Chapter Ten

Cj was walking around her bedroom when Liz and Trina knocked on her door. Cj opened it and let them in. "Sorry, 'bout the mess." She grumbled falling face down on her bed.

"Are you kidding?" Trina asked. "This is the cleanest that you've had it in years!!" She said laughing. There was mounds of clothing and old songs in different piles around the room.

Liz picked up a bag of chips. "Umm, how old are these?" She asked wrinkling her nose.

Cj sat up and looked at the bag. "Hmm, it's got a halloween wrapper and I haven't cleaned my room in over a year."

Trina took the bag and put it in an overflowing waste basket. "Too old." She stated dusting her hands off.

"So what did you and the guys talk about?" Liz asked sitting on the bed. Trina sat down on the bed too.

"Nothin much." Cj said shrugging slightly.

Liz gave her a stern look. "You weren't a bitch were you?" She asked.

Cj shook her head. "No. And you're not going to believe this." She said taking a breath.

"What?" Trina asked wanting to be included in the conversation.

"I actually told them that I was sorry." Cj mumbled.

"You did?" Liz asked happily.

"Oh, you are just too happy to live." Cj said in disgust.

Liz and Trina hugged Cj at the same time. Cj pushed them off me. "Hey!" She shouted. "Only in public can we act like friends." She said smiling.

Trina smiled. "Our friend is finally learning manners." She said in fake tearfulness.

Liz hugged Cj again. "Ah, we're rubbin off on her." She said smiling brightly.

Cj laughed. "I know I've been a bitch. But you know my parents. They've already decided what college I'm going to." She said coldly.

Trina and Liz stopped smiling. "Why won't they listen to you?" Liz asked.

"Oh, they do. When I say what they want to hear." Cj pointed out. "By the way. I have a good idea for a new beat." She said going over to her drumset. She beat out a new fast hard song.

Liz and Trina bobbed their head to the beat. "Got any lyrics?" Liz asked seriously.

"Funny, Liz." She said laughing. "You write the lyrics I help with the beat. And Trina here, gives it a little spice." Cj said laughing.

Trina smiled. "That's because I'm the unknown spice girl. I's got all the spice."

Cj nodded her head. "And what's your name? Stupid Spice or Special Spice?"

Liz laughed. "I don't think you wanna know, Cj."

Trina smiled. "Yeah, don't ask unless you really wanna know."

Cj held her hands up motioning for her to stop. "Okay, forget I even asked that question." She said shaking her head as she laughed.

Her phone rang and all three of them groaned.

"Always when we're talking." Cj grumbled picking up the phone. "It's your dime and my time that you're wasting." She said into the phone. "I don't know let me ask them. Well, they are all here. So, it's not a problem." She said before covering the mouthpiece.

"Hanson would like to know if we would like to go over to their place for a small party. Do we?" She asked. Praying that they would say no.

Liz's smile reached at least 1000 watts. "Yeah!!" She shouted.

Trina smiled also. "Yeah, we gotta go, Cj!!" She squealed excitedly.

Cj nodded and took her hand off the mouthpiece. She smiled at Trina and Liz. "Yeah, we'd love to come, Isaac." She said kindly. And it wasn't fake or forced. "Five? Sure. We will all be there. Okay. Buh bye." She said hanging up.

Trina tackled her in a hug. "You are actually starting to turn human!" She shouted into her face.

Cj laughed. "Get off!!" She screamed shoving her onto the ground. "I'm only doing this because you like Taylor and I need to get out of my house." She said as she pointed at Liz.

Liz blushed slightly. "Was it that easy to tell?" She asked.

Cj thought for a moment and looked at Trina. "Maybe not that easy. But since we are best friends it's a lot easier for us to tell." She explained.

Liz nodded. "Oh, okay." She replied.

"Come on guys." Trina said as she stretched her sleeping bag out on the floor. "If we have a small party to go to we might as well try and go to sleep."

Cj smiled at Trina. "True. Turn the lights off when ya ready." She said crawling under her covers.

Liz left to go change into her pjs. When she came back in she saw that Cj and Trina were already asleep. She turned off the light and carefully tip toed to the roll away bed. She laid down, and as soon as her head hit the soft pillow she started dreaming about the days events and Taylor Hanson.
