Chapter Four

" They totally loved us out there!! " Trina shrieked. " We did better out there than I thought we would. " Cj exclaimed. " What do you think Liz? " Trina asked. " Huh? " Liz said as she came out of her trans. Out of the corner of her eye Cj saw Taylor make his way over toward them. " Oh great look who it is. " Cj sighed. " Hey you guys were great!! " Taylor commented. " Thanks. " Liz said blushing. " Is there any particular reason why you are bothering us? " Cj snapped. " CJ!! " Liz shouted. Liz pulled China by the arm and off to the side. " What the hell do you think you are trying to prove by being such a bitch to him? " Liz yelled. " I'm not. " She simply answered. " Oh, don't give me that line. He didn't do a damn thing to you and you know it. " Liz said harshly. " I never said he did. " " Well then why are you being such a jerk? " Liz questioned. " It's just….." Liz interrupted. " Listen I don't care if you're gonna be mean to him, just DON'T do it when I'm around. " Liz said as she left to join Taylor and Trina. " Sorry I had to ask her something. " Liz said apologizing. " Oh, no need to worry. " He answered. " Don't let her get to you. I don't know why she's acting like this. I don't think you know my name? Do you? " Liz said. " Uh, now that I think of it I don't. " He laughed. " I'm Elizabeth, call me Liz for short. And this is Serina. " " Trina please. Oh and that grouch over there is China, but we call her Cj. " She smiled. " Obviously I'm Taylor Hanson. " He said. " We kinda figured that. " Trina laughed. " I never did thank you for finding my necklace. Thanks. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't bumped into us. " Liz said. " Yeah, yeah I've heard enough. Lets go on some rides now. " Cj interrupted. " Hey do you wanna come with us? " Liz asked excitedly. " Sure. Me and my bro's don't go on till later on. " He answered. " Just my luck. " Cj said under her breath. She grabbed Trina's hand and ran up ahead. " I don't know what's gotten into her today. I'm so sorry for the way she's acting. " Liz apologized. " It's ok. Although it's a relief. Most girls are the total opposite of her. " He said laughing. " So, where do you wanna go since they don't seem to care. " She asked. " Would you like to meet my brothers Isaac and Zac? " " Sure! " Liz exclaimed. Liz grabbed Taylor's hand and ran up to Cj and Trina. " Hey you two Taylor's gonna take me to meet his brothers. Do either of you want to come? " She asked. " Ye…owe!! Oh, I guess not. " " We'd rather go on rides. " Cj snapped. " Whatever. You guys know my beeper number. So, just page me when you need me for anything. " Liz explained. " Ok, later Liz! " Trina smiled. Cj rolled her eyes and left. " I love her but sometimes I want to kill her! " Liz shouted. " The feelings mutual. I love my brothers but sometimes they go too far. " Taylor said agreeing. The two headed in search of Isaac and Zac. ~~~~ " Cj, what the hell is your problem today? " Trina yelled. " I don't have a problem! " She yelled back. " Ever since we ran into Taylor you've turned into a total bitch. Now what's with that? " " Ok, I guess I have to tell somebody. " Cj sighed. " Good. Go on I'm listening. " " When I noticed it was Taylor Hanson we ran into, I knew Liz would fall for his looks. Which she of course she did. Then she would soon begin to like him. I just don't want her to rush into things like she did with Josh. " Cj explained. " Cj, I don't think Taylor is anything like Josh was. Besides Taylor doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would use a girl to…." " Fuck her. " " Exactly. Don't ruin this for her. I don't think she'll let what happened with Josh happen with Taylor. Plus we don't even know if they like each other. Just don't pressure her into doing things like you did last time. Maybe things would be different if you hadn't. " " Ok, you're right. Maybe I should leave Liz and Taylor alone. Not in that way, well you know what I mean. I'll quit being a jerk to him. " Cj sighed. " Alright I'm making myself sick! This conversation must stop! " Trina said with a disgusted look on her face. " Well lets go page Liz and meet up with them. " " Cj I'm glad you've seen the light. " Trina laughed. " Oh please. "
