Chapter One

"CJ, let it go!!" Elizabeth screamed at China as she tugged on the shirt in their hands.

China pulled back. "No! You let go!!" She shouted back. Serina was sitting down and watching the tug-a-war with her shirt.

Suddenly she got up and grabbed China's scissors from her desk. Smiling she hid the scissors behind her back and walked up to the shirt. "Okay, who really wants the shirt?" Serina asked still smiling.

"I do!!" Elizabeth and China shouted at the same time. They glared at each other.

"Fine. I know how to fix this," Serina said as she took the scissors out from behind her back and quickly cut the shirt in half.

China and Elizabeth screamed. "No!!!!!!" China said holding her half of the shirt.

Serina threw the scissors back on the desk. "Now you both can wear my shirt," she said laughing.

Elizabeth whispered something into China's ear. China giggled and nodded. "Okay, Serina. You made your point," Elizabeth said sliding on her blue, red, and purple, tied dye tank top.

China smiled. "You so very much did," she said pulling her black sweater over her head. she made sure the silver buttons were all buttoned but the top one.

"You are gonna roast to death in that," Serina pointed out.

"No, I won't. I can handle it," China said shrugging.

"Where are we playing again?" Elizabeth asked.

"Umm, some sort of festival I think," Serina said pulling her airwalks on.

"We are playing at the 'Mayfest,'" China said as she stood up ready to go.

Elizabeth smiled. "Do you have your drumsticks, CJ?"

China smiled back and nodded. "Yeah, I'm not going to forget them like last time."

Serina laughed. "Or the time before."

"And the time before that," Elizabeth added.

"And the_ _ " Serina started.

"Okay, we all understand that I always forget my drumsticks," China said laughing also. "Let's start talking about something else."

"How about we leave?" Elizabeth asked.

Serina nodded. "Yeah, we don't want to be late. Besides I wanna go on some of the rides."

"Then come on," China said walking out the door. "Hope ya don't mind walking." She said smiling.

Elizabeth Michelle Silver's, (Liz) long blond hair hung loosely a little passed her shoulders. Her pale blue eyes were set off by her tied dye shirt. Her golden tan was very visible from under her denim cut offs. Her slender figure and standing 5'5 she was the envy of every fifteen year girl old within a square mile radius. Playing the keyboard was her passion. She wrote most of the band's songs. The rest was co-written with Serina and China. She sang lead most of the time. But hated it when people pointed it out.

Serina Lauren Kirst's, (Trina) light blond hair was just passed her waist and hung in natural waves. Her green eyes sparkled all the time. Always smiling and laughing. Having an average build for an twelve year old and standing 5'2' she was cutest girl you could imagine. Whenever she smiled dimples shown in her cheeks. Playing the guitar helped her to release a lot of her energy. And she had a lot of it. She helped write the wacky songs with Elizabeth and China would help sometimes too. She would share lead a lot with Elizabeth or China. Very seldom would she do lead. Always refusing to.

China Jade Whitaker's, (CJ) short black hair barely went passed her chin. Her blue eyes were almost to the point of being violet. She was too skinny for her taste and was always trying to gain weight. Standing at 5'8' she was one of the prettiest seventeen year olds in Tulsa. To every one else but her. Always saying to was too thin to be pretty. She played the drums and sometimes would help write their songs with Elizabeth. Mostly she just played and sang back up. Sometimes lead.
