Part Six

The baby is a girl, her name is Arianna Noelle Hanson. 7 pounds 8 ounces, born at St. Joseph medical center in Tulsa OK. She was born May 21, 2005. Her godparents are Taylor’s parents and if anything should happen to them she will be in Isaac’s care, just like Daisy.

Wow. I’m a mother again. It was such a great feeling to have Taylor at my side this time. Daisy is so proud to be a big sister. She holds Arianna any chance she can and when Taylor took her to the store she told everyone she was a “big sister now.” She’s so cute. Arianna has Taylor’s features, just like Daisy, but has my brown hair.

Our ‘apartment’ is getting small. A crib, a queen sized bed and a small bed for Daisy, as well as all our furniture. We’re going to have to move out. We’re going to go house hunting as soon as I feel up to it. We hope to find one nearby and move in as soon we graduate, which gives us about 3 weeks.


We did it! We found a house. It’s not overly big, but it’s perfect for us. It’s about 3 blocks from his parents house. Arianna and Daisy will each be able to have their own rooms, connected by a bathroom. There’s a huge yard, and it’s on a quiet street so the girls can play safely, and Daisy can work on her newfound past time. She’s loved rollerblading ever since she saw me and Taylor blading down the street when she was younger. We had to get custom made blades for her tiny little 5 year old feet, but she looks so cute rollerblading on the driveway, holding her daddy’s hand. She also is learning how to play Taylor’s keyboard. She’s a natural.

Arianna is such a spoiled little girl. Her grandparents will do anything for her. So will her aunts and uncles. Zac just adores her. He never lets her go. He’s such a help. There’s no way we could do this without them.

Graduation is next week. I can’t wait. The week after we graduate we move into our new house. His parents have offered to keep the girls so Taylor and I can go away for a day or two to celebrate. We probably will be taking them up on their offer.

I forgot how exhausting a newborn is. My parents were helpful, but I don’t see how I made it without Taylor. He’s the perfect father. He’s teaching Daisy lullabies that he wrote and every night we sing Arianna to sleep.

This time next week, I’ll not only be a mother, but a collage graduate with a degree in music. It’s hard to believe how fast my life is moving. People say I lost my innocence, my childhood, but I disagree. I gave innocence and childhood to two beautiful little girls.

Part Seven

