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Welcome to
Women With Attitudes
International Day of Peace Page

International Day of Peace
is celebrated on
September 18th
Come and Celebrate with us!!!!

There are many people in this wonderful world of ours. 

We all need to get along.

We don't want war.

We want to make sure that there will be an earth for our great great great .......grandchildren.


Remember it's in our hands.
Please pass the word around.



Adopt an Angel
Place one of these Angels on your page to 
show that you are wanting World Peace


Dedicate your Country
Here we will come together as one.


Peace Quilt
Where do you want peace in the
world the most?

In a certain country?
E-mail us two countries and we will
make a graphic out of the flag for
those countries

What about in your home or neighborhood?
Send us a 100X100 pixel jpg and we will
place it on the quilt as well

Site made for Women with Attitudes by
Vanilla Orchids
Who dedicates this page to her friend
Abed Judeh

This WWA Circle of Hope and Unity site is owned by
Women With Attitudes International Peace Day Page.

In Memory of the Innocent Lives Lost
We Stand United Against Terrorism
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