave first thing in the morning and I really wish that you’d change your mind on this.”

                “Kamie, I love you like a sister.  And as much as I’d love to say that I want to support you I have a feeling that there is something not kosher about this whole deal.  I’m worried about it.”  He walked over to her and took the shirt out of her hands.  “Look at me Kamie, I’m going to support you in whatever you decide to do, but I’m very worried about this guy.  Why can’t he find a wife on his own?  Why does he have to hire one?  What’s so wrong with him?”  He sat down on the bed with her.  “Kamie, if anything would happen to you I’d be crushed.  If you need me while you are down there call me I’ll be on the next plane.”

                Kamie reached over and hugged him.  “I love you too, Quince.  I promise; if I think I’m in any trouble I’ll give you a call.  I don’t think I have anything to worry about.  I just think this is an old lonely guy that needs a wife.”

                Quince stood.  “Okay, fine.  But just be safe.”

                Kamie spent most of the night packing and couldn’t sleep.  Her flight left bright and early the next morning.  Quince dropped her off at the airport in nearby Fort Wayne, Indiana.

                “I’ll call when I land,” Kamie said, kissing Quince goodbye.

                “You’d better.”  He tried not to cry.  “Please be safe.”

                “I will.  Take care of yourself.”  Kamie gave him a quick hug then turned and walked toward the gate.


                The plane ride was quiet and Kamie read her book most the trip.  There was going to be someone at the airport to pick her up and take her to Mr. Perlman’s house.

                Kamie sat on the plane until she was the very last person and the flight attendant walked up to her.

                “Is everything all right?” she asked with a bright smile.

                Kamie looked up at her.  “I’m sorry.  I’m just a bit scared.  My whole future is going to change when I step off this plane and I’m not sure if it’s going to be for the better.  I have a very bad feeling that something bad is going to happen.”  Kamie smiled.  “I sound crazy, don’t I?”  Kamie stood and picked up her carry on.  “I’m just being silly.  I have a chance of a lifetime waiting for me at the end of that runway.  I just have to take the chance.”  Kamie smiled again.  “Thanks for listening.”

                The flight attendant smiled.  “Honey, I don’t know what I did to help, but I’m glad that I could.”  She watched as the young girl walked off the plane and hoped that everything was going to be okay with her.

                Kamie smiled as she walked off the plane.  She was looking for someone who was going to be picking her up.  There were very few people left when she stepped out of the plane’s door and there was a gentleman holding a sign with her name on it.  She walked over to him.  “Hello, I’m Kamilia.”

                “Welcome to Orlando Miss Martin.”  The man said reaching for her carry on bag.  “I’m Thomas and I’m here to take you to Mr. Perlman’s.”

                Kamie hesitated before handing her bag over to him.  “Okay,” she said with a smile then followed him.

                “We’ll go get your bags then head to the limousine. “ 

                Pulling up at huge house Kamie was awestruck; she sat in the back of the limousine and stared.  She watched as Thomas walked around the car to let her out.  “If you go up the front steps the maid will answer the door and show you into Mr. Perlman's office.”

                “Thank you, Thomas,” Kamie said with a smile.

                As she walked up to the mansion she thought of what it would be like to live in this house.  She wondered what Mr. Perlman was like.  And she fought off her last minute gitters.

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