Chapter Two

"Come on, Liz!!" Trina shouted to Liz as she lagged behind watching a cute guy walk by.

Trina rolled her eyes and grabbed Liz's arm and started pulling her towards the Phoenix.

"Come on, you have time for love later. CJ's saving a place for us in line."

Liz yanked her arm free. "Thanks, Trina. But I can walk on my own," she pointed out.

"Not when there's a cute guy around," Trina muttered to herself.

"Gosh, what took you two so long?" CJ asked looking at her two friends.

"She spotted a hot guy." Trina said making a face.

CJ laughed.

"I just watched a guy walk by. That's all," Liz said innocently.

CJ nodded. "Was this guy as Trina says 'hot'?" she asked.

Liz smiled and nodded her head. "Yep!"

Trina pointed at her. "See! I told ya!!"

"Well, what's wrong with watching a 'hot' guy walk by?" CJ asked Trina.

Trina made a disgusted look. "They have germies!!" she squealed.

Liz and CJ started laughing. "You mean cooties?" CJ corrected.

Trina shook her head. "No!! They have germies!!!" she squealed again.

Soon they were getting on the Phoenix and getting fastened in. "Guy's is this the time to tell you that I don't like heights?" Trina asked in a scared voice.

"Oh, god." Liz said mainly because she was sitting next to Trina.

"Trina, that better be a joke," CJ warned as the ride began to start.

Trina moaned. "It's not!!!!!" she shrieked.

The ride turned completely upside down. "Make it stop! Make it stop!! Make it stoooooopppp!!" Trina shrieked as loud as she possible could. Finally the ride ended. Trina was the first out of it. Liz and CJ followed angrily.

"I can't play now, because I can't hear shit!!!" CJ said walking towards Trina. With murder on her mind.

"No, CJ. Wait until after the concert," Liz said stepping in front of CJ.

"Yeah, listen to Liz," Trina said hiding behind a small pole.

"Then I'll help you," Liz said smiling at Trina.

"No fair!!" Trina accused.

Liz shrugged, "Life's not fair."

"Deal with it," CJ said laughing.

Trina started to pout. CJ and Liz started laughing at Trina. She always looked cute whenever she pouted. It was like a three year old in their parent's clothes. Soon they started running to get on the huge water ride. As they turned the sharp corner to the ride they all ended up colliding with someone and falling down.

"Ahh!!" CJ complained. "Geez, man!!" She shouted helping Trina up first.

"Watch where you're going!!" she said as she was about to help Liz up. But she didn't have to, The person who ran into them had helped her up and was staring at her.

"Liz?" Trina said standing next to Liz. Then she stood in front of her. "Li-iz?" she asked. She started waving her hands in front of her face.

"CJ, help me!! She's dying!!" Trina said panicking.

CJ smacked her in the back of her head. "Stupid, she's not dying. She staring at the dude," she said looking at Liz and the dude. Then she noticed it.

"Liz, your necklace!!" she shouted pointing to her neck.

"It's gone!!!" Liz came out of her trance. Quickly she touched her neck. Frantically she started looking for it on the ground. CJ and Trina just as frantically helped her look for it.

CJ looked at the dude angrily. "Either help us look for it, stupid, or leave!!" she shouted as she continued to look.

He got down and started looking for it too. He spied it under a coke cup and grabbed it. Carefully he turned it over in his hands as he stood up. "Is this it?" He asked holding it out to Liz.

Liz immediately went to him. She looked at the necklace in his hand and smiled in relief. As she took it she noticed that it wasn't broken at all. "It must've just come unhooked in the fall."

"That you caused," Trina said pointing a finger at the dude.

"Wrong finger to use, Trina. You're supposed to use the middle one," CJ said as she stood up.

"I'm Taylor," he said extending his hand to Liz.

"I'm Liz. That's Trina. And the mean one is CJ," Liz said smiling flirtatiously.

CJ forced an angry smile. "I'm glad we bumped into each other. But we have to go set up, for the concert," she said mostly to Liz.

"You're playing?" Taylor asked looking at CJ for a moment and then turning back to Liz.

CJ shook her head. "Nah, we just like to set up our instruments and pretend that we are," she said sarcastically.

Trina gave her a weird look. "No, we don't, CJ. We actually do play."

Heaving a sigh and rolling her eyes, CJ acted as if she was going to hit Trina. "Dummy," she mumbled. "C'mon we have to go," she said pulling on Liz's arm.

Liz reluctantly left Taylor, smiling as though she was walking on a cloud.

"Now he was a 'hot' guy," she said laughing.

CJ nodded. "Did you notice that that was Taylor Hanson? Practically every girl in America is in love with him, Liz. Stick with someone who hasn't been on over fifty teen magazines, girl. You will have a much better chance."
