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Through The Years

By:  Stephanie Woodworth

©2004 Chaotic Bliss Fan Fiction




                “I’m home … Mom!”  Jacob yelled as he entered the small house he shared with his mother.  He enjoyed spending time with her and all of his friends loved coming over to his house.  Cierra Wagner was more than just a mother.  She was his best friend.

                When in public most people thought that Cierra was Jake’s older sister, never his mother.  At thirty-six Cierra looked at least ten years younger.  She was the ultimate “cool” mom.

                “I’m in here,” she finally answered from the laundry room.

                Jake rounded the corner to find his mom folding towels in her business suit and stocking feet.  He walked over and kissed the top of her head.  “What’s for dinner?”

                Cierra placed the folded towel on the dryer and swatted her son’s bottom with the next warm towel.  “No hello?  No how was your day?”

                Jake smiled down at his mother.  “Hello Mother dearest, how was your day?  Now what’s for dinner?”

                “Nice Jake,” she smiled at her son’s antics.

                “C’mon, the guys will be here soon.”

                “I thought we’d order pizza,” she said giving into her son’s whining.  “Your choice,” she finished as he returned to the kitchen.

                “Thanks mom,” Jake said opening the fridge and drinking OJ straight from the carton.  “You sure you don’t mind that we are practicing here tonight?”

                “It’s fine.  Just nothing to rowdy.”  Cierra grabbed the pile of freshly washed towels and headed upstairs.

                She hated the fact that Jake had disobeyed her and started a band.  She hated that they were actually good even more.

                It’s amazing that even after almost nineteen years Cierra could still remember what it felt like to be held by Jake’s father.  What his lips felt like on hers.  Sometimes it still broke her heart that Jake never asked about his father.

Through The Years >