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Part 3


                Jake wandered into the house after school.  He was still down from not winning the talent search, but it was getting easier to accept.  The band had been hired by a local all age club to play over the weekend.  This would be their first gig.

                Jake took full advantage of the fact that his mother wasn’t going to be home till late.  She usually left dinner in the Crock pot or money for pizza.  Turning up the radio Jake made his way to the Kitchen to check on the junk food situation.  Pulling the pint of Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey from the freezer her began eating it straight from the carton.

                He sat down at the island.  The message light was blinking on the answering machine.  He put his spoon down and hit play.  ‘This is Corey from CMI.  Please call me back at 222-555-0101.   Thank you.’

                “What the hell is CMI?  And where’s area code 222?”  Jake wondered out loud.  He picked up the phone and dialed the number.

                A young woman answered.  “Chasez Music, this is Corey.”

                “Good afternoon, this is Jacob Wagner and I’m returning your call.”  Jake was shocked when he heard her answer ‘Chasez Music’.

                “Oh hello Jacob.  I’m glad that you returned my call so quickly.  Let me check and see if Mr. Chasez is free.”

                Faint music came through the line and Jake waited anxiously.  What in the world would this company want with him and who the heck was Mr. Chasez?

                “Jacob Wagner?”

                “Please call me Jake.”

                “Fine.  Hello Jake.  My name is Josh Chasez and I own Chasez Music, a major music label.”

                “Hello sir.”

                “I’ll get to the point of my call.  In a round about way I received a video of your band, Y’s 1’s.  I really liked what I saw and wondered if I could make a meeting to talk to you and the others.”

                Jake about fainted.  “A-a meeting?”

                “Yes.  Are you free tomorrow?”

                “I-I have to check,” Jake stuttered unsure of his own name right now.  He picked up the calendar.  “We’re booked this weekend at a local club,” he said hesitantly.

                “A local club?  Where is it you are from again?”

                “Berne.  Berne, Indiana.”

                “Oh yeah I guess Corey had mentioned that.”  Josh looked at his calendar.  With a bit of work he could clear his schedule for the weekend.  “Since you can’t come to me, I’ll fly in and see you perform.  I’m going to give you a call when I get into town tomorrow.  I’ll see you at the club tomorrow night, if not before.”

                “Okay.  Thank you sir.”

                “No need for thanks and please call me Josh.”

                Jake hung up the phone and screamed at the top of his lungs.  This wasn’t the way it was supposed to be.  There were no grueling club dates, demo tapes or rejections.  Jake quickly stopped and reminded himself that they didn’t have a deal yet.

                Jake called the rest of the group and had them come right over to his house.  When they were all sitting around his living room Jake relayed the phone conversation he’d just had with Josh.

                “You’re kidding right?”  Vic asked.

                “This is some kind of joke,” Kollin added.

                “No, no joke!  There is a record executive coming to hear us play tomorrow night!”  Jake almost yelled.

                “I think I’m going to be sick,” Robbie said, looking kind of green.

                “Do we need more practice?” Wyatt asked.

                “I think we’re fine.  Not a lot we can do this late in the game.”  Jake was excited and scared all at once.  His adrenaline level was high and at this rate he’d never be able to sleep.  “We need a good nights sleep.  Everyone home and straight to bed.  We’ll meet at the club after school.”


                Jake slept fairly well under the circumstances.  He was already asleep when his mother came home that night.  As he made his was to the kitchen the next morning he could hear his mother singing in the shower.  It made him laugh she was anything but good.  A trait from my father obviously.

                He wanted to tell her about the good news but knew she’d get upset.  He still couldn’t understand why him singing was such a big deal.  Instead he poured himself a bowl of Cheerios and sat down at the kitchen table.

                “Good morning sweetie,” Cierra said kissing the top of Jake’s head on her way into the kitchen.

                “Morning,” Jake muttered through a mouthful of cereal.

                “You must have gone to sleep early last night.”

                “Big night tonight.  Needed my rest.”  Jake said rinsing his bowl and putting it in the dishwasher.  He looked at his mother as she made coffee.  “You are still coming aren’t you?”

                “Well, I was actually …” she started.

                “Mom!  It’s very important to me!  This is the most important night of my life!”

                “Okay Jake.  I was just playing with you.  No need to be so dramatic.”  She stirred her coffee.  “This performance isn’t life and death.  It’s just a small club in a small town.”

                Sure it is, Jake thought.  A small club with one big record executive and a chance of a lifetime.  “Okay Mom.”  He kissed her cheek.  “Gotta run.  See you tonight.”  Jake grabbed his books and headed off to school.

                The day flew by and before Jake knew what happened school was over and he found himself sound checking at the club.

                He was in the middle of their typical practice piece when his mom walked into the empty club.

                Once again always the cool mom she had her long hair pulled up in a ponytail and was wearing leather pants and a tight black t-shirt.

                “That’s good guys.”  Jake said into his mike.  He jumped off the short stage and ran over to where his mom was.  He gave her a quick hug.  “Thanks so much for coming.”

                “I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”

                “Mom, I have someone I’d like you to meet,” he said hesitantly.

Cierra grinned.  Maybe I’ll finally get to meet Mia, the girl he’s been seeing, she thought.  “Okay,” she said taking his hand as he led her to the backstage area.  There was a man dresses in a black suit talking to the rest of the band.

“Josh, I’d like to introduce you to my mom.”

Josh turned and held out his hand for Cierra to shake.  “Nice to meet you.”

“Oh my god,” Cierra uttered as the room grew dark and she fell to the ground.

< Through The Years >