Chapter 2 - One Thing Leads to Another

She discovered him unconsious and got her mother to help carry him inside. On closer inspection she realized it was Taylor Hanson, she couldn't believe it.

A few hours later he awoke and moaned loudly, Melissa dropped what she was doing and went to him. "Are you ok Tay," she asked.

"Yeah I think so," he replied.

"Mom he's up!" she yelled

"Not so loud," Taylor begged

"Oh sorry," she said

"Would you like me to call your parents Taylor," asked Melissa's Mom asked.

"Actually my whole family is in Orlando on vacation for 2 months, I stayed back because I needed time away from my siblings." Taylor explained.

"Oh well you could stay here," her mother suggested, "Because 2 murders were comitted in this area recently and the suspects are still at large"

"Ok if it's not too much trouble," he agreed.

"No none at all," she told him, and then left. Melissa realized she hadn't introduced herself, so she did.

As the days passed by Melissa and Tay grew closer and closer, at first it was a friendship, but it became somthing more.
