Message from the Core Team OUR JOURNEY We continue to be humbled by the overwhelming support & love shown to us by the people who have experienced with us our past 2 musicals, “Forgiving Eyes” in 1997 and “Shoes of a Stranger” in 1999. Our mission, to dedicate our gifts to God, nurture our spiritual growth & create social awareness through collaboration & evangelisation, has always challenged us in putting our faith to action.
It is a great privilege to use our gifts to raise social awareness of issues like youth delinquency, crimes against women and poverty. This is coupled with a great learning experience working with religious, archdiocese and trained specialists in our community to deliver the messages from each musical.
During our practices and performances, we see how the Spirit moves among us when we sit to be still, sing our songs, work on our backdrops, sew our costumes, plan our work and reach out to others to come experience our musicals. We call these our moments of grace when we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by His hand. Our belief that spiritual formation is important & central to our faith in practice brings & holds us together.
Our third musical “Saint Joan” has a strong message for each one of us. It invites us to stake our individual & collective claim to being church. To be an empowered laity. To know more & grow in our ancient faith in this world of seemingly modern values. It is not about being burnt at the stake and dying for God. It is about how we live our lives for God. It is about how we live as human BEings, and not human DOings. As we journey towards the end of our preparation for this new musical, we invite you to share the beginning of our journey to live our lives for God.
Grace & Peace, |