Chapter Eleven

Liz heard the alarm go off. She carefully got up and shut it off. Slowly she grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom shutting the door behind her. Liz turned on the water. Soon steam filled the room. She slipped her night clothes off and stepped into the shower. The warm water beating against her back fell soothing. She washed and also washed her hair. Liz shut the water off and got out of the shower. She wrapped a towel around her dripping wet body. Then she grabbed the hairdryer from underneath the sink. After awhile her long blonde flowing hair was dry. Liz unplugged the hairdryer and went back into the room. " God! These two will sleep forever. " She laughed. Liz walked over to Cj's closet. " Humm…..what to wear? Hey why are my some of my clothes in here? Now I know where most of my stuff has been. " She mumbled. She pulled out her green python pants, and a black long sleeve button up lace shirt. She threw on her clothes on. " Do I wanna wear more than just a bra underneath this? Or do I wanna be bold and show some skin? " She said out loud.

" Hey, if you're trying to make a good impression I would wear something else under that. On the other hand if you wanna look like a slut that's ok too! " Cj snapped.

" Good morning to you too! " Liz said sarcastically.

" How long have you been up little miss sunshine? " Cj groaned.

" Maybe and hour or two. Why, what's it to you? " Liz shot back.

" I was just curious that's all. " Cj said innocently.

" Whatever. " Liz laughed.

" Hey! " She yelled.

" Shut up Liz you're gonna wake the monster! " Cj panicked.

" I really don't care right now. You took my shoes again didn't you? Didn't you? " Liz accused.

" Well…..uh……do you really want me to answer that question? " Cj said as her face began to grow red.

" I knew it! You always take my clothes! " Liz shouted.

" You always take mine too ya know! "

" I now know where my clothes went to. Your closet!! "

" Well you never asked for them back. " Cj sighed.

" Just give me my damn shoes already. " Liz moaned.

" Alright I'm getting them. Settle down. " Cj said shaking her head. Cj got up and began searching threw her closet to find Liz's shoes. She found them and tossed them at Liz.

" Ahh! " Liz shouted.

" You wanted 'em you got 'em. " Cj laughed.

Liz grabbed her brown redwood hiker candies off of the ground and slipped them on.

" I guess I should go get my shower before our little monster wakes up and beats me to it. " Cj sighed.

" You could. I suggest that you do. " Liz said as she continued putting on her make up on.

China grabbed her brown plaid stretch pants and a burgundy long sleeve rib neck tee. Then headed into the bathroom.

" Oh my head! " Trina shouted.

" Oh no! The dead is rising! " Liz joked.

" Shut up! It's not my fault I like sleeping in. I'm not up at the crack of dawn like some people I know. " Trina yelled.

" Settle down. Geez you are definitely not a morning person. " Liz laughed.

" What time is this little party? " Trina asked sleepily.

" Don't ask me I'm not the one who answered the phone. You'll have to ask Cj when she gets out of the shower. Ok? "

" Yeah sure. " Trina yawned.

Ten minutes later Cj came out of the bathroom fully dressed. " Go ahead little monster it's all yours. " Cj smiled.

" Bout time. I tell ya people these days are so freaking slow. " Trina complained. She got up and trudged her way into the bathroom.

" Oh Liz did you take my doc martains? " cj asked.

" Duh! I already have shoes on. So why would I want yours? " She snapped.

" I can't find them so I just thought I'd blame you. "

" Gee thanks. Did you even try looking for them? " Liz laughed.

" Uhhh…… not exactly. "

" Figures. " Liz sighed. Liz began looking around the room for China's shoes. " Here they are! " She shouted.

" Where were they? " Cj asked.

" Under all these covers. That's where. "

" Oh. "

Liz handed Cj her shoes.

" Thanks. "

Trina burst out of the bathroom. " I feel soo much better now. " She chimed.

" Oh god! Not another one! " China moaned.

" Just think Cj. She hasn't even had any sugar yet. " Liz joked.

" Please don't. I do not need to be reminded. "

" Oh come on! You guys like me better when I have sugar, and you know it. " Trina whined.

" She has gotta point Liz. " Cj said giving in.

" I know. " Liz reluctantly agreed.

" Now please don't make us look like morons at this party. I'm trying to be nice here. Don't make me get forceful, cause you know I will. " Cj said sternly.

" I'll try. " Trina smiled.

" You better try your ass off. " She laughed.

" Ok. Enough of the arguing. Trina get dressed already, and Cj what time is this little party? You never did mention a time last night. " Liz said.

" Yes I did you guys just weren't paying attention. I think Isaac said around five. " Cj answered.

" Oh man. Do you realize how much time we have to kill? " Liz moaned.

" What time is it now? " Cj asked yawning.

Looking at her watch. " It is 1pm. " Liz answered.

" That's like four and a half hours to kill! " Trina shouted.

" We'll figure something out Trina. " Cj said reassuringly.

" Trina will you get dressed already! " Liz yelled.

" Ok I am. " She laughed. Trina dug into her bag and pulled out her beige cargo pants, maroon doc martains, and a baby white tee. She threw her clothes on. " There happy now? "

" Very. " Liz smiled.
