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Kosh Naranek is a Vorlon. He was sent to Babylon 5 to represent the Vorlon Empire, and to prepare the humans for the coming Shadow War.

Like all Vorlons, Kosh cannot leave his encounter suit because he would be recognized by everyone!

Kosh and Delenn



When revealed, Kosh is a being of light! The various races see something different - each according to the legends of their world.

It was necessary for Kosh to reveal himself when it seemed other races would not help in the Shadow War.

Although the other races considered it a "good omen", the Shadows knew that the Army of Light was aware of them, and they would now strike openly!

After helping by persuading the Vorlon fleet to attack, Kosh is attacked in his quarters by the Shadows! Kosh is ripped to shreds, and his encounter suit destroyed.

The Vorlons send a replacement ambassador, hoping to make the Babylon 5 inhabitants think it was the same Vorlon, although he is in a different encounter suit!

This new "Kosh" was darker, and showed a dislike for humans. When asked what he should be called in private, he said "Kosh. We are all Kosh."

It soon turned out that the Vorlon objective turned to "cutting out" the Shadow infection by destroying entire worlds they had allied with. To stop anymore information from going out, Sheridan, Lyta, and Lorien trap the Purple Kosh forcing him from his suit.

A peice of Naranek that had survived by placing himself inside Sheridan attacked him. They twirled about in a fierce battle, going through the bulkhead into space, where they exploded in an enormous energy blast!

After Kosh's destruction, Sheridan and his allies eventually stop the the Shadows and Vorlons by declaring that they will not fight. (Kind of disappointing! I was hoping for a big finish.) But Lorien persuades both that their time has come and gone, and they must follow him "beyond the rim", where other ancient beings are waiting for them.

We do hear from Kosh again. During the Night of the Dead, Kosh sends back a message for Sheridan, saying "When the long night begins, go back to the beginning of the end." Typical of a Vorlon to be so vague!


B A B Y L O N 5 - J U M P G A T E S

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