Chapter One - Lonely

Two weeks later Melissa found herself in her room she had already packed everything. It was so empty that it made her feel sad, angry and scared all at the same time. Then something changed that, she saw a magazine on the floor with Hanson on the cover looking at Taylor's smile melted her heart. "I can get through this," Melissa thought to herself.

"It's time to go," her mother called, she took one last look around the room and then headed for the van.

They got to the airport just in time to board the plane. Melissa had a window seat, the flight wasn't so bad because she got to use her Dad's lap-top.

When they finally got there Melissa was surprised to find out she had a huge room with a mean sound system and a computer.

"Melissa, come down here," her father demanded .

"I have to meet my new boss in LA." he told her, "So you take care of your mother," he said.

"I will," she assured him, and he left that night.

It was summer and her Mom was getting worried because Melissa hadn't been out of the house for about 2 weeks. So she gave her a lecture on what her father would say if he were there, and how she wasn't going to make friends if she stayed in all the time.

"Mom," Melissa protested, "how am I gonna make friends, I mean we're not in school and I don't even know teens hang out around here," she wined. So she stayed in for another week, became a computer nerd and started listening to Nervana.

One day she decided to go kick a soccer ball around in the yard. She saw a guy rollerblading on the sidewalk. She dropped the ball and kicked it as hard as she could, it went out of the yard and hit the rollerblader. He fell to the ground and Melissa rushed over to him.
