Part Three

Daisy Hanson was 16 years old. Like her parents she had met her boyfriend and they had been dating since they were 14. Tonight her parents were going out and they didn’t know she was having Trevor over. At 7:00 they left and by 7:10 Trevor was there. They sat around watching a movie, and eating popcorn. By 9:00 their clothes were tossed across the room. Daisy knew her mom was only 16 when she got pregnant, but she pushed the thought out of her mind. Around 10:30 they got dressed and Trevor went home; and by 11 her parents were home. Two months later Daisy sat her parents down in the family room, “Mom, dad, I’m pregnant.”

“NOOOO,” Taylor screamed, sitting up in bed.

Zac jumped down from the top bunk and Mackenzie sat up on the trundle bed. “Tay, what’s wrong?” Zac asked.

Taylor shook his head and came downstairs. He peeked into my room and saw 2 1/2 year old Daisy peacefully asleep in her crib. He want over and looked over the side of her crib and fixed her blanket.

I sat up in my bed, “Taylor, is that you?”

“Yeah, sorry if I woke you.”

“That’s okay, come lay with me.” I pulled back the blankets and he slid under them, pulling me into his arms. “What are you doing down here?” I asked him. He told me about his dream. I didn’t know what to say so I just let him hold me. In her crib Daisy started to cry so Taylor picked her up and brought her into bed with us. We must have fallen asleep, because the next morning Mrs. Hanson was standing over us, telling us to get up.

We spent that day as we had spent that night, as a family, and that night, after dinner Taylor’s parents called us into the kitchen.

“Taylor, Alexis, how would you feel about moving into the garage and moving the band equipment into the bedroom.”

“You mean the 3 of us, moving into the garage, or just Daisy and Lexi?” Taylor questioned his parents.

“The 3 of you.” I would have loved to see the smile on my face, because the one on Taylor’s was huge.

“Why?” I asked.

“Well, we’re going to move Zac and Mackenzie into the girls room and the girls into that room, and we can only do that if there’s less boys then girls, and plus, we think Taylor deserves to live with his daughter.”

“You’re the greatest,” I said, unable to contain my excitement. I jumped up and hugged them.

“We’ll start moving everything tomorrow morning and you should be in by tomorrow night.”

After discussing our move with them Taylor and I returned to my room. We had something serious to talk about, but if had to be in private.

Later that day, August 28, 2001

“May, it’s beautiful in May,” I said.

“That’s almost a year from now.”

“I know, but May is so beautiful, plus by then we’ll be 19.”

“May is good, June is good, any month is good, as long as it’s with you.”

“You’re so sweet Taylor, let’s just forget about it for now, okay?”

“Yeah, let’s go to sleep.” I changed and climbed into bed with Taylor, for only the second time on our 4 years together, the third if you count that day.

His parents woke us up at 8:00 the next morning and by 3:00 we were arranging our ‘apartment’. It was such a great feeling to be moving in with Taylor and Daisy, as a family.

Our family, Taylor’s family and my parents all went out to dinner last night. Even Isaac came home. I didn’t know why, but I guess Taylor had called him.

After we had finished our salads Taylor asked everyone for their attention. It was a scene I will remember forever, he knew I was a hopeless romantic. He dropped to one knee and pulled a small box out of his pocket. As he opened it he told me how much he loves me and as he slipped the beautiful diamond ring onto my finger, he asked me to marry him. We had talked about it, like we had the night before, but it still seemed unreal. I burst into tears, and so did our mothers. Daisy saw us start to cry and her chin started to quiver, but Jessica picked her up and calmed her down. I hugged Taylor harder then I ever thought I could and he dried my tears. “Of course I will Taylor, I love you so much.”

“I love you too Daddy,” Daisy said, from Jessica’s arms.

Everyone laughed and Taylor said, “I love you too sweetie, and I love you too Alexis,” he said as he kissed me. At first I was embarrassed that he was kissing me in front of everyone, but then I let it pass, after realizing that they all knew we’d done much worse than that.

Taylor and Daisy are here in bed with me now. We’re getting married in May, I can’t wait. But I love Taylor and I don’t mind waiting. As long as we’re together, and we have our beautiful little girl my world is perfect.

Part Four

